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Task 2

It is believed that the development technology will aid to make trading become more convenient and
effective, while some people think it would have the opposite effects. However, in my opinion, shopping
will be ameliorated due to the availability of internet, multimuti platform appliancesappliance.

There is no doubt that technology hashave altered many facetsfaucets of human life, trading is also not
the exception. Since the emergence emerging of new retail platforms, the it has risen the sale rate
globally. Thethe reason for such a trend such trend largely due to the effortless shopping experiences
provided by online markets and specialized apps. In common, all selling platforms are now facilitated
with a smart with smart and intuitive searching engine, which allows buyers to find the wanted items
faster. Furthermore, accessibility is also the key leading to the success of these retailers, purchasing can
be made from anywhere and anytime, therefore, the sale rate would significantly increase. On the
other hand
otherhand , shopping online is utterly suitable for such a period such period of pandemic struck
down, as shoppers can buy from home, the risk of infection would be completely eliminated which is
much safer for both individualsindividualand the society.

Alternatively, despite all the appealing perks of online shopping, there is still the existence of a few
drawbacks that are worth that worth concerning. First, it is the potential to buy unauthentic or low
quality items through online purchasing. Because customers can not directly check the item, some
sellers could see this as an opportunity a opportunity to fraud them, as a consequence, shoppers would
definitely loseloose faith in buying online. Secondly, shipping time can be extensive,otherwise, if the
shipping was fast, the cost would be priceypricywhich can largely affect the mentality mental of buyers.

In conclusion, although shopping online still requires many improvements improvement , I believe such
trends trend can please customers around the globe.

Task 1

The pie and bar charts have depicted the proportion of water usage in Australia in 2004.

Overall, water used for residential purposes purpose was the largest amount, which was mostly spent on
bathing and gardening.

As it has stated, the residential water consumption comprisescomprise the largest percentage of 70%.
The usage of water in industrial and business were nearly equal with the proportion of 11 and 10%
respectively. Government consumed merely consumed an merely 6% of water in total, while 3% of water
was used use for several different purposes purpose. There were 5 categories of water usage in a
household. Gardening and bathing were two activities that consumed the most water with the number
of around 28%. 20% of residential water consumption is spent consumption spent on washing clothes.
Finally, the toilet toilet and kitchen consumed the least amount of water .

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