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DOSEN PENGUJI: Mimin Aminah, M.Pd


1. Put True (√) or False (X) on the statements below:

a. False
b. True
c. True
d. True

2. Read the text carefully then answer the following question:

a. Competition law essentially prohibits agreements or practices that

restrict free trading or competition between business entities.
b. very important because,It also prohibits abusive behavior by the
company dominating a market or anti-competitive practices leading to
a dominant position, such as predatory pricing, tying, price gouging,
and refusal to deal.
c. Types of anti-competitive practices in global markets include:
dumping, cartel, monopoly and oligopoly. An example of dumping is
when a company sells its products in the global market at a lower price
than the local market price. An example of a cartel is OPEC
(Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) which regulates
the production and price of crude oil. An example of a monopoly is
Microsoft which has a very large market share in the software industry.
An example of an oligopoly is the aviation industry which is controlled
by several large companies such as Boeing and Airbus.
3. Find the definition of the terms below:

a. this crime/criminal act is deviant behavior that violates certain laws

or rules and disrupts or disrupts public order.
b. The process, method, act of capturing
c. Remuneration in the form of money received by employees as a
consequence of their position as an employee who contributes to
achieving organizational goals.

4. Compose a complete sentence from the terms above!

Criminal law, the body of law that defines criminal acts, regulates the
arrest, prosecution and trial of suspected persons, and prescribes
punishments and methods of treatment applicable to convicted offenders.

5. Compose a polite question, direct and indirect question, for asking the
location of a police station.

a. Direct: where is the location of the station police

b. Indirect Question: Do you know the location of the police station?

6. Read this part of an article, and give your opinion of that case:

In my opinion compared to imprisonment for the perpetrators. With this, it

can provide an option for judges in imposing sentencing decisions in the
form of restitutional compensation by considering the values of justice for
In cases of past gross human rights violations, the settlement mechanism
through the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) is expected to be
able to provide a sense of justice and legal certainty for victims.

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