PCB To Schematic Diagram - Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing & PCB Assembly - RayMing

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PCB to Schematic Diagram - Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing & PCB Assembly - RayMing https://www.raypcb.


PCB to Schematic Diagram

Converting a Schematic into a PCB Layout, or PCB to schematic diagram

 PCB to Schematic

 PCB File Format

 PCB Design Tips

 Reverse Engineer

How to Convert PCB to Schematic Diagram?

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PCB Schematic

Here are step by step introductions on how to convert PCB to schematic diagram and schematic
diagram to PCB �le.

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Step 1: The engineer analyzes the PCB layout through the circuit board and then divides the
circuit into several units.

Step 2: Prepare two computers, one of which is used to view PCB documents, and the other is
used to draw circuit diagrams.

Step 3: Retrieve the components in the unit circuit and do layout according to our work

Step 4: Highlight the PCB document on the computer and then link it to another computer. After
the link is completed, the network needs to be deleted.

Step 5: Repeat the �rst two steps until all �les in the PCB document are deleted. After that, the
engineer can optimize the schematic.

How to draw circuit diagrams according to real


When repairing electronic products, engineers often encounter problems �nding the drawings,
especially for legacy products; the circuit diagrams may no longer exist. In this case, to analyze
and improve the product, it is necessary to draw a circuit diagram based on the actual product.
The skills of this operation are as follows:

1.Use the components with a large volume and many pins as a reference for drawing. Use this as
a reference to start drawing, which can ensure accuracy andimprove work e�ciency.

2. When an engineer is printing a circuit board, be sure to label the components and pay
attention to the regularity of the serial number. They cannot randomize or remember
which one to write. Write and arrange according to a particularorder and rules to ensure
that it is not easy to make mistakes in the drawing process.

3. Without marking the serial number of the components, if the engineer wants to improve
analysis and proofreading, you have to number the components yourself. It is not
annoying;otherwise, the later work will be more di�cult. Important components must be

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PCB to Schematic Diagram - Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing & PCB Assembly - RayMing https://www.raypcb.com/8-ways-to-restore-pcb-schematic-diagram-according-to-pcb-board/

marked so that they will not be missed in the process of drawing the schematic.

4. Correctly distinguish the various wires on the circuit board. There are various wires on
the circuit board,such as power wire, ground wire, signal wire, These wires have di�erent
layout positions, rules, and functions. When drawing a schematic, you must �gure it out.

5. When drawing a sketch, be sure to use transparent tracing paper and mark it with
colorful pens. It is convenient to identify, modify,and analyze the circuit to reduce errors. In
addition, when drawing a circuit diagram, try to �nd a similar circuit diagram for reference
so that there is a multiplier e�ect, which is very worthy of reference for newcomers.

It can be seen from the introduction that the process of converting a PCB to a schematic
diagram is not di�cult. Still, many novices lack experience or have not operated before, so
they will �nd it challenging to convert PCB into schematics.

Protel+PCB Convert Into Schematic – Detailed


Full raiders from Protel PCB to SCH

This article takes the 4 Port Serial Interface, provided by Protel 99Se, as an example. Open the
PCB diagram, select the menu File-Export, export the Protel network table; the �le name is
abbreviated as Serial.Net. 2. Start the program Omninet for Windows, select Protel as the input
�le type (Type). In Input File 1, use Browse to specify the location of the netlist �le. Select EDIF as
the output �le type (Type). In Output File 1, specify the �le name and path of the output �le.
Then click Run (the running icon).

An output window pops up. Click Accept Data. Click “OK” when �nished, and then click
“Done” to close the output window. Exit Omninet for Windows.

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PCB to Schematic Diagram - Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing & PCB Assembly - RayMing https://www.raypcb.com/8-ways-to-restore-pcb-schematic-diagram-according-to-pcb-board/

3.Start the E-Studio software and open the EDIF �le generated in step 2

4. Right-click the Serial.EDF �le and select Generate Schematics:

The system pops up a window

Click OK.

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PCB to Schematic Diagram - Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing & PCB Assembly - RayMing https://www.raypcb.com/8-ways-to-restore-pcb-schematic-diagram-according-to-pcb-board/

Click OK.
5. Select menu File-Save As, and select ORCAD as the output format.Select Design v9.10 in
the Save As drop-down menu.

Click to save. Click “OK” in the pop-up window to end.

The generated schematic can already be opened in ORCAD. The drawings are a bit big! The
picture below is just its parts.

There is no hierarchy concept in drawings. No matter how complicated the circuit is, there
is only one plane graph.

6. Convert ORCAD schematics into Protel schematics.

Because the output format of E-Studio does not have Protel, it must be converted
separately. Protel 2004 is recommended for a better conversion e�ect.

Start DXP 2004, select menu File-Open, select Orcad Capture Design(*.DSN) for the �le

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PCB to Schematic Diagram - Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing & PCB Assembly - RayMing https://www.raypcb.com/8-ways-to-restore-pcb-schematic-diagram-according-to-pcb-board/

Click “Open.” An error occurred during the opening process, but the �le conversion was
successful. Click OK to close the error window.

Double-click 1.SchDoc, the �le can be opened normally. The picture below is part of the �le:

Select the menu File-Save AS, select Schematic Binary 4.0 (*.Sch). This is the format that
99Se can open.

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At this point, the conversion of Protel 99Se PCB to the schematic diagram is complete.

It should be noted that this conversion may be useful for those with fewer components on
the PCB. If there are many components on the PCB, the converted schematic diagram will
be very large, and the network connection is extremely complicated. At this point, it is still
di�cult to interpret due to the lack of hierarchy or main thread. It is also not to be divided
into multiple sub-graphs, and all networks are all connected.

In addition, the unconnected pins in the PCB no longer exist on the converted
schematic. As shown in the example below:

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Another disadvantage is that the footprint information of the component is gone and must
be �lled in again.

Although there is no footprint information, the network name is kept intact. After network
comparison, no missing network is found.

A Basic Guideline from Schematic to PCB Design

for Altium Designer

The electronic engineering industry is so vast and rapidly growing that technology is
evolving day by day. There are currently numerous open-source software or Electronic
Design Automation (EDA) or CAD software available to help designers design their
electronic circuits and lay the PCB design along with tools available in the software to
generate �les that will be used directly by PCB fabrication house.

Among these software, the most popular one is ALTIUM designer. The Altium Designer 18
will be discussed in this article. The Altium Designer gives you a complete platform where
you can turn your imagination and ideas into reality.

We will discuss three main features of the Altium designer in the following sections: 1-
Schematic Capture, 2- PCB layout, and 3- Fabrication Output Files.

Schematic Capture

The �rst step in turning the idea into reality is to do manual design or hand sketch on
paper. This gives a clear understanding to the designer to know what he is looking for. Now
the design on paper will be transferred to a CAD software like Altium. This process is called
schematic capture. Having knowledge of the software, an expert will professionally capture
the design in the schematic window.

File >> New >> Project >> PCB Project. Then right click on the project to “Add New to
Project” >> Schematic

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PCB to Schematic Diagram - Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing & PCB Assembly - RayMing https://www.raypcb.com/8-ways-to-restore-pcb-schematic-diagram-according-to-pcb-board/

You can save your PCB project and schematic �le with *.PrjPcb and *.sch extensions
respectively. After saving, you can now start the placement of components from the library
on the rightmost menu. You can add the manufacturer libraries available directly from the
Altium website.

Just download the library zip folder. Unzip it and copy-paste the folders inside C:\Users
\Public\Documents\Altium\AD18\Library\ this folder. Now �nd the component in the library
and place them on the schematic one by one. Ctrl+R will rotate the component. Press and
hold the right click to “Pan,” and the Left Ctrl + Right-click will zoom in and out.

The top menu shows the wire, GND, library, place port, place text, move, drag, and select

The left panel shows the project �les like schematic Diagram, PCB, Gerber, BOM, and other
�les are shown as sub-folder �les inside the main project. Any changes made in the
schematic will mark with a red symbol on the left panel schematic �le. After you save
changes, the red mark will disappear.

Now you interconnect the components using the wire or bus option. GND, VCC, and other
signal ports can be placed accordingly. This will correspondingly generate “NETs.” The NET
is the interconnection between two leads/legs of components. The net name shows the
details of its connection. You can go to tools >> preference >> Schematics >>
General, where you can edit and change the properties of the existing schematic sheet, like
snap and visible grids.

You can also annotate your components designators by Tools >> Annotation >> Annotate
Schematics. You can change the sheet size by Right Panel Properties >>Page Options >>
Formatting and Size >> Custom, and change the values of width and height according to
needs, and change orientation to landscape or portrait. You can also switch between the
units of measurement mm and mils.

The schematic capture is the basis of the PCB layout coming in the next step. Hence
schematic capture should be completed free of errors. There should not be any error in the
schematic design, and it must be cross-checked by another veri�cation engineer to
evaluate for any faults in the design. Otherwise, the wrong schematic will be translated
into PCB and cause PCB not to function as expected.

PCB Layout

Now the next step is the PCB layout step. Right-click on Project panel >> Add new to Project >>
PCB layout. A black color window will appear. This is the PCB layout documents where you will
design the PCB layout. Now go to the schematic window and do the following:

Project >> Project options >> Class generation >> Uncheck generate rooms and
uncheck electronic component classes. This is done to avoid any unwanted errors in PCB.

Now go to the schematic window. Design >> Update PCB Document. This will open the
“Engineering Change Order” window. Now click on validate changes and then click execute
changes. This will generate a green color tick sign on the right of the window. This shows
everything is OK. Now go to the PCB document, and on the bottom right, your components

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will be available.

Drag and drop the components one by one onto the board. Now to reshape the board and
go to View >> Board Planning Mode 1. You will see that the board color turns to green from
black. Now go to Design >> Rede�ne Board Shape. Now the green color plus pointer will
appear. You can now rede�ne the boundaries of your PCB board according to your needs.
Remember to connect the last �nal edge with your starting edge/corner to complete the
board shape. You can also use the edit board shape or modify board shape to change the
board’s shape or style.

Now go to Design >> Rules. You can edit the PCB layout design constraints according to
the PCB fabrication house capacity and limits and your design requirements. This is very
important because while laying out PCB design (e.g., routing, placement of components,
holes, vias, and other inner and outer layers), if there are violating constraints, the Altium
will give you an error and will not proceed.

The main design rule constraints/clearances that need to be taken care of are track to
track, track to SMD or THT pad, track to via, track to copper, SMD pad to SMD pad, SMD to
THT pad, SMD pad to via, SMD pad to copper, THT pad to THT pad, THT pad to via, THT pad
to copper, via to via, via to copper, and copper to copper clearances. Moreover, the
maximum and minimum routing width and preferred values need to be de�ned. Solder
masks and power planes with power pads constraints are also needed to be de�ned in
design rules. Likewise, maximum and minimum via diameter and preferred values can be
set in “Routing via Style.”

Now go to Design >> Layer Stackup Manager. This will show you the layer stack-up
details, such as thickness, material, layer type, and name.

Now go to Route >> Auto Route >> All >> Route All. This will help you automatically route
your components placed on the PCB according to the rules de�ned in the design rule
wizard. The auto-routing will save ample time and e�ort but may not be a good choice
when special care is needed for special ICs for EMI and other thermal considerations.

After everything is complete, go to Tools >> Design Rule Check (DRC). Running the DRC is
important as it will identify any violations of design rules.

Fabrication Output Files:

Now that your PCB layout is done, it is time for Gerber and NC Drill File generation. These �les
are called PCB fabrication output �les. Go to Files >> Fabrication Output >> Gerber Files. And NC
Dill File. Select the appropriate unit and format for your Gerber and check to mark the “plot” of
the corresponding layer you want to create Gerber. Keep all other parameters the same, and
click OK.

For NC (Numeric Controlled) Drill File, checkmark the “Generate Separate NC Drill Files for
plated and non-plated through holes” and keep all other parameters the same and then
click OK.

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Convert Eagle Circuit Diagram to Altium Designer

PCB Format

Now that open source hardware is prevalent, many open-source hardware manufacturers
will make circuit diagrams public. For example, for Arduino, we can download the Arduino
Eagle �le on the o�cial website. Still, many people don’t know the Eagle drawing software
very well. So you need to convert the �le into a format that can be opened with Altium

1. Download the ULP �le to be used on the o�cial website of Eagle circuit diagram
drawing software.
2. Put the �le in the ULP folder under the Eagle installation directory, as shown in the


4. Click the ULP command in the command toolbar.

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5.Select “export-protelpcb.ulp” in the directory of the pop-up dialog box and click to open.

6.Choose a suitable path and save the converted PCB�le.

7.After clicking save, the following dialog box will pop up in the Eagle software, click OK.

8.At this point, the conversion of the PCB diagram has been completed. Double-click the
saved �le to open the �le with Altium Designer, as shown in the �gure:

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8 Ways to Restore PCB Schematic Diagram

According to PCB Board

When encountering some small objects, or encountering electronic products without

drawings, you need to draw the circuit schematic according to the real thing.

There are the following points:

1. Select electronic components such as integrated circuits, transformers, transistors, etc.,

which are bulky, have many pins and play a major role in the circuit, and then draw from
the selected reference pins to reduce errors.

2. If the component number (such as VD870, R330, C466, etc.) is marked on the PCB, since
these serial numbers have speci�c rules, the components with the same Arabic numerals
after the English alphabet are the same functional unit, so the drawing should be used.
Correctly distinguishing the components of the same functional unit is the basis of the
drawing pcb layout.

3. If the serial number of the component is not marked on the printed board, it is best to
number the component yourself for easy analysis and proofreading. When designing
printed circuit board components, the manufacturer generally arranges the components of
the same functional unit relatively in order to minimize the copper foil routing. Once you
�nd a device that has a core function, you can �nd other components of the same
functional unit as long as you can �nd it.

4. Correctly distinguish the ground, power and signal lines of the printed board. Taking the
power supply circuit as an example, the negative terminal of the recti�er connected to the
secondary of the power transformer is the positive pole of the power supply, and a large-
capacity �lter capacitor is generally connected between the ground and the ground, and
the capacitor casing has a polarity mark.

The power and ground lines can also be found from the three-terminal regulator pins.
When the factory is wiring the printed circuit board, in order to prevent self-excitation and
anti-interference, the ground copper foil is generally set to the widest (high-frequency
circuits often have large-area grounded copper foil), the power supply copper foil is second,
and the signal copper is used.

The foil is the narrowest. In addition, in electronic products with both analog and digital
circuits, the printed boards often separate their ground lines to form an independent
grounding grid, which can also be used as a basis for identi�cation and judgment.

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