Bond CRT

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This agreement is made and executed on this day

of_____________________ between the A P Social Welfare Residential
Educational Institutions Society (Regd)., Thadepalli, Guntur represented by
its Secretary/Deputy Secretary/ Joint Secretary/Authorized
Officer_______________ (herein after referred to as “The Society of the
________________________S/o/D/o/W/o Sri_______________________
aged about ________ years resident of__________________________
(herein after called the contract employee engaged as RESIDENT TEACHER /
PET / HEALTH SUPERVISOR of the “SECOND PART” for appointment to the
post of ___________________ in the A.P.Social Welfare Residential
Educational Institutions Society (Regd.), Thadepalli, Guntur on a contract

WHEREAS the Government established Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare

Residential Schools in the State to provide “Quality Education” to the talented
children belonging to Scheduled Caste Community mainly coming from rural
areas. Thereafter, the State Level Society has been constituted by the
Government under the name and style of “The Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare
Residential Educational Institutions Society” to supervise, control, and
manage the Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential Educational
Institutions Society in the State. The State Society has been
registered under the A P Public Societies registration Act 1350 Fasli under Registration
No. 2453 of 1986.
WHEREAS the Society of the FIRST PART is charged with the responsibility of
efficient management of the Residential Schools for the Scheduled Caste students and
accordingly vested with the authority to engage teaching and non teaching staff required
for running of the schools including to determine the conditions for hiring and firing of the

WHEREAS with a view to ensure better quality of teaching in the institutions of

the Society of the FIRST PART in providing the “Quality Education” to the children of
Scheduled Caste and other weaker sections, the Society has decided to engage certain
employees staff on contract basis and accordingly the

Society of the FIRST PART has taken a decision to engage the required number of
contract employees without any reference to the Service (recruitment) Rules and
Regulations which are applicable to the regular employees of the Society of the FIRST
PART but by adopting separate set of rules called the “A.P.Social Welfare Residential
Educational Institutions Society Contract Employees Rules

WHEREAS the Contract Employee of the SECOND PART having an intention to

serve the Society of the FIRST PART on contract basis for the period specified
hereunder agreed to for this contract by abiding the terms and conditions of this

NOW this agreement witness and the parties hereto and hereby agree as
[1] That the employee of the SECOND PART shall remain in the service of the
Society of the FIRST PART for a period commencing on the__________day of
________________________ and the last working day of the academic session or whenever
the need ceases whichever is
earlier. It is specifically mentioned and agreed to by both the parties herein that the contract
of this employment IPSO-FACTO shall stand terminated on the last working day of the
academic session_______________ even if no specific date of termination is mentioned in
this agreement and no formal Notice or order by the Society of the FIRST PART shall be
necessary to be issued to the contract employee of the


[2] That the contract employee of the SECOND PART shall submit himself/ herself to
the orders of the Society of the FIRST PART and of the officers / authorities under
whom he/she may from time to time be placed by the Society of the FIRST PART
and shall at all times obey the Rules prescribed and shall whenever required to
perform such duties as may be assigned to the contract employee of the SECOND
PART by the Principal or any other officer of the Society of the FIRST PART.

[3] That the contract employee of the SECOND PART shall employ himself/herself
efficiently and diligently and to the best of his/her ability and that he/she will devote
his/her whole time to the duties of the service and shall not engage directly or
indirectly in any trade/business or occupation on his/her own account. That he/she
shall not (except in case of accident or sickness certified by a Civil Surgeon /
authorized Medical Officer) abstain from duties without having first obtained the
prior permission from the Principal or any other authorized officer. The Contract
Employee of the SECOND PART shall not be entitled for salary for the period of
[4] Remuneration: They will be paid Remuneration of Rs.___________/- per month
during the period of contract from dt. _____________ to

__________. They are not entitled to claim regular scales of pay or regularization.

[5] Leave: The contract employee of the SECOND PART will be entitled for one day
of leave for a completed month of service. He / She will not be entitled for any
other kind of leave. If the employee remains absent with permission and if he / she
does not have balance leave at his / her credit the proportionate consolidated
remuneration will be deducted. The contract employee of the SECOND PART will
be paid remuneration for the period of Dassara and Pongal break. He / She will
not be entitled for the remuneration during the summer vacation.
[6] Redeployment of services: The Society of the FIRST PART reserves the right
to redeploy the services of the contract employee of the SECOND PART from one
institution to another during the currency of this agreement depending upon the
requirement of the Society Institutions.
The contract employee of the SECOND PART has agreed to work wherever he/she is
posted or wherever his / her services are required by the Society of the FIRST PART.

[7] Job Assignment: The contract employee of the SECOND PART has agreed to serve the
institutions of the Society in the manner in which the Society of the FIRST PART requires
the services of _____

_______________ and to perform the duties assigned by the Society or its authorised
officers including the Principal of the respective Institutions.

[8] Accommodation: Since the contract employee of the SECOND PART is required to work
in a Residential Institutions of the Society of the FIRST PART, he / she may be allotted
staff quarters depending on availability. In such cases, the House Rent as determined by
the Board of Governors / Secretary of the FIRST PART will be deducted from the
remuneration of the contract employee of the SECOND PART. Once the staff quarter is
allotted, it will be binding on the contract employee of the SECOND PART to stay inside
the campus to facilitate performance of duties of a Residential School _____________.

The contract employee of the SECOND PART has agreed to stay in the quarters allotted
to him / her subject to availability. In the event of the allotment of quarter providing
accommodation, the employee of the SECOND PART has agreed to pay rent as fixed by
the Party of the FIRST PART by deduction from the remuneration paid to him/her every

(9) Termination of Contract Employee Services: WHEREAS the Society of the FIRST
PART stipulates the conditions for termination as follows:

[i] This order of contract service shall cease to exist automatically at the end of the
academic session _________without any notice to the employee of the SECOND
PART or the date mentioned in this contract whichever is earlier.
[ii] The Society of the FIRST PART shall terminate the services of the employee of
the SECOND PART without any previous notice, if the Society of the FIRST PART
is satisfied basing on Medical Evidence that the employee of the SECOND PART
is unfit and is likely for considerable period to continue to be unfit by reasons of ill
health for discharge of his / her duties, provided always that the decision of the
Society of the FIRST PART shall be final and binding on the employee of the
The employee of the SECOND PART has agreed that he / she will not
claim any right to continue in service of the Society of the FIRST PART beyond
the period stipulated under this agreement and will not claim for absorption in the
regular vacancies which are in existence or may arise in future in the Society of


[iii] The Society of the FIRST PART or its officers having proper authority,
without any previous notice to the contract employee of the SECOND
PART shall terminate the services of the contract employee of the
SECOND PART found to be prima-facie guilty of any in-subordination,
intemperance, moral turpitude or other misconduct or of any breach or
non performance of any of the provisions of these conditions, or if
otherwise found unsuitable for the efficient performance of his /her duties.

[iv] The Society of the FIRST PART or its authorised officers shall dismiss the
employee of the SECOND PART from the service by giving one month
notice to the employee of the SECOND PART in writing at any time during
the service under this agreement without any cause assigned.

[v] The employee of the SECOND PART shall execute a Bond for an amount
equivalent to one month’s salary which Bond shall come into force in the
event of the ____________ of the “SECOND PART”, abstains from
service without previous permission of the Society of the FIRST PART or
ceases from services before the expiry of the contracted period.

[vi] The Society of the FIRST PART shall pay monthly remuneration to the
contract employee of the SECOND PART for the number of days he/she
actually performs his / her duties. The contract employee of the SECOND
PART shall not be entitled for any other further benefits like pay scales on
par with regular employees of augmentation of remuneration.
[vii] The Society of the FIRST PART specifically provides that in respect of any
matter of which no provisions has been made in this agreement, any rules
made thereunder and any Rules made or deemed to have been made
applicable to the employees of the Society of the FIRST PART shall apply
to the extent to which they are relevant to the services hereby provided
for and the decision of the Society of the FIRST PART shall be final.
[viii] It is expressly stated and agreed to by the contract employee of the
SECOND PART that any duration of service under this agreement shall in
no way provide him / her any right to claim for absorption in regular
vacancies that exist now or may arise in future in the Society of the FIRST
NOTWITHSTANDING any thing herein before contained in this Agreement the
Secretary of the FIRST PART shall be free to make departure from the terms and
conditions of this Agreement in PUBLIC INTEREST.


On behalf of the party of the “FIRST PART” and by the party of the SECOND
PART have hereto and hereby set their hands the day, month and year above written:

Party of the “FIRST PART” 1) Name, Designation & Address


Designation: 2) Name, Designation & Address



Party of the “SECOND PART” 1) Name, Designation & Address


Designation: 2) Name, Designation & Address


This deed of Guarantee is made at _________________ this __________

day of ____________ between Smt/Kum.______________________________

W/o. / D/o. _________________________________ aged about ______ years

residing at _________________________ herein after referred to as the
Guarantor of the one part and the APSWREI Society, Hyderabad, registered under
A.P.Public Societies Registration Act, 1350 Fasli having its Head Office at
Hyderabad hereinafter referred to as the Society of the Second part.


1] The Society has entered into a contract with Kum./Smt.


________________ aged about __________ years R/o.____________________

whereby the Society has engaged the services of

Kum. / Smt. __________________________ as a teacher on the terms and

conditions mentioned in the agreement dated _____________ entered into and
executed between the Society and the said Kum./Smt.

2] One of the terms of the said contract is that the said Kum. / Smt.

__________________________ shall execute a bond for an amount of equivalent

to one month salary from a Government employee for the due and proper
performance of the terms and conditions of said contract. This bond shall come
into force in the event of the teacher namely Kum./Smt.

___________________________ abstains from service of the Society without the

prior permission from the competent authorities or ceases from service before the
expiry of the contracted period.
3] At the request of the said Kum./Smt.___________________________ the Guarantor
has agreed to Guarantee the performance of said contract in the following manner and
the Society accepted the same.

NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH that pursuant to the said agreement and in the
premises of the aforesaid the Guarantor both hereby Guarantee to and confirm with the
Society that in the event of the said Kum./Smt.

______________________________ not performing and observing the terms and

conditions of the said agreement dated ______________ between the Society and said
Kum./Smt.____________________________________ and the latter committing breach
of any terms and conditions, thereof, then and in that event without prejudice to the other
rights of the Society under the said agreement to take any action, the Guarantor shall pay
to the Society on demand made by the Society in writing such sum of Rs.________ AND
IT IS FURTHER AGREED and declared that the Guarantor will be continuing guarantee
for any act or omission on the part of the said Kum/Smt.

__________________________________ or negligence, breach of faith, or breach of

contract so long as the said contract between the Society and the said
Kum/Smt.__________________________________ is in-force.

IN WITNESS WHERE OF the Guarantor has put his hand the day and the year
first herein above written. Signed and delivered by the within named

Guarantor Sri./Kum/Smt. __________________________________ in the presence of.


WITNESS & Addresses



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