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Topic: The impact of social media in the entertainment industry.

Ideas: the evolution of social media and the entertainment industry.

1: increase in the number of viewers.

2: Instant consumption and reaction.
3: Social networks as “career” impulses.

Thesis statement: Social media is now part of our lives, there is no doubt people spend a
great amount of time scrolling through accounts and feeding this anonymous and
powerful virtual world. One industry that felt this change and evolution is the entertainment
Topic sentence 1: The internet causes a fast and constant increase in the number of
viewers, a situation that has its advantages and disadvantages.
Topic sentence 2: A challenge about instant consumption is that it allows instant
Topic sentence 3: Considering social media happens with the entire world at different
timelines, is fair to say it is a place where people never stop.
Topic sentence 4: Social networks have become the impulse of new “careers”.
The New Critics of Hollywood

Social media is now part of our lives, there is no doubt people spend a great
amount of time scrolling through accounts and feeding this anonymous and powerful
virtual world. One industry that felt this change and evolution is the entertainment industry.
Movies now must adapt to the unique needs of consumers and platforms. Actors are now
in the spotlight with just a simple click, sometimes without even knowing.

The internet causes a fast and constant increase in the number of viewers, a
situation that has its advantages and disadvantages. A great advantage is the existence
of streaming platforms like Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime. They allowed people from all
over the world to watch movies and shows immediately after their official release. The
good part is that if the project is successful profits are higher, actors are known, and
comments are great. On the other hand, if the movie or show is a failure, the critic does
not take long to show up. The biggest problem is that it does not matter if it is positive or
negative, reactions are quickly divulged.

A challenge about instant consumption is that it allows instant reactions. This

means actors do not have a break now, they are exposed to content 24/7. In the past,
they usually disconnected after they wrap up and critics came up later through
newspapers or TV. Now a days there are a vast number of channels and reporters. As a
result, it takes days for a cast to do press. The crazy routines can be challenging and
overwhelming, even more if the person gets home to a cellphone where social networks
do not sleep.

Considering social media happens with the entire world at different timelines, is
fair to say it is a place where people never stop. Usually, apps like Twitter or Facebook
are chaotic. Certain individuals enjoy the idea of hiding behind a profile to attack and
insult and they believe they have the arguments and experience to comment on specific
points. It can be terrifying and exhausting if you are the object of discussion which is the
case of “famous” people.
Social networks have become the impulse of new “careers.” Now, if you dance or
talk about your daily life you can easily be known on platforms like TikTok or Instagram.
The most interesting part is you receive money for it depending on the number of followers
you get. Without diminishing these talents, it would be accurate to say this results in a
demotion of the actor’s job. Companies have hired people through these platforms. So, it
becomes unfair when there is no preparation and education involved. That does not mean
the method is not useful, incredibly talented people have had a chance thanks to it.

In conclusion, social media has a significant impact in the entertainment industry.

It has its advantages and disadvantages that must be carefully managed. When you are
a public figure, you must be responsible and aware of your mental health. The internet
can be an overwhelming place, especially with the new critics of Hollywood: us.

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