Endoscopic Biliary Large-Balloon Dilation After Endoscopic Sphincterotomy For The Treatment of Large Common Bile Duct Stones. Case Report

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Revista de Gastroenterología de México 2010;3(75):339-343


■ Clinical case

Endoscopic biliary large-balloon dilation

after endoscopic sphincterotomy for the
treatment of large common bile duct
stones. Case Report
Salceda-Otero JC,1 Vázquez-Ballesteros E,1 Peláez-Luna 1 Advanced Endoscopy Unit ABC Medical Center
2 Liver Pancreas and Motility Laboratory (HIPAM)
M,1,2 Lozoya-González D,1 González-Galeote E,1 Farca-
Experimental Medicine Unit-School of Medicine
Belsaguy A1 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Recibido el 7 de enero de 2010; aceptado el 23 de abril de 2010.

■ Abstract ■ Resumen
Key words: Palabras clave:
Common bile duct (CBD) La extracción de litos en el co-
Bile ducts, biliary Conductos
stones extraction is usually lédoco se realiza habitualmen-
calculi, endosco- biliares, cálculos
performed by endoscopic te con la realización de una
pic sphinctero- biliares, esfinte-
sphincterotomy followed esfinterotomía endoscópica se-
tomy, balloon dila- rotomía endos-
by removal by either a Dor- guido del uso de una canasti-
tor, large stones, cópica, balón
mia basket or extraction lla de Dormia o con balón. Sin
Mexico. dilatador, litos
balloon catheter. However, embargo, existen algunos litos
grandes, México.
some stones due to their que debido a su gran tamaño
size are not amenable to no es posible retirarlos por es-
these procedures and extracorporeal or mechani- tos métodos requiriendo de litotripsia mecánica
cal lithotripsy devices need to be used. Mechanical o extracorpórea. La litotripsia mecánica requiere
lithotripsy involves usage of a basket that will be el uso de una canastilla de Dormia que inevita-
inevitably destroyed which increases cost to the blemente será destruida incrementando los costos
patient and endoscopy unit. The use of extracor- del procedimiento para el paciente y la unidad de
poreal wave shock lithotripsy is an alternative; endoscopía. El empleo de la litotripsia extracor-
however it is not available widely. Reports about pórea es una alternativa, sin embargo no está
the use of hydrostatic large caliber balloon dilator ampliamente disponible. Existen reportes que han
(HLCBD) aiding in the extraction of large caliber empleado satisfactoriamente la dilatación hidros-
CBD stones have concluded that is a safe and fea- tática de la papila con balón de diámetro grande
sible therapeutic alternative. We present the case (DHBDG) como alternativa para la extracción de litos
of a 25 mm x 30 mm CBD stone that could not grandes. Presentamos el caso de un sujeto con un
be extracted using conventional methods. CBD lito en colédoco de 25 mm por 30 mm el cual se ex-
dilation using HLCBD was performed after en- trajo utilizando DHBDG posterior a esfinterotomía
doscopic sphincterotomy in an attempt to avoid en un intento de evitar litotripsia mecánica.
mechanical lithotripsy.

Correspondence: Edgar Vázquez Ballesteros. MD. Observatorio, Sur 136 N° 116, Colonia Las Américas, México D. F., México. Teléfono y Fax: 5272-
49-19. Correo electrónico: edvazball@yahoo.com.mx

0375-0906/$ - see front matter © 2010 Asociación Mexicana de Gastroenterología. Publicado por Elsevier México. Todos los derechos reservados.
Endoscopic biliary large-balloon dilation after endoscopic sphincterotomy for the treatment of large common bile duct stones. Case Report

■ Introduction (AST) 175 U/L and alanine aminotransferase (ALT)

160 U/L. Magnetic resonance cholangiography
Common bile duct stones (CBD) extraction is (MRCP) showed significant intra and extrahepatic
usually performed by endoscopic sphincterotomy bile duct dilatation and a hypointense area within
followed by removal by either a Dormia basket or the distal common bile duct (CBD) (Figure 1-A)
extraction balloon catheter.1 This procedure has suggesting a stone. An endoscopic retrograde cho-
several associated risks, such as hemorrhage, per- langiopancreatography (ERCP) showed a large stone
foration, and probably an increased incidence of impacted within the distal CBD (Figure 1-B). The
ascending cholangitis.2 Some stones due to their stone could not be retrieved using standard extrac-
size are not amenable to these procedures and tion procedures (biliary sphincterotomy, retrieval
mechanical lithotripsy or extracorporeal devices balloon and/or use of Dormia basket) due to size.
need to be used. Mechanical lithotripsy with an Even though mechanical lithotripsy is the modality
overall success rate of over 80%,3 involves usage used most commonly, it was omitted to simplify the
of a basket that will be inevitably destroyed in- process of stone extraction and to reduce costs. In or-
creasing costs to the patient and endoscopy unit. der to choose the right size of the balloon to be used,
Use of extracorporeal wave shock lithotripsy is the bile duct and stone diameters were measured
an alternative; however it is not available widely. during ERCP with the external diameter (13.2 mm)
Reports about the use of hydrostatic large caliber of the distal end of the duodenoscope (Olympus Evis
balloon dilator (≥ 12 mm), introduced by Staritz Exera TJF-160VF). The biliar sphincterotomy was
et al.4 aiding in the extraction of large caliber CBD extended and the balloon catheter (CRETM wiregui-
stones have concluded that is a safe and feasible ded balloon dilator 15 - 18 mm, Boston Scientific)
therapeutic alternative to BES in the management was passed over a guidewire and positioned at the
of choledocolitiasis.5 Hydrostatic large caliber ba- biliary orifice. Then, the balloon was gradually fi-
lloon dilator (HLCBD) has been associated with lled up to 15 mm with water and diluted contrast
lower incidence of complications, such as hemo- medium by using an inflation device (ALLIANCE
rrhage and perforation6 although it has shown a II, Boston Scientific). The fully expanded balloon
higher risk of acute pancreatitis compared to biliar was maintained in position for 45 seconds after it was
endoscopic sphincterotomy (BES).7 Despite this ad- collapsed and removed. A Dormia basket was then
vantage, HLCBD has some limitations due to tech- used to remove the stone. A 25 mm x 30 mm CBD
nical difficulties: the biliary opening is not enlarged stone was extracted uneventfully except for minor
as it is in the BES, which makes it harder to remove oozing that stopped spontaneously (Figure 2). After
large stones.8 For the retrieval of large stones some the procedure the patient was hospitalized for ob-
authors suggest the use of HLCBD after BES with a servation with no clinical evidence of bleeding or
shorter procedure time.9 We present the case of pancreatitis; hemoglobin and serum amylase levels
a 25 mm x 30 mm CBD stone that could not be were measured 18 hours after the procedure within
extracted using conventional methods. CBD dila- normal limits. The patient was discharged without
tion using HLCBD was performed after endoscopic complications. One month after the endoscopic in-
sphincterotomy in an attempt to avoid mechanical tervention no complications were observed.
■ Discussion
■ Case presentation
We present the case of a large biliary stone that
A 69 years old hispanic male with a 4 month history could not be treated with conventional endoscopic
of painless jaundice who was diagnosed elsewhere methods; HLCBD after BES was performed with
with unresectable cholangiocarcinoma came to our successful removal of the stone.
institution looking for a second opinion and further Approximately 10% of biliary stones are diffi-
treatment. Physical exam, except for jaundice was cult to extract during ERCP using conventional
unremarkable. Liver function tests reported total bi- stone extraction techniques due to large stone dia-
lirubin 6 mg/dL, direct bilirubin 4 mg/dL, alkaline meter 9 as in the present case. BES plus stone with-
phosphatase 290 U/L, gammaglutamyl transpep- drawal using biliary balloon extraction and/or a
tidase (GGT) 180 U/L, aspartate aminotransferase Dormia Basket is the most commonly used technique

340 Rev Gastroenterol Mex, Vol. 75, Núm. 3, 2010

Salceda-Otero JC. et al.

■ Figure 1. A MRCP image; B ERCP fluoroscopic image showing a large stone impacted on distal CBD.

for the removal of bile-duct stones,10 however is not an 83% success rate in the first session, 10% more
a good method if the stones are too large. Endos- resolved during a second procedure. Mechanical
copic balloon dilation alone as an alternative me- lithotripsy was required in 7% of the patients.
thod, does not enlarge the sphincter of Oddi to the Complications occurred in 15.5% of patients and
same extent as BES, so large stone removal is diffi- mild pancreatitis developed in 2 patients (3.4%).
cult and mechanical lithotripsy is required more Recently, multiple published series have shown
often than with BES.11 Mechanical lithotripsy is an that the overall first session success rates of stone
alternative for removal of large stones, however removal with HLCBD following BES ranged from
this procedure is time consuming and approxima- 80% to 100%.13,14,15 The overall mortality rate of
tely 30% of the cases are not resolved during the this procedure is 0.25%, related to severe bleeding
first attempt, needing to undergo a second proce- and perforation.16 Perforation of the biliary tract
dure.12 It should be noted that during mechanical seems to be related to a deficient balloon insertion
lithotripsy, a Dormia basket is destroyed, increa- technique. It is recommended to always verify the
sing costs of the procedure to the patient and the correct position of the balloon over a wire by fluo-
endoscopy unit. Another option is the use of ex- roscopic image before inflating it, particularly in
tracorporeal wave shock lithotripsy but unfortu- patients with low cystic duct insertion, or dilated Rev Gastroenterol Mex, Vol. 75, Núm. 3, 2010
nately this is not available widely. Lastly, surgical cystic duct, since these variants increase the risk
removal, although safe and effective it carries a of misplacing the balloon within the cystic duct.13
higher morbidity, risks of general anesthesia and The presence of hemorrhage after HLCBD plus BES
in some cases, prolonged hospital stay. is similar to the reported in BES alone. It is thought
One of the first descriptions of BES plus HL- that the balloon tamponade of the sphincterotomy
CBD for large CBD stone extraction was reported site achieved with large balloons might play a
by Ersoz et al.9 Hydrostatic balloons with a diame- role in decreasing the incidence of bleeding.15 The
ter range between 12-20 mm were used in cases in long term complications related to this technique
which CBD stones that could not be removed due are difficult to determine at this time because the
to tapering of distal CBD or the presence of large, majority of cases series reported in the literature
squared, and barrel shaped stones. They reported are conformed wiht a small number of patients.

Endoscopic biliary large-balloon dilation after endoscopic sphincterotomy for the treatment of large common bile duct stones. Case Report

■ Figure 2. ERCP images: A) Prominent papilla, B) Large biliary sphincterotomy, C) Large caliber balloon dilation, D) CBD stone extracted with Dormia basket.

However, a large-scale study is required to clarify cheaper and easier to perform compared to me-
long term complications and outcomes related to chanical lithotripsy. The exact role in managing
this technique.17 difficult and large bile duct stone needs further
prospective studies with larger number of patients
■ Conclusion and should be performed by experienced endosco-
pists in high volume referral centers
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