31 - 08 Yen Thy HW

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very simple plants, such as algae grow naturally in sea

algae N seaweed, that have no real water
leaves, stems or roots, and
that grow in or near water
a hard substance that is true coral needs no
coral N red, pink or white in colour, painters brush
and that forms on the
bottom of the sea from the
bones of very small
creatures. Coral is often
used in jewellery.

a regular rise and fall in the swimmers should beware

tide N level of the sea, caused by of strong tides
the pull of the moon and
sun; the flow of water that
happens as the sea rises
and falls
connected with the sea or the great maritime powers
maritime ADJ ships

a large area of sea that is the Gulf of Mexico

gulf N partly surrounded by land

an object which floats on to buoy out a channel

buoy N the sea or a river to mark
the places where it is
dangerous and where it is
safe for boats to go
thin area of water coming Yoroido was a tiny town,
inlet N from a larger body just at the opening of an
relating to ships or the sea He studies in the nautical
nautical ADJ school

in towards the shore inshore fisheries

inshore ADJ

when a boat anchors or they anchored the boat

anchored ADJ when you anchor it, its
anchor is dropped into the
water in order to make it
stay in one place
a person who is employed I was saved from drowning
lifeguard N at a beach or a swimming by a lifeguard
pool to rescue people who
are in danger in the water
connected with the navy of naval guard
naval N a country

spots in the river meets the That is a tidal estuary

estuary N sea

top layer of the ocean Windsurfing is a surface

surface water N water sport

to persuade The animal refused to be

entice V somebody/something to enticed from its hole.
go somewhere or to do
something, usually by
offering them something
to begin a voyage, set sail the ship weighed anchor
sail forth V and steamed off to the
high seas
a flat structure built next to she alone remained on the
wharf N the sea or a river where wharf
boats can be tied up and
goods unloaded
a piece of artificial or His mind was like a
sponge N natural material that is soft sponge, ready to absorb
and light and full of holes anything
and can hold water easily,
used for washing or
tidal wave N a very large ocean wave Several villages were
that is caused by a storm destroyed by a huge tidal
or an earthquake, and that wave.
destroys things when it
reaches the land
whirlpool N a place in a river or the sea She felt she was being
where currents of water dragged into a whirlpool of
turn round and round very emotion.

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