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599277-EPP-1-2018-1-FR-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB Generated on: Apr 15, 2024

Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Action Type: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees

Project Title

Latin America and Europe in a Global World

Project Coordinator


Address 17 RUE DE LA SORBONNE , 75005 PARIS CEDEX 05 , France

Extra-Regio NUTS 2 , FR


Project Information

Identifier 599277-EPP-1-2018-1-FR-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB

Project Web Site

Start Date Sep 17, 2018

End Date Sep 16, 2024

EC Contribution 3,298,580 EUR



The content of this page is published for information purposes only. The project was funded by the European Union. However, the communication about the project
that is published through this page expresses the views of the project beneficiaries only and it does not represent the views of the European Union or the European
Commission. It shall not be deemed to constitute legal or official notice on behalf of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union
nor the European Commission can be held responsible for this content nor the use thereof made by any third parties. Page 1 of 2
599277-EPP-1-2018-1-FR-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB Generated on: Apr 15, 2024

Project Summary

Master - Latin America and Europe in a Global World Duration 24 monthsLAGLOBE is an academic programme
offering high-level education and training in social sciences and humanities on global phenomena in Europe and
Latin America (LA) and the relationship between the two regions. It is founded on the democratic and open values
of the European Union (EU) and on the conviction that students, scholars and actors from these two parts of the
world have much to learn from each other, and that it is indispensable to include their theoretical and practical
knowledge in order to understand the global phenomena that shape our time. LAGLOBE aims at training a new
generation of specialists eager to acquire a deep understanding of EU-CELAC cooperation challenges and
further extend existing partnerships and networks among their nations and individuals from the academic,
professional and political worlds. The programme will provide students with a global perspective of existing
interactions between the regions through courses, seminars, conferences and professional training on both sides
of the Atlantic. Lectures will be enriched at the member universities through both intra-European mobility of
teachers and visiting lecturers from Latin America. LAGLOBE will contribute to the establishment of an
EU-CELAC common research area. Its outstanding training and research offer is eager to attract talented
students and contribute to EU attractiveness in the LA region and in the world, demonstrating that the EU is
willing to assume its responsibility on the American continent in a blurred global context. During the first
semester, at the University of Salamanca, all students will be provided with the theoretical bases, through a
series of introductory courses on LA and Europe, including international relations, economy, communication and
literature in LA and the analysis of the institutions, culture and values as well as the trade foreign policies in
Europe. For their second semester, students will attend Stockholm University where they will follow courses
focusing on current challenges in LA, with special attention given to gender and post-colonialism,
democratisation, citizenship and comparative regional integration. Along the third semester, students will gather
at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University in Paris where they will complete a series of methodological courses that will
allow them to tackle specific issues from their preferred theoretical approach towards the writing of their final
research thesis. They will also take professionalising that will prepare them for their insertion in the job market.
The fourth semester will be dedicated to fieldwork research or an internship hosted by our academic and
non-academic partners in LA and then to the writing of the master's degree thesis. Students will be awarded a
multiple degree.Partners: Sorbonne Nouvelle University (coordinating institution), Salamanca University,
Stockholm University

Link to project card: Show project card

The content of this page is published for information purposes only. The project was funded by the European Union. However, the communication about the project
that is published through this page expresses the views of the project beneficiaries only and it does not represent the views of the European Union or the European
Commission. It shall not be deemed to constitute legal or official notice on behalf of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union
nor the European Commission can be held responsible for this content nor the use thereof made by any third parties. Page 2 of 2

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