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Commanding my day to be, “Walk with the wise and become wise”

When you realize that you are a beloved child of God, it won’t matter how others see you,
whether they are nice or mean, whether they love or hate you, bc you are going to simply love
them and Him.

March 13, 2024

Genesis 22:1-13
“I don’t hold on to anything too tightly, for God won’t have to pry it out of my hands”

March 12, 2024

“Learn to be comfortable with/in/during what makes you uncomfortable”
-Bf in room
-Church account
-Emotions video
-Tuesday morning Prayer
-church finances
-secret conversations
-usurp of authority

March 10, 2024

clear conscience
Refine the resources
Secret weapon
Song: “They Don’t Know”
“I Adore You”
*in the cool of the day
*did not our hearts burn

~Look at what they doing
~I gotta say something back to defend me
~I’m the only one right
~hear my side versus their side
~I know I’m right


-Luke 21:34-36
-David encouraged…
-Prodigal came to himself
-touched the hem
-Hezekiah turn to the wall

I am elated to know that there are thousands of others who believe and are working to establish
God’s Kingdom in the earth, and that our bodies belong to God not created for manmade
manipulations such as food, drugs and vaccines.

About our children
Isaiah 44:1-2

Wind blows Jn 3:8
When you hear sound in mulberry 2Sam 5:24

It’s we speak negative and get a negative harvest, then we may say what we see and continue to
support the crop that we have produced.

~be careful that you speak words from where the Spirit dwells not from what I see outside of me
So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously
functioning parts in Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without
enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we
~ our words are going to cause the earth, or even your life to bring forth something
~complainers always have something to complain about bc they plant seeds of complaint the
days before
~”I will say of the Lord” “I will make my boast in the Lord”

James 3:3
Ezekiel 37:1-10
Isaiah 55:

It’s not time to criticize it’s time to teach, it’s time to be Fathers in the faith

The Bible says Apollo had a good message he just did not have knowledge of the truth

Acts 18:24-28

It’s time to be Fathers and teach

The harvest is ripe and plentiful

The soil is rich for planting, anything will grow right now

Amos 9:13

Colossians 1:9

“Let the earth be filled with all the knowledge of God”

Ephesians 2and 3: God wants to show us off

John 7: believe, intimacy, covenant, birth (out of your belly comes life)

Their on the cross: remember me when you come into your kingdom; the heart

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