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Online-Course-Registration 2023-24


1.1 Overview
Online Course Registration System is Web-based registration software that helps you to
register courses online. It is ideal for schools, educational camps, corporate training
programs, and online training programs. It also provides time to time current status
information related to courses. It can help for the student need to register by giving
necessary details, for the desired course.

In Online Course Registration we use PHP and MySQL database. It is web-based

registration software that helps you to register courses online. It is ideal schools,
educational camps, and corporate training program. It has two modules i.e.
Admin and Student.

1.2 Admin:

Admin will register the student and provide username; password and pincode. Pincode
will be used when a student enrolls for the course. Admin can manage session,
semester, departments, course, students, students log Admin Panel. Admin can also
add/ delete latest news and updates related to students.

1.3 Student:

Student can log in with valid reg no and password provided by admin. Student can
enroll for any course and can printout of the registered course.

1.4 Purpose:

The purpose of project is to build an application program to reduce manual work for
managing the course through internet. This application has good appearance and easy
to operate. It is very simple and easy to access. This project provides lots of features to
manage in very well manner. This project contains advance modules which make the
backend system very powerful.

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Online-Course-Registration 2023-24

1.5 Scope:
Online Course Registration project is developed as a web application and it will
work over web.

1.6 Objectives:
The project objective will be focused on developing an online course registration to
ensure the effectiveness of the flow of registration. More-over the system will offer a
complete management system that integrated with the online course registration to
help the students for maintaining the flow process of the course.

The registration process can be done online without the need of paperwork
anymore. It is also help the student to get more information about the course
process while they enrolled.

1.7 Purpose of the Project:

The purpose of project is to build an application program to reduce manual work
for managing the course through internet. This application has good appearance
and easy to operate. It is very simple and easy to access. This project provides
lots of features to manage in very well manner. This project contains advance
modules which make the backend system very powerful.

Advantages :

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Requirement analysis for web applications encompasses three major tasks:
formulation, requirements gathering and analysis modeling. During formulation,
the basic motivation and goals for the web application are identified, and the
categories of users aredefined. In the requirements gathering phase, the content and
functional requirements are listed and interaction scenarios written from end-user’s
point-of-view are developed. This intent is to establish a basic understanding of
why the web application is built, who will use it, and what problems it will solve
for its users.

2.1 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements are product features or functions that developers must
implement to enable users to accomplish their tasks. So, it's important to make
them clear both for the development team and the stakeholders. Generally,
functional requirements describe system behavior under specific conditions.

2.1.1 Registration

 The Customer should be able to register with their details.

 The system should record all the details of customer into member database.
2.1.2 Logging-In
 The system should verify the customer password against the member
databasewhen logging in, to confirm the customer as a existing one.
 After login, member should be directed to Home screen.

2.2 Non-Functional Requirements

Nonfunctional Requirements (NFRs) define system attributes such as
security, reliability, performance, maintainability, scalability, and usability. They
serve as constraints or restrictions on the design of the system across the different

2.2.1 Security Requirements

 All external communications between the data’s server and client must be
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 All data must be stored, protected or protectively marked.
 Payment Process should use HTTP over Secure protocol to secure the
payment transactions.

2.3 Hardware Requirements

 Processor: i3, i5 and above.
 Disk space: 160 GB (may vary).
 Memory: 8GB (may vary).
 Internet connection

2.4 Software Requirements

 Operating-system: windows 7, 8, 9 and above
 Front end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
 Back end: SQL and PHP
 Tools: XXAMP/Apache server
 Browser: Chrome, Mozilla.
 Python Libraries Required : ➔ Pandas ➔ Tkinter ➔ Socket ➔ Subprocess

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System design is the process of defining the architecture, product design, modules,
interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements.

3.1 Use Case Diagram

Visit Website

View About Us

Admin login

Voters login

Non-registered user Window

Figure: 3.1 Use Case Diagram for non-registered user

The use case diagram is a graphic depiction of the interactions among the elements of
Internet services provider management system. It represents the different view,
analysis to identify, clarify and organize system requirements of this system. A use
case diagram shows various use cases and different types of users the system has
and will often be accompanied by other types of diagrams as well. The use cases are
represented by either circles or ellipses.

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Online-Course-Registration 2023-24


Visit Website

View About Us

Cast Vote

Vote Count

Registered user

Figure: 3.2 Use Case Diagram for registered user

Figure 3.2 shows the use case diagram for registered user, the registered user can
visit the website they can view the broadband and dth plan and user can book the dth
and broadband plan and user can check status of booking and they can update their

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Run Server

Register Voter

Show Votes

View Reg Users

Update Profile

Change Password

Figure: 3.3 Use Case Diagram for Admin

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3.2 Dataflow Diagram

Figure: 3.4 Dataflow Diagram

A data flow diagram shows the way information flows through a process or system.
It includes data inputs and outputs, data stores, and the various subprocesses the data
moves through. Data flow diagrams are used to graphically represent the flow of
data in a business information system. Online Internet Services Management System
dataflow diagram is often used as a preliminary test to create an overview of the
services without going into great detail, which can later be elaborated, it normally
consists of overall application dataflow and processes of this system.

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Figure: 3.5 E-R Diagram

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4.1 Tables
Table 4.1 Category_list

Table 4.2 users

Table 4.4 votes

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Table 4.5 voting_cat_settings

Table 4.6 voting_list

Table 4.7 voting_opt

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5.1 Home Page:

Figure: 5.1 Home Page

Figure 5.1 shows the complete overview of service which involves environment of the
services and the facilities it involved.

5.2 Category List:

Figure: 5.2 Category List

5.3 User Login Page:

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Figure: 5.3 User Login Page

The Figure 5.3 shows how the existing user can login by using email and password given
earlier, he can make use of email and password and can easily log in.

5.1 User Register Page:

Figure: 5.4 User Register Page

The Figure 5.4 shows how the new user can register to the website. User should feed all the
details asked while registering.

Voting List:

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Online-Course-Registration 2023-24

Figure: 5.5 Voting list Page

View poll page:

Figure: 5.6 view poll page

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Online-Course-Registration 2023-24

We are designing an alternative voting system besides the conventional voting system . Since ,
world has become very familiar with internet and people don’t find time to go out for voting
By doing this project we were able to bring a new system for online national voting for our country. With
advent of technology and Internet in our day to day life, we were able to offer advanced voting system
voters both in the country and outside through our online voting system.
We are designing an alternative voting system besides the conventional voting system . Since , todays
has become very familiar with internet and people don’t find time to go out for voting Gatherings are
very dangerous in this pandemic situations. Providing better solution to overcome the issues with
● On-line web-based voting system which reduces the cost of voting
● Instant results of election
● Higher voter turn-out
● Enables large number of people to cast their vote evn at remote places
● Time saving process
● Improves the accessibility
● Security and Confidentiality
Future Scope:
● It will increase the overall voting percentage
• It will reduce election expenditure
• It can be made more secure by using the advance security methods like biometrics

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• Cranor, L. (2004). Electronic Voting Hot List. Retrieved from http://lorrie.cranor.org/voting/hotlist.html
• Dill, D. (2004). E-voting Misconceptions. Retrieved from www.verifiedvoting.org/article.php?id=2609.
• Dill, D. Lecture, October 14, UC Berkeley.
• Dugger, R. (2004). How They Could Steal the Election this Time. The Nation. Retrieved from
www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=20040816&s-dugger, July 29, 2004.

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