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Wonder Woman by Ada Limon

Standing at the swell of the muddy Mississippi after the urgent care doctor had just said,
well, sometimes shit happens, I fell fast and hard
for New Orleans all over again. Pain Pills swirled
in the purse along with a spell for later. It’s taken
a while for me to admit, I am in the raging battle with my body, a spinal column thirty -
five degrees
bent, vertigos that comes and goes like a DC Comics
villain nobody can kill. Invinsible pain is both
a blessing and a curse. You always look so happy, said a strangers once as I shifted to my
good side grinning. But that day, alone on the riverbank
out of the corner of my eye, I saw a girl, maybe half my age,
dressed, for not apparent reason, as Wonder Woman.
she strutted by in all her strength and glory, Invincible,
eternal, and when I stood to clap (because who would’nt have) she bowed and posed like
she knew I needed a myth —
a woman, by a river, indestructible


Sure, here's an annotation of the poem "Wonder Woman" by Ada Limón:

- "Wonder Woman" alludes to the iconic superhero character known for her strength,
resilience, and ability to overcome obstacles.

- The poem is set by the muddy Mississippi River, likely in or near New Orleans, a city
known for its vibrant culture and resilience, mirroring the themes of the poem.

Medical Condition:
- The speaker reveals they are battling a physical ailment, likely scoliosis (a spinal
column thirty-five degrees bent), and vertigo, which causes unpredictable pain. This
condition is portrayed as a relentless antagonist, like a DC Comics villain.

Contrast of Pain and Strength:

- The speaker acknowledges the paradox of enduring invisible pain while outwardly
appearing happy. This juxtaposition emphasizes inner strength despite physical

Encounter with Wonder Woman:

- The speaker encounters a young woman dressed as Wonder Woman, symbolizing
strength, resilience, and empowerment. Wonder Woman's presence offers the speaker a
moment of solace and inspiration, highlighting the need for mythical figures and symbols
of empowerment in times of struggle.
Symbolism of the River:
- The river symbolizes the flow of life, with its muddy waters reflecting the
unpredictability and challenges faced by the speaker. It also represents renewal and
regeneration, echoing the themes of resilience and endurance present throughout the

- Resilience, strength, pain, identity, empowerment, myth, and the juxtaposition of inner
struggles with outward appearances.

- The tone is reflective, with moments of resilience and admiration for strength in the
face of adversity.

- Vivid imagery is used to evoke the setting by the riverbank and the appearance of
Wonder Woman, enhancing the reader's immersion in the scene.

- The poem consists of free verse with irregular line lengths, reflecting the
unpredictability and fluidity of the speaker's experiences and emotions.

Language and Style:

- The language is conversational yet poignant, with metaphors drawn from popular
culture (DC Comics) and everyday observations. Limón's style combines personal
narrative with universal themes, inviting readers to connect with the speaker's
experiences on a visceral level.

Based on Padraig O Tuama Podcast

Padraig O Tuama's discussion of the poem "Wonder Woman" by Ada Limón in his
podcast likely delves into several thematic elements and interpretations:

Resilience and Empowerment:

- O Tuama may highlight the symbolism of Wonder Woman as a figure of resilience
and empowerment, representing the speaker's inner strength in the face of adversity.

Myth and Identity:

- O Tuama might explore the significance of myth and identity in the poem, discussing
how the encounter with Wonder Woman serves as a reminder of the speaker's own myth-
making and the power of embracing one's identity, despite physical limitations.

Community and Connection:

- O Tuama may emphasize the importance of community and connection, noting how
the speaker's interaction with the young woman dressed as Wonder Woman offers a
moment of solidarity and understanding, bridging the gap between strangers through
shared experiences of struggle and resilience.

Narrative and Vulnerability:

- O Tuama might discuss the role of narrative and vulnerability in the poem, examining
how the speaker's candid portrayal of their physical condition invites empathy and
compassion from listeners, fostering a deeper understanding of the human experience.

Cultural References and Allusions:

- O Tuama may unpack the significance of cultural references and allusions, such as DC
Comics and the myth of Wonder Woman, exploring how these elements enrich the
poem's themes of strength, resilience, and empowerment.

Interconnectedness of Themes:
- O Tuama might highlight the interconnectedness of themes throughout the poem,
drawing connections between the speaker's personal struggles, the broader cultural
context, and universal human experiences of pain, resilience, and hope.

Overall, O Tuama's discussion is likely to offer insights into the poem's deeper meanings,
encouraging listeners to engage with its themes on a profound emotional and intellectual

Talking About

"Wonder Woman" by Ada Limón explores themes of resilience, identity, and finding
strength in the face of adversity. The speaker grapples with physical pain and the
challenges of living with a spinal condition, yet finds solace and inspiration in
unexpected encounters, such as witnessing a young woman dressed as Wonder Woman
by the river. Through this encounter, the speaker is reminded of the power of myth and
the enduring strength within oneself, despite the struggles of the body. The poem
celebrates resilience and the ability to find moments of empowerment and connection
amidst life's challenges.

Argumentative sentences and quotation

Argumentative Sentence:
Ada Limón's poem "Wonder Woman" challenges the notion of invincibility by
juxtaposing the speaker's invisible pain with the iconic strength and glory of the
superhero, ultimately highlighting the complexities of resilience and inner battles.

"Invisible pain is both a blessing and a curse." (Line 7)

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