OT Eyes UserGuidev2.1.1.0

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User Guide

User guide | Global ops | 01/2018

OT_Eyes is IDEMIA software which allows managing camera/machine in order to do a visual inspection for
milling verification.
This document describes functioning of this software.


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

OT_Eyes ........................................................................................................................................................ 6

OT_Eyes presentation ................................................................................................................................ 6

OT_Eyes diagram....................................................................................................................................... 6

OT_Eyes installation folder organization .................................................................................................... 8

Plug-in Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 10

TCPIP ....................................................................................................................................................... 10

IO card (relays) ......................................................................................................................................... 11

Serial (RS232) .......................................................................................................................................... 11

Test communication ................................................................................................................................. 11

Plug-in Dual ................................................................................................................................................ 12

Production mode ...................................................................................................................................... 12

PVC Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 13

Inspection criteria .................................................................................................................................. 13

Inspection criteria .................................................................................................................................. 15
Tolerances settings ............................................................................................................................... 17
Software diagram ..................................................................................................................................... 19

Plug-in Wirepad .......................................................................................................................................... 20

Production mode ...................................................................................................................................... 20

Configuration ............................................................................................................................................ 21

Software diagram ..................................................................................................................................... 23

Plug-in Contact ........................................................................................................................................... 24

Production mode ...................................................................................................................................... 24

Plug-in features ........................................................................................................................................ 25

Cavity shift ............................................................................................................................................ 25

Pad Detection ....................................................................................................................................... 25
Milling Through ..................................................................................................................................... 25
Software diagram ..................................................................................................................................... 26

Plug-in FCode Gen2 ................................................................................................................................... 27

Plug-in description .................................................................................................................................... 27


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Pad detection............................................................................................................................................ 28

Pad aspect ................................................................................................................................................ 31

Other configuration ................................................................................................................................... 32

Software diagram ..................................................................................................................................... 32

Plug-in Support .......................................................................................................................................... 33

Plug-in description .................................................................................................................................... 33

Communication test .................................................................................................................................. 34

Input Output card .................................................................................................................................. 34

RS232 ................................................................................................................................................... 35
Plug-in Calibration ..................................................................................................................................... 36

System calibration .................................................................................................................................... 36

Hardware camera setting with IDS ........................................................................................................... 36

Software calibration with OT_Eyes .......................................................................................................... 39

Shutter setup ............................................................................................................................................ 40

Camera position adjustment ..................................................................................................................... 41

Calibration (pixel -> mm) .......................................................................................................................... 42

Summary .................................................................................................................................................. 42

Plug-in Photometrie ................................................................................................................................... 43

System calibration validation .................................................................................................................... 43

Automatic mode........................................................................................................................................ 44

Plug-in Reference ..................................................................................................................................... 45

System deviation Checking .................................................................................................................. 45

Automatic mode........................................................................................................................................ 46

Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................................... 47

Plug-in doesn’t start .................................................................................................................................. 47

Hardware installation ................................................................................................................................. 48

Drivers ......................................................................................................................................................... 49

Sherlock ...................................................................................................................................................... 50

Camera driver installation ......................................................................................................................... 52

OT_Eyes ...................................................................................................................................................... 56


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

Installation OT_Eyes ................................................................................................................................ 56

....................................................................... 56

Administator Rights for OT_Eyes ............................................................................................................. 56


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OT_Eyes presentation

OT_Eyes is a vision software which can be separated into 3 parts:

- The kernel (OT_Eyes.exe)
- Plugins (dll dedicated to one vision control as milling or embedding control)
- Sherlock which is the vision and image processing kernel.

Sherlock is software provided by Teledyne Dalsa, a company specialized in vision systems. Each inspection
program (ivs files) will be developed with Sherlock and will be loaded by the OT_Eyes plug-in which can be
assimilated to a user interface for production.
The number of plugin is not limited.

OT_Eyes diagram


Plug-in Plug-in Plug-in Plug-in Pluggin
Dual Wirepad Embedding Support XXXX

kernel + ivs
kernel + ivs
kernel + ivs
kernel + ivs … Sherlock
kernel + ivs

Dual User
Dual User
Dual User
Dual User
interface … XXXX User


User guide | Global ops 09/2021






User guide | Global ops 09/2021

OT_Eyes installation folder organization

OT_Eyes is installed in folder C:\OT_Eyes and is organize as follow:

Language folder

Folder containing all plugins

Folder dedicate to one plugin (there for plugin named XXX)

Folder containing Sherlock software for plugin XXX

Folder containing output file of plugin XXX
Output images
Output traces
Folder containing configurations files if needed

For installation procedure, please refer to Annex 1.


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

How to start OT_Eyes

To start the OT vision software, run c:\OT_Eyes\OT_Eyes.exe or use the desktop shortcut:
If you are trying to start OT_Eyes on a non-administrator account, please refer to Annex 1 on OT_Eyes
installation procedure.
The following page is opened:

This window allows you to start the plug-in installed on your machine. To run, click on the button corresponding
to the plug-in you want to start:
- Dual : milling inspection of standard dual cards
- Wirepad : milling inspection for wirepad dual cards
- Contact : milling through inspection
- Calibration : allow to calibrate system (mechanical and lens adjustments)
- Photometrie : check the color calibration
- Reference : check the calibration drift during production
- Configuration: machine communication configuration
- Help: Support plug-in to get image and to test communication protocols.
- Exit : Close OT_Eyes


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Plug-in Configuration

After starting OT_Eyes.exe, click on the configuration button to start the plug-in . The following
window is shown:

This page give you the possibility to configure the communication mode between machine and OT_Eyes.
This communication allow machine to request the inspection of the current card and allow OT_Eyes to
provide results to the machine.
Communication interface can be Ethernet, serial or IO cards.


Tick the box to enable TCPIP mode

Select the IP address to use in the list (network
card where machine is plug)
Fill the communication port to use

Check the box if the machine is a Mingsen one

Save once configuration is done


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

IO card (relays)

Tick the box to enable TCPIP mode

Select Input and Output mapping according

to the enclosed picture if your installation is
done as requested in Annex 1

Save once configuration is done

Serial (RS232)

Tick the box to enable TCPIP mode

Select the serial communication port where the

machine is connected

Save once configuration is done

Test communication

Once configuration done and saved, you can test it with the lower panel of the page

1 Sent and received


Click on load configuration (1) then on start button (2).

Then in the maintenance menu of the machine, request a card inspection on the vision station and check
that the machine get the correct answer (ok or nok depends on the box checked (3))


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

Plug-in Dual
Production mode

After starting OT_Eyes.exe, click on the copper pad button to start the plug-in . The following window is

To start the production you must choose the Card reference (M3, M4 or M5) and the type of card (PVC, PETG
or Metal), fill in the Workorder and module number, and then click on the “Start” button.
The Stop button will be shown once camera and communication initialization will be done.
A new option is available to change the shutter for PETG, there is 2 radio button 1 for new tool for the milling
and one for used tool when the milling starts to shift and the vision needs a little adjustment
During the production you can choose a different view in the Sherlock camera visualization. To change this
view, click on the combo box in the bottom of the image:


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Meaning of the main windows:
ImgSourceXXX Image from the camera without any processing
imgMono Result of the research of the P2 cavity and pad
imgPositionLamage Calculation of P2 position
imgCountPad Detection of the 2 pads
imgColorPresence Detection of the pad color
imgSrcSoulevePad Detection of the pad snatching

PVC Configuration
Inspection criteria
Four qualities criteria are inspected with the vision inspection software:
1. Pads position  checking for the good position of copper pads into the milling (regarding to
the top inner cavity edge)

2. Pads presence left and right  checking if the copper pads are at least 70% of the surface for
both pads (no lack)


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3. Pads aspect on the left and right  checking for the good milling quality of the copper pads
with at least 70% of the surface on both sides (shiny aspect)

4. Milling Through checking, detects if the inner cavity isn’t pierced.  Check if some pixels in
the inner cavity are not in a good range of the average luminosity of the cavity.


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PETG Configuration

Inspection criteria
Five qualities criteria are inspected with the vision inspection software:
1. Pads position  checking for the good position of copper pads into the milling (regarding to
the top inner cavity edge)

2. Pads presence left and right  checking if the copper pads are at least 70% of the surface for
both pads (no lack)

3. Pads aspect on the left and right  checking for the good milling quality of the copper pads
with at least 70% of the surface on both sides (shiny aspect)


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4. Aspect of the milling.  Presence of 5 milling marks needed in each area (3 green lines)

5. Milling Through checking, detects if the inner cavity isn’t pierced.  Check if some pixels in
the inner cavity are not in a good range of the average luminosity of the cavity.


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Tolerances settings
This page is protected by password. All the quality parameters can be adjusted for each criteria.

Max and min value for the copper pads position.

Suspicious criteria can be added to manage 2 levels of
quality rejection (1 totally bad, 1 necessary to check by
the operator).

% presence of the copper pads expected + max rotation

Suspicious criteria can be added to manage 2 levels of
quality rejection (1 totally bad, 1 necessary to check by
the operator).

Number of milling marks of the copper pads expected.

Milling Through Threshold refers as the range of value

allowed around the average luminosity of the inner
cavity. Low = Less values accepted. Tolerance is the
number of pixels in milling through allowed.
Corner lift tol is the number of pixels maximum for no
corner lift
Cavity shift tol is the distance maximum for no cavity shift
in mm.

The “Apply” button validates the tolerances modified in the current program without saving in the main program.
The “Save” button load the values in the main program of Sherlock.


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Maintenance designed page :

Save Images : Result is the raw image, RGB is the

image Gabor filtered on RGB and Gabor45 and
Gabor135 are 2 filters of Gabor used in PETG.
Images are located in

Save some informations on the investigation result

in a csv file in Output/output.csv

!!WARNING!! Var. Sherlock should not be used

unless you were told to, it’s designed for
development and might affect the investigation
directly with no trace on changes

Quick support and small variables changes page

Saturation Max is the max shutter allowed

Shutter step and Tol aspect film are only used in
PVC configuration and Shutter Milling is used as
lower shutter limit in PVC and milling marks shutter
in PETG configuration
Val Shutter Pad is the shutter for detection in PVC
and is used for pad detection in PETG

Dark Background is for dark core color cards and

changes the way milling through is designed (in

Apply to save temporarily and Save to Apply

changes to the ivs directly for the next session.


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Software diagram

Start inspection

Position OK ?

Presence OK ?


Aspect OK ?

Tearing OK ?


Card NOK Card OK


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Plug-in Wirepad
Production mode

After starting OT_Eyes.exe, click on the embedded button to start the plug-in . The following window is

To start the production you have to choose your chip type (M3, M4, M5) and the card type (Standard, Monzo,
Amex or MotionCode), then click on the start button.

The Stop button will be shown when camera and communication initialization will be finished.
During the production the user has some live data:
- Calculation results (more details on configuration part)
- Results of the currents inspection
- Counter of good and bad cards since the plug-in has been started

During the production you can choose a different view in the Sherlock camera visualization. To change this
view, click on the combo box at the bottom of the image:


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ImgSource Image from camera without treatment
imgDetectLamage Detection of the cavity
imgAntennaShift Measure of the position of the pad
imgColorResu Extraction of the color map
imgArrachement Image in which software looking for snatching
imgConnectWire Detection of the wire presence
imgResu Result of the inspection of the current card


Each parameter, that defines whether a card is good or bad, has a tolerance which can be changed. To access
these parameters, you must be logged on as an administrator. To log in, go to the General Menu and click on

and fill in the password box with “op4” then validate.

Then go on to the Setting page to access to tolerances.

A new feature is available to enable the Milling Through for admins, this option should be unavailable while

you are not logged in as “Admin” or “Super Admin”. To do so, go to the General Menu and click on and
fill in the password box with “op3” then validate. This option is designed to team leaders, if they can verify that
the batch in progress is good and the Milling Through is not working for Core Color or something else, they
can disable it temporarely.


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Minimum number of good pixel detected as good
wire aspect

Maximum number of black pixel found in the milling


Minimum and Maximum range between wires and

the end of the cavity
Minimum of good wire percentage
Max number of pixel detected as a milling through

Max pixel of shift between theoretical and calculated

P1 center

Save source image for each inspection

Save results to csv file for each inspection

Raw Sherlock Variables !!! WARNING !!! Do not use

unless told to, it affects directly the variables of the
inspection, might make the program disfunction

Activate/deactivate area where software will check

the presence of the wire
Click on each square to activate (green) /deactivate
(red) it

Activate the alert option. This option allow operator

to be inform if a default appear more that X time
during the last Y number of cards done.
Window of Y cards
Forgeted Counted
errors errors


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To help you to setup those parameters, the results of each calculation for each card are shown on the
Production page:

In this sample:
- 12449 pixels are found for the right wire -> OK
- 8379 pixels are found for the left wire -> OK
- 113 pixels are found in the P2 milling area -> Snatching

Software diagram

Start inspection

P1/P2 detect OK ?

Position OK ?

Missing wire OK ?


Aspect OK ?

Tearing OK ?


Card NOK Card OK


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

Plug-in Contact
Production mode

After starting OT_Eyes.exe, click on the contact card button to start the plug-in . This window should be

To start the production, you need to select the chip type (M3, M4, M5) and your card type (Standard or Tacho),
and then press the Start button.

The STOP button should appears when the camera and communication will be ready. Now it should give you
some data on the production.

Firstly, you have 3 check boxes to select if you want to analyze some data during the investigation. Either the
milling through to check if the back of the card is pierced, the cavity shift, to check if the cavity is on the right
position and if the milling is sufficient.
And at last, the Pad detection, to check if a pad is present, this option should be unavailable while you are not

logged in as “Admin” or “Super Admin”. To do so, go to the General Menu and click on and fill in the
password box with “op3” then validate.


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Plug-in features
Cavity shift
The main utility of this feature is to check if your cavity are present and has a good range on each side. This
is why we are using the image window below, it contains 4 areas of detection to detect the presence of the
cavity and checks if the cavity is large enough.

Pad Detection
The Pad detection is used to make sure the batch ran through the machine is correct and doesn’t contain
copper pads. The detection is almost the same as the one in Dual Pad but instead of rejecting if the pad isn’t
present, it rejects if it detects a pad.

Milling Through
The Milling Through detection makes sure the back of the card is not milled, it can also be detected when the
background is really thin and almost pierced, because sometimes the milling can be visible on the back of the
card. The Milling Through checks if some pixels in the inner cavity are not in a good range of the average
luminosity of the cavity.


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Software diagram

Start inspection

Position OK ?

Presence OK ?


Milling Through?


Card NOK Card OK


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

Plug-in FCode Gen2
Plug-in description

After starting OT_Eyes.exe, click on the FCode button to start the plug-in.

The following window is shown:


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To start the production you have to choose if you want to control sensor (Not available for the moment) or EMV
chip, then click on the start button.

The Stop button will be shown when camera and communication initialization will be finished.
During the production the user has some live data:
- Calculation results (more details on configuration part)
- Results of the currents inspection

During the production you can choose a different view in the Sherlock camera visualization. To change this
view, click on the combo box at the bottom of the image:

ImgSource Image from camera without treatment

imgDetectPad Detection of the 8 copper pads
imgPadAspectResu Detection of the copper aspect.
imgDetectWire Detect if some antenna wire are present in milling
imgResu Result of the inspection of the current card
Pad detection

This control will check if each pad has:

- Correct position
- Correct size (area)
- Correct orientation/angle


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

To see the computation, select imgDetectPad in the combobox.
A square will go through each pad and will try to detect the pad sqare. If the detection is ok, a computation of
the pad angle and center coordinate will be done and compare to tolerances.

Those tolerances can be configured in the Parameters tab on the left part of OT_Eyes:


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Check the box to control pad position.
Uncheck to disable it

X and Y coordinates of each copper pad.
For example:

- Pad 1 -> X=510 Y=170

- Pad 2 -> X=980 Y=620

Position tolerance in pixel. Here, if the

position of the detected pad are more that
X reference + 40, card will be NOK

For Pad 1:

X=510 Y=170

X=450 Y=170

For X : 510 – 450 = 60 which is more that

the tolerances of 40 pixels.
 Card is bad

Check the box to control pad angle.

Uncheck to disable it

Then configure the max angle allowed for

pad rotation


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

Pad aspect

This control will check if the milling has been correctly done. This is done by detecting pad color and
generating a image corresponding to:
- Black pixel = good milled copper
- White pixel = all other part of the card

Then, for each pad, a count of black pixel is done and compare to a theorical value. In parameter part you can
Check the box to control pad aspect. Uncheck to
disable it
Number of pixel for a full copper pad

Percentage of good milled copper pad which must be

Here, we must have 70% of 15000pixels
 More that 10500 pixel for a good pad

13498 black pixel

1050 black pixel


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Other configuration
Check the box to activate the saved of
- Result in csv file
- Images of each card

Click on Apply will send the new

value/configuration but default value will be
back after restarted OT_Eyes

Click on Save will send the new

value/configuration and erase old value. After
Restarting OT_Eyes, this value will be kept.

Software diagram

Start inspection

Detect copper ok?

Aspect OK ?

wire not present?


Card NOK Card OK


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

Plug-in Support
Plug-in description

This plug-in is a help for support and installation test. To start it, start OT_Eyes and click on the button

It allows a live view of the camera and testing of the communication between the machine and OT_Eyes.


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Images saving

Once the plug-in is started you have the option to save the images from the camera by clicking on the lens

button. Those images will be save in the folder: “C:\OT_Eyes\Plugins\Plugin_Support\Output”

Once all images have been taken, the plug-in can generate a zip file containing the images and all the Sherlock

configuration files. For that, click on the zip button and send the generated package to the Vision
software support team.

Communication test
Input Output card

This part allows you to communicate with the input/ output card. This card is used in some machines to do the
interface between machine automaton and OT_Eyes.
This card is composed of 8 relays, 4 named “port high” and 4 named “port low”. The configurations in all
machine are as follow:
- Port High = input (read information from machine)
- Port Low = output (send information to the machine)

To be able to change the output relay state or to read the input relay state, you must first click on the start

button . Then you can read on the 8 LEDs the states of each relay:
- Red = relay off
- Green = relay on

In case of output relay you can manually change the state of it by clicking on the led button.


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This part will allow the user to log all communication sent by the machine via RS232. For that, choose the
communication port which is use to dialogite with the machine into the list. And press on the connect button

. Once done, all communication received by the computer will be show in the list box.

Those logs can be saved into a file by clicking on the export button .

Once completed, the communication can be ended by clicking on the disconnect button


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Plug-in Calibration
System calibration
After implementation of the material, it is necessary to check if the material is in good position and if the lens
adjustment is good.
For that, it is necessary to use the IDS software and OT_Eyes Calibrations tools.

First of all, insert the “Grey calibration card” under the camera and center it.

Check the aperture of the lenses which must be set to 8 (cf picture below) => this not the final set up.

Hardware camera setting with IDS

Execute file: uEyeCockpit software situated on the desktop and choose “No profil” button


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Click on the run button to start the camera acquisition

Once the live image is shown follow the bellow instructions:

- load camera parameters provided with OT_Eyes

For that, click on menu: File->Load parameters->From file… and choose the file located in

Check AES/AGC, Image, Format, Taille tab and disable all auto mode mainly gamma check box. In Image
tab, set shutter value to 4 ms.

Then, we must execute the white balance. Go to camera parameters . Then in AWB tab, select Auto(Grey
world) and click on “Execution unique”


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The “Execution unique” box and the parameters will be disabled automatically once finished.
Make sure the camera is not flipped, if it is tick or untick the Left/Right and Up/Down Mirror.

Now we are ready to save camera parameters to Sherlock’s file.

For that, click on menu: File->Save parameters->To file…


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Camera serial number

Save the file to the path:

“C:\users\Sherlock\appdata\local\Teledyne Dalsa\Sherlock\Drivers\uEye5241_XXXXXXXXXX.ini” where

XXXXXXXXXX is the serial number of the camera

Equivalent path = %SP7DATA64%\Divers\uEye5241_XXXXXXXXXX.ini

This serial number can be found in the title bar of uEye Cockpit (see image above).
Then you can close the uEyeCockpit software.

Software calibration with OT_Eyes

Keep the Grey calibration card under the camera and start OT_Eyes calibration plug-in


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Shutter setup
The first step is to setup the shutter according to the reference shutter.

Set the aperture of the lense to 0 and increase it until you get 116 value for the current luminosity (top right in
OT_Eyes calibration)

Once done, the software shutter will be calculated automatically by pressing “Start measurement” button. The
software will test several shutter value and will choose the best one:

The correction coefficient must be close to 1 and luminosity must be close to value 105 (green value for both
parameters). If not refer to the Help tab.

Correction coeff. : the optimal value for this coefficient is between 0,9 and 1,1.

Light Flatness adjustment

If the message “Warning! Light Flatness is incorrect please check your configuration” is written in the image
window, you need to adjust the light position to make it almost the same everywhere.
To guide you, you can select the imgAvgLumSquares image window, if the square is red, the light is too low,
if the square is blue, the light is too high.
If your flatness is not correct, you can run the program without any issue, this is just to prevent some problems
with lightness analysis in some investigation.


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Camera position adjustment

Once shutter calculated and ok, we must setup the camera positioning. For that, place the checkerboard card
under the camera:

Then go to the Calibration tab:


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The calibration card has 4 dot in the grid. You must align those dots into the 4 boxes on the image by moving
the camera position in X, Y and Z axis:
Increase distance between calibration and
lens => increase field of view.

®+ +®

Detection of the
specific points
on the + +
® ®
reference card
Current dot Ref point

In this case, increase Z.

When you change Z distance you have to
correct the focus.

Once all value are in green in the right of OT_Eyes, the calibration part will be enable.

Calibration (pixel -> mm)

The program will execute the conversion between pixels and millimeters.

Press on button “Calibration” and wait for the results:

- Non conformity value must be close to 0
- Standard deviation must be close to 0
- Average measurement must be close to 1mm

If all values are ok you are done for the calibration. If not, refer to the help and restart the full calibration


If all results are correct the calibration is done.

If now go back to the previous step and redo the settings.


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Plug-in Photometrie
System calibration validation
After calibration, it’s necessary to check if all parameters have been setup correctly. This is done with the
photometric card on which we will measure color value, contrast and measurement.
Place the card under the camera:

And start Photometric plugin:


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Click on Run once button and check the result. If NOK restart the calibration and check is all parameters are

Automatic mode

An automatic mode is available and allows to directly communicate with the machine. Place your card in the
input magazine, click on start button in ot_Eyes and start your transfer batch on the machine. Only vision
station must be activated on the machine.
Once the card will be on the vision station, the card will be checked and sorted in the OK or NOK output


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Plug-in Reference
System deviation Checking

This plugin allow to check if vision system is still well setup and if vision system is still available to check dual
cards. It will check camera position, color and measurement.
This test must be done every XXXXXX cards to be sure that the system has not derivate.
Place the reference card under the camera:

And start Reference plugin:


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

Click on Run once button and check the result. If NOK restart the calibration and check is all parameters are

Automatic mode

An automatic mode is available and allows to directly communicate with the machine. Place your card in the
input magazine, click on start button in ot_Eyes and start your transfer batch on the machine. Only vision
station must be activated on the machine.
Once the card will be on the vision station, the card will be checked and sorted in the OK or NOK output


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Plug-in doesn’t start

When clicking the icon of a plug-in, a new window appears but there is a


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Annex 1 : Installation procedure

Hardware installation


Optical adjustement :
Apperture = 8

110 mm


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Graphic card installation
The first driver to install is the computer graphical card driver. This driver must be downloaded on the dell
website in accordance to your hardware.
For example, for a Dell Optiplex 3020, go to: http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19?~ck=mn

In general support section choose then Optiplex -> optiplexe 3020

Then select and fill the field as follow:

Then a list of drivers is shown and driver has to be selected according to your hardware (usually Intel driver).
Download and install the file.


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!! Install must be done with administrator account.

Sherlock installation
For installing Teledyne DALSA Sherlock, execute the setup package Sherlock7_x86_Setup.exe which you
can find on the Sherlock DVD in the folder _Sherlock7.3.1.1

Once done, start Sherlock and open menu Options->Application

Then configure the line “Angles’ unit of measure” to Degrees and the line “Use more accurate but slower…” to

Sherlock dongle installation

To allow Sherlock to capture images from the camera, the license key MUST be installed on the Sherlock
computer (see picture below).


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Install driver located in folder: Dongle Driver\ Sentinel 7.5.8\ Sentinel System Driver Installer.exe

Without this key, the system is unusable.

Sherlock licence key


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Camera driver installation
The first step is to configure the IP address of your additional network card where is plug the camera.
If network card didn’t appear in your network windows config panel, install drivers according to your card.
Unplug the network wire which is linked to the machine and it will leave only the 2 network cards linked to the
Then configure the IP as follow:
- IP =
- Sub network

If there is a second camera then set second camera ip address to

Execute file: IDS camera manager software situated on the desktop

Select your camera and click on button “Configuration automatique ETH” to configure camera communication.


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

If there is 2 cameras then ensure that Cam id are set to 1 for camera milling 1 and to 2 for camera milling 2.
By default the camid are set at 1 like below.

Double click on first camera and put something under camera to know which one we are speaking about.
Camera 1 or camera 2. Camera 1 is the camera nearest the milling station. Camera 2 is the camera nearest
output magazine.

Once we know if camera is 1 or 2 then open again IDS camera manager and click on Camera information and
change the number accordingly.


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

DevId is not important, CamId is important. Once setup properly, each camera must have unique Camid.

If error message is displayed about intel i5 then change settings like below. In IDS manager, click on button.
Additional functions and set settings like picture below.

Execute file: uEyeCockpit software situated on the desktop

Click on the run button to start the camera acquisitionExecute file: uEyeCockpit software situated on the
Click on the run button to start the camera acquisition


User guide | Global ops 09/2021


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

Installation OT_Eyes

To install OT_Eyes, you need to copy the folder OT_Eyes and the folder opencv to the root of your C disk at

Then, on the OT_Eyes folder there is a SherlockDrivers folder. Launch the executable
OT.Eyes.SherlockDriverInstaller.exe as Administrator. Enter the serial number of your camera(s). Click Install.
Now your camera drivers are configured. Please refer to the “Plug-in Calibration” if you will have administration
rights during production, if not, keep reading the next section.

Next step, in the Package, go in the “Dependencies” folder, and copy the UsrImgProcLib.dll. In the URL
section, at the top of your File Explorer write %SP7HOME64% as seen below. Go in the Plugins folder and
paste the UsrImgProcLib.dll.

Go to the Environment variables, click on the Windows icon on your task bar, start writing “environment
variables” and select “Modify your environment variables”, click on Path on the second table and the button
“Modify” and Add “C:\opencv\build\x64\vc15\bin”, as seen below.

Administator Rights for OT_Eyes

For the latest version of Sherlock (version, the engine needs administration rights to start. If your user
account to start OT_Eyes is not administrator, you will need to install “RunAsTool”.

Step 1:
In the OT_Eyes package in the Drivers folder, you will find the RunAsTool folder. Copy it in “C:\Program
Files(x86)” then open it and create a shortcut of “RunAsToolx64.Exe and put it on the desktop.


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

Step 2:
Double-click the shortcut you just created. It should ask for administrator logins. Once you have done it, you
can import the OT_Eyes executable (OT_Eyes.exe) to the list either by drag and drop or selecting it in the file
browser present at the path: C:\OT_Eyes\OT_Eyes.exe

Step 3 :
OT_Eyes should be added to the list of software that will run as administrator. If you double-click the
OT_Eyes.exe icon, it should run perfectly. To make it easier for everyone, we are gonna create the shortcut
for OT_Eyes, just right-click the icon and select “Create a shortcut”, and then click “Save” as the Desktop
should be the standard location.

If the program start and you can launch any Plug-in, please refer to the “Plug-in Calibration” now.


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

Annex 3: Dual default library


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

Bad aspect


Raised pad


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

Annex 4: Wirepad default library


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

Bad aspect


Bad pad position


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

Annex 5: Support contacts


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

Manufacturing Equipment support service :

Manufacturing Equipment Support Engineer | Oberthur Technologies
Avenue d'Helmstedt - La Haye Robert - BP90308 - 35503 VITRE Cedex - FRANCE
T: +33 (0)2 90 70 90 37 | F: +33 (0)2 99 74 18 35 | M: +33 (0)7 86 66 13 00
E-mail : f.lecharpentier@oberthur.com - Web : www.oberthur.com

Vision software support service :

Corporate & regional management project engineer / Oberthur Technologies
Avenue d'Helmstedt - La Haye Robert - BP90308 - 35503 VITRE Cedex - FRANCE
T: +33 (0)2 90 70 90 23 | M: +33 (0)63 39 07 78
E-mail:d.langlois2@oberthur.com - Web: www.oberthur.com


User guide | Global ops 09/2021

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