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In general terms, the Questions are grouped into THREE (3) main areas, namely,

A) The WH group
In brief, the WH questions are all those questions that begin with WH ( who, when, where, who, how,
which ) when they want to form a question. For example,

1) What is your name?

2) Who do you want to speak to?
3) Where are you from?
4) Why are you there?

In questions we usually put the:-

 The subject after the verb
Mariana will = will Mariana?
You have = Have you?
The house was = was the house?

 In present simple we use do / does

You live = do you live?
The film begins = does the film begin?

NB, a) You can use Preposition + Whom in formal style, for example. To whom do you want / wish
to speak ?

b) The WH or Question – word Questions are different to other groups because the answers of
WH questions have to be in detail.

c) Isn’t it? Didn’t you ….? We use negative Question especially to show surprise or when we
expect the listener to agree with us, see the example.
1) Didn’t you hear the door bell?
2) Haven’t we met somewhere before?

b) If the question begins with Why / How / When / Where you put the auxiliary or the modal verb
before the subject, see the example given.

1) What do you particularly like about learning English?

2) Which English magazine did you read?

B) Yes / No Questions
These are questions which expect either “Yes” or “No” answer. The auxiliary verb or modal verb comes
before the subject. See the following examples.
1) Do you write in Portuguese?
2) Is your name Maria?
3) Are they coming from supper?

C) Question Tags
Normally we use:
a) Positive question tag with a negative sentence, see the examples.
1) Antonio won’t be late, will he?
2) They didn’t like us, did they?

b) Negative question tag with a positive sentence, see the coming sentences.
1) It is raining hard, isn’t it?
2) We will be there on time, won’t we?

The meaning of a question tag depends on how you say it. If the voice goes down you aren’t really
asking a question, you are only asking the other person to agree with you. See the following examples.
1) Tom doesn’t look very well today, doesn’t he?
2) She’s very attractive. She’s got beautiful eyes, hasn’t she?

D) The indirect questions

This is the group of questions which are done indirectly. For example
1) May I know your name?
2) Can you tell me your name please?
Consolidation tasks
Exercise I : In this exercise you have to put a question tag on the end of each sentence. See the
example given.
Example. Tom won’t be late, will he?
1) Ann’s on holiday ………………………………....?
2) You weren’t listening ………………………..…..?
3) Let’s have dinner ………………………………...?
4) He’d never seen you before ……………………..?
5) Maria’s applied for the job……………………… ?

Exercise ii. Choose the response which best fits the questions below. (0, 5 x 5 = 2, 5 Marks)
1) Would you like something to drink?
a- Yes please, it’s probably some more guests arriving.
b- Thank you. But I`m a little cold.
c- Yes, that`s very kind of you. A cup of tea, please.

2) Can I carry that for you?

a- No. thanks. I am very hot at the moment.
b- Thank you, but I can carry it myself.
c- Yes, that would be very nice. An orange juice, please?

3) Shall I open the window?

a- Yes, that would be very nice.
b- Yes, that would be nice. It`s very hot in here.
c- Thank you but my boyfriend is taking me home.

4) Would you like to dance?
a- No. Thanks. I`m too tired now.
b- No thanks. We don`t want mosquitoes to come inside the house.
c- Yes, please. I`m very busy in the kitchen at the moment.

5) Shall I answer the door?

a- Thank you, but I will go myself.
b- Thank you, but I`ve already got one.
c- Thank you but that isn`t necessary. I can walk.

Verb to “Be”
This verb is one of the most important verbs in the written and spoken language. By this I mean to say
that it is used frequently. Study the table below.-


Present Past

I am (was) (I`M) ( I was )

He he’s (he was)

She is (was) she’s (she was)
It it’s ( It was)

We we’re. (we were)

You are (were) you’re (you were)
They they’re (they were)


Present and past

I am not (was not) (I’m not)

He he’s not or he isn’t / he was not or he wasn’t

She is not (was not) she’s not or she isn’t / she was not or she wasn’t
It it’s not or it isn’t / it was not or it wasn’t

We we’re not or we aren’t / we were not or we weren’t

You are not (were not) you’re not or you aren’t / you were not or you weren’t
They they’re not or they aren’t / they were not or they weren’t

See the following examples.

Positive statements
1) I’m cold. Can you close the window please?
2) Last year Frank was 22, so he is 23 now.
3) I’m 32 years old. My sister is 28.

Negative statements.
1) I’m tired but I’m not hungry.
2) Tomas isn’t at home at the moment. She’s at work.
3) Those people aren’t Mozambicans. They’re Malawians.


Present & past

Positive Question
I am / was Am / was I?

He He?
She is / was Is / was She?
It It?

We We?
You are / were are / were you?
They They?

Consolidation Tasks
Exercise i. Write the short form (she’s / we aren’t etc). See the example.

1) Example. She is ……… she’s.

2) It is not ………….
3) I am not………….
4) They are ………..
5) That is …………..
6) You are not……….

Exercise ii. Put in am, is or are

1) Example. The weather is nice today.
2) Look! There …… Francisco.
3) I ……..not tired.
4) My brother and I ….. good tennis player.
5) This bag ….. heavy.
6) These bags …… heavy

Exercise iii. Find the right answer for the question. Do only 5

1) Where’s the camera? a) London

2) Is your car blue? b) No, I’m not.
3) Is Linda from London? c) Yes, you are.
4) Am I late? d) My sister
5) Where’s Ann from? e) Black
6) What colour is your bag f) No, its black.
7) Are you hungry? g) In your bag.
8) How is George? h) No, she’s American.
9) Who’s that woman? i) Very well.

1 g
2 ……………….……………..
3 ………………….………….


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