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The place I live in - My town

 General Introduction
 History
 The quality of life when it comes to:
o Shopping facilities
o Job and educational opportunities
o Public services
o Culture and sports amenities
o Places of interest
o Surroundings
At first I’d like to say something in general. I live in Příbram. Příbram is bigger town in the
Czech Republic in the Central Bohemian Region located in the southwest from Prague. It
occupies an area of 33,41 km2. In Příbram live 33 thousands residents.
Firstly I mention something about Příbram’s history. The oldest mention about Příbram is
from a year 1216 when Prague’s biscup Ondřej bought farmhouse Příbram and built manor.
Main building was and still is the church of Saint Jacob. During the 13 th century were big
fights. In 14th century Příbram had first school. 17th and 18th century was very important for
mining. To this day Příbram has known like a mining city.
Because Příbram is 54 kilometres close to Prague so it’s a perfect place to live. Prague has
good jobs opportunities, a lot of shopping, cultural and sports facilities. The traffic transport
to Prague and from Prague is great. The bus goes every 15 minutes in weekdays and every
30 minutes in weekends. But in Příbram are also good opportunities for jobs. There are lots
of schools and so on.
Next, I want to talk about culture and sports amenities. We have got many libraries, small
theatre with cinema, two houses of culture and more. The most famous is a pond Novák. It’s
sporting area with many fields, refreshments and summer cinema. There is a track for roller
skating. But I prefer woods Brdy, I don’t like many people. In a pond Novák you can swim,
also there are indoor and outdoor swimming pools. In the summer the famer’s markets are
held on the square so you can buy some fresh fruit and vegetable. Very popular are
pilgrimages, which are on some square every year. I’d like to focus on public services in
Příbram. We have got a police here which is ready to help you all time. Also there is a
hospital. Main hospital in Old Příbram and second older hospital in Zdaboř. We have two
policlinics with a lot of doctors, too. There are two fire stations, one is close to my house and
second is near the fitness centrum called Oxygen. Příbram is full-filled with fitness centres, in
each side of Příbram one is. I prefer privacy fitness, it is names HDC. As concerns the
athletics stadion, unfortunately we don’t have it. But I don’t care about it because I’m in
athletic club Dukla in Prague so I train there or in the woods here in Příbram. And what
about shopping facilities? There are many of them! You can buy definitely everything what
you want! In other words, you can find here many pharmacies, butchers, clothes shops, shoe
shops, flower shops, jewellers, stationers and further more. The biggest shopping centre is
Tesco with some food, clothes, shortly, Tesco has everything what you need. Next to the
Tesco is gigantic OBI. OBI is for farmers and handymen. If you have a car you can go to the
carwash, I think the best is at the petrol station Silmet, it is the direction to the Podlesí. Now,
I’d like to drop a few lines about an environment like are restaurateurs, bistros, bars and
clubs. Příbram is really full of these. In every corner in Příbram, you find at least one. It’s
funny but that’s true. However, healthy food bistro miss here. There is only one.
Tourists visit Příbram because there are interesting places to see. I find the most interesting
places. I love Brdy and Svatá hora. Svatá hora is Christian place. I know a lot of views in Brdy.
Brdy are ideal forests to doing many activities like roller blading (skating), running – also I
have trainings in Brdy, cycling, walking, hiking and so forth. But the most popular is the
mining museum. The mining museum has several buildings in one part of Příbram. The part
is named like Březové hory. I live in this part and I adore that area. Březové hory are near the
woods Brdy and close to a lot of small villages. Podlesí is the closest and my grandmother
lives here, next are Orlov, Lazec, Nové Podlesí, to name a few. In the future I want to live in
some of these villages, other are Bohutín, Láz, Kozičín and so on.
Near Příbram is a beautiful town Dobříš. In Dobříš is very nice castle with amazing gardens. I
like this castle pretty much. On the opposite side is near Pilsen. Pilsen is only 50 kilometres
further. There are shopping centres also like in Prague. But Prague has more shopping
centres, of course. As I mentioned, woods Brdy are really close to the Příbram. I think that is
luck for us, people from Příbram. Brdy has beautiful nature, amazing and mysterious ways
and incredible views. Unlike some factory city is my town truly lovely place to live.

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