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Contents monomethod correlation coefficients, which ment (Lipsey & Wilson, 1993). I chose these
yield results that are artificially large com- two reviews because they serve as important
pared with associations found between real- summaries of the psychological literature
Hemphill .....................................................78
world, independently measured variables. included in meta-analytic reviews. Studies
Baer on Otto & Heilbrun .............................79
Cohen (1988) provided perhaps the most in Meyer et al. (2001) involving medical
Heilbrun & Otto reply ..................................80
widely known guidelines or “operational def- assessments were identified and removed
initions” (p. 79) that are more realistic than from my analyses. Effect sizes, reported us-
those above for interpreting the magnitude of ing Cohen’s d by Lipsey and Wilson (1993)
DOI: 10.1037/0003-066X.58.1.78 correlation coefficients typically found in the for 302 independent meta-analytic studies
behavioral sciences. These guidelines are (see their Table 1), were converted to Pear-
Interpreting the Magnitudes “offered as a convention . . . for use when son product–moment correlations (rs; see
of Correlation Coefficients no others suggest themselves” (Cohen, Rosenthal, 1991, Formula 2.20). Correla-
1988, p. 79). According to Cohen, correla- tion coefficients were sorted in ascending
tion coefficients in the order of .10 are order in terms of their magnitudes and divid-
James F. Hemphill “small,” those of .30 are “medium,” and ed into three groups with approximately equal
Simon Fraser University those of .50 are “large” in terms of magni- numbers of coefficients. This was done sep-
tude of effect sizes (see pp. 77–81). Cohen arately for the assessment, treatment, and
The American Psychological Association’s seems to have arrived at these guidelines combined meta-analytic studies.
(APA’s) Task Force on Statistical Inference largely on the basis of his considerable As indicated in Table 1, the values in
admonishes researchers to “always present ef- experience with effect sizes and correlation the lower, middle, and upper thirds were
fect sizes for primary outcomes” (Wilkinson coefficients. For this comment, an attempt similar for the sets of meta-analytic studies
& the APA Task Force on Statistical Infer- was made to extend Cohen’s benchmarks independently compiled by Meyer et al.
ence, 1999, p. 599), and the fifth edition of the by deriving empirical guidelines concerning (2001) and by Lipsey and Wilson (1993).
Publication Manual of the American Psycho- the magnitude of correlation coefficients The current analyses suggest that approxi-
logical Association states that “for the reader to found among psychological studies. mately one third of the correlation coeffi-
fully understand the importance of your find- cients presented in Table 1 are less than .20,
ings, it is almost always necessary to include
Empirical Guidelines one third fall between .20 and .30, and one
some index of effect size or strength of rela- third are more than .30 in magnitude (see the
tionship” (APA, 2001, p. 25). Given the sig-
I have examined and reanalyzed two large, rightmost column of Table 1). The large
nificance of these statements and the wide-
diverse, and impressive summaries of the number of research participants, the large
spread use of the correlation coefficient as a
research literature concerning psychological number of meta-analytic studies (i.e., 380)
key index of effect size (Meyer et al., 2001;
assessment (Meyer et al., 2001) and treat- on which these values are based, the simi-
Rosenthal, 1991), it is perhaps surprising that
empirical guidelines for interpreting the mag-
nitude of correlation coefficients typically found
among psychological studies are not widely Table 1
available. The Distribution of Correlation Coefficients Found Among Studies Included in
In the absence of empirical guidelines, Meta-Analytic Reviews, and Empirical Guidelines for Interpreting the Magnitude
investigators presumably will impose other of Correlation Coefficients
guidelines for interpreting the magnitude of
correlation coefficients. Many of these other of correlation Assessment Treatment Combined Empirical
guidelines by which the magnitude of corre- coefficients reviewa reviewb reviewsc guidelinesd
lation coefficients are compared are unreal-
istically large and “inappropriate” (Meyer et Lower third .02 to .21 – .08 to .17 – .08 to .17 < .20
al., 2001, p. 132). Three of these bench- Middle third .21 to .33 .17 to .28 .18 to .29 20 to .30
marks that Meyer et al. (2001) discussed Upper third .35 to .78 .29 to .60 .30 to .78 > .30
include comparisons with (a) a perfect cor- a
78 meta-analytic studies concerning psychological assessment reviewed by Meyer et al. (2001).
relation, which is virtually never found in b
302 meta-analytic studies concerning psychological treatment reviewed by Lipsey and Wilson (1993).
applied psychological research; (b) reliabili- c
A total of 380 meta-analytic studies.
ty coefficients, which often greatly exceed d
Guidelines are based on all 380 meta-analytic studies.
the values of validity coefficients; and (c)

78 January 2003 • American Psychologist

Copyright 2003 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0003-066X/03/$12.00
Vol. 58, No. 1, 78–80
larities in magnitudes of correlation coef- ence social policy. Second, it may prove chological tests. American Psychologist,
ficients found by other investigators (e.g., desirable to have a different set of empirical 57, 137–138.
Haase, Waechter, & Solomon, 1982), and guidelines for different types of studies (e.g., Haase, R. F., Waechter, D. M., & Solomon,
the remarkably similar mean correlation concurrent validity, predictive validity). G. S. (1982). How significant is a sig-
nificant difference? Average effect size
coefficients found between psychological Third, it seems too simplistic to have a single of research in counseling psychology.
and medical tests and among diverse as- set of empirical guidelines for interpreting Journal of Counseling Psychology, 29,
sessment procedures (e.g., see Meyer et the magnitude of correlation coefficients. 58–65.
al., 2001, p. 135, footnote 8; see also Garb, Large and substantive reviews of the psy- Lipsey, M. W., & Wilson, D. B. (1993).
Klein, & Grove, 2002) all suggest that the chological research literature undoubtedly The efficacy of psychological, educa-
values presented in Table 1 are likely to be would reveal the importance of having dif- tional, and behavioral treatment: Confir-
reasonably robust in magnitude. ferent sets of empirical guidelines for differ- mation from meta-analysis. American
Cohen’s (1988) benchmark of r = .50 ent areas of investigation. Psychologist, 48, 1181–1209.
for a large effect size corresponds to ap- Fourth, the predictor and criterion vari- Meyer, G. J., Finn, S. E., Eyde, L. D., Kay,
G. G., Moreland, K. L., Dies, R. R., et al.
proximately the 89th percentile for Meyer ables included to produce the current guide- (2001). Psychological testing and psy-
et al.’s (2001) psychological assessment lines typically were measured using very chological assessment: A review of evi-
studies and to the 97th percentile for Lip- different methods. Had they been measured dence and issues. American Psycholo-
sey and Wilson’s (1993) treatment stud- using a similar method (e.g., all by means of gist, 56, 128–165.
ies. Fewer than 3% (i.e., 2 of 76) of the self-report measures), then the magnitudes Rosenthal, R. (1991). Meta-analytic proce-
effect sizes in the meta-analytic review of the correlations obtained probably would dures for social research (Rev. ed.).
conducted by Anderson, Lindsay, and have been larger. Fifth, methodological and Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Bushman (1999) of both applied and labo- statistical factors, which perhaps are con- Wilkinson, L., & the American Psycho-
ratory research findings in diverse areas ceptually trivial, can have a dramatic impact logical Association Task Force on Statis-
of social psychology would meet Cohen’s on the statistical magnitude of correlation tical Inference. (1999). Statistical meth-
ods in psychology journals: Guidelines
standard for a large correlation coefficient coefficients. For example, research findings
and explanations. American Psycholo-
(i.e., r = .50, which corresponds to d = 1.15; with conceptually similar but operationally gist, 54, 594–604.
Rosenthal, 1991, p. 35). Taken together, different measures often produce results that
these findings suggest that the value Cohen are not interchangeable.
used to represent a large correlation coeffi- Sixth, the empirical guidelines in Table Correspondence concerning this comment
cient occurs somewhat infrequently in many 1 were formed on the basis of dividing the should be addressed to James F. Hemphill,
key research studies in psychology and that distribution of correlation coefficients into Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser Uni-
a lower value might be warranted in some versity, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, Brit-
upper, middle, and lower thirds. Other cut-
ish Columbia, Canada, V5A 1S6. E-mail:
instances. offs could have been used, which would
It seems that many consumers of psy- yield different guidelines. For example,
chological research expect correlation coef- correlation coefficients of less than .15
ficients to be even larger than those guide- represent the lower quartile, those in the
DOI: 10.1037/0003-066X.58.1.79
lines proposed by Cohen. I distributed a .15 to .35 range represent the middle half,
questionnaire concerning correlation coeffi- and those above .35 represent the upper
cients to more than 100 individuals, and a
Comment on Otto and
quartile. Seventh, it is possible that meta-
key question asked respondents to indicate analytic studies—which were used to gen-
Heilbrun (2002)
what value they thought would represent a erate the empirical guidelines—do not re-
large correlation coefficient in psychological flect the magnitude of correlation coefficients Michael Baer
research. Almost all of the senior under- found in psychological research in general. American College of Forensic Examiners
graduate students and most of the graduate The direction of bias (if any) is, at present,
students and practicing psychologists indi- unclear; some investigators (e.g., Anderson Otto and Heilbrun’s (January 2002) “The Prac-
cated that a large correlation coefficient would et al., 1999) have suggested that studies tice of Forensic Psychology: A Look Toward
equal or exceed r = .60. Psychologists work- subjected to meta-analytic review have larg- the Future in Light of the Past” started out with
ing in academic settings tended to provide er effect sizes than do other studies, whereas promise. Unfortunately, the authors, in their
the smallest estimates, but even most of them other investigators (e.g., Garb et al., 2002) quest to discredit all but closely protected Amer-
indicated that a large correlation coefficient have argued the opposite position. ican Psychological Association (APA) affili-
would equal or exceed r = .50. ated organizations, resorted to poor research,
REFERENCES misinformation, outdated material, innuendo,
Cautions mudslinging, and ridicule of other organiza-
American Psychological Association. (2001). tions. It is regrettable that Otto and Heilbrun
Empirical guidelines for interpreting the Publication manual of the American Psy- choose secondary references to quote when
magnitude of correlation coefficients are, to chological Association (5th ed.). Wash- information was available directly from the
some extent, artificial. First, many guide- ington, DC: Author. original source. I refer to the authors’ quotes
Anderson, C. A., Lindsay, J. J., & Bushman,
lines other than those based on statistical or from the Wall Street Journal (MacDonald,
B. J. (1999). Research in the psychological
empirical considerations can be generated. laboratory: Truth or triviality? Current Di-
1999) and the American Bar Association
For example, even though the correlation rections in Psychological Science, 8, 3–9. Journal (Hansen, 2000). Both of these snip-
between taking aspirin and preventing a heart Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis ing, uninformed sources have been discred-
attack is only r = .03 in magnitude (see for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). ited. Had the authors been interested in accu-
Rosenthal, 1991, p. 136)—small by most Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. racy and up-to-date information, they would
statistical standards—this value may be so- Garb, H. N., Klein, D. F., & Grove, W. M. have contacted the American College of Fo-
cially important and may nonetheless influ- (2002). Comparison of medical and psy- rensic Examiners (ACFE) and its American

January 2003 • American Psychologist 79

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