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Please find below the sample questions and answers: Please let us know when the

student is ready to appear for the credibility interview.

Introduce yourself/give me your introduction
Things to include: Name, date of birth, location, parent’s name, passport number,
latest study, experience and hobby.
A. Namaste, my name is Puspa Khatiwada (Your Name). I was born on April 25,
1990 (Your Date of Birth). I hold a passport number of ……... I am from
Birtamode, Jhapa (Your Location). My parents are Bhishma and Renuka
Khatiwada (Your parent’s name). I recently completed my Bachelor's degree
university/college). I am currently working as Instructor for international
students (Your job) at Bridge International (Your Company Name). My
hobbies include rafting, traveling, reading books (Your Hobby).
B. Namaste, my name is ………………….(Your Name), born on ………….
(Your Date of Birth). I am from ……………. (Your Location). My parents
are …………………………….. (Your parent’s name).I hold a passport
number of (Your Passport number)……….. I recently completed my
Bachelor's degree/+2 level……………………………………………………..
(Your Education and university/college). I am currently working as
…………………… (Your job) at …………………. (Your Company
Name). My hobbies include ………………………(Your Hobby).

1. Why only UK?

The United Kingdom (UK) is globally recognized for its exceptional standards in both
teaching and research. Its universities are highly esteemed for delivering top-notch
education through well-structured programs. Degrees earned in the UK carry
significant recognition and respect worldwide, owing to the country's longstanding
tradition of academic excellence.
The UK boasts one of the oldest and most established educational systems globally.
Remarkably, 18 out of the world's top 100 universities are situated within its borders.
In the Times Higher Education 2020 rating, three UK colleges secured places among
the top ten universities worldwide, reflecting the country's commitment to academic
The quality of education in the UK is rigorously maintained by the Quality Assurance
Agency for Higher Education (QAA), ensuring consistently high standards.
Impressively, a substantial 5% of the world's research is conducted within the UK,
and 14% of the cited academic articles originate from this country, as stated by the
British Council Website. Additionally, a noteworthy 25% of global leaders received
their education in the UK, highlighting the country's influential role in shaping world
The UK offers a multicultural environment, making it an attractive destination for
international students. Courses often have shorter durations, allowing students to
achieve their academic goals efficiently. The UK's research facilities are renowned
globally for their innovation and cutting-edge advancements. Furthermore, the
country provides excellent healthcare facilities, ensuring the well-being of students.
Scholarship opportunities are abundant in the UK, further incentivizing students to
pursue their academic endeavours in this country. Beyond academics, the UK is
known for its welcoming and friendly environment, ensuring that international
students feel at home. Moreover, the temperate weather adds to the appeal of studying
in the UK, making it an all-around favourable destination for education and personal

2. Why not Nepal?

Choosing not to pursue education in Nepal involves several considerations:

Firstly, Nepal's degrees lack international recognition, which can limit opportunities
beyond the country's borders. The courses and teaching methods in Nepalese
universities do not follow a systematic approach. Even though universities like TU,
PU, and KU exist, they don't rank among the world's top universities, especially for
business degrees.

Secondly, Nepalese universities often emphasize theoretical knowledge, which do not

equip students with practical skills needed in real-life situations. This leads to a lack
of confidence when applying knowledge in practical scenarios.

Moreover, courses in Nepal are not updated or regularly revised, resulting in an

incomplete understanding of the subject matter. These impacts the acquisition of skills
and confidence required in a professional workplace.

Comparatively, completing a Bachelors/Masters course in Nepal typically takes more

than four/two years, whereas in the UK, it often takes only three/one years. Opting for
a UK education could save a whole year of academic pursuit.

In summary, these factors—lack of international recognition, theoretical emphasis

over practical learning, outdated course content, and longer course durations—have
led me to consider pursuing education outside Nepal, specifically in the UK, to ensure
a more comprehensive and globally recognized education.

3. Why not any other country?

Yes, I have considered Canada, USA and Australia. After my research on internet, I
decided to apply for UK then other countries for my higher education.

Well, I have researched about others countries like Canada, Australia and USA on
internet and I also asked my friends who live there. At last, I decided to apply UK
rather than other countries. There are several reasons for me to do so.
First of all, UK has one of the oldest established education system and well known
for research based and practical teaching method. Also, the degrees in UK are super
focused and the specialisation starts from the day one unlike other countries where 1st
year is spent just studying the basics. The impact of this is represented by the fact that
staggering 25% of the world leaders are educated in the UK.
Secondly, course duration is also shorter which means I will graduate faster without
compromising the quality of the education. In business and career development this
aspect is extremely important. Saving a whole year provides me competitive
advantage over choosing other countries. Choosing UK provides me a whole year to
focus on much career growth.
Thirdly, the UK degrees are the most prestigious degree among all the comparison
countries namely USA, Australia and Canada. Though there are great universities in
the other countries, the similar ranking universities in UK, Canada and Australia are
way too expensive than what is offered in the UK. Thus, the value that I get from the
universities in UK is higher. Further, when it comes to Canada, the Canadian degree
is not well recognised in the labour market of Nepal. Since I want to come back to
Nepal, the degree of Canada won’t be of much value to me. In Australia, there are
many great universities but the education standards are not uniform through the nation
and differ according to the state which makes it very difficult to understand and make
relevant comparison.
In addition to this, UK offers one of the best healthcare facilities, the culture is more
accepting and the environment is safer. We cannot say the same for other countries.
And, of course these factors also impact my level of academic performance.
4. Why this University?

Note: This is just a sample answer please refer to your university page or
SOP for details.

 Ranked as the 'Best Modern University in London' by the National Student

Survey, 2nd in the UK for Teaching Quality (Times Higher Education Young
University Rankings) and in the world's top 200 young universities (Times
Higher Education Young University Rankings), UEL is recognized in the UK
 Moreover, The University of East London is a careers-first university
 The course is designed with employers and taught by leading professionals
and world class researchers. You will 'Learn by doing' and develop the real-
world skills and experience that employers look for in graduates.
 The University has the happiest students of any modern university (in London
after another great performance in the National Student Survey. UEL students
gave the university an ‘overall satisfaction’ rating of 85%, meaning it is top in
London amongst its eight modern universities
 UEL are at the heart of this industrial and creative shift which makes up a
powerful global gateway. The Docklands campus and accommodation is set
in a beautiful, waterfront, dynamic location, with the Docklands Light
Railway (DLR) and Canary Wharf on its doorstep.
 UEL have a fantastic teaching staff, many of them are also leading
researchers in their field, as reflected by the Research Excellence Framework
Naing 94% of UEL’s research ‘internationally recognized’ or higher
following the last national report in 2014
 The University of East London is known as a career-led university which
places great emphasis on employability upon graduation.
 The college, teaching, and support staff engage me, foster my curiosity, and
will enable me to become an independent and lifelong learner.
 The University of East London is known for its excellent support to
international students.
 24-hour open library for students
 Wide range of courses available for both Post graduate and under graduate
 Sponsorship facilities for international students.
 Review of students are very much positive.

5. How many other universities have you applied to?

To compare 3 other universities;

"In my pursuit of higher education, I've carefully considered several universities that I
believe could provide an excellent platform for my academic and personal growth.
Through my application process, I've explored a diverse range of institutions,
applying to a handful that resonated with my academic goals and values.

Among these options, [University Name] has emerged as a standout choice due to its
exceptional reputation and tailored programs. The specialized courses within [specific
department or program] perfectly align with my academic interests, offering a
comprehensive curriculum that not only matches but exceeds my expectations for
higher learning.

What sets [University Name] apart, beyond its exceptional academic offerings, is its
esteemed reputation in [mention relevant field or overall standing]. The university's
commitment to fostering an environment that nurtures innovation and academic
excellence aligns seamlessly with my aspirations for higher education.

Conducting thorough research into [University Name], I've been thoroughly

impressed by [unique resources, faculty expertise, research opportunities, etc.]. The
more I learned about the university's commitment to [mention specific values or
initiatives], the more convinced I became that it is the perfect environment for me to
excel both academically and personally.
While I've considered other institutions, my enthusiasm for [University Name] stems
from its comprehensive alignment with my academic and personal ambitions. I'm
genuinely eager about the prospect of contributing to the vibrant academic community
and leveraging the diverse resources [University Name] offers to shape my academic
journey positively."

6. Tell me what course you have applied for and why?

You have to give reasons for choosing the subject. To find out the reasons do
the following
a. Go to your subject page at the university website.
b. Study the overview and the highlighting points of the subject.
c. Study the core modules.
d. Study assessment criteria.
e. Relate all these things to your past experience or future plan.

7. What are your course modules?

 From SOP or University course links

8. Tell me about your short and long-term career plans. How will this course
help you to achieve your goals?
 Look on SOP

9. Where is your university located?

 University Address with postal code

10. What course are you studying?

 Full Course name as in offer

11. When is your course start date?

 The exact date as in the offer.

12. How much is your Tuition Fee?

 The exact fee as in the Offer

13. Do you have a previous visa refusal for the UK?

 I haven’t applied for any other countries so I have no any visa refusal.

14. Do you have any relatives in the UK?

 I don’t have any relatives in the UK.

15. Are you aware of your responsibility as a student on a Tier 4 Visa?

 I need to book my accommodation before the visa.

 Collecting BRP card after reaching the UK.

 Part-time work 20 hr per work

 Prior to and on arrival

16. Who is going to fund your education?

 My Parents are very much positive with my decision so they will fund for me.
They do have business of hotels and restaurants ( you can mention any
business) and their annual income is around 50 lakhs which will be
approximately 31000 GBP. Furthermore, they had already deposited
30000GBP in my Saving account at Nabil bank. (Or any bank loan you are
going to take)

17. Can you show me the bank documents that supports the income of your
 Yes.

18. How much funds do you have in your account for you study in the UK?
 My parents have already deposited 30000 GBP for my study in my saving
account of Nabil Bank. (Or any bank loan you are going to take)

19. What is Your Accommodation Plan?

 Well, I have done some research on internet and found websites like, From these websites I found out
two locations (search two locations from which is within 1
mile from the university and memorize the location. Further , memorize the
distance and time required to reach the university from each of the above
mentioned location.) I will book my private accommodation in any one of
these locations very soon.

20. How much will be the cost for the maintenance fund or living expense per
month and what is the figure for an academic year?
 According to UKVI as my university is in inside London, my living expense is
£1,334 per month and I need to show 9 Months is. (£1,334 × 9 months) =
£12,006 pounds per year
OR In the Case of Outside London
 According to UKVI as my university is outside London, my living expense
is £1023 per month and I need to show 9 Months. (£1023 × 9 months) =
£9207 pounds per year

21. Can you breakdown your Living Expense/ Living Cost of (both inside and
outside London 1334 pounds)
 Accommodation Cost: Rent rooms around 350 to 400 pounds per month
 Bills and insurance — around £40 – £50 per month
 Food and household items — around £70 – £90per month
 Local Transport — around £70 – £100 per month
 Clothes — around £25 – £100 per month
 Leisure, sports and entertainment around — £50 – £70 per month
 Books and stationery — around £20 per month
 Others— around £100 – £150per month

Living Expense/ Living Cost of (outside London 1023 pounds)

 Accommodation Cost: Rent rooms around 350 to 400 pounds per month
 Bills and insurance — around £40 – £50 per month
 Food and household items — around £70 – £90per month
 Local Transport — around £70 – £100 per month
 Clothes — around £25 – £100 per month
 Leisure, sports and entertainment around — £50 – £70 per month
 Books and stationery — around £20 per month
Others— around £100 – £150per month

22. The benefit of completing a course in the UK in a shorter time frame

compared to Nepal is multifaceted:
1. Faster Entry into the Workforce: Completing a degree in three years instead of four
allows students to enter the workforce sooner. This means they can start their careers
earlier, gaining practical experience and beginning their professional journey ahead of
those who might take longer to graduate.

2. Cost Efficiency: Shorter course duration in the UK often means reduced overall
expenses. Tuition fees, living costs, and other expenses for an additional year of
education in Nepal could be avoided, potentially saving money for students and their

3. Time Efficiency: With a three-year program, students can streamline their

academic pursuits, focusing on their chosen field without an additional year of general
education or extended coursework. This allows for a more concentrated and
specialized education.

4. Flexibility and Opportunity: Graduating a year earlier offers flexibility in career

choices and further educational pursuits. It allows for an earlier start on postgraduate
studies or entering the job market, providing more time to gain experience or pursue
higher qualifications.
Ultimately, completing a course in three years rather than four provides a head start in
both professional and academic aspects, making the educational journey more
efficient and potentially more cost-effective.

23). Give 5 reasons for visa refusal in UK?

Unreliable purpose or intentions: Failing to provide a clear and justifiable purpose

for the visit to the UK, such as not presenting enough evidence of employment,
professional qualifications, or financial situation that match the purpose of the visit.

False or missing documents: Submitting false or missing documents, such as not

providing original documents or failing to disclose previous immigration or legal

Incomplete or incorrect application form: Filling out the application form

incorrectly or incompletely, leading to delays or rejection.

Irregular fund transfers: Showing insufficient funds in the bank account or irregular
fund transfers, which may raise suspicion about the applicant's financial situation.

Criminal record: The Home Office strictly scrutinizes visa applicants' criminal
records. Any discrepancy, whether intentional or unintentional, could lead to visa

24). Will you work while you are studying in the UK?
As being a dedicated international student, my first priority will always be my study.
As per UK’s law If I am pursuing a full-time graduate or undergraduate degree in the
UK, I can work for 20 hours a week during my term time. I will be working for a part
time job if the job don’t hinder my main objective of studying and if the job further
add benefit to my study. However, I would love to be engaged in work during my
semester break, so that I develop a storing work culture and understands the work
practice in the UK. I can later use the experience in Nepal to boost my career &

25). Will you convert your Visa into PSW?

No, I will not convert my visa into a Post-Study Work (PSW) visa in the UK. The
PSW visa, also known as the Graduate Route, is available to international students
who have successfully completed a degree at undergraduate level or above at a Higher
Education Provider with a track record of compliance. Since my future priority is to
immediately start contributing to the Nepalese labor market, and I have already laid
my plans for future job in Nepal, I will not be converting my visa into PSW.

26). How is your past/ current experience and your future study related?
(Mention your current work experience details, responsibilities and its benefits)

My past and current experiences are closely related to my future study. Through my
previous work experiences, I have acquired various skills that will be useful in my
future studies. For instance, I have developed excellent communication skills, both
verbal and written, which will be beneficial in my academic pursuits. Additionally, I
have gained valuable experience in time management, organization, and problem-
solving, which will help me manage my academic workload effectively and
efficiently. Furthermore, my work experience has exposed me to diverse cultures and
perspectives, which will be useful in my future studies, especially if I am studying in
a multicultural environment. Moreover, my past experiences have helped me identify
my strengths and weaknesses, which will be useful in choosing the right course of
study. For example, I have realized that I have a passion for research and analysis,
which has led me to consider pursuing a research-oriented course. Additionally, my
work experience has helped me identify my areas of interest, which will guide me in
selecting the right specialization within my field of study. Overall, my past and
current experiences have equipped me with the necessary skills, knowledge, and
insights that will be useful in my future studies. I am confident that I will be able to
apply these experiences to my academic pursuits and achieve my goals.

27). How is your last study and future study related?

My past study and future study are related in several ways. Firstly, my previous
academic experiences have provided me with a strong foundation of knowledge and
skills that will be useful in my future studies. For example, the research methods and
critical thinking skills that I developed during my undergraduate studies will be
valuable in conducting research and analysing data in my future studies. Additionally,
the theoretical frameworks and concepts that I learned in my previous courses will be
useful in understanding and applying new concepts in my future studies. Moreover,
my past study has helped me identify my areas of interest and strengths, which will
guide me in selecting the right course of study. For instance, my previous coursework
in economics and statistics has sparked my interest in data analysis and econometrics,
which has led me to consider pursuing a graduate degree in this field. Additionally,
my previous research experience has helped me identify my research interests and
develop research questions that I would like to explore further in my future studies.

28). Tell me about your last qualification.

I have completed my Bachelors/School level in Business Studies with majors in
Accounts (Your degree and major) in 2020 (Your date of completion) from
Kankai Adharsha Campus which is affiliated from Tribhuwan University (Your
university/board). (They might also ask you about your college joining date,
GPA and the individual subjects that you had studied)
29). Tell me about your last/latest experience.
A. I am currently working as an operational manager (Your Position) in Bridge
International Limited (Your Company). I have been working here since
2020-01-01 (Date of Joining). My responsibilities include overseeing
business operation, quality assurance (Your Responsibility).
B. (Already resigned) My last/latest experience is of an Operational Manager
(Your Position) in Bridge International Limited (Your Company). My
responsibilities were overseeing business operation, quality assurance (Your
Responsibility). I joined the organization on 2020-01-01 (Your Joining
Date) and resigned on 2024-12-12 (Your Resigning Date).
(They might also ask the number of employees under you if your experience is
of a manager and reason for leaving the company)
23. Will you take advantage of exploring the UK when you are here?

Of Course:

 Explore practical implications of my subject in UK’s leading corporations and

 Research about the development and places of historic importance of the UK

Other Extra Questions: -

1. What do you know about the British Education System compared to that of
your own country or other countries such as Australia/ USA?
2. Do you use an agent?

3. What do you hope to Achieve by completing this course?

4. Can you give reasons why you chose this specific course over other courses in
the same subject areas?

5. How is this course assessed?

6. Do you know how many hours do you expected to attend lectures every week?

7. How will the facilities provided by the university help you successfully
complete the course?

8. If you have studied a different subject area in the past, can you explain why
you are changing to a different subject area now?

9. Can you explain the full cost of the course and how much have you paid in
10. How many other people are dependent in your parents’ income? (For example:
do you have any brother sisters who will also go to university or do you have
grandparents that doesn’t work?)

11. Have you taken any SELT( IELTS/TOFEL?

Special Notes for Students: -

Interview= 30 mins (10-50 mins)

2 minutes: cross questions

 Word Choice:
Hate: Probability, chances, uncertain, cheap, affordable
Love: Research, I studied, found out, certainty

 Convince
You’ll return to Nepal
You’ll studied about the course the course and you need the course
You’ve studied about university and surroundings.

 Understanding: pause, naturally fluent.

 Reasons:
1st Academic only
2nd others

 Personalize your answers

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