Notes - 2. The Commentator

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Poem No. – 2. The Commentator

By – Gareth Owen
About the Author:
Gareth Owen : Born 1936, in Lancashire, England; died May 4, 2002, in Cardiff, Wales - British poet and
playwright Gareth Owen has gained recognition for his plays and storybooks for children, as well as for his
novels for young adults. Reviewers have often cited Owen's ability to understand the way a child views the
world, as well as the attraction of his highly defined sense of humor.
The poem is about a small boy playing football, imagining that he is playing for the England team, against
Holland. The commentary follows an actual game, making it sound like a real football match, except in certain
places in the poem e.g. Four Florence Terrace – which could be the address of his house, mention of the ball
being taken around the dustbin and drain pipe, Mrs. Spence, next door etc.

Jinking – changing directions suddenly while avoiding another player
Flick – a sudden quick movement
Chips – (here) kicks or strikes the ball away (from someone)
Dejected - sad
Dodging – avoiding (someone or something) by a sudden quick movement
Pursuit – the act of chasing

Make Sentences:
Pursuit – I always try working on pursuits to be a great person in the field I want to be.
Dodging – The thief kept dodging the police. / He crosses the road dodging the vehicles.
Fick – It was a fantastic flick to make a goal.
Textual Questions and Answers:
Al. Choose the correct options to answer these questions.
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. C
A2. Answer these questions.
1. How did the commentator begin the commentary?
Ans: - The commentator began the commentary by introducing himself and mentioned the names of teams
that were playing.
2. Where was the match being played?
Ans: - The match was being played at Florence Terrace.
3. What was the condition of the pitch?
Ans: - The pitch was in great condition.
4. Who was England’s captain? How old was he?
Ans: - Danny Markey was England's captain. He was nine years old.
5. Who was Mrs. Spence? How did she react to the events happening around her?
Ans: - Mrs. Spence was Markey neighbour. She wasn't very pleased with the boys playing football around
her house.
A3. Answer these questions with reference to the context.
1. Jinking skilfully past the dustbin
And a neat flick the cat there.
a) What is going on in these lines?
Ans: - Markey and Keegan were passing the ball to each other.
b) Who was in possession of the ball here?
Ans: - Markey was in possession of the ball here.
c) Who did he get the pass from?
Ans: - He got a pass from Keegan.

2. She is shaking her head,

She is not going to let Markey
Have his ball back.
a) who is ‘she’ in these lines?
Ans: - She refers to Mrs. Spence.
b) Why was she shaking her head? What did it signify?
Ans: - She wasn't going to give the ball to Markey.
c) Was Markey able to get the ball at last? How?
Ans: - Markey was able to get the ball at last. After Mrs. Spence closed the door, he went looking for
the ball and found it near the compost heap.

3. And that’s marvellous news

For the hundred thousand fans
Gathered here.
a) What was the marvellous news?
Ans: - The marvellous news was that Markey found the ball.
b) Where were the fans gathered?
Ans: - The fans were gathered in the ground.
c) Identify the poetic device used in these lines.
Ans: - The poetic device used in these lines is Hyperbole.

A4. Think ana Answer:

1. Do you think the commentator is talking about a real game of football? Give reasons for your
answers using clues from the poem.
Ans: - The commentator is not talking about a real game. The poem mentions a cat, a neighbour, a
dustbin, drainpipe, a compost heap. These words indicate the speaker is playing on a ground around his
2. What qualities should a team leader have? Elaborate with examples from the poem.
Some qualities a team leader should possess include- teamwork, communication, self-discipline,
courage, self-confidence, etc. Markey used his team well to play well, his commentary makes him sound
a confident boy, he had the courage to go and ask for the ball from Mrs. Spence and hunt for it
Concept Map: Homework

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