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MCAST Diploma in Hairdressing – Women

Unisex shampoo and styling



(Note : This version is to be used for an assignment brief issued to students via Classter)

Course Lecturer Name

MCAST Diploma in Hairdressing - Women Dolores Abela
Title & Surname

Unit Number & Title Unisex Shampoo and Styling

Assignment Number, Assignment 2: Take Home Assignment

Title / Type
Date Set 26/2/2024 Deadline Date 25/3/2024

Student ID Number
Class /

Maximum Mark
Assessment Criteria

LO1 – 1.1 Identify the influencing factors when styling and dressing hair 5

LO3 – 3.3 Explain the effects of different conditioning treatments on the hair 6
LO2 – 2.5 Recognise the appropriate maintaining of tools and equipment 4

LO2 – 2.3 State the impact of humidity and physical effects on the hair structure 6
and resulting style
LO3 – 3.2 Describe how shampoo and water act together to cleanse hair and scalp 6

Total Mark 27

Notes to Students:

 This assignment brief has been approved and released by the Internal Verifier through Classter.

 Assessment marks and feedback by the lecturer will be available online via Classter (Http:// following
release by the Internal Verifier

 Students submitting their assignment on Moodle/Unicheck will be requested to confirm online the following statements:

Student’s declaration prior to handing-in of assignment

 I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and that I have read and understood the respective
Plagiarism Policy

Student’s declaration on assessment special arrangements

 I certify that adequate support was given to me during the assignment through the Institute and/or the Inclusive
Education Unit.
 I declare that I refused the special support offered by the Institute.

MCAST Controlled and approved document Unauthorised copying or communication strictly prohibited
MCAST Diploma in Hairdressing – Women
Unisex shampoo and styling


Assignment 2:

Shampoo and Styling

Question 1

Explain in detail the 2 main conditioning treatments. Include how they effect the hair structure

LO3 – 3.3 – 6mks

Question 2

Recognise the appropriate maintance of the tools mentioned below

a) Hot Rollers
b) Brushes
c) Hood Dryer
d) Roller Ball

LO2 – 2.5 – 4mks

Question 3

a) Identity not less then 5 factors that need to be considered to achieve the desired look when styling
and dressing hair.
b) Give examples of how these would influence a chosen style

LO1 – 1.1 – 5mks

Question 4

a) State the physical effects of styling on the hair structure

b) State how humidity effects the hair structure and resulting style

L02 – 2.3 – 6mk

Question 4

In your own words describe how detergents act with water to cleanse the hair and scalp. Include diagrams in
your answer

LO3 – 3.2 – 6mks

MCAST Controlled and approved document Unauthorised copying or communication strictly prohibited

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