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B1 IF-Clauses – Type 2 IF011

IF-CLAUSES – Type 2: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb given.

1. If I a car, I to school. (HAVE, DRIVE)

2. If she foreign languages, she a job more easily.


3. I to a lawyer if I you. (GO, BE)

4. If I the lottery, I myself for a new life. (WIN, PREPARE)

5. If I a purse on the sidewalk, I it to the lost and found

office. (FIND, TAKE)

6. If I my own car, I to take the bus to work every day.


7. Jane very happy if someone her a job. (BE, OFFER)

8. If she a mouse, she . (SEE, PANIC)

9. If my dad more, we our holidays abroad. (EARN,


10. She so much if she smoking. (NOT COUGH,


11. If I my son a lot of money, he all of it. (GIVE, SPEND)

12. I to get a better job if I a university degree. (TRY,


13. If you a dangerous animal in the street, what ?


14. If dad harder, he to ask his boss for more money.


15. I my friends more often if I more free time. (SEE, HAVE)

16. I the meat if it so salty. (EAT, NOT BE)

17. If she for more help, I her down. (ASK, NOT TURN)

18. If I her address, I her an invitation. (KNOW, SEND)

19. If he afraid of heights he by plane. (NOT BE,

20. I more photos if the camera . (TAKE, WORK)

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