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This Week's Mini-Goal

the goal i want to accomplish in the next 10 days is that i want to start allocating my time to
important tasks and people that hold real value in my life. I will do this by

1. Curated Schedule: I’ll design my days, allocating time for important work, exercise, and
quality conversations.
2. No More Snooze: I’ll rise purposefully, avoiding rushed mornings, and savoring the quiet.
3. Nurturing Bonds: I’ll connect with loved ones, investing in relationships that truly matter.

Driver's Seat Mentality

Clarity of Purpose: I envision my destination—clearly defining what truly matters. This clarity fuels my
Ownership: I grasp the wheel with conviction. I am accountable for steering my course, regardless of
external distractions.
Prioritization: I sift through tasks and relationships, allocating time wisely. The essentials take
Taking Control

1. What’s in my control?
● My time: I’ll decide how to spend it wisely.
● My company: I’ll choose to be around people who are good for me.
● My reactions: I’ll stay calm and positive, even when things get tough.
2. What’s not in my control?
● Others’ actions: Can’t control them, so no point fretting.
● The past: It’s done; I’ll focus on now and the future.
3. Ditching the defense mechanisms:
● Instead of seeking validation, I’ll ask myself, “Did this help me grow? Did it make me
4. Personal wins from my goal:
● Intrinsically: I’ll feel proud and satisfied knowing I’m using my time well.
● Extrinsically: I might get recognized for my hard work and smart choices.
5. How will I feel?
● Accomplishing my goal will make me feel like a boss—confident and in charge.
6. Remembering past victories:
● I remember pulling off all-nighters to meet those crazy deadlines this semester, and each time, I
● Can’t forget the time I balanced studies with offline internship, and still managed to keep my
grades up.

building that plan

Skill Set:

● Time Management: I’ll use tools like calendars and to-do lists to prioritize my tasks.
● Communication: I’ll practice clear and assertive communication to express what I need and
● Problem-Solving: I’ll tackle problems head-on, looking for solutions instead of dwelling on the

● Growth Mindset: I’ll see challenges as opportunities to learn, not as setbacks.
● Self-Confidence: I’ll remind myself of my past successes to boost my confidence.
● Resilience: I’ll stay determined, even when things don’t go as planned.

Staying on Track
To stay on track, I’d use a mix of tools and strategies that work best for me:

● Alarms: I’ll set alarms for important tasks and deadlines to make sure I don’t miss them.
● Reminders: I’ll put stick notes in places I often look at, like my bathroom mirror.
● Calendar Alerts: I’ll schedule my tasks in a digital calendar with alerts to keep me aware of
what’s coming up next.
● To-Do Lists: I’ll maintain a daily to-do list to break down my goals into manageable tasks.

Motivation Station

● Gratitude Moments: Take a minute each day to think about what I’m grateful for—it boosts my
● Creative Outlets: Engage in a hobby that relaxes me, like painting or playing an instrument.
● Learning Breaks: Spend some time learning something new, unrelated to work or studies, to
keep my mind sharp.
● Social Detox: Regularly unplug from social media to avoid negativity and distractions.
● Goal Visualization: Spend a few minutes visualizing achieving my goals—it’s like a mental
rehearsal for success.
● Kindness Acts: Do something nice for someone else; it makes me feel good

Your Co-Pilot Crew

● My Roommate, Sejal: She’s like a second family to me. Living together means she sees me at
my best and worst, and her insights are invaluable.
● My Boyfriend, Vedant: He’s my partner in every sense. We share our dreams and challenges,
and his support is a cornerstone in my life.
● My Sister, Musku: She’s been my ally since day one. Our bond is unbreakable, and her advice
often clears the way forward.

With them in the co-pilot seat, I’m more than ready to take on the road ahead.
Taking Control (Back)
If I find myself leaning too much on my co-pilots or tempted to slip back into the back seat, here’s what I’d
do to regain control:

● Self-Reflection: I’ll take time to reflect on why I’m feeling dependent or tempted to step back.
Understanding the root cause is key to addressing it.
● Revisit Goals: I’ll remind myself of my goals and the reasons why I wanted to be in the driving
seat in the first place.
● Adjust Support: If necessary, I’ll adjust the level of support I’m getting from my co-pilots to
ensure it’s helpful but not making me too dependent.

Course Correction
If I don’t manage to move from the back seat to the driving seat in the next 10 days, it means I’ve stayed
in a passive role where life’s events continue to drive me, rather than me taking the wheel. It’s like I’ve let
the road take me wherever it wants, instead of steering towards my destination.
In this case, I need to reassess my approach. I’ll look at what’s keeping me in the back seat. Is it a lack of
clear priorities? Am I avoiding making tough decisions? Or maybe I’m not saying ‘no’ enough to the things
and people that drain my energy. To get back on track, setting a slightly more attainable goal and allowing
for some wiggle room can be a wise move. It’s like adjusting the seat and mirrors before driving; it
ensures I’m more comfortable and better prepared for the journey ahead. So, I’ll recalibrate my
objectives, perhaps break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks, and give myself the grace to
deviate a bit if needed. Then, I’ll buckle up and give it another go, keeping my eyes on the road to
productivity and peace of mind.

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