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BNBC-2020 (ACI 318M-08)
Date: 17 January 2022

Session 10: Concrete 03 – Design of Beams and

One-Way Slabs (Shear Design)

Dr. S. K. Ghosh
President, S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC


Training Program
Shear Stress in Beams

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Distribution of Shear Stress

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Distribution of Shear Stress
Section m-n
At a depth y from the N.A.
σdA = dA

Sum of normal forces over p-n

∫ I
01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component
Distribution of Shear Stress
Section m1-n1
At a depth y from the N.A.

σdA =
(M + dM )y
Sum of normal forces over p-n
(M + dM )y dA
∫ I
01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component
Distribution of Shear Stress

C1 C1 C1
(M + dM )y dA − My dMy
τbdx = ∫ I ∫ I
dA = ∫ I
y1 y1 y1
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Distribution of Shear Stress

τbdx = ∫ I

C1 C1
dM 1 V VQ
dx Ib ∫ ydA = Ib ∫ ydA = Ib
y1 y1

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Distribution of Shear Stress

Q= ∫ ydA
=b ∫ ydy
y2  b  h 2 2

= b  = − y1
 2  y 
2 4 

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Distribution of Shear Stress

V  h 2 2

τ= − y1
2I  4 

for y1 = ± h / 2, τ = 0
V 12 h 2 3 V 3
for y1 = 0, τ = = = τav
2 bh 3 4 2 bh 2

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Distribution of Shear Stress

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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
Mohr’s Circle and Principal Stresses

Applied stresses:
σx, σy and τxy

Principal stresses (zero

shear condition):
σ1 and σ2
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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
Mohr’s Circle and Principal Stresses
Construction of Mohr’s Circle
1. Plot normal stress σ along x-axis and shear stress τ
along y-axis.
2. Plot the stresses on the vertical face: σx, τxy
3. Plot the stresses on the horizontal face: σy, τxy
4. Join the above two points with a straight line and
draw a circle that has the center where the line
intersects the σ-axis and which passes through the
two points
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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
Mohr’s Circle and Principal Stresses

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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
Mohr’s Circle and Principal Stresses
Mohr’s Circle
σx + σy
σav = OC =
 σx − σy 
R =   + τ2xy
2 
 
2τ xy
tan 2ϕa =
σx − σy

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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
Mohr’s Circle and Principal Stresses

σx + σy  σx − σy 
σ1 = OA = OC + CA = σav + R = +   + τ2xy
2 2 
 
σx + σy  σx − σy 
σ2 = OB = OC − CB = σav − R = −   + τ2xy
2 2 
 
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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
Mohr’s Circle and Principal Stresses

In Element 1
σ x = σ y = 0 → σ1 = −σ2 = τ xy , 2ϕa = 90 , ϕa = 45

In Element 2
σx σ2x 2 σx σ2x 2 2τ xy
σ y = 0 → σ1 = + + τ xy , σ2 = − + τ xy , tan2ϕa =
2 4 2 4 σx

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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
Mohr’s Circle and Principal Stresses

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Shear and Diagonal Tension

In Summary
 Resisting shear in concrete = Resisting diagonal
tension in concrete
 Diagonal tension is maximum at the neutral axis
(N.A.) of a given section and zero at the top and
bottom edges of a section.

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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
RC Beams without Shear Reinforcement

Vd/M determines behavior

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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
RC Beams without Shear Reinforcement

Vd/M determines behavior

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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
RC Beams without Shear Reinforcement

Vd/M determines behavior

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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
RC Beams without Shear Reinforcement

Web-shear cracking due to large Vd/M

Diagonal tension stress near N.A. = Tension strength of
concrete = 0.25 to 0.4 fc' MPa
Required nominal average shear stress, vcr = Vcr/bd = 0.29 fc' MPa

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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
RC Beams without Shear Reinforcement

Flexure-shear cracking due to small Vd/M

Shear stress at the tip of crack >> v = V/bd

Simultaneous bending stress increases diagonal stress
Required nominal average shear stress, vcr = Vcr/bd = 0.16 fc'

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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
RC Beams without Shear Reinforcement
Effect of flexural reinforcement
Large tension reinforcement percentage, ρ, results in
smaller and narrower flexural tension cracks prior to
formation of diagonal tension cracking. This leaves a
large area of uncracked concrete to resist shear.
Vcr ' Vd
v cr = = 0.16 fc + 17ρ ≤ 0.29 fc'
bd M

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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
RC Beams without Shear Reinforcement


Vcr '
v cr = = 0.17 fc MPa

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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
RC Beams without Shear Reinforcement

Behavior of diagonally cracked beam

 Diagonal tension failure
 Stabilization of diagonal tension cracks

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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
RC Beams without Shear Reinforcement

Behavior of diagonally cracked beam

Vext = Vint = Vc + Vd + Viy, where Vext = R1 – P1

Vc = Vext – Vd – Viy
(Mext)a = R1xa – P1(xa – x1) and (Mint)a = (Ts)bz + (Vd)bx ≈ (Ts)bz
From (Mint)a = (Mext)a, (Ts)b = (Mext)a / z
01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component
Shear and Diagonal Tension -
RC Beams without Shear Reinforcement

Behavior of diagonally cracked beam

Formation of diagonal cracks produces the following
redistribution of forces and stresses:
• Shear stress on concrete increases from Vext/bd to Vc/by
• Flexural compression Cc acts over by rather than bkd
• Tension in steel at b is caused by bending moment at a
If both materials can resist the increased stresses,
equilibrium re-establishes itself.

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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
RC Beams with Shear Reinforcement

Shear resistance mechanism consists of:

Vc = Shear resisted by concrete
Vs = Shear resisted by stirrups
Vd = Shear resisted by dowel action of flexural reinforcement
Viy = Shear resisted by aggregate interlocking
along inclined crack
01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component
Shear and Diagonal Tension -
RC Beams with Shear Reinforcement

Vext = Vc + Vs + Vd + Viy

Vs = ∑n Avfyt where n = x / s

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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
RC Beams with Shear Reinforcement

Assumed: Vc + Vd + Viy = Vcr and x = d

At failure, Vext = Vn = Vcr + Avfytd/s

Nominal ultimate shear stress = vn = Vn/bd = vcr + Avfyt/bs

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Shear and Diagonal Tension -
RC Beams with Shear Reinforcement

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Required Shear Strength


For nonprestressed members, sections located less
than a distance d from face of support shall be
permitted to be designed for Vu computed at a distance

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Required Shear Strength

ACI 11.1.3 (

Section ( is applicable if all of the
following conditions are satisfied:
- Support reaction, in direction of applied shear,
introduces compression into the end regions of

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Required Shear Strength

- Loads are applied at or near the top of the member

- No concentrated load occurs between face of support
and location of critical section defined in

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Required Shear Strength

ACI 318M-08 Fig. R11.1.3.1

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Design for Shear

ACI 11.1 (6.4.1)

Design shear strength ≥ Required shear strength

φVn ≥ Vu (φ = 0.75)

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Nominal Shear Strength

ACI 11.1 (6.4.1)

Nominal shear strength:
V n = Vc + Vs
Vc : Shear strength provided by concrete calculated in
accordance with 11.2 (6.4.2) or 11.11 (6.4.10) (slabs and
Vs : Shear strength provided by shear reinforcement
calculated in accordance with 11.4 (6.4.3)
or 11.11 (6.4.10), and
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Nominal Shear Strength


In determining Vn , the effect of any openings in
members shall be considered.

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Nominal Shear Strength

ACI-ASCE Committee 426, “Shear Strength of

Reinforced Concrete Members (ACI 426R-74)
(Reapproved1980),” Proceedings, ASCE, V. 99, No.
ST6, June 1973, pp. 1148-1157, (Section 4.7).

Barney, G. B.; Corley, W. G.; Hanson, J. M.; and

Parmelee, R. A., “Behavior and Design of Prestressed
Concrete Beams with Large Web Openings,” Journal
of the Prestressed Concrete Institute, V. 22, No. 6,
Nov.-Dec. 1977, pp. 32-61.
01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component
Nominal Shear Strength

Schlaich, J.; Schafer, K.; and Jennewein, M., “Toward a

Consistent Design of Structural Concrete,” Journal of
the Prestressed Concrete Institute, V. 32, No. 3, May-
June 1987, pp. 74-150.

Mansur, M.A., and Tan, K. H., Concrete Beams with

Openings: Analysis and Design, CRC Press LLC, Boca
Raton, FL, 1999.

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Shear Strength Provided by Concrete


In determining Vc , whenever applicable, effects of axial
tension due to creep and shrinkage in restrained
members shall be considered and effects of inclined
flexural compression in variable depth members shall
be permitted to be included.

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Shear Strength Provided by Concrete

ACI 11.1.2 (

The value of fc' used in ACI Chapter 11 (Section 6.4)
shall not exceed 8.3 MPa except as allowed in

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Shear Strength Provided by Concrete

ACI R11.1.2
Because of a lack of test data and practical experience
with concretes having compressive strengths greater
than 70 MPa, the 1989 edition of the Code imposed a
maximum value of 8.3 MPa on √f'c for use in the
calculation of shear strength of concrete beams, joists,
and slabs. Exceptions to this limit were permitted . . ..

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Shear Strength Provided by Concrete


Values of √f'c greater than 8.3 MPa shall be permitted in
computing Vc for reinforced concrete beams and
concrete joist construction having minimum web
reinforcement in accordance with ( …

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Shear Strength Provided by Concrete

ACI R11.1.2.1
Based on the test results …an increase in the minimum
amount of transverse reinforcement is required for high-
strength concrete.
In ACI 318-89 through ACI 318-99, increase in minimum
amount of shear reinforcement was sudden.
In 318-02, increase became gradual.

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Shear Strength Provided by Concrete

ACI 11.2.1 (

Vc shall be computed by provisions of
( through (, unless a more
detailed calculation is made in accordance with 11.2.2
( Throughout this chapter, except in 11.6
(6.4.5) (shear-friction), λ shall be as defined in Section
8.6.1 (

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Shear Strength Provided by Concrete


For members subject to shear and flexure only,

ACI Eq. 11-3

Vc = 0.17λ fc' bw d (BNBC Eq. 6.6.49)
λ = 1.0 for normal-weight concrete
bw = web width

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Shear Strength Provided by Concrete


For members subject to axial compression,
Nu ACI Eq. 11-4
Vc = 0.17(1 + )λ fc' bw d
14 Ag (BNBC Eq. 6.6.50)

Quantity Nu/Ag shall be expressed in MPa.

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Shear Strength Provided by Concrete


For members subject to significant axial tension, Vc
shall be taken as zero unless a more detailed analysis
is made using (

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Shear Strength Provided by Concrete

ACI 11.2.2 (

Vc shall be permitted to be computed by the more
detailed calculation of ( through (

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Shear Strength Provided by Concrete


For members subject to shear and flexure only,
 ' Vu d 
Vc =  0.16λ fc + 17ρw bw d ≤ 0.29λ fc' bw d
 Mu 
ACI Eq. 11-5
where (BNBC Eq. 6.6.51)
ρw = As / (bwd)
Vud/Mu should not exceed 1.0 and Mu occurs
simultaneously with Vu at section considered

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Shear Strength Provided by Concrete

0.29 f ’c = 20 MPa
f ’c = 35 MPa

fc bw d




Vu d Mu
Variation of Vc/(f ’c)0.5bwd with f ’c, ρw, and Vud/Mu using Eq. (11-5)(6.6.51) for normal concrete

Figure from “Notes on ACI 318-08” published by PCA

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Shear Strength Provided by Concrete


For members subject to axial compression,
 ' Vu d 
Vc =  0.16λ fc + 17ρw bw d (BNBC Eq. 6.6.51)
 Mm 

' 0.29Nu ACI Eq. 11-7

≤ 0.29λ fc bw d 1 + (BNBC Eq. 6.6.53)

(4h − d ) ACI Eq. 11-6

where M m = Mu − Nu (BNBC Eq. 6.6.52)
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Shear Strength Provided by Concrete

Nu is factored axial force normal to cross section

occurring simultaneously with Vu or Tu; to be taken as
positive for compression and negative for tension
The quantity of Nu/Ag is expressed in MPa.
Vud/Mm is not limited to 1.0.
ACI Eq. (11-7) (6.6.53) is used when Mm by ACI Eq.
(11-6) (6.6.52) is computed as negative.

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Shear Strength Provided by Concrete


For members subject to significant axial tension,
 0.29Nu 
Vc = 0.171 + λ fc' bw d > 0 ACI Eq. 11-8
 Ag  (BNBC Eq. 6.6.54)
 
The quantity of Nu/Ag is expressed in MPa.

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Shear Strength Provided by Concrete

ACI 11.2.3 (

For circular members, effective shear area is taken as
the product of the diameter and effective depth of the
concrete section. Effective depth d can be taken as
80% of the diameter of the section.

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Shear strength Provided by Shear
Types of Shear Reinforcement
The following are permitted as shear reinforcement:
- Stirrups perpendicular to axis of member
- Welded wire reinforcement with wires located
perpendicular to axis of member
- Spirals, circular ties, or hoops

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Shear strength Provided by Shear
The following are also permitted as shear reinforcement
for nonprestressed members:
- Stirrups making an angle of 45 degrees or more with
longitudinal tension reinforcement
- Longitudinal reinforcement with bent portion making
an angle of 30 degree or more with the longitudinal
tension reinforcement
- Combinations of stirrups and bent longitudinal
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Shear strength Provided by Shear
ACI 11.4.2 (
fyt ≤ 420 MPa
fyt ≤ 550 MPa (for welded deformed wire

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Shear strength Provided by Shear

Figure from “Notes on ACI 318-08” published by PCA

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Shear strength Provided by Shear
ACI 11.4.4 (
Stirrups and other bars or wires used as shear
reinforcement shall extend to a distance d from
extreme compression fiber and shall be developed at
both ends according to 12.13 (8.2.10).

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Shear strength Provided by Shear
Minimum shear reinforcement
After diagonal shear cracks are formed, additional
deformation results in the growth of shear cracks and it
is restrained by shear reinforcement.
Prior to ACI 318-02, minimum amount of transverse
reinforcement was not a function of concrete
compressive strength.

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Shear strength Provided by Shear
ACI 99 –

0.33bw s
Av ,min =

Experimental tests verified that the required amount of

shear reinforcement should be increased with higher
concrete strength to prevent sudden failure after
inclined cracks were formed.

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Shear strength Provided by Shear
It is more reasonable that concrete compressive
strength is included as a parameter in the
determination of minimum amount of shear

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Shear strength Provided by Shear

bw s 0.35bw s
Av ,min = 0.062 fc' ≥
fyt fyt
ACI Eq. 11-13
(BNBC Eq. 6.6.55)
Since ACI 2002, minimum amount of shear
reinforcement is a function of concrete compressive

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Shear strength Provided by Shear

ACI 318-99
Av fy
bw s
0.35 ACI 318-02

0 35 70 105 140
Concrete Strength, f’c, MPa
URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component
Shear strength Provided by Shear
Minimum shear reinforcement (Av,min) shall be provided
where Vu exceeds 0.5φVc except in members satisfying
one or more of the following conditions:
- Footings and solid slabs
- Hollow-core units with total untopped depth not
greater than 315 mm and hollow-core units where Vu is
not greater than 0.5φVcw

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Shear strength Provided by Shear
- Concrete joist construction by ACI 8.13 (6.1.14)
- Beam with h not greater than 250 mm
- Beam integral with slabs with h not greater than 600
mm and not greater than the larger of 2.5 times
thickness of flange and 0.5 times width of web
- Beams constructed of steel fiber-reinforced, normal-
weight concrete with f ’c not exceeding 40 MPa, h not
greater than 600 mm, and Vu not greater than
φ0.17λ fc' bw d
01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component
Shear strength Provided by Shear
ACI R11.4.6.1
Experimental tests indicated that some conditions (such
as deep, lightly reinforced one-way slabs and beams;
flexural members with high-strength concrete; and
flexural members having concrete with small coarse
aggregate size) resulted in failure at shear loads less
than Vc by ACI Eq. 11-3 (6.6.55).

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Shear strength Provided by Shear
ACI R11.4.6.1
Providing minimum amount of shear reinforcement is a
prudent approach for flexural members subjected to
repeated loading, even though shear reinforcement is
not required based on calculation and/or experimental
static tests.

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Shear strength Provided by Shear
Minimum shear reinforcement requirements of
shall be permitted to be waived if shown by test that
required Mn and Vn can be developed when shear
reinforcement is omitted. Such tests shall simulate
effects of differential settlement, creep, shrinkage, and
temperature change, based on a realistic assessment
of such effects occurring in service.

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Shear strength Provided by Shear
When shear reinforcement perpendicular to axis of member
is used
Av fyt d ACI Eq. 11-15
Vs =
s (BNBC Eq. 6.6.56)
Av = area of shear reinforcement
s = spacing of shear reinforcement
fyt = specified yield strength of transverse reinforcement

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Shear strength Provided by Shear
Where circular ties, hoops, or spirals are used as shear
reinforcement, Vs shall be computed using Eq. (11-15)
(6.6.56) where d is defined in 11.2.3 ( for
circular members, Av shall be taken as two times the
area of the bar in a circular tie, hoop, or spiral at a
spacing s , s is measured in a direction parallel to
longitudinal reinforcement, and fyt is the specified yield
strength of circular tie, hoop, or spiral reinforcement.

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Shear strength Provided by Shear
When inclined stirrups are used as shear reinforcement

Av fyt (sin α + cos α )d ACI Eq. 11-16

Vs =
s (BNBC Eq. 6.6.57)
α = angle between inclined stirrup and longitudinal axis
of the member

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Shear strength Provided by Shear
Where shear reinforcement consists of a single bar or a
single group of parallel bars, all bent up at the same
distance from the support
ACI Eq. 11-17
Vs = Av fy sin α ≤ 0.25 fc bw d (BNBC Eq. 6.6.58)

α = angle between bent-up reinforcement and
longitudinal axis of the member
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Shear strength Provided by Shear
Where shear reinforcement consists of a series of
parallel bent-up bars or groups of parallel bent-up bars
at different distances from the support
Av fyt (sin α + cos α )d ACI Eq. 11-16
Vs =
s (BNBC Eq. 6.6.57)
α = angle between inclined stirrup and longitudinal axis
of the member
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Shear strength Provided by Shear
Only the center three-fourths of the inclined portion of
any longitudinal bent bar shall be considered effective
for shear reinforcement.
Vs shall be computed as the sum of the values
computed for the various types of shear reinforcement.

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Shear strength Provided by Shear
Vs ≤ 0.66 fc' bw d

Thus, the upper limit of nominal shear strength (for

normal-weight concrete) is as follows:
Vn = Vc + Vs
' ' '
= 0 . 17 fc wb d + 0 . 66 fc wb d = 0 . 83 fc bw d

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Shear strength Provided by Shear
Spacing of shear reinforcement

φVn = φ(Vc + Vs) ≥ Vu

Av fyt d
− Vc

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Shear strength Provided by Shear
ACI 11.4.5 ( Spacing limits for shear

For shear reinforcement placed perpendicular to axis of

Spacing = smaller (d/2, 600 mm) for Vs ≤ 0 . 33 fc bw d
Spacing = smaller (d/4, 300 mm) for Vs > 0.33 fc' bw d

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Shear strength Provided by Shear
For inclined stirrups and bent longitudinal reinforcement
Every 45-degree line, extending toward the reaction
from mid-depth of member d/2 to longitudinal tension
reinforcement, shall be crossed by at least one line of
shear reinforcement. (
When Vs exceeds 0.33 fc' bw d , the required spacing is
reduced by one-half. (

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Deep Beams

ACI 11.7.1 (

Deep beams:
- n ≤ 4 × overall member depth
- Concentrated loads within 2 × the member depth from
the support, loaded on one face and supported on the
other face (compression strut can develop between the
load and the support)

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Deep Beams

ACI 11.7.2 (

Deep beams shall be designed using either nonlinear
analysis as permitted in 10.7.1 (, or Appendix A

ACI 11.7.3 (

Vn ≤ 0 . 83 fc bw d

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Deep Beams

Reference may be made to ACI 318-99 for detailed

design procedure.

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Deep Beams

ACI 11.7.4 (

Shear reinforcement perpendicular to the flexural
tension reinforcement
Minimum amount of reinforcement (Av) = 0.0025bws
Maximum spacing = smaller (d/5, 300 mm)

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Deep Beams

ACI 11.7.5 (

Shear reinforcement parallel to the flexural tension
Minimum amount of reinforcement (Avh) = 0.0015bws
Maximum spacing = smaller (d/5, 300 mm)

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Example 1
Design of Beam for Shear

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Example 1: Design of Beam for Shear
115 kN/m uniform load

6 m clear span

400 mm
fc’ = 40 MPa
fy = 420 MPa
550 mm

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Example 1: Design of Beam for Shear

Calculate shear demand

At the face of the support, Vu = 115 x 6 / 2 = 345 kN

At critical section for shear, at a distance d (= 550 mm)
from the support face,

Vu = 345 – 115x0.55 = 282 kN

Sections located less than a distance d from the face of

a support may normally be designed for the same Vu
as that computed at a distance d.
01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component
Example 1: Design of Beam for Shear

Calculate shear resisted by concrete

Vc = 0.17 fc' bw d = 0.17 x 40 x 400 x 550 x10 −3 = 236 kN

For shear and torsion, φ = 0.75 (ACI 318M-08 Section

φVc = 0.75 x 236 = 177 kN < Vu (= 282 kN)

Shear reinforcement is necessary.

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Example 1: Design of Beam for Shear

Calculate required shear reinforcement

Distance from support-face where Vu becomes φVc (=

177 kN):
345 – 115x1 = 177  x1 = 1.5 m

Distance from support-face where Vu becomes φVc/2 (=

88.5 kN):
345 – 115x2 = 88.5  x2 = 2.2 m

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Example 1: Design of Beam for Shear



1.5 m
2.2 m


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Example 1: Design of Beam for Shear

Calculate required shear reinforcement

Shear reinforcement needs to be designed for the

length of the beam from each support face up to
1.5 m from the supports.
Minimum shear reinforcement needs to be provided
between 1.5 m to 2.2 m from each support face (ACI
318M-08 Section 11.4.6 (

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Example 1: Design of Beam for Shear
Design of shear reinforcement
Required design strength provided by shear reinforcement
= Vu - φVc = 345 – 177 = 168 kN
< 0.66φ fc' bw d (= 689 kN)…. OK

Provide No.12 2-legged stirrups. (Av = 2x113 = 226 mm2)

Av fyt d
Required spacing, s = Vu − V = 233 mm
01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component
Example 1: Design of Beam for Shear

Calculate maximum permissible spacing

For φVs < 0.33φ fc' bw d (= 344.5 kN)

smax = smaller (d/2, 600 mm) = 275 mm > sreq (= 233 mm)

Provide No. 12 2-legged stirrups at 230 mm spacing.

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Example 1: Design of Beam for Shear

Calculate minimum shear reinforcement

b s 400 x 230
Av ,min = 0.062 fc' w = 0.062 40 = 86 mm 2
fyt 420
0.35bw s 0.35 x 400 x 230
≥ = = 77 mm 2
fyt 420

Provided Av = 226 mm2…………OK

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Example 1: Design of Beam for Shear

Between 1.5 m and 2.2 m from the face of the support,

minimum shear reinforcement needs to be provided.
With No.12 2-legged stirrups, required spacing is:
Av fyt 226 x 420
s= = = 605 mm
0.062bw fc' 0.062 x 400 x 40
Av fyt 226 x 420
≤ = = 678 mm
0.35bw 0.35 x 400
smax = 275 mm

Provide No.12 2-legged stirrups at 275 o.c.

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Example 1: Design of Beam for Shear

Stirrup placement
 Place the first stirrup from 120 mm from each support.
 Place 6 stirrups at 230 mm spacing, starting from 350
mm from each support and up to 1500 mm from each
support .
 Place 10 stirrups at equal spacing (≈ 273 mm) in the
rest of the beam.

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Example 1: Design of Beam for Shear

120 mm 120 mm
1380 mm 3000 mm 1380 mm

230 mm o.c. 273 mm o.c. 230 mm o.c.

6 m clear span

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Example 2
Deep Beam for Shear

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Example 2: Deep Beam for Shear

Simply supported transfer girder

0.5 m

1500 mm

500 mm
1.8 m 1.8 m
0.4 m 0.4 m

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Example 2: Deep Beam for Shear

Design Conditions

fc’ = 40 MPa
fy = 420 MPa
Dead load from column = 800 kN
Live Load from column = 1100 kN

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Example 2: Deep Beam for Shear

Calculate shear demand

The dead load of transfer girder is lumped with the
column load at midspan
D = 0.5 × 1.5 × 3.6 × 2400 × 9.81 × 10-3
+ 800 = 864 kN
Pu = 1.4D = 1229 kN
= 1.2D + 1.6L = 2797 kN ….. Governs

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Example 2: Deep Beam for Shear
2797 kN

1399 kN 1399 kN
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Example 2: Deep Beam for Shear

Check definition of “deep beam”

ACI 10.7.1 ( or 11.7.1 (
Clear span n = 3.6 m
Overall height of beam h = 1.5 m
n/h = 3.6/1.5 = 2.4 < 4.0
Loaded on one face, supported on the opposite face
 Deep beam

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Example 2: Deep Beam for Shear

ACI 318M-08 requires analysis accounting for nonlinear

strain distribution or use of strut-and-tie model
(Appendix A (I)) for deep beam design.

In this example, the deep beam provisions included in

Section 11.8 of the 1999 edition of ACI 318 are used to
account for nonlinear strain distribution in the beam.

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Example 2: Deep Beam for Shear

Calculate shear demand

Assuming effective depth d = 0.9h = 1350 mm,
Distance of critical section for shear from support face is
(ACI 318M-99):
0.5a = 0.5 × 1800 mm = 900 mm < 1350 mm
Because the shear distribution is uniform from the
supports to midspan, the shear demand does not
change from the support face to the critical section.
Vu at 900 mm from face = 1399 kN
01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component
Example 2: Deep Beam for Shear

Calculate shear strength (ACI 318-99)

Shear strength provided by concrete (Vc):

Vc = 0.17 fc' bw d
= 0.17 × 40 × 500 × 1350 × 1/ 1000 = 726 kN

φVc = 0.75 × 726 kN = 545 kN < Vu (= 1399 kN)

Thus, shear reinforcement needs to be provided.

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Example 2: Deep Beam for Shear
Provide shear reinforcement (ACI 318M-99)
  n    n 
 Av  1 + d  Avh  11 − d 
Vs =   +  fy d (Eq. 11-30)
 s  12  s2  12 
    
Av = Area of shear reinforcement perpendicular to flexural
s = Spacing of Av
Avh = Area of shear reinforcement parallel to flexural reinforcement
s2 = Spacing of Avh
01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component
Example 2: Deep Beam for Shear
Provide shear reinforcement (ACI 318M-08)
11.7.4 ( — The area of shear reinforcement
perpendicular to the flexural tension reinforcement, Av
, shall not be less than 0.0025bws , and s shall not
exceed the smaller of d / 5 and 300 mm.
11.7.5 ( — The area of shear reinforcement
parallel to the flexural tension reinforcement, Avh, shall
not be less than 0.0015bws2, and s2 shall not exceed
the smaller of d / 5 and 300 mm.

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Example 2: Deep Beam for Shear

Provide minimum horizontal shear reinforcement:

Minimum reinforcement ratio ρh = 0.0015

Try 2-No.16 (Avh = 2 × 201 = 402 mm2)
Required spacing s2 = Avh / (0.0015bw)
= 402 / (0.0015 × 500)
= 536 mm

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Example 2: Deep Beam for Shear

Maximum allowable spacing s2 is smaller (1350/5 =270,

300). Required spacing (536 mm) is larger than
maximum allowable horizontal spacing (270 mm).

Thus, provide No. 16 bars @ 270 mm in two layers as

horizontal shear reinforcement

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Example 2: Deep Beam for Shear

Calculate required vertical shear reinforcement:

      
 Av  1+ n  A  11 − n 
Vs = Vu φ − Vc =   d  + vh  d fy d
 s  12  s2  12 
   
    
Using 2-legged No. 16 stirrups, Av = 2 × 201 = 402 mm2

  3600   3600 
(1399 0.75 − 726 ) × 1000 =  402  1 + 1350  + 402  11 − 1350 
 
420 × 1350  s  12  270  12 

    

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Example 2: Deep Beam for Shear

Required spacing, s = 126 mm

Provide 2-legged No. 16 stirrups @ 120 mm as vertical
shear reinforcement.

ρ = 402 / (120 × 500) = 0.0067 > 0.0025 O.K.

Maximum allowable spacing = smaller (1350/5 =270,

300). Provided spacing 120 mm is smaller than
maximum allowable spacing (270 mm) (ACI 318M-08
11.7.4( ……………O.K.
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Example 2: Deep Beam for Shear
  n    n 
 Av  1 +  A  11 − 
Vs =   d  + vh  d  f d
 s  12  s2  12 
    
  3600   3600 
 402  1 + 1350  402  11 − 1350 
=  +   × 420 × 1350 × 1/ 1000
 120  12  270  12 

    
= 1167 kN
Vn =Vc + Vs = 726 + 1167 = 1893 kN
φVn = 0.75 × 1893 = 1420 kN > Vu (= 1399 kN) O.K.
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Example 2: Deep Beam for Shear

Vn (max) = 0.83 fc bw d
= 0.83 × 40 × 500 × 1350 × 1/ 1000 = 3543 kN

Vn (1893 kN) < Vn(max) (= 3543 kN) O.K.

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Example 3
Shear Design of One-Way Slab

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Example 3: Shear Design of One-Way Slab

One-way slab represented by a series of beams

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Example 3: Shear Design of One-Way Slab

Design conditions:
Clear span, ln = 7 m
fc’ = 40 MPa
fy = 420 MPa
Superimposed dead load, wsdl = 2.0 kN/m2
Live load, wL = 2.5 kN/m2
Slab thickness = 305 mm
(Effective depth = 305 – 20 – 16/2 = 277 mm)
01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component
Example 3: Shear Design of One-Way Slab

Determine total factored load

Self weight = 0.305 x 2400 x 9.81x 10-3 = 7.2 kN/m2

Total dead load = 7.2 + 2.0 = 9.2 kN/m2

wu = 1.4wD = 12.88 kN/m2

= 1.2wD + 1.6wL = 15.04 kN/m2….. Governs

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

Example 3: Shear Design of One-Way Slab

Calculate shear demand

Use ACI 318 coefficients (Section 8.3.3 (
1. There are two or more spans ……..OK
2. Spans are approximately equal, with the larger of
two adjacent spans not greater than the shorter by
more than 20 percent ………OK
3. Loads are uniformly distributed ………OK
4. Unfactored live load, L, does not exceed three
times unfactored dead load, D ……..OK
5. Members are prismatic ……………..OK
01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component
Example 3: Shear Design of One-Way Slab

Calculate shear demand

Use ACI 318 coefficients (Section 8.3.3 (
Based on an end span and a strip of unit (1 m) width:

1. Shear in end members at face of first interior support

= 1.15wuln/2 = 60.5 kN

2. Shear at faces of all other supports

= wuln/2 = 52.6 kN
01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component
Example 3: Shear Design of One-Way Slab

Calculate shear demand

At the face of the support, Vu = 60.5 kN
At critical section for shear, at a distance d (= 277 mm)
from the support face,

Vu = 60.5 – 15.04 x 0.277 = 56.3 kN

Sections located less than a distance d from the face of

a support may normally be designed for the same Vu
as that computed at a distance d.
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Example 3: Shear Design of One-Way Slab

Calculate shear strength

Shear strength provided by concrete (Vc) (ACI
ACI Eq. (11-3)
Vc = 0.17λ fc' bw d BNBC Eq. (6.6.49)

= 0.17 × 1.0 × 40 × 1000 × 277 × 1/ 000

= 297.8 kN

φVc (= 0.75x297.8 =223.4 kN) > Vu (= 56.3 kN) O.K.

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Example 3: Shear Design of One-Way Slab

In ACI (, minimum shear

reinforcement is required when Vu exceed 0.5φVc.
However, this requirement is not applicable for solid

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Thank you

01/17/2022 URP | RAJUK | S-8 Component

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