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Question Tags-4

Rajveer : 8619284712

Put a question tag on the end of these sentences

1. You're not very intelligent, ______ ?

2. It's easy to forget some people, ______ ?

3. We had a lot of fun in school, ______ ?

4. I'd better answer these letters, ______ ?

5. They haven't paid the rent, ______ ?

6. Gorillas are not very pretty, ______ ?

7. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, ______ ?

8. The gardeners will cut the grass soon, ______ ?

9. Penny has done well, ______ ?

10. Maradona doesn't play as well nowadays, ______ ? Page 1

1. are you
2. isn't it
3. didn't we
4. hadn't I
5. have they
6. are they
7. isn't it
8. won't they
9. hasn't she
10. does he Page 2

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