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‫ب ِْس ِم أل ََّل ِه أل َّر ْح َم ِن أل َّر ِح ْي ِم‬

Plurals of
B1 - L16 & 17 Rational vs
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Plurals of ‫ عَلُِل‬vs. ‫َغ ْي ُر عَلُِل‬

Those nouns which Nouns Those nouns which

refer to Human refer to things,
Beings, Angels, and animals, and

‫عَلُِل‬ Irrational ‫َغ ْي ُر َعلُِل‬

Jinns. concepts

Plural Singular Plural

Treated as singular

Treated as Plural Treated as Feminine Singular

(words like ‘they’, ‘these’, are regardless
used to refer to them) of the Gender of the noun

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Examples - Plurals of ‫ عَلُِل‬vs. ‫َغ ْي ُر عَلُِل‬
Rational ‫َع ِاق ٌل‬
Both Subject and Predicate Both Subject and Predicate
are Plural are Singular

Singular ‫ ُه َو ََ ِِي ٌر‬،ٌ‫َه َذآ َطالِ ٌب َج ِديد‬

Plural ٌ ‫َه ُؤ َلا ِء ُط َّل‬

‫ ُه ْم َِ َِا ٌر‬،‫اب ُج ُد ٌد‬

Irrational ‫َغي ُر َع ِاقل‬

Plurals of Subjects/Nouns are Both Subject and Predicate
Feminine Singular are Singular

exceptions to
Singular ٌ ‫َه َذآ ِك َت‬
‫ ُه َو ََ ِِي ٌر‬،ٌ‫اب َج ِديد‬
‫ ِه َي ََ ِِي َر ٌة‬،ٌ‫َه َذ ِه ُك ُت ٌب َج ِدي َدة‬
this rule –
will come later Plural

Plural of irrational noun = Feminine Singular

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Treatment of ‫ عَلُِل‬vs. ‫عَلُِل‬ ‫ َغ ْي ُر‬Plurals
Both the subject and predicate are plural Plural Singular

‫َعا ِق ٌل‬
These are teachers This is a teacher

َ ‫َه ُؤ َلا ِء ُمدَر ُس‬

‫ون‬ ٌ ‫َه َذآ ُمدَر‬
Plural Plural Singular Singular )‫( ُم َذ َّك ٌر‬
The plural of an irrational noun is

‫َعا ِق ٌل‬
treated like a feminine singular These are teachers (f) This is a teacher
regardless of the gender of the
singular form.
ٌ ‫َه ُؤ َلا ِء ُمدَر َس‬
‫ات‬ ‫َه ِذ ِه ُمدَر َس ٌة‬
Plural Plural Singular Singular
)‫( ُم َون ٌَّث‬

‫َغي ُر َعا ِقل‬

These are books This is a book
ٌ ‫ ِك َت‬is masculine and singular. Its plural
‫اب‬ ‫كُـ ُت ٌب‬ ‫َه ِذ ِه‬ ‫َه َذآ ِك َتا ٌب‬
form is also treated as a feminine singular.
(Note: The demonstrative pronoun used in this Plural
Feminine Singular Singular )‫( ُم َذ َّك ٌر‬
example is feminine singular.)

‫َغي ُر َعا ِقل‬

These are watches
ٌ ‫َه ِذ ِه َسا َع‬
This is a watch
‫ َسا َع ٌة‬is feminine and singular. Its plural form ‫ات‬ ‫َه ِذ ِه َسا َع ٌة‬
is also treated as feminine singular because it Plural Feminine Singular Singular )‫( ُم َون ٌَّث‬
is irrational. (irrational) Singular

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Treatment of ‫ عَلُِل‬vs. ‫عَلُِل‬ ‫ َغ ْي ُر‬Plurals
Plural Singular

‫َعا ِق ٌل‬
The teachers are new. The teacher is new.
َ ‫آ ْل ُمدَر ُس‬
‫ون ُج ُد ٌد‬ ‫آ ْل ُم َدر ُس َج ِدي ٌد‬
The plural
Plural Plural Singular Singular
)‫( ُم َذ َّك ٌر‬
of an

‫َعا ِق ٌل‬
irrational The teachers(f) are old. The teacher(f) is old.
noun is ٌ ‫ات َق ِدي َم‬
‫ات‬ ُ ‫آ ْل ُمدَر َس‬ ‫آ ْل ُم َدر َس ُة َق ِدي َم ٌة‬
treated like
a feminine Plural Plural Singular Singular
)‫( ُم َون ٌَّث‬
‫َغي ُر َعا ِقل‬
The pens are new. The pen is new.

‫آ ْلاَ ْق َلا ُم َج ِدي َد ٌة‬ ‫آ ْل َق َل ُم َج ِدي ٌد‬

of the
gender of Feminine Plural Singular Singular )‫( ُم َذ َّك ٌر‬
the singular Singular (Irrational)
‫َغي ُر َعا ِقل‬
The cars are new.
‫آت َج ِدي َد ٌة‬
The car is new.
ُ ‫آلس َّيا َر‬
َّ ‫آلس َّيا َر ُة َج ِدي َد ٌة‬
Feminine Plural Singular Singular )‫( ُم َون ٌَّث‬
Singular (Irrational)

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Treatment of ‫ عَلُِل‬vs. ‫عَلُِل‬ ‫ َغ ْي ُر‬Plurals
Plural Singular

‫َعا ِق ٌل‬
Where are the new teachers? They are in the class. Where is the new teacher? He is in the class.

ِ‫ون آ ْل ُج ُد ُد ؟ ُه ْم فِي آ ْل َف ْْصل‬

َ ‫آَ َين آ ْل ُمدَر ُس‬ ‫آَ َين آ ْل ُمدَر ُس آ ْل َج ِدي ُد ؟ ُه َو فِي آ ْل َف ْْص ِل‬
The plural
Plural Plural Plural Singular Singular Singular
)‫( ُم َذ َّك ٌر‬
of an

‫َعا ِق ٌل‬
irrational Where are the new teachers(f)? They(f) are in the class. Where is the new teacher(f)? She is in the class.
noun is ‫ات آ ْل ُج ُد ُد ؟ ُه َّن فِي آ ْل َف ْْص ِل‬
ُ ‫آَ َين آ ْل ُمدَر َس‬ ‫آَ َين آ ْل ُمدَر َس ُة آ ْل َج ِدي َد ُة ؟ ِه َي فِي آ ْل َف ْْص ِل‬
treated like
a feminine Plural Plural Plural Singular Singular Singular
)‫( ُم َون ٌَّث‬

‫َغي ُر َعا ِقل‬

Where are the new notebooks? They are on the desk. Where is the new notebook? It is on the desk.
‫آَ َين آل َّدفَاتِ ُر آ ْل َج ِدي َد ُة ؟ ِه َي َع َلى آ ْل َم ْك َت ِب‬
of the ‫آَ َين آل َّد ْف َت ُر آ ْل َج ِدي ُد ؟ ُه َو َع َلى آ ْل َم ْك َت ِب‬
gender of Feminine Feminine Plural Singular Singular Singular )‫( ُم َذ َّك ٌر‬
the singular Singular Singular (Irrational)
‫َغي ُر َعا ِقل‬
Where are the new watches? They are on the table.
‫ات آ ْل َج ِدي َدةُ؟ ِه َي َع َلى آ ْل َم ْك َت ِب‬
Where is the new watch? It is on the desk.

َّ ‫آَ َين‬
ُ ‫آلسا َع‬ ‫ِه َي َع َلى آ ْل َم ْك َت ِب‬ ‫آلسا َع ُة آ ْل َج ِدي َدةُ؟‬
َّ ‫آَ َين‬
Feminine Feminine Plural Singular Singular Singular )‫( ُم َون ٌَّث‬
Singular Singular (Irrational)

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References from Qur’an - Plurals of ‫َغ ْي ُر عَلُِل‬
[2:252] These are the verses of Allah which We recite ‫ات آللَّـ ِه َن ْت ُلو َها َع َل ْي َك بِا ْل َحق ۚ َو آِنَّ َك َل ِم َن‬ ُ ‫تِ ْل َك آ َي‬
﴾٢٥٢﴿ ‫آ ْل ُم ْر َس ِل َين‬
to you, [O Muhammad], in truth. And indeed, you
are from among the messengers.

[4:13] These are the limits [set by] Allah, and ‫تِ ْل َك ُحدُو ُد آللَّـ ِه ۚ َو َمن ُي ِط ِع آللَّـ َه َو َر ُسو َل ُه ُيد ِْخ ْل ُه َجنَّات‬
‫َت ْجرِي ِمن َت ْح ِت َها آ ْلاَن َْها ُر َخالِ ِد َين فِي َها ۚ َو َ َٰذلِ َك آ ْل َف ْو ُز‬
whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger will be
admitted by Him to gardens [in Paradise] under

﴾١٣﴿ ‫آ ْل َع ِظي ُم‬

which rivers flow, abiding eternally therein; and that Singular
is the great attainment.

َ ‫آ ِ ْذ قَالَ لِاَبِي ِه َو َق ْو ِم ِه َما َهـَٰ ِذ ِه آلتَّ َماثِي ُل آلَّ ِتي آَن ُت ْم َل َها َعا ِكف‬
[21:52] When he said to his father and his people,
"What are these statues to which you are devoted?"
[29:43] And these examples We present to the people, ‫ون‬َ ‫س ۚ َو َما َي ْع ِق ُل َها آ ِ َّلا آ ْل َعالِ ُم‬ ِ ‫َو تِ ْل َك آ ْلاَ ْم َثالُ َن ْض ِر ُب َها لِلنَّا‬
but none will understand them except those of

[43:51] And Pharaoh called out among his people; he ‫س لِي ُم ْل ُك ِم ْْص َر‬ َ ‫ي‬ْ َ
‫ل‬ َ ‫آ‬ ‫م‬
ِ ‫و‬
ْ َ
‫ق‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ي‬
َ َ‫َال‬‫ق‬ ‫ه‬ِ ِ
‫م‬ ‫و‬
ْ َ
‫ق‬ ‫ي‬ ِ ‫ف‬ ‫ن‬
ُ ‫و‬
ْ ‫ع‬َ ‫ر‬
ْ ِ ‫َو َنا َد َٰى ف‬
َ ‫َو َهـَٰ ِذ ِه آ ْلاَن َْها ُر َت ْجرِي ِمن َت ْح ِتي ۚ آَ َف َلا تُ ْب ِْص ُر‬
said, "O my people, does not the kingdom of Egypt
belong to me, and these rivers flowing beneath me; ﴾٥١﴿ ‫ون‬
then do you not see?

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