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Dear User!

I wish to welcome you at the CEEAMS integrated cloud systems.

Please kindly note this document is constantly evolving so do the system. You will be
notified with the new changes/procedures accordingly via email.

The system is tiered and your login will allow you to use certain applications/services
depending on your status, requirements.

After reading this document in full you need to take your first step to instate your login.

1. Activation and Password self service

First, please go to CEEAMS self service.

This tool provides you the option to change and reset your own password.
When you enter your username (which is your new email address) and the initial password you
have received separately, the system will ask you to set security questions first.

After the security questions have been set please change your password immediately!

Rules of passwords and secrecy.

• Treat your password as your toothbrush! Change it regularly, and never share it with
• Your password is Your responsibility! You will have access to various systems and to a lot of
data. You are key to the systems’ security defence! You are responsible for your stored data
on the system.
• Therefore your password must:
✔ Be at least 8 characters long (Longer the better!)
✔ Contain at least 2 UPPER case characters
✔ Contain at least 3 lower case characters
✔ Contain at least 2 digit (1234567890)
✔ Contain at least 1 special character like: £$?!&”%^*(){}[]~#’/.<>|\+-
• You should never ever:
✗ Share your password with anyone!
✗ Never write your passwords down, whether that’s on a piece of paper or on a
note electronically!
✗ Never write your security questions and answers down!
✗ Never reuse your passwords!
✗ Send your password electronically or manually!
✗ Use easily guessable passwords! (family/pet/D.O.B/etc names are the easiest to
✗ Use the same password elsewhere!

The system don’t specifically restrict special language specific characters like what is not in
the English alphabet, so please feel to try to use them although I cannot guarantee all characters in
all languages are fully supported. Technically it should not be an issue. If you have any issue with
this please feel free to reach out!

1 Version 0.8 Provided by Istvan Berenyi @ NativeCloud.Consulting


Your password do have an expiry. You must change your password every 90 days.
Please change it on time. The system will send an email close to the expiry to kindly remind you.
In case you forgot to change your password your account will be locked and you need to ask the
administrator to unlock your account. Locked account still receives email but your services will be
unavailable to you until your account is reinstated and your password changed.

Please kindly note that some systems may offer password reset, however they do NOT work
by design! Password change/reset only possible at . Nowhere else, we
have disabled password change functionality where it was possible to avoid confusion, however it
was not doable in all places.

Further self service functionalities:

At you have the option to search for fellow members and also to
update your profile with title, website, an avatar (small profile picture). If you think other data
would be valuable to see please send us suggestions and we will implement them where applicable.

2 Version 0.8 Provided by Istvan Berenyi @ NativeCloud.Consulting



Due to the complex nature of the system and your work you will have access to several areas
with your login.
Please read the below GDPR related information carefully.

What is GDPR and personal Data?

The GDPR outlines six data protection principles you must comply with when processing
personal data. These principles relate to:

Lawfulness, fairness and transparency - you must process personal data lawfully, fairly and in a
transparent manner in relation to the data subject.
Purpose limitation - you must only collect personal data for a specific, explicit and legitimate
purpose. You must clearly state what this purpose is, and only collect data for as long as necessary
to complete that purpose.
Data minimisation - you must ensure that personal data you process is adequate, relevant and
limited to what is necessary in relation to your processing purpose.
Accuracy - you must take every reasonable step to update or remove data that is inaccurate or
incomplete. Individuals have the right to request that you erase or rectify erroneous data that relates
to them, and you must do so within a month.
Storage limitation - You must delete personal data when you no longer need it. The timescales in
most cases aren't set. They will depend on your business’ circumstances and the reasons why you
collect this data.
Integrity and confidentiality - You must keep personal data safe and protected against
unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using
appropriate technical or organisational measures.

Why should we worry about information security?

Poor information security leaves your systems and services at risk and may cause real harm
and distress to individuals – lives may even be endangered in some extreme cases.
Some examples of the harm caused by the loss or abuse of personal data include:
• identity fraud;
• fake credit card transactions;
• targeting of individuals by fraudsters, potentially made more convincing by compromised
personal data;
• witnesses put at risk of physical harm or intimidation;
• offenders at risk from vigilantes;
• exposure of the addresses of service personnel, police and prison officers, and those at risk
of domestic violence;
• fake applications for tax credits; and
• mortgage fraud.
Although these consequences do not always happen, you should recognise that individuals are still
entitled to be protected from less serious kinds of harm, for example embarrassment or

3 Version 0.8 Provided by Istvan Berenyi @ NativeCloud.Consulting


Information security is important, not only because it is itself a legal requirement, but also
because it can support good data governance and help you demonstrate your compliance with other
aspects of the GDPR.

What do our security measures need to protect?

The security principle goes beyond the way you store or transmit information. Every aspect
of your processing of personal data is covered, not just cybersecurity. This means the security
measures you put in place should seek to ensure that:
• the data can be accessed, altered, disclosed or deleted only by those you have authorised to
do so (and that those people only act within the scope of the authority you give them);
• the data you hold is accurate and complete in relation to why you are processing it; and
• the data remains accessible and usable, ie, if personal data is accidentally lost, altered or
destroyed, you should be able to recover it and therefore prevent any damage or distress to
the individuals concerned.
These are known as ‘confidentiality, integrity and availability’ and under the GDPR, they form part
of your obligations.

3. CEEAMS cloud –

CEEAMS cloud is your online collaboration space where you can store data required for your work.

i. Web Client:

There are plenty of options and plugins available in the web client.
If you have any suggestions or you do require to get certain parts changed please raise an IT

ii. Desktop client

A client is available to download to your laptop which helps you synchronize your data.
Please visit: To download the client to your PC.

iii. Mobile client

IPhone and Android clients are available in the mobile app store.

4. RockPrints -

If you have been granted access to rocprints you will be able to use your login to log
in there.
Please note at your very first login you will be logged in as standard user. If you need
elevated rights (Editor/Admin) please ask Anne-Marie Kool or Katharina Penner.

5. CeeamsPrints -

If you have been granted access to rocprints you will be able to use your login to log in

4 Version 0.8 Provided by Istvan Berenyi @ NativeCloud.Consulting


Please note at your very first login you will be logged in as standard user. If you need
elevated rights (Editor/Admin) please ask Anne-Marie Kool or Katharina Penner.

6. Webmail -

Webmail client is names SoGo. As with all the other systems you can login here with
your username/password combination.
You will see your mailbox here and you can send and receive emails in this client.
It is a great to for on the go, but it is recommended to use an email client like K-9 Mail on
your Android phone or BlueMail (Android/Iphone/Ipad). But if you opt to use Microsoft
Outlook that will work just well too. Although personal recommendation is to try some of
the above mentioned alternatives first.

A) Shared Accounts:
If you have been elected to have shared accounts, you will find them under “Other
Users” folder. If you think you should have shared access to certain account and you
cannot see it, please ask permission from Anne-Marie Kool.
If you are using other mail clients the shared accounts will show under folder named

B) Important!!
Your Calendar and Contacts should be set here to work from Ceeams Cloud.
It is an easy setup, please follow the guide here:

7. Setting up your email on desktop mobile/clients

When you set your mailbox up on your desktop or your mobile please select “IMAP”
mailbox type.
The “IMAP” and “SMTP” server address is “”
You need to set up authentication for both. Username is your email.
Please enable TLS/SSL authentication for both option.
If your client asks for it the “IMAP” port is “993” and the “SMTP” port is “465”.

8. Support -

Please be aware all your service requests/issues must be logged on the support system
This is helping to keep track of issues and changes across the system.
Your login does not work by default on this site. Should you need help, please ask for a
login on

5 Version 0.8 Provided by Istvan Berenyi @ NativeCloud.Consulting

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