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Session 2023-24



Date of Assignment: 22/04/24 Date of Submission: 05/05/24

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Dr Veenu Arora Atul Prakash

Project question statement: Using assignment 1 data, study and

document the result/graphs in terms of Descriptive and Diagnostic
Diagnostic analysis or Interpretation

1. The majority of participants believe that job satisfaction is crucial for the overall wellbeing and
performance of employees.

2. The majority of participants believe that job satisfaction impacts an employee’s performance.

3. Participants perceive that job satisfaction is closely linked to employee engagement.

4. Participants perceive that job satisfaction does affect employee retention and turnover rates within an

5. Most participants feel that job satisfaction significantly boosts employee morale.

6. Participants are optimistic that job satisfaction positively affects collaboration and teamwork.

7. A portion of participants feel that job satisfaction has a neutral impact on maintaining the physical
and mental health of employees.

8. A portion of participants feel that job satisfaction has a neutral impact on employees' ability to
deliver work efficiently.

9. A portion of participants feel that job satisfaction has a neutral impact on fostering innovation and
creativity within the organization.

10. Participants believe that job satisfaction is neutral or aligned in some way with achieving the
organization's goals and objectives.

11. Participants are optimistic that job satisfaction influences an organization’s investment in employee
development and training.

12. The majority of participants have given a rating of 5, indicating the overall importance of job
satisfaction in the workplace.

13. Participants feel that managers and supervisors play a moderate or significant role in influencing the
job satisfaction of their team members.
14. Participants feel that employee job satisfaction positively affects customer satisfaction.

15. Participants feel that employee job satisfaction significantly reduces workplace stress experienced
by employees.

16. Participants feel that employee job satisfaction is extremely crucial for the long-term success and
sustainability of the organization.
Calculate eNPS score.

Numerical question 1 : eNPS (employee net promoter score) "Out of the 100 employees
surveyed, 70 gave a score of 9 or 10, 20 gave a score of 7 or 8, and 10 gave a score of 0 to 6
on the question: 'On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our organization as a
great place to work to your friends or colleagues?' What is the eNPS score for the

Ans. We have 100 employees, so if you have, for example, 70 Promoters, 20 Passives, and 10

P = (70/ 100) * 100%

= 70%

P = (20 / 100) * 100%

= 20%

D= (10/100) *100%


eNPS = 70 – 10

= 60

Numerical question 2: "Out of the 100 employees surveyed, 30 gave a score of 9 or 10, 25
gave a score of 7 or 8, and 45 gave a score of 0 to 6 on the question: 'On a scale of 0-10, how
likely are you to recommend our organization as a great place to work to your friends or
colleagues?' What is the eNPS score for the organization?"

Ans. We have 100 employees, so if you have, for example, 30 Promoters, 25 Passives, and 45

P = (30/ 100) * 100%

= 30%

P = (25 / 100) * 100%

= 25%
D= (45/100) *100%

= 45%

eNPS = 30 - 45

= -15

Numerical question 3: "Out of the 500 employees surveyed, 100 gave a score of 9 or 10,
150 gave a score of 7 or 8, and 250 gave a score of 0 to 6 on the question: 'On a scale of 0-10,
how likely are you to recommend our organization as a great place to work to your friends or
colleagues?' What is the eNPS score for the organization?"

Ans. We have 500 employees, so if you have, for example, 100 Promoters, 150 Passives, and

P = (100/ 500) * 100%

= 20%

P = (150 / 500) * 100%

= 30%

D= (250/500) *100%

eNPS = 20 - 50

= -30

1. HR analytics journey a . It was Mithin Coca Cola because begam in 2010.

2. It was needed because of expanding global footprint.

3. Analytics team was soon able focus on more "vable adding" analytics

4. CLE established a central HR analytics.

5. the initial steps involved reducing the volume of routine reports by 70%.

6. The shift allowed CLE to develop key measures for the HR function

7. CLE invested in technology to standardize metrics and improne descriptive analytics.

8. CLE piloted pre-existing measures within the application

9. They were alble to segment tasks based on the Skill set of the team.

10. It combined data from various sources.

11. With the standards in place CLE then termed to estalilishing a basic scorecard
approach to illustrate the data.

12. CCE faced challenges such as technology barriers, the need for specialized analytics

13. Shift to advanced reporting and correlation analysis.


Designing of Business focused HR Scorecard. (Align HR metrics with business strategy,

goals and objectives).


1. Increase Market Share 1. Talent Acquisition & Development 1. Align each KPI with
a. Time-to-fill key positions specific strategic objective
b. Employee Turnover Rate it supports.

2. Employee Engagement 2. Ensure that HR initiatives

a. Percentage of goals achieved contribute directly to the
b. Average employee performance achievement of business
rating goals.

2. Enhance Operational 3. Succession Planning 3. Compare KPIs against

Efficiency a. Succession fill rate for critical roles industry benchmarks.

4. Identify areas for

improvement by analysing
how HR metrics compare
to competitors.
3. Innovate Product 4. Workforce Diversity & Inclusion
Portfolio a. Diversity representation across 5. Implement feedback
departments mechanisms for
b. Inclusion survey results continuous improvement.
Data visualization using MS Excel and making data backed business decisions.

Salary Experience Brand value Skill Location Gender Age

70000 13 3 3 1 1 35
65000 23 2 2 1 2 45
80000 14 3 3 1 2 36
80000 17 3 3 2 1 39
74000 16 3 3 2 1 38
25000 0 1 3 2 2 21
30000 6 1 3 1 2 28
45000 18 3 2 1 2 40
55000 28 2 1 2 1 50

Score Gender Location Skills Brand Value

1 Male Metro City 1 skill Top 100 companies
2 Female Non metro city 2 skills Top 50 companies
3 - 3 skills Top 10 companies

Regression Analysis
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.999928996
R Square 0.999857998
Adjusted R Square 0.998863981
Standard Error 701.713058
Observations 9

df SS MS F F
Regression 7 3467063154 495294736.3 1005.876347 0.024273173
Residual 1 492401.2158 492401.2158
Total 8 3467555556
Standard P- Lower Upper
Coefficients Error t Stat value Lower 95% Upper 95% 95.0% 95.0%

Intercept 697807.50 41107.91 16.98 0.04 175481.98 1220133.02 175481.98 1220133.02

Experience 40686.93 1984.56 20.50 0.03 15470.76 65903.10 15470.76 65903.10

Brand value 4966.57 519.04 9.57 0.07 -1628.42 11561.55 -1628.42 11561.55

Skills 43283.69 1014.70 42.66 0.01 30390.68 56176.69 30390.68 56176.69

Location -10553.19 960.18 -10.99 0.06 -22753.42 1647.03 -22753.42 1647.03

Gender -6847.01 863.28 -7.93 0.08 -17816.03 4122.01 -17816.03 4122.01

Age -35671.73 1893.48 -18.84 0.03 -59730.62 -11612.84 -59730.62 -11612.84

X (independent variables): experience, brand value, qualification, skills, location, gender,


Y (dependent variable): salary


The compensation of an employee is dependent on various independent factors like in this

case, experience, brand value, qualification, skills, location, gender and age.

• If a person has more experience which is an independent variable (X), then his salary
(X) would be higher.
• More the score of brand value, more would be the salary of the employee.
• Skills of an employee are also positively correlated with the salary of the employee.
• The higher the score of location (non- metro city), the less would be the salary of the
• Age and gender are also affecting the salary of the employee due to industry
benchmarking and the career growth.

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