Janhvi Polity 2025 - 3 - 240523 - 092240 - 240523 - 113141 - 2 - 240528 - 155734

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Module Estimated Time Chapters Topics Focus Areas

Parliament comprises- President, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha;

Organisation of Parliament Why president is integral part of Parliament; comparison with britain and american
parliament Laxmikanth-Parliament
Composition and strength of RS; Who decides the Strength; which schedule no.
Bases of Representation- States & Union Territories; Nominated members
Method of Representation- Proportional Representation;
Rajya Sabha Mode of Election- Indirect
Electoral College-
Duration of Rajya sabha; Laxmikanth-Parliament
Composition and strength of LS; Who decides the Strength;
Bases of Representation- People ;
Method of Representation- FPTP;
Lok Sabha
Mode of Election- Direct
Electoral College- Electoral Constituency; Delimitation; Population year;
Duration of Lok Sabha; Laxmikanth-Parliament
QualificationPrecribed by Constitution to become a member of LS and RS;
Membership of Parliament - Qualification prescribed by RPA;
Disqualifications prescribed by Constitution;
Qualifications/ Disqualifications and
Disqualification prescribed by RPA;
Vacating of Seats Ways of Vacating seat: Double Membership, Disqualification, Resignation,
Absence and other ; Laxmikanth-Parliament
LS- Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Panel of Chairpersons , Speaker Pro Tem;
RS-Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Panel of Vice Chairpersons ;
For every Officer focus on following aspects:
Who appoints them;
Presiding Officers of the Houses Mode of Election & Tenure;
Power and Functions; Impartialty of Speaker;
Resignation and Removal Procedure;
Who to Function in their Absense; Laxmikanth-Parliament
Leader of House in LS and RS; Who become leader of house; Legal Basis; is it
mentioned in constitution ?
Leaders in Parliament - Leader of
Leader of Opposition- Criteria for becoming; Legal Basis; Roles and Functions;
House, Leader of Opposition & Whip Whip- Types of Whip- One line, Two Line and Three Line Whip;
Impact of Whip on Parliamentary functioning; Laxmikanth-Parliament
Important terms like Summoning, Adjournment, Prorogation, Dissolution - their
Impact & who declares;
Maximum gap between two sessions;
Impact of Dissolution on bills,
Sessions of Parliament Quorum required
Procedure of Voting in house,
Language used in parliament - who can permit other langauge
Rights of Ministers and Attronery General
09:00 Parliament Question hours, Zero hours - Timing, Nature of questions;
Motions- Types of motions, on which matters motions can be introduced,
againts whom the motions can be introduced, Minimum member's support
Devices of Parliament required;
Difference between No-Confidence motion vs Censure motions,
Types of Resolutions- Government resolutions, Statutory resolutions,etc Laxmikanth-Parliament
Classification of Bills; - Money bill, Ordinary bill etc;
Legislative procedure for each kind of bill;
Definition of money bills- Article, Criteria, Speaker's power, power of Lok Sabha &
Rajya sabha wrt to money bills;
Legislative Procedure in Parliament President's power- wrt Ordinary bills, Money bills, Financial bills, Constitutional
amendment bills
Difference between Financial bills and Money bills,
Joint Sitting- Who initiates, Procedure , presiding officer , historical precedents; Laxmikanth-Parliament
What are the constitutional provisions wrt budget;
What is definition of charged expenditure;
List of charged expenditure;

Stages of enactment;
Budget in Parliament Types of cut motions - Token cut, Policy cut, etc
What is vote on account
Time period for passing of budget
Types of grants - Supplementary, Additional, etc
Types of funds - Consolidated fund of India, Contigency fund of India, etc Laxmikanth-Parliament
Legislative powers and functions - what is delegated legislation
Executive powers and function - what are the ways to express non confidence in
Financial powers and functions - what is march rush, rule of lapse
Constituent powers and functions,
Powers and functions of Parliament Jucdicial powers and functions,
Electoral powers and functions,
Other Powers and functions,
What are the factors for ineffectiveness of parliamentary control

Position of Rajya Sabha wrt Lok Sabh How Lok sabha is equal to Rajya sabha, How Rajya sabha is unequal to Lok
sabha, What are the special powers of Rajya sabha Laxmikanth-Parliament
Parliamentary Privileges- Collective and Individual
Parliamentary Privileges &
Sovereignty of Parliament Sovereignty of Parliament - Comparison with British Parliament, what are the
factors that limit the sovereignty of Indian Parliament Laxmikanth-Parliament
Parliamentary committees,
Parliamentary forums, Parliamentary Meaning, Classification,Objectives, Composition, from which house, Ex officio
President, Power and functions, whether minister can be part of it, Laxmikanth-Parliamentary Committees,
groups Parliamentary Forums
States with bicameralism
Organisation of State legislature Provision of Creation and abolition of State legislative council, Laxmikanth-State Legislature
SLA- Maximum and minimum strength - states with exceptions,
How territorial constituencies is divided?,
Provision of readjustment after each census,
Reservation of seats for SCs & STs,
Composition of House
SLC- Maximum and minimum strength,
Manner of election- No. of member elected by Municipalities, graduates, etc
Nominated members- crietria Laxmikanth-State Legislature
Duration of assembly,
Duration of house Duration of council - No. of members retire Laxmikanth-State Legislature
"Qualification prescribed by Constitution to become a member of state legislature
Qualification prescribed by RPA;
Membership of state Legislature - QuaDisqualifications prescribed by Constitution;
Disqualification prescribed by RPA;
Ways of Vacating seat: Double Membership, Disqualification, Resignation,
Absence and other ; " Laxmikanth-State Legislature
Assembly- Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Panel of Chairpersons , Speaker Pro Tem;
Council -Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Panel of Vice Chairpersons ;
For every Officer focus on following aspects:
Who appoints them;
03:00 State legislature Presiding Officers of the Houses Mode of Election & Tenure;
Power and Functions; Impartialty of Speaker;
Resignation and Removal Procedure;
Who to Function in their Absense; " Laxmikanth-State Legislature
Summoning, Adjournment, Prorogation, Dissolution - who can call , maximum gap
between two sessions
Impact of dissolution on bills,
Quorum required
Sessions of State Legislature Voting in house,
Language in State Legislature , who can permit in other langauge
Rights of Ministers and Advocate general
Laxmikanth-State Legislature
Power of Council wrt to Ordinary bills, Money bills,etc
Powers of Governor wrt to Ordinary bills, Money bills,etc
Legislative procedure in State Legisla Powers of President wrt State Legislature bills
Comparing Legislative procedure in Parliament and sState Legislature wrt to
Ordinary bills, Money bills
Laxmikanth-State Legislature
How assembly is equal to council, How council is unequal to assembly,
Position of Legislative council & compaison of council with Rajya Sabha
Privileges of State Legislature
State Legislature privileges - Collective, Individual Laxmikanth-State Legislature
Constitutional Provisions- Article 52
Qualification - age, citizenship, etc,
Election Method- PRSTV;
Electoral College- All elected members of Parliament and SLAs.
Conditions of office- related to office of profits, vacating the membership of
house,enoluments & allowances, etc
Removal - grounds, majority required,notice period, who can participate in
03:00 President Vacancy - ways of occurence, resign to whom ;
Powers of President- Executive, Legislative, judicial, military, financial, diplomatic,
veto powers ( wrt to ordinary bills, money bills, constitutional amendment bills),
Ordinance -article, when ordinance can be promulgated , on which matters,
maximum life of ordinance, important cases
Pardoning powers- Article, difference between - pardon, commutation, respite,
remission, reprieve
Constitutional position of President- Art 53,74,75
SC views on the office. Laxmikanth-President
Module Estimated Time Chapters Topics Focus Areas
Election - electoral college- members - elected & nominated
Oath, Term and Conditions of office
01:00 Vice President Removal - Is there any ground for his removal, manner of removal
Vaccancy - ways
Functions and Powers - as Chairman of Rajya Sabha and as Acting President
Emoluments Laxmikanth- Vice President
Appointment - Procedure for selection and appointment
Oath, Term, Salary -
Powers and Functions - In relation with
01:00 Prime Minister Council of Ministers- allocation and reshuffling of portfolio,etc
President - Art 75
Parliament - advising President for summoning, proroguing the session, etc Laxmikanth- PM
Constitutional provisions -
Art 74 ( Aid and advise to president) ,
Art 75( Maximum strength, under the pleasure of whom, which oath, salaries
and allowances),
Union Executive Art 77( Conduct of business for convenient transacation of the business of
Art 78 ( Duties of PM ),
Art 88 ( Rights of ministers as respects the houses)
01:00 Council of Ministers Nature of advice - Binding or recommendatory
Appointment- Procedure of appoitnment of Council of Ministers
Responsibility - Collective, Individual and Legal and their rights with respect to the

Compare - Council of Ministers & Cabinet,

Role of Council of Ministers,
Cabinet Committees - features, powers and functions
Group of Ministers,
Laxmikanth- CoM
Appointment & Term of office- Appointing Authority, Qualification
Grounds for Removal,
01:00 Attorney General of India Duties and Functions- Constitutional duties, Duties assigned by President
Rights and Limitations- Wrt to House, Courts, Committees, etc
Solicitor General of India Laxmikanth- Attorney General of India
Appointment - why Governor is not elected like president, Appointing Authority;
Qualification for appointment and Condition of Office;
Constitutional position of office of governor;
Powers - executive powers, Legislative powers,financial powers, judicial powers,
veto powers and Functions
03:00 Governor Discretionary Powers- Consitutional , Situational
Discharge of functions in certain contingencies;
Comparison of powers and functions with that of President - Veto powers wrt
Ordinary bills, Money bills, making Ordinance, Pardoning powers.
Issues related to Office of Governor: Appointment, Removal, Conduct, Recent
controversies like Tamil Nadu case, SC judgements on the office,etc. Laxmikanth- Governor
Appointment - Procedure for selection and appointment
Oath, Term, Salary
Powers and Functions - In relation with
01:00 Chief Minister Council of Ministers- allocation and reshuffling of portfolio,etc
Governor - Art 167
State legislature - advising Governor for summoning, proroguing the session,
etc Laxmikanth- Chief Minister
Constitutional provisions -
Art 163 ( Aid and advise to Governor) ,
Art 164( Maximum strength, under the pleasure of whom, which oath, salaries
State executive and allowances),
Art 166( Conduct of business for convenient transacation of the business of
Art 167 ( Duties of CM ),
Art 177 ( Rights of Ministers as respects the House)
01:00 State Council of Ministers Nature of advice - Binding or recommendatory
Appointment- Procedure of appoitnment of Council of Ministers
Responsibility - Collective, Individual and Legal and their rights with respect to the
Compare - Council of Ministers & Cabinet,
Role of Council of Ministers,
Cabinet Committees - features, powers and functions

Laxmikanth- State Council of Ministers

Appointment & Term of office- Appointing Authority,
Grounds for Removal,
01:00 Advocate General of State Duties and Functions- Constitutional duties,
Duties assigned by Governor
Rights and Limitations- Wrt to House, Courts,Committees, etc
Laxmikanth- Advocate General of State

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