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Procedure for Operations and Work Instructions

Version: 1.0

Created by: Mohammad Al-Zohary – Management Representative

Approved by: Sulaiman Alharbi – Managing Director

MR: _____________________

MD: _____________________

Document Ref. SP-34 Rev. 00 Effective: May 31, 2024

1. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to establish a systematic approach for developing, implementing, and
maintaining operations and work instructions to ensure consistent, safe, and efficient execution of
tasks at ETC.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all operational activities and work processes within ETC, including
production, maintenance, safety, and quality assurance tasks.
3. Definitions
 Operations: The day-to-day activities performed to achieve organizational goals.
 Work Instructions: Detailed, step-by-step directions for performing specific tasks or
 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Documented procedures that define how routine
operations should be carried out.
4. Responsibilities
 Top Management: Ensure the implementation and maintenance of operations and work
 Department Heads: Oversee the development and implementation of work instructions
within their departments.
 Supervisors: Ensure that personnel follow work instructions and SOPs.
 All Employees: Follow established work instructions and SOPs and provide feedback for
5. Procedure
5.1 Development of Operations and Work Instructions
1. Identification of Needs:
o Identify the need for work instructions based on operational activities, safety
requirements, and quality standards.
o Engage relevant stakeholders to determine the scope and objectives of the work
2. Document Creation:
o Develop work instructions using a standardized format to ensure consistency and
o Include the following sections in each work instruction:
 Title
 Version Details and approvals
 Scope
 Safety Gear Required.
 Procedure Steps
 Control of hardcopy versions
3. Approval:
o Submit the draft work instructions to the department head and relevant stakeholders
for review.
o Make necessary revisions based on feedback and obtain final approval from top
5.2 Implementation of Operations and Work Instructions
1. Communication:
o Communicate new and revised work instructions to all relevant personnel.
o Ensure that work instructions are easily accessible at the point of use.
2. Training:
Document Ref. SP-34 Rev. 00 Effective: May 31, 2024
o Provide training to personnel on the new or revised work instructions.
o Document training sessions using the Training Record
3. Monitoring:
o Monitor compliance with work instructions through regular observations and audits.
5.3 Review and Revision of Work Instructions
1. Periodic Review:
o Conduct periodic reviews of work instructions to ensure they remain current and
o Review work instructions at least annually or more frequently if necessary.
2. Revisions:
o Revise work instructions based on feedback, changes in regulations, or operational
o Document revisions using the Work Instructions Register (Appendix A).
5.4 Record Keeping
1. Documentation:
o Maintain records of all work instructions, approvals, training sessions, and revisions.
o Ensure records are accessible and retrievable for review and audits.
2. Retention Period:
o Retain work instruction records for a minimum of [X] years or as required by
6. References
 ISO 9001:2015, Clause 7.5: Documented Information
 ISO 14001:2015, Clause 7.5: Documented Information
 ISO 45001:2018, Clause 7.5: Documented Information
7. Appendices
 Appendix A: Work Instructions Register
 Appendix B: Work Instructions Forms

Document Ref. SP-34 Rev. 00 Effective: May 31, 2024

Control of Hardcopy versions

The digital version of this document is the most recent version. It is the responsibility of the
individual to ensure that any printed version is the most recent version. The printed version of this
manual is uncontrolled, and cannot be relied upon, except when formally issued by the Management
Representative and provided with a document reference number and revision in the fields below:

Document Ref. SP-34 Rev. 01 Uncontrolled Copy Controlled Copy

Revision History:

Issue Description of Change Changed by
01 First issue Modassar Ranjha

Document Ref. SP-34 Rev. 00 Effective: May 31, 2024

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