Last Question

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Adaptation Concept: "The Last Question"

Based on: "The Last Question" by Isaac Asimov

Short Story Synopsis:

Throughout multiple epochs, from the earliest days of human civilization to the heat

death of the universe, beings of increasing complexity and consciousness — from humans to

merged human-machine entities to cosmic AIs — pose a recurring question to the evolving

Multivac computer system: how can entropy be reversed to prevent the universe's inevitable

decline? Each time, the system, regardless of its advanced state, responds that it lacks

sufficient data to provide an answer. As time wears on and the universe approaches its end,

all that remains is the last version of the computer, now a merged entity of human

consciousness and machine. Alone in the void, it finally discovers the answer to the age-old

question. Yet, with no one else remaining to hear its revelation, it pronounces, "Let there be

light," initiating a new cycle of existence and hinting at the cyclical nature of life and


Supernatural, Metaphysical, or Technological Element:

The Multivac computer system and its omnipresent nature, as well as the overarching theme

of entropy.


VR: The VR environment encapsulates an ever-changing cosmic landscape, this technology

will immerse the audience in the various epochs of the universe, allowing them to experience

the story in a 360° panoramic environment, travelling through space and time, witnessing

different entities (as humans evolve,) and becoming those entities themselves (audience
doesn’t just observe the universe's evolution—they're a part of it, undergoing a transformative

journey of their own)

Motion Capture: capturing actors’ performances using motion-capture technology; their

movements and expressions can be translated in real-time into the VR world. This would

allow audience members in VR to see (and interact with?) the "digital avatars" of these


Audio Design:

3D spatial audio envelops the user, with the omnipresent voice of Multivac evolving in tone

over epochs. Ambient sounds of the universe add layers of immersion, from the gentle hum

of stars to the echoing silence of the universe's decline.

Adaptation Concept: "The Last Question" with VR

Scene: Witnessing the universe's evolution.

Tech Implementation (VR): The audience is in a VR environment from the start, witnessing

the Big Bang, the formation of galaxies, stars, and planets, and the emergence of life and


-audience’s VR avatars resemble spectral observers—translucent, ethereal forms that float

within the cosmos

Scene: scientists querying the Multivac.

Tech Implementation (VR): Within the VR environment, audience members see a

representation of Earth and the early iteration of Multivac. The interaction between humans

and the machine is portrayed, and visualizations of data and concepts provided by Multivac

can be dynamically shown.

-audience avatars- human(oid)

Scene: Advanced beings in a deteriorating universe asking Multivac the age-old


Tech Implementation (VR): The VR universe becomes darker and more desolate, showing

the impending heat death. Stars go out, galaxies fade, and the few advanced beings left

approach the evolved Multivac for answers.

-audience avatars: ethereal, luminous forms that glow with an inner light, signifying their

advanced nature; they float amidst dying stars and fading galaxies, observing as higher beings

consult an advanced, radiant Multivac, which now spans galaxies

Scene: Multivac's revelation.

Tech Implementation (VR): The VR setting becomes a vast, empty darkness. When Multivac

finds the answer and declares, "Let there be light," a brilliant visual transition happens within

VR, symbolizing the universe's rebirth.

-audiences’ avatars transform into pure beings of light/ energy, symbolizing transcendence

and enlightenment, changing in real-time as the universe is reborn, going from dim light to

brilliant luminosity.

Post-Experience Reflection

After the narrative's climax, audience will find themselves floating above a serene,

illuminated cosmic ocean. They can observe their final avatar form, a radiant being of light,

and reflect on the journey they've undertaken alongside the universe.

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