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1. In American mind, the United States in associated with……………………….

A. Individual freedom
B. Individualism
C. Freedom from Kings
D. Freedom from the British controls
2. Cultural pluralism( đa nguyên văn hóa)……………… the US
A. Is a fact of life in some communities
B. Has won increasing recognition
C. Has been well-recognised for more than 200 years
D. Is practical choice for the most people
3. Which of the following is a basic value of the American culture?
A. Monopoly
B. Melting pot
C. Hard work
D. Cooperation
4. In the US, those who are more successful than others are honered by being called winners as
A. Consider learning to compete is part of growing up
B. Match competition with their energy and intelligence
C. Are free to compete with all their energy and intelligence
D. See life as a race
5. The reason why acquiring a large number of possessions is important to most Americans is
A. Americans love material things and have no religious values
B. Americans believe in materialism
C. Americans want to be rich as aristocrats in their old land
D. Material wealth is a measure of social status in the U.S
6. Many americans now doubt the value of hard work because…………….
A. They’ve lost their American dream
B. They face a decline in their standard of living
C. It is impossible to go from rags to riches
D. The American economy has shifted
7. What do checks and balances do in the US?
A. They help check and balance the rights of citizens
B. They help the president check the activities of the courts
C. They help limit the power of the president to prevent power abuse
D. They help branches of government check each others to prevent power abuse
8. Why do business institution in the US have great prestige?
A. They make a lot of profit by competing well with superior products and services
B. They help to protect basic american values through competition
C. They succeed in the race and prove they are the swiftest
D. They are better than the government in providing socail welfare
9. What is the true about the legal system in the US?
A. The U.S Supreme Court can impact the U.S President
B. Supreme Court Judges are appointed by the Senates
C. District Courts hear appeals
D. Distric Courts hear cases on state matters
10. In the US, no branches of the Federal Government can be more powerful than the others
A. Of the principle of representative government
B. Of the system of check and balance
C. The Supreme Court is entitiled to judicial review the operation of all branches
D. All states are equal in the US
II. (T/F)
11. Budget deficit means a nation exports more than it imports (F)
12. Americans respect entrepreneurs' dislike of submitting to higher authority F
13. Business competition encourages the value of hard workT
14. The Executive branch of government is responsible for administering the laws passed by
Congress (T)
15. Americans do not want to have a strong national government because they are much more
concerned with national glory F
16. The Bill of Rights is part of the Declaration of IndependenceF
17. The number of electoral votes a candidate receives is determined by who wins the total popular
vote nationwide. F
18. Stronger gun-control laws are favored by most of the American people.==> F
19. The Supreme Court played a major role in the 2000 Election T
20. The Republicans and the Democrats basically agree about the role of the government and they
have the same political beliefs  F

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