Performance Calculation of Train - Part 8 (RMS & AVG Power)

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Performance Calculation of the Train Part-8

Traction Motor Average & RMS power rating

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Next Part-9 of performance Calculation Shall Be published on 14th Mar 24

1. Formula and Tips for performance calculation of the train.

Picture Credit for traction Motor: Shutterstock

©Dharmendra Kumar”, 11th Mar-2024 ©Global Academy of Rail Design

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1. Objective ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Instantaneous, RMS and Average power of the Traction Motor ............................................................... 3
2.1 Precondition for rating calculation of traction Motor ............................................................................. 3
2.2 Instantaneous power of traction Motor .................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Average power of traction Motor ............................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Root Mean Square (RMS) power of traction Motor ................................................................................ 6
3.0. Input Technical Parameter: ......................................................................................................................... 8
3.1. Train Information ................................................................................................................................ 8
3.2. Weight Parameter of the train............................................................................................................ 8
3.3. Performance Parameter of the train .................................................................................................. 9
3.4. Mechanical Parameter of the train .................................................................................................... 9
3.5. OHE line parameter........................................................................................................................... 10

Check the following link for better understanding of this Performance Calculation of the train. Link is given
Article 8: Perf Calculation of the train-Part-7 Traction Motor Regenerative Power due to Braking
Article 7: Perf Calculation of the train-Part-6 Traction Motor Parameter (Torque, Power, RPM, & Frequency)
calculation for the train
Article 6: Perf Calculation of the train-Part-5 Cycle Calculation and Guaranteed performance calculation
Article 5: Perf Calculation of the train-Part-4-Tractive /Braking Power
Article 4: Perf Calculation of the train-Part-3- Balancing Speed
Article 3: Perf Calculation of the train-Part-2- Tractive /Braking Effort
Article 2: Perf Calculation of the train-Part-1- Train Resistance
Article 1: Performance Requirement of the train

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Performance Calculation of the Train-Part-8

1. Objective
Main objective of performance calculation of train to calculate the rating of
Traction transformer, Motor and converter. Rating of propulsion equipment
decided based on the compliance of all performance parameter mentioned in
technical specification of the tender.
In this chapter, concept of instantaneous, average and RMS (Root Mean Square)
power shall be discussed.
It is very important to decide rating of Traction motor because it generates
mechanical power to drive the train based on the electrical input power from
traction converter.
In this chapter, method for calculation of Average & RMS power Rating of
traction motor shall be explained based on cycle distance or route profile.

2. Instantaneous, RMS and Average power of the Traction Motor

Rating of traction motor decided based on the precondition provided in technical
specification of the tender.

2.1 Precondition for rating calculation of traction Motor

The precondition for calculation of traction motor rating is:
a) Cycle distance: Traction Motor rating shall be calculated in defined cycle run as
per technical specification of the tender. Here, cycle run shall be considered for
10 km for calculation of motor rating.
b) Dwelling time: Dwelling time play important role in rating calculation of
traction motor. Dwelling time considered as 30 second after cycle run of 10 km
in calculation.
c) All out run: Train shall run with full capacity of traction from standstill to
maximum speed (160kmph) and also brake with full capacity from maximum
speed to standstill. It will operate in cruise mode at maximum speed for
remaining distance.
d) Total Time: Total time is the sum of running time for cycle run and dwelling

©Dharmendra Kumar”, 11th Mar-2024 ©Global Academy of Rail Design

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2.2 Instantaneous power of traction Motor

Power is defined as the amount of energy transferred over a period of time.
instantaneous power of traction motor is defined as the power consumed at a
particular point in time.
Instantaneous power is important parameter, which enables the designer to
project the capability of the components to handle power consumption.
It also enables the design of a power supply module that’s capable of supplying
the needed power at any particular moment of usage.
Instantaneous Power of traction motor often expressed as a product of voltage
and current.
Instantaneous power is also defined as the product of tractive/Braking effort
and speed of the traction motor or it is also expressed as the product of torque
and angular velocity of traction motor at particular point of time.
Therefore, Formula for instantaneous power of traction motor is expressed as

Instantaneous Power (P) =Voltage(E) X Current (I)

Instantaneous Power (P) = Force (F) X Speed (V)
Instantaneous Power (P) = Torque (T) X Angular velocity(ω)

Instantaneous power curve verses speed for Tractive power (TP) and Braking
power (BP) shown in Fig 1.

Fig 1: TP/BP/TE/BE Vs Speed Curve for train at 22.5 KV

©Dharmendra Kumar”, 11th Mar-2024 ©Global Academy of Rail Design

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2.3 Average power of traction Motor

Average power is known as real power and it is defined as the average amount of
power consumed or dissipated in a circuit over a complete cycle run-in all-out mode
by traction motor.

It is calculated by taking the product of the RMS voltage and the RMS current,
and then multiplying it by the power factor, which represents the phase
difference between the voltage and current waveforms.

Average power of traction motor is also calculated from Instantaneous power

available at wheel from the given expression:
𝑘=0 P(t)𝑑𝑡
Average Power Pavg =
P(t) – Instantaneous power at time t
dt- Differential time
Tr- Total Cycle run time
Td= Total Dwelling Time

Fig 2: Motor Instantaneous power Vs time for train at 22.5 KV

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From the Fig 2, Average power of traction motor Calculated from the above formula
and result is given below:

Average power of traction motor in 10 KM cycle run= 190 KW

The average power calculated based on power curve given in Fig 2 and timing is
defined Tr and Td is defined as 300 Sec and 30 Sec Respectively.

Plotting of curve between Speed Vs distance & time is shown in figure 3:

Fig 3: Speed vs Cycle run (10 km) & Cycle run timing

2.3 Root Mean Square (RMS) power of traction Motor

RMS power is the DC power that would produce the same amount of heat in a
resistor as the AC power under consideration.
In the Fig2, the power of traction motor is constantly changing, so RMS power
is used as a way to express the effective power of the AC signal in terms of an
equivalent DC power.
RMS power of traction motor is also calculated from Instantaneous power
available at wheel from the given expression:
∑𝑘=0 𝑃2 (t)𝑑𝑡
RMS Power Prms = √
©Dharmendra Kumar”, 11th Mar-2024 ©Global Academy of Rail Design
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P(t) – Instantaneous power at time t
dt- Differential time
Tr- Total Cycle run time
Td= Total Dwelling Time

From the Fig 2, RMS power of traction motor Calculated from the above formula and
result is given below:

RMS power of traction motor in 10 KM cycle run= 228kW

The RMS power calculated based on power curve given in Fig 2 and timing is defined
Tr and Td is defined as 300 Sec and 30 Sec Respectively.

Input technical parameter considered for all the calculation for rating of traction
motor is mentioned in next section 3.0

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3.0. Input Technical Parameter:

Input technical parameter for calculation of train resistance, adhesion,
Tractive/Braking Effort, Tractive & braking Power, Balancing speed and regenerative
power given below:

3.1. Train Information

Table-2: Train Information
Train Type AC Powered Electrical Multiple Units (AC EMU)
Total No of cars in rake 12
Basic Unit Configuration (N)DTC-MC-TC-TC
No of Basic Unit 3
Total No of DTC in rake 2
Total No of MC in rake 6
Total No of NDTC in rake 1
Total No of TC in rake 3
No of traction motor 24
No of traction Converter 6
No of traction Transformer 3
Maximum adhesion for Motor 20 % (0.2)
Maximum adhesion for Trailer 16 % (0.16)
Bogie Arrangement 2’ 2’ + Bo’ Bo’ + 2’ 2’ + Bo’ Bo’
Axle Load 17 ton
3.2. Weight Parameter of the train
Weight of the coaches is basic parameter of the train, on which performance is
Calculated. Here tare weight of each coach is considered as 56 ton and Payload 4.36
ton for calculation purpose, irrespective of different types of coaches.

Payload-PL, Tare Load-TL, Ton-t shall be represented in the table given below
Table-3: Weight Particular of the train
Type of Numbers Weight of the single Weight of Total Weight of
Coach coach single Coach the same type
PL TL TL+PL Coaches in rake
DTC 2 4.36 t 56 t 60.36 t 120.72 t
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MC 6 4.36 t 56 t 60.36 t 363.0 t

TC 3 4.36 t 56 t 60.36 t 181.08 t
NDTC 1 4.36 t 56 t 60.36 t 60.36 t
Total 12 52.32 t 672 t 724.32 t 724.32 t
Summary of the Weight:
Weight of DTC coach: 60.36 t
Weight of MC coach: 60.36 t
Weight of TC coach: 60.36 t
Weight of NDTC coach: 60.36 t
Total Tare Weight of the train: 672 t
Total Payload of the train: 52.32 t
Total Weight of the train: 724.32 t (Excluding Rotating Mass)
Rotating Mass of the train: 53.76 t
Gross Weight of the train: 778 t (Including Rotating Mass)
3.3. Performance Parameter of the train
Table-4: Performance Parameter of the train
Max Operational speed 160 kmph
Test Speed 180 Kmph
Avg. acceleration (0-40 kmph) 0.71 m/s2
Minimum Residual Acceleration at 160 kmph 0.1 m/s2
Average Deacceleration (160-0 kmph) 0.8 m/s2
Jerk Limit 0.7m/s3
Time to reach Maximum Speed 140 Sec
Maximum Deacceleration during entire range of 1.0 m/s2
Regeneration percentage (Traction & Braking) 30 %
Cycle distance 10 Kilometre
3.4. Mechanical Parameter of the train
Table-5: Mechanical Parameter of the train
Normal Wheel Diameter 952 mm
Half Worn Wheel Diameter 915 mm
Fully Worn Wheel Diameter 877 mm
Maximum adhesion for Motor Coach 20 % (0.2)
Maximum adhesion for Trailer Coach 16 % (0.16)
Gearbox Ratio 5.158
Gearbox Efficiency 98.5 %
Bogie Arrangement 2’ 2’ + Bo’ Bo’ + 2’ 2’ + Bo’ Bo’
Axle Load 17 ton

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3.5. OHE line parameter

Table-6: OHE line parameter
Nominal Supply Voltage 25 kV (RMS), 50 Hz, single phase, AC
Normal variation in supply voltage 19 kV to 27.5 kV (RMS)
Voltage range for Train to operate with 22.5 kV to 27.5 kV
full performance
Occasional maximum voltage 30 kV (RMS)
Occasional minimum voltage 17 kV (RMS)
-----------------------------------------------End of Chapter-----------------------------------------------------------------
Check the following link for better understanding of this Performance Calculation of the train.
Link is given below:
Article 8: Perf Calculation of the train-Part-7 Traction Motor Regenerative Power due to Braking
Article 7: Perf Calculation of the train-Part-6 Traction Motor Parameter (Torque, Power, RPM, & Frequency)
calculation for the train
Article 6: Perf Calculation of the train-Part-5 Cycle Calculation and Guaranteed performance calculation
Article 5: Perf Calculation of the train-Part-4-Tractive /Braking Power
Article 4: Perf Calculation of the train-Part-3- Balancing Speed
Article 3: Perf Calculation of the train-Part-2- Tractive /Braking Effort
Article 2: Perf Calculation of the train-Part-1- Train Resistance
Article 1: Performance Requirement of the train

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Next Part-9 of performance Calculation Shall Be published on 14th Mar 24

2. Formula and Tips for performance calculation of the train.

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Making a Complete Train like Metro /EMU/MEMU/Vande Bharat includes a lot of design, design,
development, manufacture, testing, commissioning and maintenance activities. The Major
activities are as follows:
1. Tender Engineering
2. Selection of propulsion equipment rating based on Performance calculation
3. Designing of Traction Converter
4. Designing of Motor & Transformer
5. Designing of Traction Control Management System (TCMS)
6. Function circuit Diagram
7. Train Schematics
8. BOI Engineering
9. Layout Engineering
10. Commissioning
11. Static & Dynamic Testing
12. RAMS Calculation
If you are interested in design of above activities for complete train, please follow me on
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©Dharmendra Kumar”, 11th Mar-2024 ©Global Academy of Rail Design

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