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Is democracy a failed form of governance ? Yup !

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average
voter." -Winston Churchill
And I totally agree.
Democracy - the exquisite art of letting the masses decide their fate who can't even agree on
a pizza topping.
In this grand theatre of democracy, leaders are chosen not for their wisdom, not for their
experience or vision but for their ability to attract the crowd by spending more ,by delivering
grand speeches and catchy slogans.In democracy governing a country is just like winning a
popularity contest, isn’t it ??

Few days back we were having discussion on India to be renamed as Bharat.The land came
to be known as "Bharatvarsha" or "Bharat" in honour of the legendary emperor Bharat of the
He believed that a king had only 3 duties and he stood by all- protecting people ,ensuring
justice to all and choosing a prince who could project and provide justice to its people.
Then we have Ashoka the Great -from whose rule we drew inspiration for our emblem as he
promoted peace, religious tolerance, and moral governance.

Even in the present day there’re many countries with different forms of government who saw
a steep slope of economic growth and invested heavily in infrastructure,tourism, and
● China - All of us know how powerful it has emerged.According to the World Bank only
it’s 0.6% population is below poverty line whereas, for India it’s 21.9%.It may make
me sound anti-nationalist but truth remains truth one can’t deny it.
● Singapore -dominant one-party system - having high standards of living and efficient
● Then we have absolute monarchies
United Arab Emirates,Saudi Arabia, Qatar,Oman

Now some of you must be asking what’s the issue with democracy and why it’s failing.I
would simply like to answer what’s not an issue with democracy.
Single and central authority like monarchy facilitate quicker decision-making and more time
is spent on implementation at the ground level.Whereas in democracy leaders focus more
and spend more time in securing their seat in re-election and discussing the agendas
acts.And when time of implementation arrives so arrives the new government new party new
leaders new agendas new acts to be discussed.This vicious circle just goes on and on !!

(Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. 🙃🙂)

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