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Car rental firm builds

platform for unified

communications after
consolidating servers by 46 •

Data consolidation and management
Green efficiency

per cent with virtualization •

Unified communications

“Working with Dell was

a highly collaborative
and informative process.
Dell consultants worked
hard to understand our
environment and our
Shaun Phillips, General Manager –
IT Operations and Infrastructure,
Europcar South Africa

Customer profile
Company: Europcar South Africa
Industry: Travel, Hospitality & Tourism
Country: South Africa
Employees: 900 (7,500 globally) Benefits
Website: • Major project designed and
implemented in just nine months
Business need • Improved IT performance with around
Europcar South Africa wanted to drive growth while reducing costs 46 per cent fewer servers
so it looked to create a virtualized IT infrastructure that could support • Customer gains platform ready for
unified communications. unified communications
• End-users gain access to new servers
in 45 minutes with virtualization
The company worked closely with Dell Consulting Services, which
helped implement virtualized Dell servers and storage and created a • Easier management increases IT
foundation for unifying communications. productivity by around 85 per cent
Europcar South Africa, which operated as Imperial Car
Rental for more than 30 years, re-launched under the
Europcar brand name in 2009. While the name may have
changed, the company’s focus on service and efficiency
has remained the same, with the business working hard
to increase customer loyalty and attract new clients.

The company reviewed performance at Europcar South Africa, says: “Key

across all operations, including IT, as goals included bringing the physical IT
part of a drive to increase growth and infrastructure back in-house – which “Europcar South Africa
reduce overheads. Europcar South meant building a new datacentre – and
Africa felt that the Microsoft-based virtualizing both servers and storage.
was able to simplify
IT infrastructure could support the Furthermore, we wanted to establish a the deployment of
business more effectively, and so platform for unified communications
it embarked on a major project to so that we could enable real-time
Microsoft Exchange
deliver better IT services through communication in the future.”. Server 2010 by working
enterprise efficiency. Shaun Phillips,
General Manager – IT Operations and Customer gains end-to-end with Dell consultants,
Infrastructure, Europcar South Africa solution to help drive growth who used their
Based on past experience, Phillips
went to Dell. “We needed to work with
experience to optimize
an IT solutions provider with plenty of the synergies between
Technology at work experience in delivering virtualization
projects. I’ve worked with Dell before
the new features in
and knew that Dell Consulting Services 2010 and the virtualized
Dell Consulting Services had the experience to successfully
deliver this type of solution,” he says.
Dell servers.”
Dell ProSupport
– Mission Critical option Shaun Phillips, General Manager –
In working with Dell Consulting
IT Operations and Infrastructure,
Services, Europcar South Africa could Europcar South Africa
Hardware holistically review their environment to
Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 and determine how to map the proposed
R610 servers with Intel® Xeon® changes back to their overall IT
Processors E5540 goals. An initial meeting refined the Europcar gains complete,
Dell EqualLogic PS6500E and project’s objects and drivers and virtualized datacentre in nine
PS6000XV storage area networks identified key roles and responsibilities months
(SAN) during engagement. Next, the Dell
Europcar South Africa successfully
consultants prepared detailed plans
transferred operations to the new
Software for the following seven areas of the
datacentre in just nine months,
Windows Server® 2008 R2 with Europcar South Africa infrastructure:
thanks to its work with Dell. The
Hyper-V • Active Directory Dell consultants not only brought
• Messaging and collaboration their project management skills to
Microsoft® Exchange Server 2010
• Anti-malware, anti-virus and firewall the project, but also their specific
Dell™ OpenManage™ systems protection knowledge of how to optimise
management software • Data security Europcar South Africa’s infrastructure.
Microsoft System Center Virtual • Systems management Phillips says: “This was a major project
Machine Manager 2008 • Virtualization and it went incredibly smoothly thanks
• Physical environment to the skills and experience of our
Microsoft System Center
Operations Manager 2007 R2 “Working with Dell was a highly team of Dell consultants. The project
collaborative and informative process. management was also faultless – we
Microsoft System Centre
Dell consultants worked hard to had the convenience of dealing with a
Configuration Manager 2007 R2
understand our environment and our single point of contact throughout the
Dell EqualLogic Auto-Replication challenges,” says Phillips. entire implementation.”
End-users gain access
to new servers in 45 minutes with

Easier management
increases IT productivity by
around 85 per cent

Deployment was also divided into Scalable platform is ready

phases, with each phase checked to support Microsoft Unified
and signed off by Phillips before Communications
consultants moved on to the next As a result of the new environment, “We can provide a
piece of work. Throughout the Europcar South Africa now has the
implementation, IT personnel server capacity to deliver Microsoft
new server in just 45
shadowed the consultants as part of Unified Communications. The Dell minutes. In the past, it
a skills transfer strategy. Says Phillips: consultants helped the company
“The phased deployment by Dell deploy Microsoft® Exchange Server
could take six weeks
Consulting Services was based on 2010 during the project, and Europcar to procure and then
its highly successful methodologies South Africa plans to roll out Microsoft
and helped us avoid any significant Office Communications Server 2007
configure physical
challenges. Furthermore, because of to complete the communications servers. It means
the knowledge transfer programme, stack in the future. Says Phillips:
we were able to maximise the “Europcar South Africa was able to
that employees gain
performance of our new solution simplify the deployment of Microsoft access to new software
from the beginning.” Exchange Server 2010 by working
with Dell consultants, who used their
solutions more quickly
Improved IT performance after experience to optimise the synergies to increase their
consolidating servers by around between the new features in 2010 and
46 per cent the virtualized Dell servers.”
The company has simplified IT by Shaun Phillips, General Manager –
creating a highly consolidated End users gain better services IT Operations and Infrastructure,
virtualized environment for its new with new servers in 45 minutes Europcar South Africa
datacentre. It features just seven Today, Europcar South Africa can
Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 and R610 deliver new services to personnel faster
servers with Intel® Xeon® Processors and more easily. This is because of the
E5540, which form a highly redundant Dell solution’s use of Microsoft System
infrastructure of two clusters. “We Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008, IT can support a company-wide
have consolidated servers by around which enables the IT team to centrally drive for reducing its carbon
46 per cent with Dell – creating a create and administer virtual machines. footprint
much simpler infrastructure,” says “We can provide a new server in just 45
With its new virtualized infrastructure,
Phillips. The seven physical servers minutes,” says Phillips. “In the past, it
Europcar South Africa has significantly
are running Windows Server® 2008 R2 could take six weeks to procure and
cut IT energy use. This is due to
with Hyper-V™ to deliver virtualization. then configure physical servers. It
consolidation and the servers’ Dell
“We use Microsoft software throughout means that employees gain access to
Energy Smart technologies, which
our server stack, and the maturity of new software solutions more quickly
improve the servers’ thermal
Hyper-V combined with our Microsoft to increase their productivity.”
management and power efficiency.
licensing agreement made it the right
“We have reduced energy consumption
choice for Europcar South Africa,”
by around 25 per cent, helping IT
says Phillips.
align with a company-wide policy
to minimise the carbon footprint,”
says Phillips.
Virtualized storage supports updates, it has Microsoft System Centre
growth and ensures high Configuration Manager 2007 R2. “We
availability have gained a greater level of control “We have reduced
Besides virtualizing servers, Europcar over our Microsoft infrastructure with
South Africa also virtualized storage the Dell virtualized solution,” comments
energy consumption
and created a highly scalable platform Phillips. The team also used Dell™ by around 25 per cent,
to support growth. It implemented OpenManage™ systems management
two Dell EqualLogic storage area software to administer servers
helping IT align with a
networks (SANs) – one for each proactively and maximise uptime. company-wide policy
server cluster – to protect data and
ensure management simplicity. It
“The different components of our to minimise the carbon
management infrastructure were
deployed Dell EqualLogic PS6500E
integrated easily and seamlessly
and PS6000XV SANs, which both
by Dell and have proved to be easy Shaun Phillips, General Manager –
come with fully redundant and hot
to manage. We’ve increased IT IT Operations and Infrastructure,
swappable components to deliver Europcar South Africa
productivity by around 85 per cent,”
maximum availability. The IT team
comments Phillips.
uses Dell EqualLogic Auto-Replication
across the two SANs, increasing data Easy access to expert support
protection and eliminating the time maximises solution performance
spent on manual replication.
The IT team has continual access
Furthermore, the SANs enable IT to Dell experts to help optimise the
personnel to dynamically scale storage infrastructure’s performance, thanks
on demand to meet capacity. “The to Dell ProSupport. Europcar South
snapshot and replication features of Africa chose Dell ProSupport with
our Dell EqualLogic SANs simplify the Mission Critical four-hour on-
storage administration and ensure high site support option to protect its
availability. Even in the event of a major investment. In the past, the company
incident, we can restore operations had to send equipment offsite for
in less than three hours, which means repairs, which presented a security risk.
service and revenue loss is minimised,” What’s more, there was no minimum
says Phillips. turnaround time. Dell ProSupport
has improved both the stability and
Simplified management the speed of the process. Phillips
increases IT productivity by says: “Dell ProSupport ensures that
around 85 per cent we maximise the value of our IT
Apart from Microsoft System Center investment. If we have any queries
Virtual Machine Manager 2008, regarding our infrastructure, we
the IT team also gained additional can reach out to Dell technicians
management solutions to increase straightaway.”
IT efficiency and productivity. To
maximise the performance of the
infrastructure’s solutions, it has For more information go to:
Microsoft System Center Operations and
Manager 2007 R2, and to streamline

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