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Tarequzzaman Khan

Dhaka, Bangladesh ⧫ ⧫ +8801838198104 ⧫ LinkedIn ⧫ GitHub

Software engineer with experience of building and running large scale applications with efficient
and scalable codes. I have 4+ years of experience in software development lifecycle (On
Healthcare industry) & Data Science.

● Framework: Python, Django, Laravel, ● Conversational AI: Rasa 1.X, 2.X
FastApi ● Data visualization: Matplotlib, plotly,
● Message Broker: Redis, RabbitMQ, Metabase
Kafka, AWS Kinesis , MQTT ● Machine learning: Keras, Sklearn, Pandas
● Server: AWS (S3, EC2, Transformer, , Numpy, Fastext, NLP, Spacy
Cost Optimization, CloudWatch, ELB, ● Database: MySQL, MongoDB, Redis,
Auto Scaling, Route 53, RDS, Elastic PostgreSQL, DynamoDB
Cache) ● Task Scheduling: Celery, Apache Airflow
● Testing: Unittest, Pytest ● Data Scraping: Scrapy, Beautiful Soup,
Lxml, Facebook Scraper , Requests etc.

1. Sr. Software Engineer 9/2019 to Present ⧫ Mayalogy Limited – Dhaka

○ Working closely with the Product team, business analysts, development teams,
and infrastructure specialists is to deliver high-availability solutions.
○ Design & build a notification panel that can send 3.7M+ push notifications within
15 minutes (Celery, Python, Go, mqtt producer & consumer)
○ Design and Implement Conversational AI using Rasa framework for self-care of
Maya healthcare, which including
i. Mental health Check (Depression, Anxiety & Sadness)
ii. COVID-19 check
iii. Stomac ache
iv. Headache and 15 types of Symptoms
○ REST API design, integration & development using Fast API, Django, Laravel
○ Continuously modifying ML, DL, transformer-based technology for enhancing
Maya NLP engine(Auto answering system, Auto Refer, Spam filter)
○ System Design & implementation backend of Instant video calling application &
Web video call (twilio Api)
○ Design & develop medicine delivery system
i. Third party api integration
ii. REST API implementation
○ Develop an NER based spaCy model which can grab date(Any format) from
bangla Sentences
i. Example input: আজ ২৬ শ মাচ বাংলােদেশর াধীনতা িদবস
Output: [26-03-2022]
○ Mentor guide & manage projects of Maya Data Science team

2. Jr. Software Engineer 3/2018 to 9/2019 ⧫ Mayalogy Limited – Dhaka

○ Implemented numerous features and solved critical issues arising between Agile
○ Extracting data from different source (SQL, NoSQL, CSV, Pandas) to reliable
format using ETL
○ Scraping data from different sources(Facebook, Websites etc) and integrating on
an automation pipeline(using apache airflow).
○ Implementing REST APIs using Django framework
○ Building & productionize automated questions answering system from scratch
○ Building protocol and guideline for building datasets for Automatic answering
○ Build and integrate chatbot on different platforms(Messenger, App, Web) due to
business needs.

Title: Enhancement of LZAP compression (ELZAP)
Description: It’s a text Compression algorithm which is an enhanced version of Lempel Ziv All
Prefix (LZAP). Both compression and decompression algorithms have been developed on this
paper. The algorithm provides better performance compared to different statistical algorithms
(LZW, WinZip, Gzip etc.)

Accepted in ICEEICT- 2018

1. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Engineering ⧫Shahjalal University of
Science & Tec, 2018 (CGPA-3.86)

● Mathematics for Machine learning ● Introduction to Data Science (Coursera)

(Coursera) ● Intermediate Python (DataCamp)
● Introduction to Deep Learning in ● Data Visualization in Python (Coursera)
Python (Data camp)


Hr, Mayalogy Limited Manash Kumar Mandal
Sr Software Engineer (Maya)
Phone: +8801676099300

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