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C Important Questions

10 marks Qns
1. Different categories of functions with example.
2. Operators in C. The precedence and associativity of operators.
3. Decision making statements in C.
5 Marks Qns
1. Structure of C program
2. Switch statement
3. Operators in C
4. Entry controlled and exit controlled loop with example
5. Call by value and Call by reference
6. Diff types of Data types in C
7. Constants? Different types of constants
8. Type conversion in C
9. Union & Structure
10. C program to find the largest of 3 numbers.
11. Recursion? C program to find factorial of a number using recursion.
12. Different types of dynamic memory allocation functions
13. Pupose of file? Different types of file handling functions
2 Marks Qns
1. keyword? Any four keywords in C
2. Symbolic constant? Eg?
3. How do variables and constants differ?
4. Tokens?
5. Typecasting?
6. Operator precedence and associativity
7. Purpose and syntax of scanf() function
8. Conditional operator?
9. Bitwise operators?
10. break and continue statement
11. Array?
12. go to statement
13. function prototype?
14. C program to find the sum of two numbers using function
15. Scope of variables? Local and Global variables?
16. Pupose of pointers? How do you declare and initialize a pointer variable?
17. Difference between #define and #include directives
18. Difference between ++j and j++.Explain with an Eg.

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