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Network Topology: Hybrid Starlink and Fiber-Optic Broadband

Components Needed

1. Starlink Kit: Satellite dish, Starlink router.

2. Fiber-Optic Modem/Router: Provided by your fiber-optic ISP.
3. Primary Router: Supports multiple WAN ports for load balancing and failover (e.g.,
TP-Link, Ubiquiti, Cisco).
4. Switch: For additional wired connections if necessary.
5. Devices: Computers, smartphones, IoT devices, etc.

Topology Diagram

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| Starlink Dish |
| Starlink Router |
| WAN (Ethernet)
| Primary Router |
| (Dual WAN Ports) |
+---------------------+ +--------+--------+ +---------------------
| Fiber-Optic Modem |----->| WAN 1 | WAN 2 |<----| Starlink Router |
+---------------------+ +--------+--------+ +---------------------
LAN Port
| Network Switch |
| | | |
Wired Devices | Wi-Fi Access |
Points Wireless Devices


1. Starlink Dish and Router:

o The Starlink dish connects to the Starlink router, which then provides an
internet connection via its WAN port.
2. Fiber-Optic Modem:
o The fiber-optic modem, provided by your ISP, connects to the fiber-optic line
and outputs internet via Ethernet.
3. Primary Router:
o This router should have multiple WAN ports to support both the Starlink and
fiber-optic connections.
o WAN 1: Connects to the fiber-optic modem.
o WAN 2: Connects to the Starlink router.
4. Network Switch:
o The primary router connects to a network switch via one of its LAN ports to
distribute the internet connection to multiple wired devices.
5. Wi-Fi Access Points:
o Wi-Fi access points can be connected to the network switch to extend wireless
coverage throughout the area.
o Alternatively, you can use the Wi-Fi capabilities of the primary router if it has
sufficient range.
6. Devices:
o Both wired and wireless devices connect to the network through the switch
and access points.

Configuration Steps

1. Router Configuration:
o Access the primary router’s configuration page.
o Set up WAN 1 with the fiber-optic modem details (usually through DHCP or
PPPoE, depending on your ISP).
o Set up WAN 2 with the Starlink router details (usually through DHCP).
2. Load Balancing and Failover:
o Configure load balancing settings to distribute traffic between both WAN
o Set up failover to switch to Starlink if the fiber-optic connection drops,
ensuring continuous connectivity.
3. Security Settings:
o Enable firewalls on the primary router.
o Use strong passwords for your network devices.
o Regularly update the firmware of all networking equipment.
4. Testing:
o Check the connectivity from various devices to ensure both internet
connections are active and switching correctly as needed.
o Monitor the network performance to fine-tune the load balancing and failover

By following this topology, you can achieve a resilient broadband setup that leverages the
strengths of both Starlink satellite internet and fiber-optic technology, ensuring high
availability and reliable performance.


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