Grade 6 Democratic Govt Study Material

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1. The Cauvery River dispute is between Tamil Nadu and……….
(a) Maharashtra (b) Gujarat (c) Karnataka

Ans. (c)
2. ………..may be responsible for conflicts.
(a) Disagreements (b) individuals (c) Groups

Ans. (a)


1. Rule of a king who is the head of the country ………
Ans. Monarchy
2. Representative government………..
Ans. Democracy
3. Leader of ‘Apartheid’ movement………
Ans. Nelson Mandela
4. Procedure for selecting someone through voting……
Ans. Elections

C. Match the words in column A with the words in column B


1. Monarchy (a) River Cauvery

2. Nelson Mandela (b) Participation of people
3. Krishna Raja Sagara (c ) King
4. Democracy D. Anti-Apartheid Movement

Ans. 1.c 2.d 3.a 4.b

1. Greek words, demos and Kratos together mean
(a) Monarchy (b) authority of the queen (c) authority of the people

Ans. (c)

2. The most important ingredient to make democracy work and be successful is

(a) Equality (b) power of king (c) authority
Ans. (a)
3. Educational institutions create ………among young citizens.
(a) Awareness (b) laziness (c) participation
Ans. (a)


1. How did democracy gain importance?

Ans. Democracy gained importance because it was realized that the will of the people is
essential in the functioning of the government.

2. Define public opinion. Highlight the role of agencies in the creation of public opinion.

Ans. Public opinion is the aggregate of individual views and beliefs, prevalent among the
adult residents. Agencies play a crucial role in the creation of public opinion by shaping,
influencing, and disseminating information.

3. Who runs the government in a democracy?

Ans. A large number of chosen representatives run the government in a democracy.

4. List the agencies that help to form public opinion

Ans. Media and educational institutions are the agencies of public opinion.


1. Discuss the chief features of democracy in brief

Ans. Features of Democracy

(a) Public opinion is important for democracy. It is necessary that political parties should be
disciplined and work for national interest and public opinion paves the way for it.

(b) The citizens of a democratic country should accept the views and decisions of the government
towards the welfare of the society and should give up self-interest for the same.

(c) People should be well aware of their rights and duties.

(d) It is essential that the government should have the freedom to rule and the opposition should
have the freedom to express their opinion regarding the functioning of the ruling party.

2. How do people participate in the governance of a country through elections?

Ans. In a democracy, representatives chosen by the people through election process run the
government. Election is a formal and organized procedure of selecting someone for public office by
vote. Election helps in keeping a check on the power exercised by the elected representatives. It is
their duty to keep in mind the opinion of the people while taking decisions. In our country, elections
are held after every five years. All citizens of 18 years or above can exercise their right to choose
honest, devoted and sincere representatives. Participation grants people the power to bring about
change, if the government does not perform.

3. Discuss the several ways in which public opinion is expressed

Ans. There are a variety of ways of expressing public opinion, which is important to any
democracy. Public opinion is the aggregate of individual views and beliefs, prevalent
among the adult residents. Public opinion holds an important place in society. There are
several ways in which public opinion is expressed. Dharnas, rallies, strikes, signature
campaigns, etc., are some ways of expressing public opinion. Media like newspapers,
periodicals, magazines, television, cinema, etc., are effective for generating political and
social awareness. Educational institutions like schools and colleges also create awareness
among young citizens.

4. What is a conflict? How can conflicts be resolved in different ways?

Ans. Conflicts are resulted when as an effect of disagreement, there is danger to an

individual or group's interest. People tend to react to a condition based on their opinion.
Many a time, they react violently to resolve disputes. Such powerful strong responses
tend to threaten the peaceful society. The Indian Constitution clearly defines laws to be
followed by the center and the states in resolving differences in a situation of conflict.
Apart from legal procedures, there are alternatives like negotiation, mediation and

E. Higher Order Thinking skills

How are equality and justice the basis of democracy? Explain.
Ans. Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Therefore,
it requires equal participation of people and all are treated equally. Equality and justice are
hence the basis of democracy.

Value corner

Conflicts arise from disagreements. If you and your friend have a disagreement on
something, how would you resolve it so that it does not give rise to a conflict?
Ans. I would resolve the conflict peacefully by talking and discussing the cause of the conflict
and find a solution


The students should form groups and make a chart to show the history of democracy.

Life Skill

The students have to find the agencies or activities that help in case of the given issues.

For example, election news - Election Commission

corruption-Central Vigilance Commission

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