Flow Chart

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Design an Experiment Flow Chart

This chart can be used with almost any experiment you can think of. Use it to help you organize
your Experimental Design lab.

Describe the problem you are solving in the box below.

What question are you investigating?

What is the sourest raw ingredient?

State the hypothesis here. (If….than)

If I can find the sourest raw ingredient, than it will be the highest on the sourness scale

Design the Experiment below: Describe the experimental group:

Describe the control group here. Describe the independent Describe the dependent
variable here. variable here.
Type of raw ingredient Score on the sourness
List the procedures here. Include details, your variables, and what type of data you are collecting (and how)
Control Group - Lemon
Experimental Group- Various Sour Foods
1. Collect sour foods
2. Taste lemon to establish base of the sourness scale
3. Wash mouth out with water
4. Taste various sour food stuffs
5. Compare on the sourness scale
6. Repeat step 3
7. Repeat step 4
8. Compile data

Data is Qualitative

Sourness scale is the comparison to lemon, either above or below the sourness of the lemon, as well as
other objects on the sourness scale. I.E. This is above lemon but below warhead.
Collect Data

Data should be shown with an organized chart/table

Sourness Scale

Crystaline Lemon- 9

One Packet (90 oz)


One slice


One slice

Pectin (Preservative)- 3

Roughly 1/64th of a teaspoon

Claim: Answer the question for your experiment in one sentence.

Crystalline Lemon Is the sourest of the raw ingredients

Evidence #1: data from lab Evidence #2: data from lab

Lemon scored a 5 on the sour scale and Lime scored a 6 on the sour scale
acted as a base for the scale
Reasoning: How does your evidence support your claim? Include a statement whether or not your
hypothesis was supported.

Evidence #1 supports my claim as it allows me to showcase my reaction to each of the raw ingredients that I
tasted with Crystalline lemon scoring the highest, as I found it to be unbearably sourer. Evidence #2 allows
for comparison between two pieces of evidence, providing more context, as well as showcasing how the
Crystalline Lemon, which is pure citric acid, is more powerful than a lime, a citric fruit, which contains
impurities that dilute the acid. By this logic, one can presume that most other citric fruit, which all contain
impurities, would also score lower on the sourness scale than crystalline Lemon.

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