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Explaining fertility rate Date: Name:

early poorly work high young family planning families

In less developed countries, fertility rate is . There

are several reasons for this. In less developed countries, many children

to support their and

their aging parents. So, more children are welcomes. Girls are also often

educated and dropped out of school

. So, girls tend to marry at

age and have many children. Many young women

are not educated about and they have little

control over how many children they have.

opt low increases better fewer more delay

In more developed countries, fertility rate is . More women

are educated so they go out to work and

marriage and having children. This also means they tend to have

children. Parents want to give their children a good life so

this the costs to raising children. Therefore, parents

for smaller families. Women have access to

familiy planning advice and methods; therefore, they have control over how

many children they have.

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