William The Conqueror Sometimes Called

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William the Conqueror sometimes called William the Bastard was the

first Norman king of England (as William I), reigning from 1066 until his death.
William was born 1028 at Château de Falaise Duchy of Normandy and died on 9
September 1087 , he was the son of Robert I of Normandy also known as Robert
the Magnificent while hes mother was Herleva. His illegitimate status and youth
caused some difficulties for him to succeeded his father,
During his childhood and adolescence, members of the Norman aristocracy battled
each other, both for control of the child duke, and for their own ends
After his father death in 1035 he became the Duke of Normandy
In the 1050s and early 1060s, William became a contender for the throne of
England held by the childless Edward the Confessor.
there were other potential claimants, including the powerful English earl Harold
Godwinson, whom Edward named as king on his deathbed in January 1066. Even
so He decisively defeated and killed Harold at the Battle of Hastings on 14 October
1066. After that William was crowned king on Christmas Day, 1066
he married Matilda of Flanders in 1051 who became Duchess of Normandy and
later Queen of England

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