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Before starting a phonemic transcription, you should first have a quick look at the complete text
and then you should pay special attention to the following the following things:

a. If words belong to the “content or lexical group” or to “structural or functional group”.

b. Pauses.
c. Rules of pronunciation (1) (see foot note)
d. Word spelling ( in particular word endings) (2)
e. Prominence. ( to determine whether to use a weak or strong vowel)
f. Word stress ( to determine weak syllables and weak vowels)
g. Linking.

The “don’ts” in transcriptions:

Do not:

a. Use capital letters !

b. Transcribe the letter “r” is before a consonant ( as in party) or in final position (car) in
British English. Except when a final “r” is followed by an initial vowel as in “ for a, more of “
/ 
c. Do not use the letter “c”.
d. Use the length dots ( : ) in diphthongs!
e. Use certain vowel symbols which may be used for single vowels or diphthongs only.
Example: the symbols / and  are used only in diphthongs .

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