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October 30, 2020

12:30pm-2:30pm (Leaders and Pastors)

I. Culture of Growth - Bishop Herley Montes

- Romans 12:2 (MSG)
1. Mindset Creates a Culture
- Romans 12:2 (MSG)
- Culture has already been inculcated in us, it's become a mindset that we don't
even think about what has happened, because we've become so accustomed to it.
- Two kinds of mindsets:
- Maintenance Mindset
- "Basta magpapatuloy ako sa Panginoon kahit konti lang kami" =
Wrong mindset
- Just maintaining the number you currently have.
- Growth Mindset
- The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has the potential to grow.
- Genesis 1:28
- Consumer Mindset
- Tanggap lang ng tanggap. Laging nangangailangan.
- Ayaw ng umangat; baby for life.
- Producer Mindset
- No longer children, men and women enough, matured in Christ. Be
a leader yourself and disciple others.
- The culture of the Church depends on the Pastors mindset, depends on the CG
leader's mindset.
- "Culture eats strategy for breakfast." - Peter Drucker
- You must raise a new breed of people to change the culture.
- "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."
- "It's easier to give birth than to raise the dead."
- When the forms of old culture

2. Culture Shaped Values

- Romans 12:2b (MSG)
- The problem: A lot of pastors, leaders, Christians, just want from God but never
consider what God wants from them.
- We don't prioritize our schedule, we schedule our priorities.
- It's not hard to make decisions if you know what your priorities are.
- When your values are clear to you, making decisions is easier.
- Our value = Our vision: Winning Souls and Making Disciples
- "Behavior becomes habit, a habit becomes culture, a culture becomes values,
values become growth."
- "Values provide perspective in the best of times and the worst."
- Your value gives you the perspective.
- Even in worse times, since we have our value that shapes our culture, we
don't allow circumstances and situations to affect our value.
- We continue to do our mission.

3. Values Determines the Growth.

- Romans 12:2c (MSG)
- Before you grow numerically, you must first grow spiritually. We multiply our own
- Disciples will be formed in the same kind as his/her cell group leaders.
- "Like pastor, like members." "Like cell leader, like cell members."
- You are a role model.
- First born: in car manufacturing = model car/prototype --> everything is based on
- You must first mature to reproduce.
- "The major value in life is not in what you get, but what you become."
- If God is going to multiply your Cell Group, your 12, your 144, your 1278,
what would become of you?
- If you are not ready for growth, you are not mature enough, you will be
- It's not about what you get, but what you become.
- We must not only grow in quantity, but more importantly in quality.
- Factors of Growth:
- System: Discipleship
- We don't just grow in number, but we make disciples, we make leaders.
- Structure: Leadership
- Jesus selected His 12, He mentored them, He led them. When He
ascended to Heaven, His 12 were already strong enough = the structure. The
foundation, the pillar = the disciples.
- Strategy: Win, Consolidate, Disciple, Send

- Fix your attention on God and you will readily realize what He wants from you and
be ready to act on it.

II. The Four Critical Traits of Great Leaders - Pastor Flibert Paje
- Nehemiah
- With the right leadership, the Israelites were able to complete a project in just
52 days. Something that wasn't done for 8 years.
1. Compelling Purpose
- When you get the right leadership, important projects get finished.
- The vision that God gave Nehemiah was so compelling that when he heard of what
happened to Jerusalem, he grieved.
- Nehemiah 6:3
- Nehemiah was single-minded, committed to the project, because he knew he was
doing something that mattered greatly to God.
- The greatest cause: The Kingdom of God.
- Nothing else lasts for eternity. Only what we do for the King lasts forever.
- Too many leaders get distracted by trivial matters.
- If you want to accomplish a great task:
- Start by making God's Kingdom your priority. Leave everything else behind.

2. Clear Perception
- Able to sense trouble in advance.
- Any time you attempt something big, trouble comes our way, HOWEVER, we must be
- Nehemiah 6:2, 9
- How did Nehemiah know this? He was ready, perceptive.
- James 1:5

3. Continual Prayer
- If people are falsely accusing you, as a leader, no need for lengthy defense,
take it to the Lord.

4. Courageous Persistence
- Dapat atapang, hindi atakbo.
- To tackle big projects in the campus, community or the Church, you cannot give up
- A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits.
- Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is moving ahead despite your fear.
- Nehemiah 6:11
- Certainly, he was scared, he was in danger, but he was nearing the finish
line, and did not give up.
- God wants you to face troubles as you pursue God's best for your Church and

- Do you have a COMPELLING PURPOSE that drives you forward?

- Are you PRAYING CONSTANTLY for what God has called you to do?
- Are you PERSISTENT in doing God's will?

III. Bishop Oriel Ballano

- Training must be unending because training prepares us.
- We are still in the learning atmosphere.
- There's so much disconnection going on nowadays, because leaders cannot adapt and
- The Cell Group will be the reason why G12 Churches would survive.
- Acts = many pressures from the Roman Gov't. But the Kingdom People used a
strategy that can push through the pressure = House-to-House Cells.
- Christians, throughout history, have been persecuted but until now, the Church
- Cell groups really matter today.
- Churches that continue to thrive, nowadays, are the Churches with cell groups.
- "Wag niyong mamaliitin ang cell groups."
- "Mas mahalaga ang small group gatherings natin kesa sa large gatherings."
- What should we be doing in this pandemic?
- Majority of the people are becoming weaker and weaker, spiritually, may be
wounded, and bruised.
- "Kung merong panahon na merong magaling na cell leader, ngayon ang panahon na
- Cells that Matter Today:

1. Leverage Your Cell Leadership

- LAHAT ng Cell Leader.
- Status quo is not progress.
- "Dapat talagang galingan. Dapat mas expert ang cell leader."
- Recreate, Readapt, Innovate yourself for the purpose of your life and your
- "Wag magpresume and assume na marunong sila."
- Dagdagan ng knowledge.
- Level na ULTRA COMPETENT. Pag competent ka, may confidence ka. Extraordinarily
trained. Extraordinarily prepared.
- Great messages = mga naturo mo na dati, pero mas ginalingan mo. Kahit recycled,
relevant naman.
- "I need to add more skill, more ability."
- "Hindi ka tatagal kung panglumang panahon parin ability mo." Acquire new skills,
new abilities.
- The pastors champion the cell groups = very hands-on on every cell group.

>The Value of Cell Group Involvement is Caught not Taught

- Know what's going on, be involved
- Monitoring.

>Commitment to Cell Groups Should be Lifelong not Short Term

- There's no such thing as temporary involvement, only PERMANENT involvement.
>The Cell Group is the Delivery System for Doing Life Together
- If I want to start growth in the Church, start from the Cells.
- Everything is birth in the Cells.
- Cell is a very serious matter.

>The Optimum Environment for Changed Lives is the Cell Group

- To be apart from the cells, malaking problema yan.
- No one was born again on his own, this happens in the Body, in the Church.
- "Walang pagbabago pag wala sa cell."
- "Walang sumasama sa mga ministry na hindi kasama sa cell."
- Pag wala sa cell ang taong yan, hindi mo alam kung ano nangyayari sa buhay

- "Lalo tayong magaling, lalong enhanced, more wisdom, knowledge, and

understanding, more skills and abilities in these times."
- Ang values, culture, environment ng Panginoon ang pinapasa mo sa kanila. Kaya
kung wala kang nakukuhang values, culture, environment, wala kang mapapasa.
- Ang bawat Kristiyano, permanent ang pagbabago hindi temporary.
- Stages of learning:
1. Unconscious Incompetence
- You don't know what you don't know.
- Your confidence relies on your competence.
2. Conscious Incompetence
- They know that they don't know.
3. Conscious Competence
- Your skill requires concentration.
- Your confidence improves when you have conscious competence.
- You're improving yourself.
4. Unconscious Competence
- Your skill has become second nature.

2. Share your Leadership Skills

- You need to learn how to share your leadership.
- Wag puro ikaw ang gumagawa.
- "Tulungan tayo."
- Caring
- Lahat ng cell mamamatay pag walang caring.
- Wag sa teaching ang pasahan.
- Pag raise up ng leader, ishare mo sa iba, wag lang ikaw.
- Limitado ka lang.
- Wag naman yun ishashare mo na wala ka ng gagawin.
- If you do it on your own, it leads to inadequate care and development
of our disciples.
- 4 Essential Skills of Cell Group Leaders:
1. Behind-the-Scenes Instigator
- You set everything in motion.
- Learn to operate behind-the-scenes.
- Be strategic.
- Have a plan, create plans.
2. Be a Role Model
3. A Prophetic Eye for Talents
- Be a talent scout.
- Use them in ministries.
- Always identifying, like a recruiter, looks for and learns the
capacity of people.
- Ikaw si Moses kay Joshua, Paul kay Timothy.
- Kung may nakikita ka ng mga potential sa cell group mo,
irecruit mo, itrain mo na.
3. Focus is the New Super Power
- When excess attention is set on a wrong place, you fail.
- Your focus: Caring and Developing.
- The goal: Maturity, Winning and Discipling atmosphere
- A healthy cell group has a priority: How to start a new cell.
- The focus is not on the lesson. Walang kwenta ang mga lessons pag di tayo
naglalaunch ng new cell.
- Teaching your people to fish for themselves. Teach them to evangelize.

4. The Top Priority is to Launch and Birth a New Cell Group

- Hindi pwedeng nag-aaral ka, nag-aattend ka ng mga conference na walang
- Challenge: Galingang mag-care sa mga leaders mo, train them, and launch them.
- Double-double (eg. 10 becomes 20)

5. Avoid Lack of Concern for Unconnected People

- Leave the 99 for the 1. Then you celebrate when you get that 1 soul.
- "Ang concern ni Lord is yung wala pa sa Kaharian Niya."
- Each of us needs to be fully connected to the unchurched people.
- Matuto tayong mang-iwan ng 99 (trabaho, asawa, bahay...)
- The prodigal son got sick of his home and left. After a while, he became home
- People are sick of religion, "Christians", they want real love and concern.
- Luke 15:4

3pm-6pm (Afternoon Session)

I. Divine Direction - Pastor Nonon Orjaleza

- Isaiah 48:17
- Divine direction is very, very important in our lives. Without it, it's like
knowing your purpose but don't know how to be able to deliver it.
- Divine direction: The specific step God is leading you to accomplish His purpose.
- Biblical Examples:
1. Noah
- received an instruction to build an ark.
- Genesis 6:14-15
2. Abraham
- Genesis 12:1-3
- He received a specific direction, specific steps from the Lord and
was able to deliver God's purpose in his life.
3. Isaac
- Genesis 26:1-5
- A specific instruction to stay in Gerar as God was going to bless him
4. Moses
- Moses saved his whole nation by virtue of divine direction.
- Exodus 3:10
5. Joseph
- Empowered by God, to interpret dreams, received God's intstructions,
he went from prison to prime minister of the greatest nation on earth because God
empowered him to interpret dreams and understand God's instructions.
6. Jesus
- My food is to the the will of Him who sent me.
- John 4:34
7. Peter
- To focus his ministry to the Jews
8. Paul
- To focus his ministry to the Gentiles.
- Galatians 2:8
- All of their ministries were fruitful because they received a specific
instruction/direction from the Lord.
- Importance of Divine Direction:
1. Vision without direction will end in frustration.
- Ecclesiastes 10:15
- "When divine direction is absent, frustration is in view."
2. What God has Commanded, He has Committed
- "Empowerment comes through direction."
3. Divine direstion is the highway to great exploits.
- Daniel 11:32
- Those who have done great things for God are those who see God's
divine direction.
4. Divine direction is God's recipe for triumph especially in times of
- Every time there is a crisis, there is a solution.

- How to get Divine Direction?

1. Be Connected to God
- He is our Shepherd
- Isaiah 48:17
- John 10:27
- He functions as a Shepherd, a Leader, a Guide. No way to be lost.
2. Be Connected to the Holy Spirit
- John 14:26
- He is our Helper
- When you feel like you're in a dead end, ask the Holy Spirit to help
3. Be Connected to Your Leaders
- God gave us leaders to direct us in the things of God.
- Titus 1:5
- Paul is directin Titus. As an apostle, he is giving directions. That
is the function of apostolic leadership.
4. Access God's Wisdom.
- Ecclesiastes 10:10
- End result of wisdom is direction.
- God's word is God's wisdom. God's wisdom is profitable to direct.

II. 2020 Decade of the Dedicated - Pastor Raffy Panlilio

- 2 Timothy 3:1-10
- The world is decaying.
- Is our life going to be a life of dedication to the Lord or a life of decay?
- 2 Timothy 3:10
- The world is decaying, but YOU are DIFFERENT, Timothy.
1. Be dedicated to THE TRUTH.
- My teaching. God's Word.
- Any Christian movement should always be after truth and growth. One cannot
be without the other.
- v.6-9 The people no longer accept the truth.
- The battle is in the mind. Many cannot accept the truth. Thought Decay. The
solution? TruthPaste.
- Ingat sa mga nagsasabi ng "Bagong" salita. Tinuturo lang natin ang mga
naturo na noon pa.
- Pag may mga questions, magtanong sa Pastor. Pagaralan ang salita ng
- No Compromise: 1 God in 3 Persons (Trinity) + Salvation is through faith
alone + The Bible is the Word of God.

2. Be dedicated to THE WAY.

- My conduct.
- Paul lived a life of righteousness.
- Are we dedicated to the life of righteousness?
- Ang dami na ngayong pwedeng humila sa atin from the way ni Lord pag di tayo
- Hindi lahat nasa Bible: "Thou shall not DOTA", "Thou shall not Tongits",
but the Bible has principles we are to live by.
- Way of Life = Conduct --> Through Discipleship
- Dapat nagpapadisciple ka.
- May ginagaya ka, may nagtuturo sayo, may tumutulong sayo sa buhay.
- Emphasis on the quality of life.
- Repent and be dedicated again.

3. Be dedicated to THE CAUSE

- 2 Timothy 3:14
- More importance to testify of the Gospel.
- Our Cause: The Great Commission --> Go and Make Disciples
- Dito ka pwedeng pigilan ni Satan. Importante kasi sa kanya na WALA KANG
GINAGAWA. Yung di ka nagagamit ng Panginoon.
- So, are we dedicated to the cause? To the cause of the Lord?
- San ba nauubos ang oras natin?

- Hanggang saan aabot ang 2020 mo?

III. When God Appoints You, He Anoints You - Pastor Jorge Catano
- 1 Thessalonians 5:24
- He first gives us the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
- Without His anointing, it would be impossible to do the things God has
called us to do.
- When He gives you a vision, He will give you a strategy.
- He will empower us so that we could develop the strategy and have great
- A lamp cannot produce light without being connected to the power source.
- The lamp that God has placed within us cannot shine unless we are connected
to the greatest source of power the world has ever known - THE HOLY SPIRIT.
- If we are not connected to the Holy Spirit, we cannot achieve our purpose.
- Keep in mind:
1. When God tells you to do something, you can count on His anointing to help
- If we are going to follow our own plan and agenda, the Holy Spirit
just steps aside and watches us.
- It is different when we step aside and allow the Holy Spirit to move
and lead us.
- Many think that they can boss the Holy Spirit around. THAT'S WRONG.
- The last commandment Jesus gave His disciples is known as The Great
Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).
- Our first priority.
- The Great Commission to a lot of Churches and Christians has
become The Great Ommission.
- The sin of ommission.
- We are not called to entertain people but to make
- The Great Commission was inspired by the Holy Spirit.
- Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would be with us till the
end of the age.
- The same Spirit that empowered Jesus in His ministry is
the same Spirit Jesus wants us to receive in our lives so that we could obey The
Great Commission.
- Some Churches think that it is impossible to do the Great
Commission, but through the Holy Spirit, the impossible becomes doable, becomes
possible. Listen to the Spirit of God.
- This seemed impossible to the disciples as well, because
for 3 1/2 years, they've depended on Jesus and watch Him do signs and miracles. But
Jesus told them the same, and told them to wait for the power of the Holy Spirit.
- They realized that they needed to wait for the
promise of the Spirit. Because they knew that with the Spirit, they can win souls
and make disciples.
- They realized that it was only possible because of
the Holy Spirit.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:24 - He who calls you is faithful and He will do
- (MSG) "The One who called you is completely dependable. If He
said it, He'll do it!"
- How many times did the Holy Spirit prompt you to do something that
you didn't do?
- Every time He prompts us to do something, to go to someone, even if
we don't know what to do, what to say, the Holy Spirit will fill your mouth.
- We need to be willing to do what He wants us to do.

2. God's anointing makes difficult tasks easier

- Without the anointing of the Holy Spirit, all you have will be
limited; finances, strength, knowledge, talent...
- With the anointing of the Holy Spirit, we will be LIMITLESS.
- When you are moved by the anointing, you managed things in a powerful
- When you are connected to the Holy Spirit, even if you do a lot of
work, go so many places, you will never get tired. He will give us strength, He
will renew our strength, He will rejuvenate us.
- The Holy Spirit is not limited by anything.
- "The Holy Spirit always helps me."
- Let this phrase define us.
- Ephesians 3:16

3. God's anointing makes the impossible, possible.

- Whatever seems impossible for you in your business, in your marriage,
in your health, if you are connected to the Holy Spirit, He will make them
- When the Holy Spirit is the Senior Pastor of your Church, He will
give you the wisdom, He will inspire you and help you overcome and resolve the
problem completely.
- The Lord will resolve the difficult situations.

- God anoints you and your life so that you can be an instrument of blessing to
other people.
- Isaiah 61
- God wants to anoint you so that you could do the same to others.
- The Holy Spirit wants to anoint us just as He anointed Jesus so that He can use
us to do signs and miracles, to be a blessing to thousands of people's lives.
- For every new challenge, you need fresh power from God. The anointing of the Holy
Spirit cannot be stored up.
- The formula yesterday cannot be used today.
- He has different ways to deal with different things.
- We need to be discerning.
- The anointing needs to be renewed.
- We need to keep ourselves connected to the Holy Spirit.

7pm-10pm (Evening Session)

IV. Speak With Purpose - Pastor Bert Pretorius

- 2 Corinthians 4:13-15
- When we speak, we speak in faith, we speak of knowing Jesus, and not for our own
- We speak on purpose and speak with purpose.
- Every word is rich in purpose.
- 1 Corinthians 9:19 = free from all men, set free to make a choice and start
living for others.
- Galatians 5:13 (NKJV)
- When we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are free, but not free to
do what we want, in this liberty we make a decision to serve one another.
- 2 Corinthians 4:7
- We have this treasure, a godly treasure, in earthly vessels.
- We never glorify in ourselves, God receives all glory.
- 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
- Even though troubles are pushing on all sides, I'm not confined, I'm not
restricted, I'm not in a place where there is no way out.
- If you look at the future, you're not certain. You don't know what will
happen the next day. There's no certainty when it comes to anything in life. But
even if we are uncertain, we're not crippled with fair.
- Even though we experience persecution, organized, systematic arrestment, we
are not left uncared for, as if God's not there for me. I'm persecuted, but I'm not
- You've experienced a blow that has forcefully positioned you down and
pushed you down and have gone through some stuff, but you're not destroyed, you're
not finished.
- 2 Corinthians 4:13
- Speaking with intent, with purpose. Even though you've experienced so much,
still, you believe and you speak.
- I did not speak the persecution, I did not speak the harrassment, I did not
speak as a victim, I did not act as a victim, because I believe there's purpose
within my life, that God has set me apart for a time such as this, and therefore I
- Everything begins and ends with God.
- Colossians 1:16 (MSG)
- To be able to speak purpose, you have to find purpose. Your purpose is in
the One who created you.
- God's got a plan for your life.
- Everything you are started with God creating you and forming you.
- Romans 8:6 (MSG)
- You can get so obssessed with yourself, with the persecution you've gone
through. But it leads to a dead end.
- Pay attention to God and He leads us into a spacious, free life.
- You're going to speak as how you see yourself.
- Romans 12:2
- God has to do the work in the inside.
- How do you see yourself?
- Proverbs 29:18
- If you don't see what God sees, you perish.
- When you don't see yourself in the light of the One who created you, you're
going to be speaking all kinds of things because you don't even know who you are
and what your purpose is.
- Start speaking the Word into existence, start speaking your 12 into existence,
your 144 into existence, revival in your city, your nation. Start speaking with
- You are the man, the woman of God for a time like this. Take the Word of God and
speak the Word of God into existence.
- God has place nations on the inside of you waiting to be birth BY FAITH.
- Stop speaking the reality, the circumstances, and start speaking the future.
- Declare yourself: "I believe, and therefore, I speak". Declare with your 12, your
144, your 1,728..."We believe, and therefore, we speak"
- Reflect the glory of God.
- Psalm 118:24
- We get up, we speak, we walk, we go to bed with purpose.
- Every second is a growth opportunity.
- James 1:22-27
- Have an attitude of a disciple, who listens with an intent to change.
- It's developing and growing so God's purpose can be fulfilled in your life.
- You've got to DO.
- You hear the Word of God, and you think "I need to change one, two, three,
four, five", turn of the TV, walk off and nothing changes.
- You have to think how you will apply what you hear in your life.
- Carefully consider what He said, your life, your family, your circumstances
and judge it according to the Word of God, and if you do what He says in His Word,
God will bless you.
- The Word of God is directly related to your tongue.
- Purpose. Are you speaking what you see, you hear, your past, your
circumstances? No change happens if you don't speak purpose, if you don't speak
- The way to speak the Word of God is to APPLY His Word.
- Caring for the orphans and the widows.
- Don't just speak and be spiritual. You quote this, you speak that,
but are you doing what the Bible says?
- Not just orphans in the physical sense, not just physical orphans,
but spiritual orphans. There are no fathers, no mothers who would take care of
these orphans.
- Matthew 28:19-20 = be a father and mother not only to your children
but to spiritual children as well.
- When you step out in faith and take responsibility for those around
you, God will give you the means.
- God has called you to be a father of nations, to be a mother of
- There are people that need you.
- How you see yourself is how you speak and how you speak is where you wil get to.
- You are called to make a difference.
- James 1:27
- Refusing to let the world corrupt me.
- Make a decision to speak purpose, to speak content.
- We need the wisdom, we need the power of God. (Revelation 12:11)
- I can now speak for the benefit of others not because of myself but because of
the blood of Jesus Christ.
- Ezekiel 20:47
- "I am increasing your capacity. I am enlarging every area of your life. My
Kingdom, My Government will increase in you." God says.

V. Life Support - Bishop Oriel Ballano

- God is busy supporting our life.
- What's the difference between a Kingdom citizen and a person not in the Kingdom.
- In the Kingdom of Heaven, you have no more rights, because you are under the
control of the King.
- When you said Jesus is your Lord, you are relinquishing your rights to God.
- When He owns you, His reputation depends on your condition and the quality
of life you're living.
- Because I am under the Kingdom, I have a King and He is controlling my life, He
owns me. So, His reputation is at stake because of my life.
- There is a King, a Kingdom, and a Kingdom citizen.
- He will sustain what He created.
- If you are a citizen of the Kingdom, you are protected by the abundance of the
- John 10:10
- A full life = quality life, a good life.
- We are not designed after a spirit of scarcity but of abundance.
- Psalm 132:15
- The God of Heaven constantly blesses us.
- As long as I obey Him, as long as I am in His environment, I will receive
His promise.
- Philippians 4:18
- God has more than enough for me.
- I believe anything is possible, my abundance capacity is high.
- Abundance mentality = hindi natatakot.
- We believe our abundance capacity depends on God not on people.
- Abundant thinkers always think there's more than enough.
- Because God is my sustainer.
- Scarcity mentality = think they always lack.
- They always say "No".
- It's a battle of the mindset.
- Scarcity holds people back from reaching their full potential.
- Scarcity attracts fear. Fear attracts scarcity.
- You have to believe that you are His citizen because His reputation is at stake.
- Your perspective will determine what kind of world you will live in. You can
decide which perspective you will live out, scarcity or abundance.
- You're supposed to be courageous!
- Fear is nasty, but fear does not know where it is going.
- The only thing fear knows is, "I don't know where to go." Fear only knows
where it's not going.
- Fear has no vision.
- You can't lead with fear because you'll be leading people nowhere.
- Naka-connect ang courage mo sa future mo. You cannot reach your future with fear
in your heart.
- Your life is supported by God. Scarcity means no more life support.
- NO is limiting.
- Easy life. Very comfortable. Kaya madaming nalalaglag sa "No". Atmosphere
is limiting but comfortable.
- To live in the other side of no is challenging.
- When you have fear, you begin to avoid doing the right thing.
- You stop being a man of prinicple.
- The principle of "For His Name's Sake".
- Scarcity people are average. Abundant people are unusual people.
- Enlarging.
- Abundance creates abundance.
- It is challenging, but because they conquered, it was rewarding.

The Characteristics of People with the Abundant Mentality:

1. They possess high belief.
2. They understand the power of perspective.
3. They are generous to others.
4. They know the seasons of overflow.
- Maraming nadidisgrasya kasi hindi alam ang tamang season ng overflow.
- Pag atat na atat ka sa abundant life, hind agad agad yan, may season yan.
- Abangan mo lang ang season of overflow mo.
5. They attempt bigger dreams.
- Find a bigger dream. You can afford to dream.
- We don't attempt small things.

- For Kingdom people, COVID releases opportunities.

- Never disconnect yourself from the Source.

VI. The Bag of Tea Principle - Pastor Alvin Venzon

- Napagisipan mo na ba, kung anong klaseng lider ka?
- Types of Leadership:
1. Great Leadership
- Effective.
2. Not-so-Great Leadership
- Not effective.
- What is/are your greatest leadership trait/s?
- Are you developing the practices and qualities of great leadership?
- The not-so-good leaders - with good intention but not developing skills,
attitude, discipline.
- How do we distinguish great leaders from the not-so-great leaders?
- The difference of good and bad leadership is in the environment.
- RIGHT ATMOSPHERE is required for the great leadership to come out.
- The bag of tea principle: Lumabas ang katas ng nasawsaw sa mainit na tubig.
- Kung anong meron ka, lalabas at lalabas.
- CORRECT ATTITUDE is required for the great leadership to come out.
- PROPER DISCIPLINE is required for the great leadership to come out.
- Two types of Leaders:
1. Tamang Lider
2. Lider na may tama
- Leadership cannot be inherited. It's not genetic. BUT IT CAN BE LEARNED.
1. Yung mahirap pinapadali
- Any fool can make something complicated; it takes a genius to make it
a. Stick to the problem long enough to process issue.
b. Engage long enough
c. Consult long enough
- These three removes all unnecessary things.
- It reduces the concept into its simplest form. (eg. online =
complicated, pero dahil pinagisipan, umayos.)
- A great leader makes something complex to something simple.
- Same goes with making sermons/sharings, process it long enough, stick
with it long enough, consult others long enough.
- Ang tamang leader - makes the concept accessible so people are
2. Yung malabo pinapalinaw
- In leadership, confusion is always there.
- Confusion reigns unless someone makes it clear.
- The right leader brings clarity to the group.
- The best way to become clear is to ask question.
- Clarity isn't automatic. What do we need to do? Fight for it.
3. Yung dahilan tinatanggihan
- Ang tamang lider bihirang mag-excuse yan. Ang lider na may tama,
excuse ng excuse.
- Right leaders make progress not make excuses.
- Excuses ng mga lider na may tama.
a. Magkaiba ang "Context"
- Maiiwan ka.
- Life is hardwork but we can make a difference because we
are aligned with the Kingdom of God.
- If it doesn't work, try again. Try and try again.
- What the pandemic made us do:
- Adapt = pwinersa tayo ng marahas na pagbabago.
- Pivot = voluntary; pinagmasdan ang nangyayari, nagisip, kumilos, tama ang
= hindi ka titigil sa PIVOT
- Innovate = do something new
= invent something that works in your context.

b. May mga "tama" ang liders ko.

- Great people:
- Doesn't gather randomly.
- Attracted by clear and compelling missions.
- Nurtured, inspired and instructed.
- Skillful, passionate and humble.
- Devoted living to a cause greater than themselves.
- You call something out in the people that God planted in there Himself.

c. Wala kaming pera!

- Vision is not big enough. = People give small sums to a
small vision.
- Vision is not aligned to the vision of the Church. =
Mahirap ipeke ang totoo. They give more to something that is authentic.
- Challenge = give sacrificially
- Result = significant resources for the ministry

d. Kung nasa Maynila lang ako ang laki siguro ng Church ko.
- Don't be faithful to what God has given others. Be
faithful to what God has given you.
- Choice: Make excuses or Produce progress

- Ang tamang lider nakikita, nahahalata.

VII. Bishop Ruffy Lagat

- John 14, 15, 16
- John 16:8, 13-14
- Helper = GR. Parakletos = Comforter, Advocate, Helper
- The Father sent His Son first, to specifically save us from sin. Then He
sent the Holy Spirit who dwells in us so that we have an ever-present help in time
of need.

1. He Will Help Us to Live the Life of Jesus

- That godly, that humble, that peaceful, that joyful life.
2. He Will Help Us to Do the Works of Jesus
- To accomplish the assignment Jesus gave His disciples.
- John 14:12

- Romans 8:26-27
- We need to come to that full realization that we have a Helper, given by
our Father in Heaven, to live inside of us, never to depart from us.
- The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We have a glaring weakness: Weakness
when it comes to prayer.
- v.27 When it comes to prayer, we can only pray so much and then no more.
Relying on our brain, we are limited.
- Prayer is the first area of our lives that the Holy Spirit helps us in.
- He intercedes for us. We are not praying alone, we are praying with the
Holy Spirit. He is praying for us but He is using us to pray.
- Ephesians 3:20-21
- He is able to do IMMEASURABLY MORE THAN...according to His power that is at
work within us.
- At work within us = GR. In operation; ongoing. = a power that is in
operation in us. He generates power, all we have to do is switch it on.
- v.21 The Glory of the Lord is seen IN the Church. Because the Head (Jesus)
is glorious, the body (the Church) ought to be glorious as well.
- For how long? Throughout all generations. Forever and ever.
- Why can't we see His glory in the Church? The problem is not with the Holy Spirit
but with us.
- How do we avail of this? By yielding ourselves to the Holy Spirit. By
acknowledging that He came to help us. By admitting that we need Him and by
allowing Him to help us.
- When He cannot use us in prayer, He cannot use us in any other.
- Prayer is easy because we have a Helper to help us to pray in us, for us, and
through us.
- Our number one engagement is in the area of prayer.

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