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Buổi 1:
I. Khái niệm câu chủ động và bị động:
Câu chủ động: Là câu có chủ ngữ là chủ thể tạo ra hành động. Câu chủ động được dùng khi chúng ta biết rõ chủ thể của hành
Eg: My grandfather bought this house 20 years ago.
Newton invented the theory of gravitation. Mr John teaches us English .
Câu bị động: Là câu có chủ ngữ là người hay vật chịu tác động của hành động. Câu chủ động được dùng khi ta không biết rõ chủ
thể của hành động hoặc có biết nhưng người nói muốn nhấn mạnh tới đối tượng hơn tới chủ thể của hành động.
This house was bought by my grandfather 20 years ago. The theory of gravitation was invented by Newton.
We are taught English by Mr John.
Quy tắc chuyển câu chủ động sang câu bị động:
*Quy tắc chung: To be + Past participle
Xác định thì ngữ pháp của câu chủ động để tìm thể bị động tương ứng của nó.
Xác định tân ngữ trong câu chủ động để rút về làm chủ ngữ trong câu bị động. Nếu câu có hai tân ngữ thì có thể chuyển thành hai
câu bị động nhưng thông thường ta chọn tân ngữ chỉ người.
Simple present:
S + V (s/es) + Oject ( tân ngữ )

S + am/is/are + P 2 + +by+ Agent

Eg:+ They sweep the streets every night => The streets are swept (by them) every night.
- We don't water the flowers in the morning => The flowers are not watered in the morning.
? What do they call the new hotel? => what is the new hotel called?
This well- known library attracts many people.
=>.......................................................................................................... Many people are attracted by this well-known library
We don't often help her with the housework .=>
............................................................................................................... She is not often helped with the housework by us
Do they grow rice and wheat in the North of England?
=>........................................................................................................... Are rice and wheat grew (by them) in the North of England ?
Present continuous:
S + am/is/are + V_ing + Object

S + am/is/are + being + P 2 + by + Agent

+ They are building a bridge over the river = > A bridge is being built over the river by them.
- He isn't decorating the room today. => The room isn't being decorated
? Are they upgrading the road leading to the city centre. => Is the road leading to the city centre being upgraded by them?
He is preparing everything for the presidential election. ( prepare )
Is she translating an article from English into Vietnamese? =>
................................................................................................................. Is An article being traslated from English into V by her
The Prime Minister isn't making a speech at the moment. =>
They are doing a physical experiment in the laboratory.=>.....................................................................................................................
Are they digging a pond in the garden?
Present perfect:
S + have/has + Vcot 3 + Object

S + have/has + been + Vcot3 + by + Agent

+ The terrorist has kept three hostages for a week => Three hostages have been kept by the terrorist for a week.
- We haven't found out a remedy to cure AIDS => A remedy hasn't been found out to cure AIDS
A group of students have met their friend at the railway station =>
No one has ever known him to be dishonest => he has not ever been known to be dishonest
Mr.Smith has taught us French for 2 years=>
They have moved nothing in your room since they sent you to hospital.
Have you typed all the letters ?=>...........
Past Simple :
S + Past of verb + Object

S + was/ were + cột 3+ by + Agent Eg. The thieves broke into the house.
The house was broken into by the thieves.
They didn’t allow Tom to take these books home =>
No one could find my key =>
When did they found this organization? .
They didn't look after the children properly =>
Nobody swept this street last week =>
Past continuous:
S + was/were + V- ing + Object

S + was/ were + being + cột 3 + by + Agent

Eg. They were doing a physical experiment when I was there.
A physical experiment was being done by them when I was there.
Tom was writing 2 poems -> 2 poems were being written by tom
Workers were digging a larger hole in the ground -> a larger hole was dug in the ground by workers ( place +by O )
When I was there, they were building a bridge over the river =>
Were they interviewing him when you came?=>
The statue broke while they were moving it to another room in the museum.

Past perfect:
S + had + cột 3 + Object

S + had + been + P côt+ by + Agent

Eg: Nobody told me/ that they had discharged John from hospital.
I was not told that John had been discharged from hospital.
After he had told a story , we clapped our hand/ after a story had been told by him, our hand was clapped by us
They had taken the victim to hospital before the police came./
Had they pulled down the building to make way for a new road before you came back?
She hadn't informed me of the date of the meeting before another classmate of mine told me about it.
Someone had invented electric lights before I was born .
Near future:

S + am/is/are + going to + V + Object

S + am/is/are + going to be + cột3 + by + Agent

Eg: We are going to make him the monitor of our class. He is going to be made the monitor of our class( by us).
Are they going to export more rice to Africa next year ? / are more rice going to be exported to africa next year ?
How many exercises is the teacher going to give you ? How many exercises are you going to be given by the teacher ?
We are going to make him the head of our class
We aren't going to improve the public telephone service this year.
He isn't going to turn down the job they have offered him.
Simple future:

S + will/shall + V + Object

S + will/shall + be + P 2 + by + Agent
Eg: They will change the date of the meeting again. The date of the meeting will be changed again by them.
The examiner will read the passage three times. / the passage will be read three times by the examiner
They will pick me up at my house at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning.
The teacher won't corrert exercise tomorrow
My cousin will meet you at the station
I will not forgive her for the serious mistake she has made.
Future perfect:

S + will/shall have + P2 + Object

S + will/shall have been + P 2 + by + Agent

Eg: By the time you come back, they will have finished the project. By the time you come back, the project will have
been finished
By the time you come back here in 5 years' time, they will have knocked down those slums. `
" We will have liberated the South of Vietnam before the rainy season." The commander said.
By the end of this year, we will have upgraded all the roads in the city.
Don't phone us at 10 pm tonight. I won't have finished my work by then.
How many letters will she have typed before the boss comes back?
Buổi 2+3 : Câu bị động ( tiếp )

Chú ý : P.P2 = Past participle = Vcột 3

1. Modal verbs :
-> S + modal verb + be + V3
Modal verbs
(must, may, might, can, could, will,
would, should, used to, have to, need Active: The authority should practice the new law immediately.
Passive: The new law should be practiced immediately.

2. Vị trí các trạng từ trong câu bị động

 Các trạng từ tần suất (usually, always, often, sometimes, rarely, never, regularly) và trạng
từ chỉ cách thức (quickly, beautifully, slowly, …) được đặt giữa động từ tobe và quá khứ
phân từ.
Eg : The kid is usually bullied by his friend
Water is quickly frozen by the temperature in the refrigerator
 Các trạng từ chỉ thời gian (yesterday, two years ago, at 7 A.M, last year, …): đặt sau “by
+ O”.
Eg : The show was opened to public by the organizer 2 days ago and now there are no tickets left
 Các trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn (in the park, at school, in the garden, …):
đặt trước “by + O”.
Eg : The Intercontinetial hotel was built on the West Lake by an Italian architecture

3. Một số tình huống không dùng bị động

 Tân ngữ là đại từ phản thân hoặc tính từ sở hữu trùng với chủ thể hành động ở chủ ngữ.
Ví dụ: He talks to himself.
Không thể nói: Himself is talked to by him.
 Giải thích :
Trong ví dụ này, tân ngữ là “himself”: đại từ phản thân nên sẽ không dùng bị động cho câu
 Một số đại từ phản thân khác bao gồm: myself, herself, themselves, ourselves.
 Một số động từ bao gồm: have (mang nghĩa “có” - sở hữu); belong to, lack, resemble,
appear, seem, look, be.
Eg : I have a cat.
Câu trên không có dạng bị động sau: A cat is had by me.
 Câu có động từ chính là nội động từ.
Các động từ chỉ tồn tại dưới dạng nội động từ như : exist, appear, live không thể được
dùng trong câu bị động.
Eg : He lives on this street.
Trong câu trên “lives” là nội động từ - không có tân ngữ theo sau nên câu này không được sử
dụng ở bị động.
4. Nội động từ và Ngoại động từ:
1) Nội động từ (Intransitive verbs)

 Là những động từ không đòi hỏi có tân ngữ như : happen, occur, exist, take
place, become, appear, live,..
=> Vì nó không tác động lên đối tượng khác nên cũng không bao giờ có dạng bị
Eg: The meeting takes place at the Convention Center.

2) Ngoại động từ (Transitive verbs)

 Là những động từ đòi hỏi tân ngữ như : sign (a contract), cancel (a
meeting), make (an appointment), send,..

Active : S + V + O (tân ngữ)

Passive : S + be + PII/V3 (+ by sb)

=> Đối với các ngoại động từ, dạng CHỦ ĐỘNG sẽ có tân ngữ (object) theo sau,
còn BỊ ĐỘNG sẽ không có tân ngữ theo sau.
Như vậy, bên cạnh việc dựa vào giới từ “by” ( mẹo), để xác định đâu là câu bị
động , câu chủ động
 Xem 2 ví dụ sau:
1.The secretary ………………….me of the meeting at 2 o’clock.
A. reminds B. is reminded.
Đáp án A
 Ta thấy sau dấu........là đại từ “me” đóng vai trò tân ngữ. Vậy đây là ngoại
động từ ở dạng chủ động.
2. The package…………….to the office 3 days ago.
A. Sent B. was sent
Đáp án B
 Ta thấy sau dấu … là cụm “ to the office” – không phải tân ngữ. Vậy đây là
ngoại động từ dạng bị động ( sẽ không có tân ngữ theo sau).
 Tại sao không phải là nội động từ mặc dù không có tân ngữ ?
 Nguyên nhân chính là vì hành động "send (sent – gửi ) " thường là hành động
được thực hiện bởi một người hoặc một thực thể khác, và không phải là
hành động mà một đối tượng tự thực hiện cho chính mình.
 Tức là việc gửi gói hàng là hành động được thực hiện bởi một người hoặc
một bộ phận của công ty (ví dụ: bộ phận giao nhận), không phải là hành
động tự gửi của gói hàng.
 Mà nội động từ là những tư không tác động lên đối tượng khác.
5. Các dạng bị động
1. Active: Passive
Make sb do smth ========== Be made to do smth
The teacher is making us work hard We are being made to work hard by our teacher.
Help sb (to) do smth ========== Be helped to do smth
He helped me (to) repair the washing machine I was helped to repair the washing machine by him.
1. The robber made everybody lie on the floor.
2. Don't worry! Our teacher will help us study English grammar.
3. They made us stay indoors while they were testing the new weapon.
2. LET
be allowed to do sth (by sb) : dc cho phép lmj

Let sb do sth
cho phép, để cho ai đó làm gì Let oneself be done
(done – v3)

1. Don't let others see you. – Don’t let yourself be seen by others
2. He let me use his car for a week
3. He has never let her look down on him ->He has never been allowed to be
looked down on by her.
4. He let me help him.
3. Câu bị động “Kép”
Một số động từ thường gặp trong câu bị động kép như: say, think, believe,
understand, expect, know, consider, find,…
Trường hợp 1:
V1 (Câu chủ động) chia ở thì hiện tại đơn, hiện tại tiếp diễn, hiện tại hoàn thành.
Chủ động Bị động Ví dụ
S1 + V1 + that + S2 + V2 It is + V1-pII + that + People believe that their
S2 + V2 director is very rich.
giữ nguyên S2 VÀ V2 → It is believed that
their director is very
S1 + V1 + that + S2 + V2 S2 + is/am/are + V1-pII → Their director is
+ to + V2 (nguyên thể) believed to be very rich.
→ Dùng khi V2 ở câu
chủ động chia thì hiện tại
đơn hoặc tương lai đơn.

S1 + V1 + that + S2 + V2 S2 + is/am/are + V1-pII Jack thinks that his

+ to have + V2-pII father bought a car.
→ Dùng khi V2 ở câu → Jack’s father is
chủ động chia thì quá thought to have bought a
khứ đơn hoặc hiện tại car.
hoàn thành.
Trường hợp 2:
V1 (Câu chủ động) chia ở thì quá khứ đơn, quá khứ tiếp diễn, quá khứ hoàn
Chủ động Bị động Ví dụ

S + V1 + that + S2 + V2 It was + V1-pII + that + People said that the new

S2 + V2 student was very
 It was said that the
new student was
very humorous.
S + V1 + that + S2 + V2 S2 + was/were + V1-pII  The new student
+ to + V2 (nguyên thể) was said to be very
 Khi V2 ở thì QKĐ humorous.
S + V1 + that + S2 + V2 S2 + was/were + V1-pII  People said that he
+ to + have + V2-pII had been very
 Khi V 2 ở thì thrifty.
1.People say that a renowned author writes that book. (is said to be written by a renowned
→ That book

2. We expected that the staff members had planned the whole ceremony.( was expected to
have been planned by the staff members.)
→ The whole ceremony

3. Someone reported that a young boy had taken the chairs away.( The chairs were reported to
have been taken away by a young boy.)
→ The chairs

4. People believe that Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.( The telephone is
believed to have been invented by Alexander Graham Bell.)
→ The telephone

5. His uncle fixed the car and washed it quickly.

→ The car

6. People said that people cut down the trees to make room for a new supermarket.
→ It was

7.Many people say that he is the most reliable and responsible leader.
→ He is

8. They guarantee that they will return the equipment with all its wires intact.(
The equipment is guaranteed to be returned with all its wires intact.
→ The equipment

4. Câu bị động với đại từ bất định

Có các đại từ bất định như: nobody, someone, anything, something, anyone,...
Cấu trúc 1: Câu bị động với Nobody/No one
Câu chủ động: Nobody/No one + V + O
Câu bị động: S + be + not + V-pII

Eg: Nobody has received the email from the manager yet. (Chưa có ai nhận được email từ người
quản lý.)

⟶ The email from the manager has not been received yet. (Chưa có email nào từ người quản lý
được gửi đi cả.)

Cấu trúc 2: Câu bị động với Anything

Câu chủ động: S + V + anything
Câu bị động: Nothing + be + V-pII

Eg: We cannot do anything to help her. (Chúng ta không thể làm gì để giúp cô ấy.)

⟶ Nothing can be done to help her. (Không có gì cả thể làm để giúp cô ấy.)

II. Practice
Exercise 1. Rewrite the sentences into passive voice.

1.The girls are singing a folk song. =>………..………..………..………..………..


2. Mr. Thompson and his son are playing table tennis at the moment.
3. My sister is baking a cake.
4. The waitress is serving three lunches now.
5. My dad is reading the newspaper at this time.
6. They are selling cookies for Christmas right now.
7. The dog is eating its snack. => Its snack is being eaten by the dog
8. I am sweeping the floor.
9. Anna is throwing the ball into a basket.
10. Jimmy is choosing a present for his best friend's birthday.
Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences into passive voice.
1. My mother bought this bouquet of flowers in that shop.
2. Jane has found her wallet.
3. Our team has finished the report.
4. I have finished my exercise for two days.
5. He has never seen this movie before.
6. We have heard the news already.
7. The employee has signed the contract.
8. These boys have bought five concert tickets.
9. His brother has studied computer science since April.
10.My parents have taken care of my cat well.
11. We have typed these reports for 1 hour.
12.The police found the thief yesterday
Exercise 3. Rewrite the sentences.

1. People know that he is an excellent tennis player

→ ………………………………………………………………….……..…….…………..…….

2. They say that Mark is in hospital.

→ ………………………………………………………………….……..…….…………..…….

3. They think that the kids go to bed early.

4. People believe that the robbers have worked in the bank for a long time.

→ ………………………………………………………………….……..…….…………..…….

5. They think that nuclear power stations are dangerous.

→ ………………………………………………………………….……..…….…………..…….

6. Her colleagues thought that she went abroad.

→ ………………………………………………………………….……..…….…………..…….

7. People know that private vehicles pollute the air.

→ ………………………………………………………………….……..…….…………..…….

8. The consumers suppose that the new product will come out soon.

→ ………………………………………………………………….……..…….…………..…….

Exercise 4. Rewrite the sentences

1. She thinks that learning a new language is challenging.

=> Learning ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. He believes that the solution to the problem lies in teamwork.

=> It is ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. I consider that idea is impractical.

=> That idea ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. People think that the new government is a good speaker.

=> It is ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. They report that the suspected robber is in the bank today.

=> The suspected ……………………………………………………………………………………

6. People don’t expect that the new party will win the election.

=> It isn’t ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. The researchers found that the new drug is effective.

=> It was ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. He claimed that he had never seen such a beautiful sunset.

=> It was ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

9. The newspaper reported that he won the lottery.

=> He ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

10. The company announced that they would launch a new product.

=> The company …………………………………………………………………..………………

Exercise 5.Rewrite the sentences

1. This time tomorrow, we will be writing the letter.
2. My cat will be chasing her cat the whole night.
3. My brother and I will be making dinner.
4. Penny will be drinking the lemon juice later.
5. Ritz will be playing football tomorrow.
6. They will be visiting our place soon.
7. My dad won’t be playing tennis this time next Monday.
8. The visitors will be buying souvenirs by 900 p.m.
9. Will we be waiting for the tourists at the railway station?
10. Will you be doing laundry tonight?
Exercise 6.Rewrite the sentences
1. I had ordered this dress before I went to bed last night.
2. My brother had not washed the dishes.
3. I had won an international letter-writing contest.
4. Mary had done her Exercise by 5 p.m.
5. The boys had not finished the report before going to school.

6. They had seen this film before I called.

7. After I had painted the wall, I went to a cinema.
8. After Thomas had watched the television, he studied.
9. Had the girl ironed the clothes by afternoon?
Exercise 7. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.
1. America __________ By Columbus in 1492.
A. are discovered B. were discovering
C. is discovered D. was discovered
2. Parrots and crows __________ the most intelligent birds.
A. were considering B. are considered
C. Considered D. was considered
3. I still can’t believe! My bicycle__________ last night.
A. was stolen B. was stealing
C. were stolen D. stole
4. Mary traffic accidents __________ by dangerous driving.
A. cause B. caused C. are caused D. which are caused.
5. Many US automobiles __________ in Detroit, Michigan.
A. manufacture B. are manufactured
C. have manufactured D. are manufacturing
6. Grass __________ by fat cows on the green meadow.
A. are eaten B. was being eaten
C. were being eat D. was been eaten
Exercise 8.Choose the best answer
1. The boy…………………….by the teacher yesterday.
A. punish B. punished
C. punishing D. was punished
2. “Ms Jones, please type those letters before noon”
_ “They’ve already………………, sir. They’re on your desk.”
A. typed B. been being typed
C. being typed D. been typed
3. Sarah is wearing a blouse. It………………….of cotton.
A. be made B. are made
C. is made D. made
4. They had a boy………………….. that yesterday.
A. done B. to do
C. did D. do
5. We got our mail ………………..yesterday.
A. been delivered B. delivered
C. delivering D. to deliver
6. James……..the news as soon as possible.
A. should tell B. should be told
C. should told D. should be telled
7. My wedding ring …………………. yellow and white gold.
A. is made B. is making
C. made D. make
8. Mr. Wilson is………………... as Willie to his friend.
A. known B. knew
C. is known D. know
9. References …………………….in the examination room.
A. not are used B. is not used
C. didn’t used D. are not used
10. Laura ………………….in Boston.
A. are born B. were born
C. was born D. born

5. Câu bị động với cấu trúc : NHỜ AI LÀM GÌ

Chủ động Bị động Ví dụ
S + have + sb + V S + have + sth + I have my father repair
V2/ed my motorbike.
→ I have my motorbike
repaired by my father.
S + get + sb + to + V S + get + sth + VpII She got her sister to
sweep the floor.
→ She got the floor
swept by her sister.
6. Bị động với câu mệnh lệnh
Chủ động Bị động Ví dụ
It’s one’s duty to + Vinf S + to be + supposed to + It’s your duty to finish
( Nhiệm vụ của ai ..) Vinf your homework today.
⟶ You are supposed to
finish homework today.
It’s necessary to +Vinf S+ It’s necessary to solve
must/should+be+v2/ed traffic congestion.
→ Traffic congestion
should be solved.
Câu mệnh lệnh thức : S + must/should + be + Close the window, please !
Verb + Object V2/ed ⟶ The windows should be
Hoặc : Let+sth+be+V3/ed

Exercise 8. Change the sentences into passive voice with the structure of
“have/ get something done”
1. The manager had employees complete the project.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
2. They got the mechanic to fix their car.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
3. The teacher gets the students to solve challenging problems.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
4. We have the gardener trim the bushes every month.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
5. I got the dentist to clean my teeth.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
6. He has the assistant handle customers’ complaints.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
7. She gets the stylist to cut and color her hair.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
8. We have the cleaning crew tidy up the office every evening.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
9. The company gets the IT department to upgrade the software.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
10. She gets her sister to pick up the groceries every week.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
Exercise 9. Rewrite the sentences in the special passive voice
1. It’s our duty to follow the rules of the organization.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
2. It’s necessary to turn off electronic devices during the flight.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
3. Read the instructions carefully before assembling the furniture.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
4. He has the tailor alter his suit.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
5. The director makes the actors rehearse their lines repeatedly.
6. We suggested that our school should organize a field trip.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
7. People say that prevention is better than cure.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
=> ……………………………………………………………………
8. It is vital for us to double-check the details.
=> ……………………………………………………………………
9. I never hear her shout at her children.
=> ……………………………………………………………………

10. People know that he works very hard.

=> ……………………………………………………………………
=> ……………………………………………………………………
Exercise 10. Choose the correct answer
1. It’s two months since I ………. my hair cut.
A. had
B. have had
C. have
D. had had
2. ………. broken several world records in swimming.
A. She is said to have
B. People say she had
C. She is said that she has
D. It is said to have
3. The manager had his secretary ………. the report for him.
A. to have typed
B. typed
C. type
D. to type
4. Students are expected ………. during the examinations.
A. not to talk
B. not to be talked
C. not talking
D. not being talked
5. More than five thousand people ………. in the earthquake in Indonesia last year.
A. was said to be died
B. were said to be died
C. was said to die
D. were said to die
6. My manager made us do all the projects.
A. We were made to do all the projects
B. We made to do all the projects
C. We were done all the projects
D. We were made doing all the projects
7. He last had his eyes tested ten months ago.
A. He had tested his eyes ten months ago
B. He had not tested his eyes for ten months then
C. He hasn’t had his eyes tested for ten months
D. He didn’t have any test on his eyes in ten months
8. I saw him go out last night.
A. He had seen to go out last night
B. He was seen to go out last night
C. He was seen to have gone out last night
D. He was seen gone out last night
9. My parents never let me do anything by myself
A. I’m never let to do anything by myself
B. I’m never let doing anything by myself
C. I’m never allowed to do anything by myself
D. I’m never allowing to do anything by myself
10. Soil erosion is a result of forests being cut down carelessly.
A. That forests are being cut down carelessly results from soil erosion
B. Soil erosion contributes to forests being cut down carelessly
C. Soil erosion results in forests being cut down carelessly
D. That forests are being cut down carelessly leads to soil erosion
Exercise 11. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice with the structure of Let

1. Shut the door!

=> Let ……………………………………………………………………

2. Tell me the truth!

=> Let ……………………………………………………………………

3. Serve the best dish!

=> Let ……………………………………………………………………

4. Don’t speak a word here!

=> Let ……………………………………………………………………

5. Clean your room!

=> Let ……………………………………………………………………

6. Cut your hair!

=> Let ……………………………………………………………………

7. Repair the car!

=> Let ……………………………………………………………………

8. Learn your lesson by heart.

=> Let ……………………………………………………………………

9. Share your toys with your siblings.

=> Let ……………………………………………………………………

10. Keep your workspace organized.

=> Let ……………………………………………………………………

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