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1. Provide a suitable definition for Human Resources

A management approach that focuses on people within the overall purpose of mutually
achieving the strategic business purposes for which the organization exists. Human
Resources is all about people management from the day of employment to the end.

2. What are the key questions to ask when assembling an FM team?

I. Inquire about their previous roles
II. The types of facilities they've managed
III. The scope of their responsibilities.

3. Briefly describe a suitable account of the job interview process

I. Take your time in preparation
II. Have well thought out questions
III. Make the interviewee comfortable from the start
IV. Ask open ended questions
V. Interview length: 1.5 hours maximum
VI. Ask the interviewee questions about past job performance
VII. Have more than one interviewer including different gender
VIII. Ask the interviewee if they have questions
IX. Right after the interview, jot down all recollections and thoughts
X. Compare notes if more than one interviewer
XI. Follow up after the interview
XII. Advise the interviewee as to the results of the job search
XIII. Reference check, reference check, reference check

4. List 5 ways an employer or human resources manager can increase employee Motivation
I. Increased retention rates: When employees don’t feel highly engaged in their work,
they’re more likely to start seeking employment elsewhere.
II. Improved performance: We often think of organizations as entities in and of
themselves. However, any company is a product of the people who work in it at the
end of the day.
III. Stronger company culture: Establishing a well-defined and effective company culture
is essential to organizational health and success.
IV. Extrinsic motivators are things like money and rewards. For example, some
companies give quarterly or annual awards to the highest-performing employees.
V. Intrinsic motivators: Other employees are motivated through intrinsic aspects, such
as finding fulfilment in their roles.

5. What is Succession planning in HR and what are the steps taken in its execution?
I. Succession planning is the process of identifying and developing new potential
leaders within an organisation to fill critical roles when current leaders leave,
whether that’s due to retirement, resignation, or unexpected circumstances.
II. The steps taken in execution of succession planning are;
a. Identification of Key Positions
b. Assess Current Talent
c. Develop Succession Plans
d. Monitoring and Evaluation of Progress

6. What are the 10 vital job-related characteristics needed in any FM job employee?
I. Perform and manage others to produce results that demonstrate timeliness, cost-
effectiveness and attention to quality
II. Ability to set objectives and priorities, schedule and delegate work
III. Conflict resolution
IV. Identifying and meeting needs of internal and external customers
V. Continuous improvement orientation
VI. Commitment to lifelong learning for oneself and supervised employees Job-Related
VII. Creating and supporting a diverse workplace
VIII. Ability to listen effectively and provide effective feedback
IX. Effective business writing and oral presentations
X. Coaching employees to improve performance

7. Briefly describe a suitable account of the On-the-Job training process

The following are the on-the-job training process from roman figure 1 to 7
I. Assess current understanding or level of performance.
II. Present or demonstrate.
III. Observe practice by learner.
IV. Provide feedback.
V. Recheck immediately.
VI. Allow independent practice.
VII. Recheck as needed

8. List and explain 5 performance appraisal techniques for FM employees

I. Improved Employee Performance: Performance appraisal helps employees
understand their job expectations and what they need to do to improve their
II. Clear Goal Setting: Performance appraisal provides a structured approach to goal-
III. Enhanced Communication: Performance appraisal provides a platform for managers
and employees to communicate effectively.
IV. Employee Development: Performance appraisal is an opportunity for employees to
receive guidance and support in their professional development.
V. Talent Management: Performance appraisal is an essential tool for talent
management. It helps managers identify high-performing employees and those who
may need additional support.

9. Why is it sometimes necessary to hire a consultant as part of the FM team?

Because he/she is an extra eye of the company. They bring an outside perspective, They
identify opportunities to streamline processes, They expand your professional network of
resources, They provide extra support during periods of transition.

10. What is Ergonomics? And how does poor ergonomics affect the organization?
Ergonomics is the study of equipment design in order to reduce operator equipment
Poor ergonomics affect the organization in the area of insurance claims

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