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Physical Assessment Guide


Head Findings
1. INSPECT the head for characteristics of Facial expression:
Facial Features and appropriateness of
Facial Expression.
2. INSPECT and PALPATE the head to assess Skull palpation:
Contour and Intactness. (Palpate from front
to back. Head should be sym- metric, firm,
and nontender.)
3. INSPECT and PALPATE the bony struc- Face/jaw:
tures of the face and jaw. Note eyebrows,
palpebral fissures, nasolabial folds, facial
bones, and mouth.
4. INSPECT for Size, Intactness, Symmetry,
and Tenderness.

Neck Findings
1. INSPECT the neck for Position in relation to Head position:
the head. (Neck should be centered.
Trapezius and sternocleidomastoid mus- cles
should be bilaterally symmetric.)
2. INSPECT the neck for Range of Motion Neck range of motion:
and Strength:
Flexion (move head forward, chin to chest)
Hyperextension (move head backwards; Hyperextension:
lifting chin toward ceiling).
Lateral bending (move head right and left, Lateral bending:
ear to shoulder).
Rotation (turn head right and left). Rotation:

Ask client to turn head side-to-side and to Neck/shoulder muscle strength:

move head front and back against the
resistance of your hands.
Ask client to shrug shoulders against the
resistance of your hands.
3. PALPATE the neck for Positioning of Trachea:
anatomic structures.
Cricoid cartilage: Thyroid


Thyroid Findings
1. INSPECT the anterior neck to Visualize the Thyroid:
Ask client to raise chin, then swallow. (Thyroid
may not be visible.)
2. PALPATE the thyroid gland for Size, Shape,
Consistency, Tenderness, and Presence of
Nodules. (Thyroid may be pal- pated from
posterior or anterior approach.)

Copyright © 2001, Mosby, Inc.

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