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Energetics past questions

1 (a) (i) Define the term standard enthalpy of formation, ∆Hfθ. [2 marks]

(ii) The enthalpy of formation of both carbon monoxide and aluminium oxide
cannot be determined directly by experimental means.

Suggest ONE reason in EACH case for the above observation.


Al2O3 ---------- [2 marks]

(b) Figure 1 shows the energy level diagram for determining the enthalpy of solution of KBr.

(i) Write the enthalpy change represented by ∆H1, ∆H2 and ∆H3 in Figure 1.



∆H3 [3 marks]

(ii) Calculate the enthalpy of solution for KBr given the following information.

∆H1 = + 673 KJ mol-1 ∆H2 = -656 KJ mol-1

[3 marks]

(c) Table 1 provides data comparing the theoretical and experimental (Born- Haber) lattice
energies of the halides of elements, X and Y.
What kind of bonding is present in

(i) halide X?

(ii) halide Y? [2 marks]

(d) A student was required to design a method to be followed in determining the enthalpy
of neutralization of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide.

Below is a reproduction of the student’s method.

Identify THREE errors in the above method. [3 marks]

(Past paper 2008 # 1)

2. (a) (i) State Hess’s law. [2 marks]

(ii) Construct a diagram of a well – labeled Born – Haber cycle showing the
formation of magnesium oxide (MgO) from magnesium metal and
oxygen gas. On your diagram show clearly ALL the enthalpy changes and
species involved in the process.
[6 marks]

(Past paper 2011 #4c)

3. Calcium oxide, quicklime, is produced by roasting limestone. Quick lime is used to neutralize the
acidity of soils.

(a) Define the term ‘standard enthalpy of formation’. [2 marks]

(b) Write the balanced equation for the formation of CaO(s) [1 mark]

(c) Construct a Born-Haber cycle for the formation of CaO(s) showing clearly, using
equations, the steps of the enthalpy changes involved. [6

(d) Distinguish ‘exothermic enthalpy change’ and ‘endothermic enthalpy change’ citing
enthalpy changes from your Born- Haber cycle in (c) to support your answer.[4

(e) Explain by writing an equation, how the data from the Born – Haber cycle can be used to
calculate the lattice energy of CaO(s). [2 marks]

(Past paper, 2013 # 4)

4. (a) (i) Define the term ‘bond energy’ [1 mark]

(ii) The bond lengths and bond energies of carbon-carbon single, double and triple
bonds are listed below.

State the relationship between the strength of the covalent bond and its length.[1 mark]

(b) Bond energies can be used to estimate the enthalpies of reactions in which bonds are
broken and new bonds are formed. Consider the gas-phase reaction between
methane (CH4) and chlorine to produce methyl chloride (CH3Cl) and hydrogen

(i) Write a balanced equation to represent the reaction above. [2 marks]

(ii) Using the bond energy values from Table 1, calculate the enthalpy change of
reaction, ∆Hrxn for the equation required in (b) (i). [3
(iii) Is the reaction in (b) (i) endothermic or exothermic [1 mark]

(iv) On the axes provided below, draw the energy profile diagram for the reaction in
b (i) [2 marks]

(c) A student is asked to determine the enthalpy of the neutralization reaction between 75
cm3 of 1.00 M hydrochloric acid and 75 cm3 of 1.00 M potassium hydroxide
solution. Outline the experimental steps (including calculations) required to
obtain and accurate value.

[Assume the densities of the solutions of acid and base and their heat capacities are
equal to the density (1gcm-3) and heat capacity (4.18 J g-1 0C-1) of water]

[5 marks]

(Past paper 2015 # 1)

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