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Figure - Slathered – raise – pristine – trappings - fame – throughout – trophy – key – seal -

treasure – dig up – go with your gut – willpower – Finely - drive – baby wipe – sting – sank –
border -

1- This is a ____________ written essay, you should be proud of yourself.

2- she __________________sunscreen on her arms.
3- Everybody knows why Titanic ____________.
4- They are building a wall along the ________________.
5- Annita is a singer of international _____________.
6- The whole community helped them ____________ the house.
7- It is a ___________ river, totally free of polution.
8- Their prize was a __________ for winning the game.
9- He enjoyed the __________________ of power, such as a chauffeur-driven car and
10- Reading is the __________________ to good writing.
11- If you give me some time, I'm sure I can ___________ some interesting information
about him.
12- You should ___________________. Stop thinking too much.
13- Some people use ______________ to clean their face.
14- He was bored __________________ the play.
15- It was here that she buried the ____________.
16- most of our bad habits are due to laziness or lack of _____________.
17- How important is determination and ___________ for success?
18- ____________ the package with tape.
19- Do all types of bee __________?
20- I ______________ that you'll want to eat before we go out.

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