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Escuela Normal Superior en Lenguas Vivas

“Sofía B. de Spangenberg”
Entrance Examination – Julio 2022


Nombre Profesor Puntaje

A: _____________________ ___ / 10
C: _____________________ ___ / 30
D: _____________________ ___ / 10

B: (1º corr)______________ ___ / 50

B: (2º corr) _____________ ___ / 50

A) You are going to read an extract from a novel. For each of the eight questons below,
choose the one answer (A, B, C or D) which fts best according to the text.

1) Christne preferred not to have lunch at wor because she wanted to avoid:
A) Her colleagues.
B) The canteen food.
C) The management.
D) The customers.

2) ‘Stampeded’ (line 14) describes a way of:

A) Choosing.
B) Buying.
C) Talking.
D) Moving.

3) Christne was partcularly valuable to Mr Par er because:

A) Publishers’ representatves liked her.
B) She knew which books would sell.
C) She had good relatons with customers.
D) She had knowledge which he lacked.

4) Why did customers in the boo department sometmes loo uncomfortable?

A) It was unlike other bookshops.
B) The assistants watched them closely.
C) They didn’t know who to pay.
D) There were no prices on the books.

Escuela Normal Superior en Lenguas Vivas
“Sofía B. de Spangenberg”
Entrance Examination – Julio 2022


5) Which word most accurately describes Christne’s grey suit?

A) Practcal.
B) Fashionable.
C) Original.
D) Inexpensive.

6) What was the disadvantage for Christne of the places she went to for lunch?
A) The type of food they served.
B) The fact that they were crowded.
C) The speed with which she had to eat.
D) The type of people who ate there.

7) How did Christne regard the junior members of staf?

A) She found them annoying.
B) They made her feel old.
C) She found them amusing.
D) They made her feel important.

* For questons 8 to 10, state what the words in bold type refer to.

8) “… and heaven knows he needed one”

9) “… even though it meant queuing for a table”
10) “… a man who had picked up her handkerchief in a cafeteria”

Escuela Normal Superior en Lenguas Vivas
“Sofía B. de Spangenberg”
Entrance Examination – Julio 2022


Lunchtme at Goldwyn’s

There was a small breeze when Christne came out for her lunch as she usually did, even
when it was raining, instead of going up to the store canteen. You could never get a table to
yourself there, and whoever sat with you always wanted to complain about the shop, the
customers, the management or the canteen food. Everyone at Goldwyn’s seemed to have a
complaint of some kind, although it was one of the best London stores to work for, and many of the
staf had been there for years some of them were long past retring age. This was because the
management let them stay on even when they were really past it, like poor old Martha, who was
always trying to sell people dresses that were much too old for them.
Christne herself had been in the book department for more than four years. She had
started as a junior, knocking over piles of books and breaking the tll once a week in her eforts to
serve customers quickly. Now she was Head Salesperson and moved calmly around the department
between the bright new paperbacks, knowing that book customers liked to take their tme, unlike
the people who stampeded through the other parts of the shop with never a moment to spare.
She knew every book in the place, and all about the new ones before they came out. She
was said to be Mr Parker’s right-hand person and heaven knows he needed one and was
sometmes asked into his ofce to meet a favoured publisher’s representatve.
The book department, partly due to Mr Parker’s weak administraton and partly because it
was thought to be sophistcated, was the only department in Goldwyn’s where you did not have to
wear black. This led to some confusion as to who was an assistant and who was a customer, not
untypical of bookshops, and accounted for the distressed look of people who picked up a book they
wanted but were afraid of having their elbows grasped by the store detectve before they could
find someone to take their money.
Christne was wearing her grey suit today. She liked the grey suit. She had liked it for a long
tme, because she had accepted her aunt’s advice that it was beter to buy an expensive suit that
would last than to keep buying cheap suits that looked very smart for a few weeks, untl they began
to wrinkle at the elbows and sag at the seat. The grey suit had been what the shop had called a
‘classic’, which meant that nobody would ever turn round in the street to look at it, but it would
stand having its skirt taken up or let down according to the swings of fashion.
Christne liked her work, as much as one can like any job that imprisons one from nine tll
five-thirty. She liked Goldwyn’s, but she was always glad to get away from it at lunchtme, even
though it meant queuing for a table at one of the restaurants and teashops that fed the local shop-
workers. Here people tended to eat with one eye on their watches and had a taste for things like
pasta and puddings, which were the most filling at the least cost. But Christne, once seated,
enjoyed a leisurely, if lonely, sandwich.
Alice, who was her junior, was always meetng people at lunchtme. Even if it was only a
man who had picked up her handkerchief in the cafeteria, she made it sound excitng, like an
adventure. Alice and the other junior, Helen, were always giggling in the classics secton where the
customers did not go much. If Christne came along, they would suddenly look serious and pretend
to be straightening books. Christne thought this should have made her feel very old, but it didn’t.
She was so much happier than she had been at the giggling age. She liked her authority in the book
department. Sometmes, outside, she insecurely wondered how she stood in relaton to the rest of
the world. At Goldwyn’s she was someone.
Escuela Normal Superior en Lenguas Vivas
“Sofía B. de Spangenberg”
Entrance Examination – Julio 2022



The writer says But Christine oicn snatnde nijoynd a lnisurnlye if loinlye saidwich. Although that
was usually the case, something unexpected happened on this partcular aaernoon.

You must write a short narratve of about 180 words and develop these items:

a) The event that changed Christne’s lunch routne.

b) Christne’s thoughts as she walked back to Goldwyn’s.
Your narratve must be divided into clear paragraphs.

Include the number of words you wrote in the WORD COUNT box on page 4



















WORD COUNT …………………

Escuela Normal Superior en Lenguas Vivas
“Sofía B. de Spangenberg”
Entrance Examination – Julio 2022


B) USE OF ENGLISH: Transformations

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1. I didn’t give her the message because I didn’t see her.

If I …………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. I was shocked, but I succeeded in answering all the questions.


3. People think she murdered her neighbour.

She …………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. It is two years since I came here.

I have ………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. I regret selling my old car.

I wish…………………………………………………………………………………………………..

6. The students made such a lot of noise that they had to leave the café.
The students were ………………………………………………………………………………………

7. “We could visit our relatives next year,” my sister said.

My sister suggested……………………………………………………………………………………..

8. It would be a good idea if you kept quiet.

I’d rather…..……………………………………………………………………………………………

9. A very friendly lady showed us our room.

We ..……………………………………………………………………………………………………

10. “Do you know when the movie began?”, she asked us.
She asked us ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Escuela Normal Superior en Lenguas Vivas
“Sofía B. de Spangenberg”
Entrance Examination – Julio 2022



Circle the only correct choice for each number.

Chester was feeling more tired than usual after a hard day at the office. He 1 (..) the company only
two years before. He had come straight from university then, but now he was a junior manager in
one of the biggest companies in Singapore. It was an important position to have and 2 (…) lots of
extra work.

He could understand the 3 (…) that some of the other workers might feel 4 (…) the ‘new boy’, as
they still called him. He had 5 (…) quickly in the company. Many of them, 6 (…), had been there
for years doing the same jobs. He could understand how bad feelings towards him might 7 (…)
hidden behind their smiles. But it didn’t make life any easier.

He needed people 8 (…) advice he could trust when he had to make difficult decisions. He had to be
sure that the bad feelings of the other workers didn’t get in the way of the important business 9 (…)
he had to make. He knew he would never become a manager 10 (…) he could be sure of people.

1 A. had worked B. worked C. had joined D. joined

2 A. explained B. meant C. consisted D. evolved
3 A. disgust B. jealousy C. excitement D. thrill
4 A. against B. by C. on D. with
5 A. raised B. rose C. arised D. risen
6 A. despite B. unless C. however D. even
7 A. lie B. lay C. laid D. lain
8 A. with B. whose C. which D. that
9 A. favours B. intentions C. efforts D. decisions
10 A. if B. unless C. although D. in spite of

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