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FEMS Microbiology Reviews, fux030, 41, 2017, S27–S48

doi: 10.1093/femsre/fux030
Advance Access Publication Date: 30 June 2017
Review article


Lifestyles in transition: evolution and natural history

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of the genus Lactobacillus
Rebbeca M. Duar1,2,†,# , Xiaoxi B. Lin1,2,# , Jinshui Zheng3 , Maria
Elena Martino4 , Théodore Grenier4 , Marı́a Elisa Pérez-Muñoz1,2 ,
François Leulier4 , Michael Gänzle1,# and Jens Walter1,2,5,∗,#
Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2R3, Canada, 2 CEGIIR,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1, Canada, 3 Huazhong Agricultural University, State Key
Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, Wuhan 430070, China, 4 Université de Lyon, Institut de Génomique
Fonctionnelle de Lyon (IGFL), Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, CNRS UMR 5242, Université Claude Bernard
Lyon 1, Lyon 69364, France and 5 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
AB T6G 2R3, Canada

Corresponding author: Department of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science/Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, 4-126A Li Ka
Shing Centre for Health Research Innovation, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1, Canada. Tel: +1-780-492-1182; E-mail:
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Editor: Michiel Kleerebezem
One sentence summary: This review synthesizes phylogenetic, genomic and metabolic metadata with findings from ecological and population genetic
studies to elucidate the natural history of species within the Lactobacillus genus. Based on this analysis, a model for the evolution of distinct lifestyles
was proposed: lifestyles of lactobacilli range from free living to strictly host adapted, with substantial variation among species in terms of the reliance
on environmental niches and the degree of host specificity.

Rebbeca M. Duar,

Lactobacillus species are found in nutrient-rich habitats associated with food, feed, plants, animals and humans. Due to
their economic importance, the metabolism, genetics and phylogeny of lactobacilli have been extensively studied. However,
past research primarily examined lactobacilli in experimental settings abstracted from any natural history, and the
ecological context in which these bacteria exist and evolve has received less attention. In this review, we synthesize
phylogenetic, genomic and metabolic metadata of the Lactobacillus genus with findings from fine-scale phylogenetic and
functional analyses of representative species to elucidate the evolution and natural history of its members. The available
evidence indicates a high level of niche conservatism within the well-supported phylogenetic groups within the genus,
with lifestyles ranging from free-living to strictly symbiotic. The findings are consistent with a model in which
host-adapted Lactobacillus lineages evolved from free-living ancestors, with present-day species displaying substantial
variations in terms of the reliance on environmental niches and the degree of host specificity. This model can provide a
framework for the elucidation of the natural and evolutionary history of Lactobacillus species and valuable information to
improve the use of this important genus in industrial and therapeutic applications.

Keywords: Lactobacillus; natural history; evolution; phylogenomics; symbiosis; lifestyle

Received: 3 February 2017; Accepted: 6 June 2017

C FEMS 2017. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

S28 FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2017, Vol. 41, No. Supp 1

Box 1: Taxonomy of lactobacilli
Lactobacilli are fastidious Gram-positive bacteria that populate
Numerous classification schemes have been developed
nutrient-rich habitats associated with food, feed, plants, ver-
since the first description of the genus in 1901 (Beijerink
tebrate and invertebrate animals, and humans. Owed to their
1901). Pioneering work by Orla-Jensen (1919) introduced the
use in food, biotechnology, and therapeutic applications, lac-
earliest systematic categorization of the genus on the ba-
tobacilli have substantial economic importance. Consequently,
sis of its optimum growth temperature and the pathways
research has focused on their role in food fermentations and
for carbohydrate fermentation. Later revisions subdivided
spoilage (Chaillou et al. 2005; Gänzle and Ripari 2016; Stefanovic,
the genus based on fermentation characteristics into obli-
Fitzgerald and McAuliffe 2017), biotechnological applications
gate homofermentative, facultative heterofermentative and
(Sun et al. 2015) and their functionality as ‘probiotics’, which
obligate heterofermentative species (Hammes and Vogel
are ‘live microorganisms which when administered in adequate
1995). This phenotype-based nomenclature, however, does
amounts confer a health benefit on the host’ (Marco, Pavan
not accommodate the pathway for pentose conversion to
and Kleerebezem 2006; Lebeer, Vanderleyden and De Keers-

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lactate as the sole end product, does not reflect the group-
maecker 2008; Bron, van Baarlen and Kleerebezem 2011; Hill
ing of lactobacilli with respect to their metabolic reper-
et al. 2014). These studies have provided important informa-
toire and is inconsistent with the phylogenetic structure of
tion regarding the metabolism and functionality of a wide ar-
the genus (Hammes and Vogel 1995; Pot et al. 2014, Gänzle
ray of Lactobacillus species in food environments, in the gas-
2015). The phenotype-based nomenclature was replaced by
trointestinal tract as well as their role in human and animal
differentiation between homofermentative and heterofer-
health. From an ecological and evolutionary perspective, how-
mentative species, which matches the metabolic and ge-
ever, these studies provide little insight, as they are conducted in
netic repertoire as well as the phylogenetic relatedness of
experimental settings that are abstracted from any natural his-
species (Gänzle 2015; Zheng et al. 2015a). After the devel-
tory. Food habitats are man-made and date back <14 000 years
opment of molecular tools, many species have been re-
(Steinkraus 2002; Hayden, Canuel and Shanse 2013) which is
named and some have been reclassified to other genera
short when considering that the associations of lactobacilli with
(Sharpe, Fryer and Smith 1966; Klein et al. 1998; Salvetti,
plants and animals date back millions of years (Tailliez 2001; Bat-
Torriani and Felis 2012). The broader cluster of genera can
tistuzzi et al. 2004). Furthermore, most research on probiotics
be divided into 24 phylogenetic groups including Pediococ-
has been conducted with Lactobacillus strains ‘allochthonous’
cus species as integral members of lactobacilli. These groups
to the respective hosts in which they were studied (Walter
share major metabolic traits (Pot et al. 2014; Zheng et al.
2008). We therefore lack information regarding the evolution of
2015a) and are phylogenetically robust as they have been
lifestyles in lactobacilli as it occurred in their true ecosystems
consistently established by 16S rRNA and core genome phy-
in nature.
logeny (Hammes and Hertel 2006; Salvetti, Torriani and Fe-
The genus Lactobacillus comprises more than 200 species
lis 2012; Pot et al. 2014; Zheng et al. 2015a). Because Pedio-
characterized by a phylogenetic and metabolic diversity that
coccus spp. are integral to the genus, Lactobacillus spp. and
exceeds that of a typical bacterial family (Sun et al. 2015). Re-
Pediococcus spp. were referred to as Lactobacillus sensu lato
cent phylogenetic analyses based on robust core genome phy-
by Zheng et al. (2015a). High-resolution phylogenetic anal-
logeny have revealed that lactobacilli can be subdivided into
yses also indicate that heterofermentative lactobacilli may
at least 24 phylogenetic groups (Zheng et al. 2015a); species of
be more closely related to species in the heterofermenta-
the genus Pediococcus form an integral part of the genus Lac-
tive Leuconostococcaceae than to distant groups of homofer-
tobacillus. Accordingly, lactobacilli have been referred to as the
mentative lactobacilli (Makarova et al. 2006; Sun et al. 2015;
Lactobacillus sensu lato including pediococci, or the Lactobacil-
Zheng et al. 2015a); the term ‘Lactobacillus Genus Complex’
lus Genus Complex to additionally include the related genera
was coined to encompass Lactobacillaceae and Leuconostococ-
Weissella, Leuconostoc, Oenococcus and Fructobacillus (Sun et al.
caceae (Sun et al. 2015).
2015; Zheng et al. 2015a) (Box 1). The availability of genome
sequences of lactobacilli has created a robust framework for
large-scale phylogenomic and comparative genomic analyses
that can elucidate their evolution (Sun et al. 2015; Zheng et al.
2015a). In addition, population genomics and genetic analy-
ses have allowed a detailed reconstruction of the evolutionary
patterns in specific Lactobacillus species (Oh et al. 2010; Frese Restricted by fastidious growth requirements, lactobacilli oc-
et al. 2011; McFrederick et al. 2013; Martino et al. 2016). If in- cupy nutrient-rich habitats which can be categorized into fer-
formed by an understanding of the metabolic traits of Lacto- mented or spoiled foods and animal feed, the environment
bacillus groups and lineages, these analyses provide an oppor- including the surface of plants, soil, and the body of invertebrate
tunity to explore the ecological and evolutionary contexts in and vertebrate animals (Fig. 1).
which these bacteria exist in nature and how their lifestyles
have evolved. In this review, we compile the available genomic Food and feed
and metabolic metadata for the genus Lactobacillus to infer its Lactobacilli dominate the microbiota of the vast majority of
evolution and natural history. Specifically, we apply a phyloge- fermented foods and also occur as food spoilage organisms
nomic approach to infer the natural habitat and relate this anal- (Hammes and Hertel 2006; Gänzle 2015). Fermentation of silage,
ysis to metabolic, functional and fine-scale phylogenetic analy- vegetables and many cereals relies on the microbiota of the raw
ses of model species. We summarize the available information materials as source of inoculum. Other fermentations, includ-
and discuss the lessons to be learned from an evolutionary and ing most dairy fermentations, sourdough and fermented meats,
ecological understanding of lactobacilli for biotechnological and are controlled by back-slopping or a ‘house microbiota’ associ-
therapeutic applications. ated with the production environment (Scheirlinck et al. 2009;
Duar et al. S29

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Figure 1. Word cloud representing the origin of lactobacilli. The words describe the source of isolation of the type strains of Lactobacillus species, and the square root
of the font size of the words correlates to its frequency. (a) The isolation source of the 204 type strains as described by Pot et al. (2014) in addition to newly described
species. The description was simplified as follows: all strains of human or animal origin are designated as human or animal, irrespective of the site of isolation. The
origin of all isolates from cereal mashes used for production of alcoholic beverages is designated as ‘mash’. The origin of all isolates from flowers, vegetable, sourdough
and silage fermentations was designated as ‘flower’, ‘pickle’, ‘sourdough’ and ‘silage’, respectively, irrespective of the plant species. The origin of all strains isolated
from kimchi, sauerkraut, and fermented cabbage was designated as ‘sauerkraut’. The origin of isolates from various stages of beer, wine and apple cider fermentation
was designated as ‘beer’, ‘wine’ and ‘apple’, respectively. The words ‘poultry’ and ‘beef’ represent meat; the words ‘chicken’ and ‘cow’ represent the actual animals.
(b) The origin of 203 type strains with a further simplification of the description of the origin as follows: the words representing spontaneous plant fermentations
(pickle, sauerkraut and silage) was replaced by ‘plant’. The origin of all other food-associated organisms was omitted. The word cloud was generated with the online
tool available at

Su et al. 2012; Chaillou et al. 2013; Ripari, Gänzle and Berardi lated from wheat, beet and strawberries (Jacobs, Bugbee and
2016). Organisms in these fermentations are exposed to contin- Gabrielson 1985; de Melo Pereira et al. 2012; Minervini et al. 2015),
uous propagation over decades or even centuries, essentially be- lactobacilli are a rare and minor component of the plant en-
coming domesticated to the fermentation environment (van de dophytes (Hallmann et al. 1997) and are only detected in small
Guchte et al. 2006; Vogel et al. 2011; Ding et al. 2014). Adaptation to numbers on plant surfaces where traces of sugars can support
conditions in food fermentations was suggested for Lactobacillus their growth (Mercier and Lindow 2000). Their numbers only
delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, which shows rapid and ongoing reduc- increase upon damage of plant tissue when simple and com-
tion of the genome size (van de Guchte et al. 2006). However, ge- plex carbohydrates become available substrates (Müller and Lier
nomic analysis of intestinal and sourdough isolates of L. reuteri 1994). The ecological role of plant-associated lactobacilli in na-
indicated differential selective pressures from the two environ- ture is poorly understood, but because their occurrence is only
ments but no phylogenetic differentiation (Zheng et al. 2015b). sporadic, they are not considered plant symbionts but rather
Therefore, even though the majority of the type strains have epiphytic (Stirling and Whittenbury 1963; Mundt and Hammer
been isolated from food (Fig. 1a), food fermentations are unlikely 1968; Fenton 1987).
to represent the primary habitat for Lactobacillus (Fig. 1b).
Vertebrate and invertebrate hosts
Environmental sites and plants Lactobacilli are reliably isolated from a variety of insects in-
Lactobacilli occur frequently in sewage as a result of fecal con- cluding flies and bees and from vertebrates, particularly birds,
tamination and occasionally in soils as part of the rhizosphere rodents, humans and farm animals. The host range is likely
of plants or as a result of wash off from the phyllosphere larger as scientific investigations have been largely restricted to
(Kvasnikov, Kovalenko and Nesterenko 1983; Hammes and Her- domesticated animals and humans (Endo, Futagawa-Endo and
tel 2006). Despite the occasional reports of lactobacilli being iso- Dicks 2010; McFrederick et al. 2013; Martino et al. 2016). Food
S30 FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2017, Vol. 41, No. Supp 1

storage organs such as the forestomach and crop appear to be mation about the metabolism of the bacteria and inform these
the preferred habitat of lactobacilli in animal hosts. These or- inferences with findings from more focused population genetic
gans are found in both insects (flies, bees, bumblebees) and ver- and functional studies. Specifically, we (i) assign lifestyles to
tebrate animals (poultry, rodents). In humans, lactobacilli are species in a phylogenetic context, considering factors such as
found in the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract and in the vagina occurrence and frequency of detection/isolation as well as the
(Walter 2008). strains’ metabolic characteristics and their ability to withstand
environmental stressors present in given habitats; (ii) investi-
gate evolutionary transitions between lifestyles by using a phy-
WHAT ARE THE REAL LIFESTYLES OF logenetic approach that is conceptually similar to that described
LACTOBACILLI IN NATURE AND HOW HAVE by Sachs, Skophammer and Regus (2011); (iii) analyze patterns of
genome evolution described to be associated with the evolution
of symbiotic lifestyles (Lo, Huang and Kuo 2016); (iv) complement
Although we have a comprehensive knowledge of the origin of this overview with findings from fine-scale population-genetic
Lactobacillus strains, the precise ecological niches and lifestyles and functional studies on representative species that can serve

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of these bacteria are difficult to unravel. To date, most func- as paradigms for the specific lifestyles represented within the
tional research concerns the metabolic and, more recently, ge- lactobacilli.
netic adaptations to conditions that prevail in food and feed
fermentations (Fig. 1a). Although food fermentations provide
Evolutionary insight through phylogenomics
opportunities for clonal expansion of specific species or phylo-
genetic groups (Cai et al. 2007; Chaillou et al. 2013; Zheng et al. The diversification of anaerobic clostridia and aerobic or fac-
2015b), the adaptation of lactobacilli to these man-made habi- ultative anaerobic bacilli and the lactic acid bacteria roughly
tats is coincidental and recent, and diversification, if it occurs, matches the ‘great oxidation event’ that occurred ∼2.5 bil-
remains below the species level (Cai et al. 2007; Chaillou et al. lion years ago (Battistuzzi et al. 2004). Lactobacillales then di-
2013; Zheng et al. 2015b). From an evolutionary perspective, food, verged from staphylococci and bacilli ∼1.8 billion years ago
feed and biotechnological fermentations cannot be considered (Battistuzzi et al. 2004), substantially predating the emergence of
as habitats that supported speciation and therefore, cannot in- land plants (∼500 million years ago), insects (∼400 million years
form the elucidation of the actual natural history of lactobacilli ago), mammals (∼200 million years ago) and birds (∼80 million
(Fig. 1b). Some species have been traced to animals, the envi- years ago) (Shetty, Griffin and Graves 1999; Hedges et al. 2004;
ronment and raw materials (Scheirlinck et al. 2009; Su et al. 2012; Luo 2007; Clarke, Warnock and Donoghue 2011; Pires and Dolan
Chaillou et al. 2013; Ripari, Gänzle and Berardi 2016), but the real 2012; Misof et al. 2014). However, diversification within the genus
ecological niches of most Lactobacillus species present in food Lactobacillus sensu lato likely intensified with the emergence and
and feed remain unknown. later diversification of the eukaryotic species with which species
Predictions about the exact natural history of lactobacilli are became associated (Tailliez 2001).
difficult even for species that are reliably found in habitats that To gain insight into lifestyle evolution of lactobacilli, we
could support speciation. Lactobacilli can be ‘allochthonous’, updated the core phylogenomic tree of Lactobacillus sensu lato
meaning they originate from a different place, and have, in con- (Zheng et al. 2015a) by adding species for which genome se-
trast to ‘autochthonous’ species, neither an ecological nor evo- quences became recently available (Fig. 2). Based on isolation
lutionary relationship with the habitat in which they are found. source, frequency of isolation, metabolic capabilities, growth
This is especially relevant for the gastrointestinal tract of hu- temperature and the ability to withstand environmental stres-
mans where lactobacilli can originate from fermented foods sors present in given habitats, we assign species into three main
(Tannock 2004; Walter 2008, Fig. S1, Supporting Information). It lifestyle categories: free living (encompassing environmental
also relates to other habitats including wastewater, plants, flow- and plant isolates), host adapted (associated with invertebrate or
ers and nectar, where lactobacilli may be present as fecal con- vertebrate hosts) or as ‘nomadic’ using the concepts proposed by
taminants from vertebrates or insects. Martino et al. (2016). Remarkably, lifestyle assignments associate
Autochthonous organisms establish stable populations of with phylogenetic grouping (Fig. 2). This strongly suggests that
typical sizes over long periods and exert specific ecological monophyletic clades within the lactobacilli result from adaptive
functions in a habitat (Tannock 2004). However, even if pop- evolution in different habitats, which resulted in the emergence
ulations show these characteristics, conclusions regarding the of distinct lifestyles and a high degree of phylogenetic niche con-
natural history of a species must be drawn with caution. The servation. Specifically, the L. perolens, L. sakei, L. vaccinostercus, L.
populations of allochthonous species may appear stable if in- collinoides, L. brevis and L. buchneri groups are almost completely
troduced regularly into a habitat. Allochthonous lactobacilli composed of species that are rarely found in animals and are
may further exert ecological functions even if such habitats therefore likely free living. Species in the L. reuteri group are
are irrelevant to their evolution, as is the case of fermented consistently associated with vertebrate hosts (the human oral
foods. On the other hand, habitats or hosts that only al- cavity, vagina and intestinal tract, as well as primates, other
low sporadic and transient colonization may still play an im- mammals and birds). The L. salivarius group contains a mono-
portant role in the overall lifestyle of a species, for exam- phyletic cluster associated with vertebrate hosts (humans, ro-
ple, by providing vectors for dispersal or a temporal refuge dents, birds, horses, cattle, swine, primates and other mammals)
(Vellend 2010). It is conceivable for some species to possess a (Table S1, Supporting Information) and a second cluster com-
dynamic lifestyle, comprised by more than one stable niche in prising mainly free-living species. The large and diverse L. del-
which a classic autochthony could evolve. brueckii group comprises a cluster of species adapted to insects
Given these complexities, a combination of complementary and another adapted to vertebrates including pigs and hamsters
approaches is required to reliably elucidate the natural history and different species of birds. Species in the L. plantarum group
of lactobacilli. Below we attempt to deduce the lifestyles of Lac- and a cluster with the L. casei group are nomadic, being reliably
tobacillus species by synthesizing phylogenomic data with infor- found in a wide variety of niches.
Duar et al. S31

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Figure 2. Core genome phylogenomic tree of Lactobacillus sensu lato (Lactobacillus spp. and Pediococcus spp.). The tree was constructed according to Zheng et al. (2015a) with
the inclusion of 18 additional species for which genome sequence data became available since 2015. Eggerthia catenaformis was used as an outlier for the phylogenetic
analysis. The inner segments delineate homofermentative and heterofermentative species, respectively. Members of the 24 phylogenetic groups are indicated by the
same color for branches and the type strain of each group is printed in bold. Clusters in the L. delbrueckii and L. salivarius groups that differ in their ecology are separated
by dashed lines. The solid circles in red represent genome sizes, with the area of the circles correlating with genome size. Color coding of the outer ring indicates
the lifestyle, if sufficient information is available. The habitat was assigned based on phylogenetic and ecological studies as well as literature related to the source of
isolation; the assignment was additionally guided by database searches on the Integrated Microbial NGS Platform (Lagkouvardos et al. 2016) (see
Fig. S1). Numbers indicate evolutionary transitions of lifestyle assuming an ancestral free-living state. Ancestral state reconstructions were executed in the Mesquite
software package Version 3.2, (Maddison and Maddisson 2017).

The conservation in the niche assignments within the and L. mellifer groups became associated with insects (events
deep-branching monophyletic lineages suggests that lifestyles 4 and 5). Within the L. delbrueckii group, the cluster of species
evolved for long periods of evolutionary time and were sta- related to L. apis appeared to have transitioned from verte-
bly maintained. These clear associations further allow to pin- brate adapted to bee adapted (event 6). The L. plantarum group
point lifestyle transitions (see Fig. 2 and legend for details). and a cluster within L. casei group evolved from free living to
The host-adapted L. delbrueckii, L. salivarius and L. reuteri groups nomadic (events 7 and 8). L. fermentum is the only species in
likely evolved from free-living ancestors to become associated the L. reuteri group which is rarely found in intestinal ecosys-
with vertebrates (events 1–3), while the L. fructivorans, L. kunkeei tems but frequently isolated from plants and spontaneously
S32 FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2017, Vol. 41, No. Supp 1

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Figure 3. Genomic and metabolic characteristics of lactobacilli reflect different lifestyles. (a) Association between genome size and the number of coding sequences
(CDSs), Pearson r = 0.95, P < 0.0001. (b) Comparison of genome size (Mb) by lifestyle. (c) Association between GC content (%) and the number of CDSs, Pearson r = 0.58,
p < 0.0001. (d) Comparison of GC content (%) by lifestyle. (e) Comparison of optimal growth temperature (mean ± SD) by lifestyle. Genome size and GC content were
obtained from the genomes of the type strains and growth temperature was obtained from type strain culture collection website (Table S1). Representative species in
panels A and C are color coded by lifestyle using the colors from Fig. 2. Box plots in panels B and D represent the median and the lower and upper quartiles. Whiskers
extend to the last data point still within 1.5 interquartile range of the quartile. Kruskal–Wallis with a Dunn’s post hoc test was used to compare data between groups.
Statistical significant groups are indicated (∗∗∗ , P < 0.001; ∗∗∗∗ , P ≤ 0.0001). Statistical analyses were performed in GraphPad Prism version 6.07 (GraphPad Software, La
Joya, CA, USA).

fermented cereals (Mundt and Hammer 1968; Hammes and Table S1). Lactobacilli underwent a process of genome reduc-
Hertel 2006; Gänzle and Ripari 2016). L. fermentum could be tion over the course of their evolution, losing on average 3000
an example of a species undergoing reversion of the lifestyle genes from the common ancestor and 1300–1800 genes in indi-
from host adapted to free living, a process that has been doc- vidual groups or species (Makarova et al. 2006; Sun et al. 2015;
umented for environmental species that cluster within phylo- Zheng et al. 2015a). Gene decay in lactobacilli has led to sub-
genetic clades dominated by symbionts (Sachs, Skophammer stantial loss of functions in carbohydrate metabolism, amino
and Regus 2011). acid and cofactor biosynthesis, leading to the fastidious nutri-
tional requirements (Makarova et al. 2006). This process is espe-
Patterns of genome evolution reflect an evolutionary cially pronounced in lactobacilli associated with animals (Sun
et al. 2015) and has been attributed to the nutrient-rich environ-
transition to a symbiotic lifestyle
ments found within host habitats (Makarova et al. 2006). How-
The genomes of Lactobacillus species typestrains range in size ever, genome reduction is an evolutionary process that is univer-
from 1.27 (L. iners) to 4.91 (L. parakefiri) Mb, and the number sally observed in symbionts and directly associated with the de-
of genes between species varies considerably (Sun et al. 2015; gree of host specialization (Lo, Huang and Kuo 2016). The stable
Duar et al. S33

environment provided by the host renders functions that were metabolic energy through substrate level phosphoryla-
essential in the free-living ancestor superfluous, which leads tion (Gänzle 2015), abandoning the metabolic efficiencies
to an accumulation of loss-of-function mutations and pseudo- of either anaerobic or aerobic electron transport chains
genes followed by removal of these genetic regions, e.g. through (Pedersen et al. 2012). This ‘selfish’ metabolic behavior,
mobile genetic elements (Lo, Huang and Kuo 2016). Genome re- which is also exhibited by the yeast Saccharomyces, re-
duction is strongly correlated with host adaptation in Lactobacil- flects adaptation to nutrient-rich environments (Spor et al.
lus species, with genome size being significantly lower in host- 2009; Mora, Arioli and Compagno 2013). The adaptation
adapted compared to nomadic and free-living species (Fig. 3a to nutrient-rich habitats is also reflected by the multiple
and b). Interestingly, genomes of host-adapted lactobacilli also auxotrophies for amino acids, nucleotides and vitamins
show a reduction in GC content (Fig. 3c and d), which consti- (Ricciardi et al. 2015). Notwithstanding the rare presence
tutes another well-documented pattern observed in the genome of extracellular amylases, inulinases and xylanases (Yong,
evolution of symbionts and is caused by non-adaptive loss of Lee and Hutkins 2007; Gänzle and Follador 2012; Pontonio
DNA repair genes followed by a strong mutational bias toward A et al. 2016), extracellular glycosyl hydrolases are typically
(adenine) and T (thymine) (Lo, Huang and Kuo 2016). Taken to- absent in lactobacilli and carbohydrate metabolism relies

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gether, host adaptation in Lactobacillus species is associated with almost exclusively on oligo- or monosaccharide transport
genomic events that are characteristic of the evolution of a sym- and intracellular metabolism (Gänzle and Follador 2012).
biotic lifestyle. Lactobacilli are in general auxotrophic for essential amino
acids but most strains possess proteolytic systems to hy-
drolyze protein sources available in their nutrient-rich habi-
Metabolic capabilities reflect lifestyle adaptations
tats (Savijoki, Ingmer and Varmanen 2006).
Species within the Lactobacillus sensu lato show a substan- The Lactobacillus sensu lato is separated into two major
tial degree of variation in their metabolism (Gänzle 2015; see metabolic groups representing homofermentative and het-
Box 2 for a detailed description). The two major physiologi- erofermentative lactobacilli that also cluster in separate
cal groups, homofermentative and heterofermentative organ- phylogenetic clades (Fig. 2, Zheng et al. 2015a). Homofer-
isms, differ not only in the metabolic pathway used for hex- mentative lactobacilli metabolize hexoses via the Embden-
ose fermentation but also in the presence or absence of other Meyerhof Pathway, yielding two moles of lactate and two
major metabolic pathways for carbohydrate and amino acid moles of ATP per mole of glucose. Heterofermentative
utilization. These two physiological groups also represent two lactobacilli lack the gene coding for phosphofructokinase
separate phylogenetic clades (Fig. 2; Gänzle 2015; Zheng et al. (Zheng et al. 2015a) and metabolize hexoses via the phos-
2015a). Both homofermentative and heterofermentative species phoketolase pathway, yielding lactate, ethanol, CO2 and
associate with vertebrate animals, insects or environmental only one mole of ATP per mole of glucose unless elec-
habitats (Fig. 2); however, metabolic adaptation to the diverse tron acceptors are available (Gänzle 2015). The ecologi-
lifestyles is observed within the different phylogenetic groups cal fitness of heterofermentative lactobacilli depends on
(Zheng et al. 2015a). Remarkably, homofermentative and hetero- the preferred utilization of disaccharides, the simultane-
fermentative Lactobacillus species coexist in many habitats. Ex- ous utilization of pentoses and hexoses, and preferential
amples include intestinal habitats such as the gut microbiota utilization of fructose, phenolic acids and a broad range
of fruit flies (L. plantarum and L. fructivorans groups), bees (L. of aldehydes as electron acceptor (Gänzle, Vermeulen and
mellifer or L. delbrueckii and L. kunkeii groups) (Anderson et al. Vogel 2007; Gänzle 2015; Andreevskaya et al. 2016; Filan-
2013; Filannino et al. 2016) and vertebrate animals (L. delbrueckii nino et al. 2016). Genetic differences between homofermen-
and L. reuteri groups) (Walter 2008), as well as fermentation tative and heterofermentative lactobacilli relate not only
or spoilage microbiota in many foods including cereal, veg- to key enzymes of the Embden-Meyerhof and phosphoke-
etable and meat (Hammes and Hertel 2006; Gänzle 2015). This tolase pathways but also to the differential preference for
coexistence supports the notion that homofermentative and metabolic pathways that are used for lactose and fructose
heterofermentative lifestyles are complementary rather than metabolism, and include the loss of genes related to car-
competitive (Gänzle, Vermeulen and Vogel 2007; Tannock et al. bohydrate metabolism and transport, particularly PTS sys-
2012; Andreevskaya et al. 2016; Andreevskaya 2017). Additionally, tems, and pyruvate formate lyase in heterofermentative lac-
differences in substrate utilization patterns and growth tem- tobacilli (Gänzle 2015; Zheng et al. 2015a). The agmatine
perature can provide helpful insights into niche adaptations. deiminase pathway and ornithine decarboxylase employ
Free-living species are consistently capable of growing at lower products of bacterial arginine conversion by decarboxyla-
temperatures, while host-adapted species grow optimally at tion or the arginine deiminase pathway as substrates and
temperatures close to the body temperature of their correspond- thus support trophic relationships between bacteria. These
ing hosts (Fig. 3e, Table S1). The enzymatic repertoire of the pathways increase acid resistance and are predominantly
species is also indicative of the substrates available in their nat- but not exclusively found in heterofermentative and ho-
ural habitats (Zheng et al., 2015a). Below we use this information mofermentative organisms, respectively.
to elucidate the lifestyle of the species and the characteristics of
the niches to which they have adapted to.

Box 2: Metabolism of lactobacilli

Lactobacilli are oxygen tolerant or anaerobic and grow at
Free-living lifestyle
temperatures ranging from 2◦ C to 53◦ C (Pot et al. 2014).
Although many species retain the capacity for condi- Species that are found in plant and environmental sources
tional respiration (Brooijmans, de Vos and Hugenholtz are scattered around the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 2), which sug-
2009; Zotta et al. 2016), lactobacilli predominantly derive gests a free-living common ancestor of the genus. Free-living
S34 FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2017, Vol. 41, No. Supp 1

lactobacilli are clustered in the L. buchneri and L. collinoides specialization. This indicates that following initial adaptation
groups and constitute all the species in the L. brevis, L. composti to vertebrate hosts, further diversification and specialization oc-
and L. perolens groups (Fig. 2). curred at the species level.
Although it is difficult to determine if a lifestyle is strictly L. reuteri, L. ruminis, L. salivarius, L johnsonii, L. amylovorus and
free living, this is strongly suggested by several characteristics L. iners are among the species for which a vertebrate-associated
of organisms in these clades. First, species within the phylo- lifestyle is best understood (Table 1). With exception of L. iners,
genetic groups are mostly isolated from plants or fermented these species are found in the oral cavity and digestive tracts of
plant products and very rarely from animals (Mundt and Ham- vertebrates and a number of characteristics reflect their adap-
mer 1968; Daeschel, Andersson and Fleming 1987). Second, the tation to gastrointestinal conditions. They tolerate bile acids,
metabolic and physiological properties of the species are reflec- are highly acid resistant and ferment oligo- and polysaccharides
tive of a free-living lifestyle. Most strains are aerotolerant (using present in the diet of their hosts (Kakimoto et al. 1989; Grill et al.
a Mn (II) defense mechanism against oxygen toxicity) (Daeschel, 2000; Lähteinen et al. 2010; Gänzle and Follador 2012; Ruiz, Mar-
Andersson and Fleming 1987) and their optimal growth tem- golles and Sánchez 2013; O’ Donnell et al. 2015; Zheng et al. 2015a;
perature is closer to temperatures of terrestrial and aquatic Krumbeck et al. 2016). Additionally, these species grow optimally

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habitats, as most species are able to grow at 15◦ C but not at at 37◦ C and higher (Table 1), which reflects the body tempera-
45◦ C (Table S1; Fig. 3f). Third, these species have large genomes tures of most mammals and birds.
(Fig. 3a and b) encoding a versatile repertoire of enzymes to Vertebrate-associated lactobacilli typically colonize a range
utilize a wide spectrum of substrates, including pentoses, su- of host species. Exceptions include the human vaginal species L.
crose, lactose, mannitol, melezitose, cellobiose, nitrate, citric iners and L. jensenii and the pig-associated L. amylovorus which is
acid and malic acid (Danner et al. 2003; Zheng et al. 2015a; Mar- a dominant member of the porcine microbiota (Leser et al. 2002;
tino et al. 2016). Pentoses that are liberated upon degradation Konstantinov et al. 2004, 2006; Marti et al. 2010; Chang et al. 2011;
of plant materials as a result of hydrolysis of hemicellulose Kant et al. 2011) but is rarely detected in other animals (Naka-
(Dewar, McDonald and Whittenbury 1963) are utilized by free- mura 1981; Guan et al. 2003; Hammes and Hertel 2006; Reti et al.
living lactobacilli through the pentose phosphate or phospoke- 2013), suggesting that it is specific to pigs. L. amylovorus domi-
tolase pathways (Gänzle 2015). Interestingly, the ability to fer- nates the microbiota on the pars non-glandularis region of the
ment pentoses is rarely found in yeasts, suggesting a possi- pig stomach, which is characterized by a dense biofilm com-
ble mechanism of niche partitioning between lactobacilli and posed of lactobacilli (Pedersen and Tannock 1989; Mann et al.
yeasts in their shared natural habitats (Mundt and Hammer 2014). In addition, L. amylovorus is one of few lactobacilli capa-
1968), which may be key to the success of lactobacilli in na- ble of utilizing amylose by the extracellular hydrolysis of starch
ture. Two species that fit all the three criteria above are the psy- (Gänzle and Follador 2012), a trait that is likely to contribute to
chrotrophic L. hokkaidonensis (Tohno et al. 2013, Tanizawa et al. the ecological fitness of the species in the distal intestinal tract
2015) as well as L. buchneri (Heinl et al. 2012). These species are of pigs (Regmi et al. 2011).
isolated from grass silage, are aerotolerant, have a preference The highest degree of niche specialization in vertebrate-
for pentose over hexose metabolism, can grow at 15◦ C and have adapted lactobacilli occurs in the human vagina. The vaginal
genomes of >2.3 kb (Tanizawa et al. 2015, Table 1). microbiota is dominated by L. iners, L. crispatus, L. jensenii and L.
gasseri (Anderson et al. 2014; Mendes-Soares et al. 2014). L. jensenii
and L. iners are only found in this niche, and the latter species
Host-adapted lifestyle
shows the highest degree of specialization observed among the
The ability to colonize eukaryotic hosts benefits lactobacilli for currently known lactobacilli. L. iners has the smallest genome
several reasons. Their fastidious requirements for nutrients can of all known lactobacilli and even more complex nutritional re-
be satisfied in several host-associated niches, as they often share quirements, reflected by its inability to grow on standard growth
the same food sources as their hosts (plants, fruits, nectar, etc. media (Macklaim et al. 2011; Petrova et al. 2017). It appears that
rich in carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins and nucleotides). In the species has evolved to almost an obligate symbiotic lifestyle,
addition, lactobacilli can use host animals as vectors to migrate highly dependent on the human host. Moreover, L. iners encodes
to new habitats (Mundt and Hammer 1968; Hammes and Hertel specific genes, such as the Fe-S protein cluster, for protections
2006). against oxidative stress from H2 O2 produced by other vaginal
Lactobacilli are found in vertebrates and insects, but as de- lactobacilli (Macklaim et al. 2011). Although biofilms are nor-
scribed above, not all species found are autochthonous, and mally not observed in the healthy vagina, host specificity of L.
those that are, differ markedly in the degree of specificity to- iners is likely achieved by specific adherence to cells in the vagi-
wards particular hosts or body sites. Examples are listed in nal epithelium (Fig. 4a, Macklaim et al. 2011).
Table 1 and below we discuss the research on representa- The species L. reuteri, L. ruminis, L. johnsonii, L. salivarius, L.
tive species that can serve as paradigms for host-associated cripatus, L. acidophilus and L. vaginalis have a broader host range
lifestyles in lactobacilli. and are found in different body sites (Table 1). However, the
population structure of L. reuteri, L. ruminis and L. johnsonii in-
Lactobacilli adapted to vertebrate hosts dicates that subpopulations within these species adapted and
Species that colonize vertebrate hosts cluster within the mono- specialized to particular host animals. All three species sepa-
phyletic L. delbrueckii, L. salivarius and L. reuteri groups which are rate in phylogenetic clusters that are highly reflective of host
predominantly composed of host-associated species. This sug- origin (Oh et al. 2010; Buhnik-Rosenblau et al. 2012; O’ Donnell
gests that the vertebrate-associated lifestyle is the outcome of a et al. 2015). For L. reuteri, these clusters have been established by
long-term evolutionary process that brought about a stable co- amplified fragment length polymorphism, multilocus sequence
existence with vertebrate animals. However, it appears that lin- analysis (Oh et al. 2010 Fig. 5a) and whole genome phylogenies
eages did not remain within specific host species as the mem- (Wegmann et al. 2015; Duar et al. 2017). Additionally, the
bers of the phylogenetic groups differ in terms of host range, genome content of strains from different phylogenetic clus-
colonization site (gut, oral cavity, vagina) and the degree of ters is reflective of the niche characteristics in respective hosts
Table 1. Genomic and metabolic characteristics of species representing the different lifestyles of lactobacilli.

Genome Mechanisms
OTa size of host
Group Organism Habitat (◦ C) (Mb) GC (%) Lifestyle-associated traits specificity References

Free living
vac L. hokkaido- Grass/silage 25 2.3 38.1 Pentose fermentation, aerotolerance N/A Tohno et al.(2013);
nensis Tanizawa et al. (2015)
buc L. buchneri Grass/silage 37 2.5 44.4 Pentose fermentation, plant cell-wall degradation N/A Heinl et al. (2012)
pla L. plantarum Fruit flies; vertebrate digestive tract; plants and 37 3.2 44.5 Bile resistance; metabolic versatility; two N/A Siezen et al. (2010);
dairy products component systems.; extracellular proteins Martino et al. (2016)
cas L. casei Raw and fermented dairy; silage, fermented 30 2.8 46.5 Metabolic flexibility; adhesion to intestinal villi; bile N/A Cai et al. (2007, 2009);
vegetables, vertebrate digestive tract resistance; environmental sensing and adjustment; Broadbent et al. (2012)
prototrophic to most amino acids
cas L. rhamnosus Raw and fermented dairy, oral cavity, digestive tract 37 2.9 46.7 Metabolic flexibility, fermentation of a wide range of N/A Douillard et al. (2013);
of vertebrates, vagina carbohydrates; bile resistance; pili-mediated mucus Ceapa (2015, 2016)
adhesion; immunomodulation
Vertebrate adapted
sav L. ruminus Digestive tract; predominant in the bovine rumen; 37 2.1 43.5 Bile and acid resistance; motility, substrate foraging; Unknown O’Donnell et al. (2015);
reported in humans, dogs, pigs, cats horses and immunomodulation Forde et al. (2011)
reu L. reuteri Proximal digestive tract; prevalent in rodents, pigs 37 1.9 38.6 Bile and acid resistance; adhesion and biofilm Epithelial Oh et al. (2010); Frese et al.
and chickens; reported in humans, dogs, minks, formation adherence (2013)
lambs, giraffes, cats and horses
del L. amylovorus Digestive tract; prevalent in swine; reported in 37 2.0 37.8 Bile and acid resistance; extracellular amylases, Unknown Kant et al. (2011); Grill
chickens and horses surface- attached ‘S-layers’; immunomodulation et al. (2000)
sav L. salivarius Human oral cavity and digestive tract.; reported in 37 2.0 32.5 Bile resistance, bacteriocin production N/A Raftis et at. (2011, 2014); Li
breast milk and vagina and feces of pigs, raccoons, (Megaplasmid encoded) et al. (2007)
chickens and hamsters
del L. johnsonii Proximal digestive tract of rodents and poultry 37 1.8 34.5 Bacteriocin production and bile resistance Unknown Buhnik-Rosenblau et al.
(2012); Pridmore et al.
del L. iners Human vagina 37 1.3 32.5 Fe-S—defense against peroxide. Glycogen Epithelial Macklaim et al. (2011);
fermentation, adhesion adherence Petrova et al. (2017)
Insect adapted
del L. apis Bee 37 1.7 36.6 Biofilm formation in the hindgut Adherence/ Anderson et al. (2013);
biofilm Ellegaard et al. (2015)
mel L. mellis Bee 30 1.8 36.2 Putative exopolysaccharide formation, niche Unknown Ellagaard et al. (2015);
partition with other members of bee core microbiota Corby-Harris, Maes and
Anderson (2014)
kun L. kunkeei Flowers, grapes, bees 30 1.5 36.4 Fructophilic, resistant to phenolics and honey N/A Vojvodic et al. (2013);
desiccation Anderson et al. (2013);
Duar et al.

Endo and Salminen

(2013); Maeno et al. (2016)

vac, L. vaccionostercus; buc, L. buchneri; pla, L. plantarum; cas, L. casei; sav, L. salivarius; reu, L. reuteri; del, L. delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii; mel, L. mellifer; kun, L. kunkeei

Optimal growth temperature.

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S36 FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2017, Vol. 41, No. Supp 1

larger than that of a single strain) and extensive deletion of large

adhesin-like surface proteins, but conserve the ability to uti-
lize glycerol and propanediol as electron acceptors, suggesting
growth in the intestinal lumen (Frese et al. 2011; Walter, Britton
and Roos 2011). In contrast, rodent L. reuteri strains possess an
open pangenome (a large gene repertoire vastly exceeding this
of a single strain) and several large adhesin-like surface pro-
teins and colonize by adhering to the surface of the squamous
stratified epithelia of the forestomach of mice on which they
form biofilms (Walter et al. 2005, 2007; Frese et al. 2013; Fig. 4b).
These findings not only indicate a tight interrelationship be-
tween L. reuteri and particular vertebrate hosts during their joint
evolution, but also fundamentally different paths of genome
evolution in different host-adapted lineages (Frese et al. 2011).

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L. reuteri has further been established as a model species
to study mechanisms of host adaptation in lactobacilli (Walter,
Britton and Roos 2011; Kwong and Moran 2015). Host specificity
has been experimentally demonstrated in competition experi-
ments in gnotobiotic mice and in chickens (Oh et al. 2010; Frese
et al. 2011; Duar et al. 2017). L. reuteri isolated from both rats and
mice cluster together in cohesive phylogenetic lineages and, ac-
cordingly, rat isolates are similarity competitive in mice when
compared to isolates from mice, with both out-competing iso-
lates that originate from non-rodent hosts. Similarly, isolates
from chicken and turkeys group in the same phylogenetic lin-
eages (Oh et al. 2010; Frese et al. 2011; Duar et al. 2017). These find-
ings demonstrate that L. reuteri has adapted to groups of related
hosts, such as rodents or species of poultry, that possess similar
niches in their intestinal tracts and whose social behavior allows
horizontal transfer of bacteria (Oh et al. 2010). Functional stud-
ies with loss-of-function mutations have demonstrated that the
ecological success of rodent strains in the forestomach depends
on biofilm formation (Fig. 4b) and resistance to gastric acidity
(Walter et al. 2007; Frese et al. 2013; Krumbeck et al. 2016). Inac-
tivation of one single serine-rich surface adhesin specific to ro-
dent strains with a devoted transport system (the SecA2-SecY2
pathway) completely abrogated biofilm formation, indicating
that initial adhesion represents the most significant mechanism
underlying host-specific colonization (Frese et al. 2013). Similar
mechanistic studies are lacking in other species of lactobacilli
but comparable phylogenetic patterns have been observed in
other species, e.g. for L. ruminis (O’Donnell et al. 2015). Strains
of L. ruminis cluster in accordance with host origin, and human
isolates are aflagellate and non-motile while bovine, equine and
porcine isolates are motile, with the latter two being hyperflagel-
lated (O’Donnell et al. 2015). These differences in the expression
of flagella and motility could reflect adaptation to the conditions
Figure 4. Association of lactobacilli with host epithelia. (a) Transmission elec- in different hosts, although this remains to be established ex-
tron micrograph image of immunogold- labeled L. iners cells in association with
perimentally. Overall, the data available for L. reuteri and L. rumi-
human vaginal epithelial cells, with L. iners cells indicated with an arrow (image
from Macklaim et al. 2011). (b) Three-dimensional confocal micrograph taken 24
nis indicate that some lactobacilli evolved a high degree of host
hours after colonizing a germ-free mouse with a pure culture of the rat isolate specialization. Moreover, robust clustering in defined phyloge-
L. reuteri 100–23. The specimen were stained with propidium iodide and imaged netic groups based on host origin indicates that host associa-
by confocal microscopy, which results in the bacterial cells to be colored red and tions have been maintained over evolutionary timescales. The
the forestomach epithelium to appear green, as described by Frese et al. (2013). high fidelity in epithelial recognition for biofilm formation, as
The image was taken by Christian Elowsky and Steven Frese at the University
demonstrated for L. reuteri (Frese et al. 2013), provides a mech-
of Nebraska at Lincoln Microscopy Core. (c) Biofilm (red) composed of lactic acid
bacteria attached to a honeybee’s crop (green) (Vásquez et al. 2012).
anism by which lineages can be reliably transmitted from gen-
eration to generation and maintained over both ecological and
evolutionary time scales.
(Frese et al. 2011). L. reuteri is regarded as autochthonous to the Other host-adapted species appear to have more ‘promis-
human gut (Reuter 2001) and has been found to be a prevalent cuous’ lifestyles, both in terms of host range and body site.
member of the microbiota of traditional agriculturalist human L. salivarius is indigenous to the human oral cavity (Rogosa
societies (Martı́nez et al. 2015). The genomes of human strains et al. 1953) and is one of few Lactobacillus species that has
of L. reuteri are characterized by a closed pangenome (a lim- been consistently recovered from the feces of human individ-
ited maximum number of genes in their gene pool not much uals for at least 18 months (Tannock et al. 2000). L. salivarius
Duar et al. S37

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Figure 5. Maximum-likelihood trees comparing the phylogenetic structure of the (a) host-adapted species L. reuteri and the (b) nomadic L. plantarum. Tips of the
branches are color coded by the strains’ origin of isolation. The phylogeny of L. reuteri tree was inferred by multilocus sequencing analysis of 116 strains as described
by Oh et al. (2010). Phylogeny of L. plantarum was constructed based on the core genome of 54 strains and as described by Martino et al. (2016).

has also been obtained from breast milk (Martı́n et al. 2006) appear to be transmitted between a more diverse range of host
and a variety of body sites including the intestinal mucosa species by floral transmission (McFrederick et al. 2012).
(Molin et al. 1993), tongue, rectum (Ahrné et al. 1998) and the Species belonging to all four invertebrate-associated groups
vagina (Vera Pingitore et al. 2009). This species is found in pigs have small genomes (Zheng et al. 2015a; Maeno et al. 2016; Fig. 2,
(Mackenzie et al. 2014), chickens (Hammons et al. 2010) hamsters Table 1) and extremely limited carbohydrate fermentation capa-
(Rogosa et al. 1953) and horses (Yuki et al. 2000). Phylogenetic bilities (Ellegaard et al. 2015), being essentially restricted to a ‘su-
analysis of strains from a variety of sources did not show clus- crose and maltose diet’. Heterofermentative lactobacilli associ-
tering by origin, but many isolates show signs of ongoing adap- ated with bees are fructophilic, they lack alcohol dehydrogenase
tation by genome decay (Raftis et al. 2011), indicating an ongo- activity and depend on the availability of fructose as electron
ing process of specialization. L. vaginalis and L. gasseri can be de- acceptor (Endo, Futagawa-Endo and Dicks 2009; Filannino et al.
tected in oral and fecal microbiota of the same species (Dal Bello 2016; Maeno et al. 2016). Lactobacilli associated with bees in the
and Hertel 2006) and they are also members of the vaginal mi- homofermentative L. mellifer group share the restricted carbo-
crobiota. Therefore, it appears that these species maintain more hydrate fermentation ability (Zheng et al. 2015a). It is likely that
dynamic and flexible lifestyles regarding host range and ecolog- these restrictions reflect adaptations not only to the host’s diet
ical niche in comparison to L. reuteri and L. ruminis. (i.e. honey, nectar and pollen for bees) but also the differences in
the competitive interactions that occur within the gut environ-
ments. Compared to vertebrates, bees harbor relatively simple
Lactobacilli associated with invertebrate hosts microbial communities composed of nine bacterial species clus-
The association of lactobacilli with invertebrates is a more ters that occupy distinct and complementary metabolic niches
recent discovery (Shrivastava 1982; Engel and Moran 2013). within the bee gut (Powell et al. 2016). Therefore, specializa-
Insect-associated species are distributed across the Lactobacillus tion as a means of niche partitioning and syntrophic interaction
phylogeny (Fig. 2) and cluster in phylogenetic groups with dif- seems to be one of the key mechanisms to the ecological success
ferent levels of host specificity (McFrederick et al. 2013). Species of bee-associated Lactobacillus species (Kwong and Moran 2016).
associated with insects cluster in the L. kunkeei and L. mellifer Lactobacilli species are often dominant members of the mi-
groups and in the L. helsinborgensis clade of the L. delbrueckii crobiota of some species of Hymenoptera (ants, bees and wasps)
group (Fig. 2). Species within the L. mellifer and L. helsinborgen- (Kwong and Moran 2016). However, only honey and bumble
sis clades were referred to as the Firm 4 and Firm 5 phylo- bees have been described to date to harbor host-specific lin-
types, respectively, prior to description of the species (Ellegaard eages of lactobacilli (McFrederick et al. 2013). Both the L. mel-
et al. 2015). The distinct insect-specific phylogenetic clades sug- lifer group and L. helsinborgensis clade are almost ubiquitously
gest that association with insects occurred through independent represented in individual bees, they are particularly abundant
evolutionary events (events 6 and 4, Fig. 2). Species of the L. fruc- in adult workers and the queen bee, with individual lineages
tivorans group (Fig. 2) are also often associated with insects but being specific to honey and bumble bees (Vásquez et al. 2012;
S38 FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2017, Vol. 41, No. Supp 1

Kwong and Moran 2016). Species within these clades are oxy- lochthonous as they are derived from food or feed (Tannock et al.
gen sensitive and have not been found outside the bee gut, and 2000; Walter et al. 2001; Tannock 2004; Walter 2008). Although not
are therefore likely obligate symbionts colonizing the anoxic autochthonous in the classical sense, some Lactobacillus species,
regions of the distal hindgut, which is also supported by the such as L. plantarum, L. casei, L. paracasei and L. rhamnosus, pos-
genomic signatures of these species. All species have small sess adaptations to gut ecosystems and the oral cavity that al-
genomes (<2.1 Mb) with low GC contents ranging from 34.6% to low them to persist for at least a limited time (Table 1). These
36.6%, and most strains can grow at 15◦ C and optimally at tem- species possess large genomes with little evidence for special-
peratures significantly lower than those adapted to vertebrates ization to particular habitats and are found in invertebrate hosts,
(Fig. 3e, Table S1). different body parts of vertebrates (i.e. gut, oral cavity, vagina)
The L. kunkeei group are dominant members in the crop mi- and in food materials, such as meat, fish, vegetables and raw
crobiota of bees, and the species L. kunkeei is a major compo- or fermented dairy products (Kandler and Weiss 1986; Stiles and
nent of the biofilm that is found in the bee crop, as determined Holzapfel 1997; Heilig et al. 2002; Wall et al. 2007; Delgado, Suárez
by 16S rRNA sequencing (Vásquez et al. 2012; Fig. 4c). However, and Mayo 2010; Siezen et al. 2010; Ceapa et al. 2016; Rossi et al.
the species can also be detected in pollen, nectar and hive ma- 2016). Recent research on L. plantarum has provided convincing

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terials, as well as from fresh flowers and fruits (Endo et al. 2012; evidence that the species represent a paradigm for a nomadic
Neveling, Endo and Dicks 2012; Anderson et al. 2013), and it ap- lifestyle (Martino et al. 2016).
pears to migrate frequently between honey bees and stingless Nomadic Lactobacillus species cluster in two phylogenetic
bees, suggesting that the species is more ‘promiscuous’ than the groups, the L. plantarum group and a cluster within the L. casei
host-specific members of the L. mellifer group and L. helsinborgen- group (Fig. 2). Like free-living lactobacilli, their large genomes
sis clade (Tamarit et al. 2015). L. kunkeei is obligately fructophilic, correspond to increased metabolic flexibility. Moreover, strains
osmotolerant, resistant to high concentration of phenolic acids of L. plantarum and L. casei have retained the capacity for con-
present in pollen and utilizes phenolic acids as electron accep- ditional respiration (Brooijmans, de Vos and Hugenholtz 2009;
tors (Filannino et al. 2016). Moreover, L. kunkeei resists the antimi- Zotta et al. 2016). In addition, L. plantarum WCFS1 encodes a
crobial activity of royal jelly (Vojvodic et al. 2013) and the desic- large spectrum of sugar uptake and utilization cassettes, allow-
cant conditions in honey (Endo et al. 2012; Vojvodic et al. 2013). ing the organism to grow on numerous carbon sources (e.g. plant
The exact role of the environmental niches in the lifestyle of L. oligo- and polysaccharides), facilitating flexibility in different
kunkeei is unclear. The species might be able to stably colonize habitats (Siezen and van Hylckama Vlieg 2011). L. casei ATCC 393,
fruits and flowers and/or use them for transmission. Alterna- a strain isolated from cheese, lacks the biosynthetic pathway for
tively, L. kunkeei might just be an allochtnonous contaminant of the branched chain amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine
fruits and flowers that gets deposited at these sites during bee but is capable of synthetizing all other amino acids, and thus
pollination and foraging (McFrederick et al. 2012; Tamarit et al. able to thrive in protein-limited environments. L. casei also uti-
2015). lizes a great variety of carbohydrates (Cai et al. 2007) and con-
Species in the L. fructivorans group are shared between plants tains 16 two-component systems, the highest number observed
and insects including sweat bees and Drosophila. From its six among lactobacilli, suggesting that gene expression is adjusted
species of the group, two were isolated from insects (L. fructivo- to changing environments (Cai et al. 2009).
rans, L. vespulae), two from flowers (L. ixorae, L. florum) and two The high degree of genetic and phenotypic diversity of L.
(L. sanfranciscensis and L. homohiochii) from fermented food prod- plantarum, L. casei and L. rhamnosus has been established by
ucts (Kitara, Kaneko and Goto 1957; Endo et al. 2010; Vogel et al. both phenotypic and genotypic approaches (Bringel, Curk and
2011; Wong, Ng and Douglas 2011; McFrederick et al. 2013; Techo Hubert 1996; Torriani et al. 2001; De Las Rivas et al. 2005; Molenaar
et al. 2016, Fig. S1). Although the lifestyle of these species has et al. 2005; Cai et al. 2007, 2009; Diancourt et al. 2007; Siezen et al.
not yet been elucidated, their reduced genome size (<1.5 Mb, 2010; Broadbent et al. 2012; Smokvina et al. 2013; Ceapa et al. 2015,
with L. sanfransciscensis possessing one of the smallest genomes 2016; Martino et al. 2016). Comparative genomic analysis of 54
of all lactobacilli) and low GC content (Fig. 3a–d) display the clas- L. plantarum strains demonstrated the absence of environmen-
sic hallmarks of symbiosis (Lo, Huang and Kuo 2016). We there- tal specialization (Martino et al. 2016; Fig. 5b) which had been
fore consider this group as ‘insect-adapted’, but more research already hypothesized in previous studies (Molenaar et al. 2005;
is needed to elucidate the exact lifestyle of its members. Siezen et al. 2010). As shown in Fig. 5b, L. plantarum strains dis-
Contrary to bees, Drosophila species do not harbor a defined play no obvious clustering by origin, with isolates from the same
core microbiota and the composition varies widely between in- source being scattered throughout the tree. This in in stark con-
dividual colonies and among populations in the wild and in lab- trast to the phylogenetic structure of strains of the host-adapted
oratories. In fact, the microbiota of fruit flies is composed mainly species L. reuteri, which, as described above, cluster cohesively
of Acetobacter and Lactobacillus species that are also found in by host origin (Fig. 5a). Genes involved in exopolysaccharide
other habitats, including the environment and vertebrate ani- biosynthesis, sugar metabolism and the secretome showed the
mals (Chandler et al. 2011; Wong, Ng and Douglas 2011; Erkosar most variability amongst L. plantarum strains but did not relate
et al. 2013; Wong, Chaston and Douglas 2013), and diet plays a to specialization to any specific habitats (Martino et al. 2016).
major role in shaping the microbiome of Drosophila spp. (Wong Similarly, L. paracasei, L. casei and L. rhamnosus did not show a
et al. 2015). It appears therefore that the association of lacto- correlation between the habitat and phylogenetic position as
bacilli with fruit flies is less host restricted and more dynamic determined by core and pan-genome phylogenies coupled with
than the insects discussed above, with an important impact of analyses of variable regions (Cai et al. 2009; Douillard et al. 2013;
the immediate environment of the insects (Wong et al. 2015). Smokvina et al. 2013).
Such a lifestyle can be considered ‘nomadic’ (Martino et al. 2016). L. plantarum, L. casei and L. rhamnosus do not form stable pop-
ulation in animal hosts but possess adaptive features to niches
associated with humans and animals that contribute to their
‘Nomadic’ species of lactobacilli
persistence. For example, several L. plantarum strains show high
Most of the Lactobacillus species found in the human gut do tolerance to gastric juice and bile acids (Bron et al. 2004b; van
not form stable populations and have been categorized as al- den Nieuwboer et al. 2016). L. casei adheres to intestinal villi
Duar et al. S39

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Figure 6. Model of the evolution of lifestyles in the genus Lactobacillus. Lifestyle evolution of lactobacilli from free-living to strictly host-adapted species. Representative
species discussed in the text are included according to their lifestyle and their reliance on environmental niches and the degree of host specificity.

(Galdeano and Perdigón 2004) and several strains of both L. casei lactobacilli have also been identified in insects such as some
and L. paracasei resist bile (Wang et al. 2010; Alcántara and Zúñiga species of Hymenoptera (sweat bees and ants) and fruit flies
2012). A large subset of strains of L. rhamnosus possess mucus- (McFrederick et al. 2013; Matos and Leulier 2014), which repre-
binding pili that might interact with the host epithelia in the oral sent excellent vectors for dissemination for bacteria that have
cavity and the small intestine (Kankainen et al. 2009; Douillard their main habitat in plants and fruits. However, the lifecycle
et al. 2013). L. plantarum WCFS1 responds to the gastrointestinal of some lactobacilli might even be more complex and dynamic,
environment of mice by regulating a large array of genes (Bron beginning with the excretion via feces, followed by mechanical
et al. 2004a). Interestingly, persistence of L. plantarum in the gas- distribution to and among plants and return to the host via the
trointestinal tract of mice increased after only three passages oral and alimentary cavity, as suggested by Mundt and Hammer
and was accompanied by mutation acquisitions (van Bokhorst- (1968). Future studies should be directed to reconstructing the
van de Veen et al. 2013). These studies suggest that some Lacto- natural and evolutionary history of nomadic lactobacilli associ-
bacillus species can rapidly adapt to intestinal ecosystems and ated with both vertebrates and invertebrates in order to better
temporarily persist despite not being autochthonous members understand the adaptation process and the relative dependence
of the resident microbiota. on free-living and host-associated niches.
Taken together, evidence indicates that some Lactobacillus
species have evolved a generalist, nomadic lifestyle that exerts
A hypothetical framework for the evolution of lifestyle
diverse selective pressures rather than promoting niche spe-
transitions in the genus Lactobacillus sensu lato
cialization. Genomic and phenotypic characteristics of strains
of these species appear unrelated to the origin of isolation, The synthesis of phylogenomic, metabolic and functional data
which highlights their ability to migrate across environments presented above provides a consistent view on the evolution of
which is in line with their ubiquitous presence and their abil- distinct lifestyles of lactobacilli (Fig. 6). A free-living ancestry for
ity to thrive on various substrates. This feature could constitute the Lactobacillus sensu lato is logical as symbioses with plants
a strategy of dissemination, or from an ecological perspective, have not been described and the diversification from the bacilli
dispersal (Vellend 2010). During evolution, these species, orig- predates the emergence of animals. From the ancestral state, the
inally associated with plants, may have developed the ability genus has diversified and evolved lifestyles that cover the entire
to inhabit the gut of animals feeding on plants, favoring dis- spectrum from free living to strictly host adapted, with a sub-
semination to new habitats. Dispersal influences the dynamics, stantial variation in the reliance on environmental niches and
composition and structure of communities and the distribution the degree of host specificity.
and abundance of species. From an evolutionary perspective, it The phylogenomic data support a model by which Lactobacil-
affects processes such as local adaptation, speciation and the lus lineages have diversified and evolved symbiotic lifestyles
evolution of traits that ultimately impact the natural history of on five separate occasions (events 1–5 in Fig. 2), resulting in
species (Dieckmann, O’Hara and Weisser 1999). Therefore, no- the L. delbrueckii, L. salivarius, L. reuteri, L. mellifer and L. kun-
madic Lactobacillus species could have evolved dispersal traits in keei/L. fructivorans phylogenetic groups. This evolutionary pro-
the form of colonization factors of host animals, allowing these cess is reflected by adaptations to the host environment (bile
immotile bacterial species to disseminate. Nomadic lifestyles of and acid tolerance, growth at host body temperature, metabolic
S40 FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2017, Vol. 41, No. Supp 1

adaptations to insects) and genomic changes (genome decay, ability (Gärtner 2002; McCabe et al. 2013). Lactate and other or-
decreased GC content, loss of biosynthetic enzymes) consistent ganic acids produced from fermentation prevent pathogens, e.g.
with those found in other bacterial symbionts (Lo, Huang and Enterobacteriaceae, from growing in the chicken crop (Fuller and
Kuo 2016). Host-adapted lactobacilli differ in the degree of niche Brooker 1974; Jin et al. 1996; Neal-McKinney et al. 2012), improve
specialization and host dependence, ranging from ‘promiscu- the efficiency of feed utilization, prevent diarrhea and regulate
ous’ to completely host restricted, with L. iners representing the the immune system in pigs (Hou et al. 2015). Glycerol metabolism
most extreme cultural representative. Selective epithelial adhe- by human-lineage L. reuteri may contribute to the detoxification
sion (often followed by the formation of biofilms) appears to of heterocyclic amines (Engels et al. 2016). Data inferred from the
be a key mechanism by which lactobacilli maintain stable as- genomes of L. helsinborgensis and related species indicate that
sociations with hosts over evolutionary times as most animal they are able to metabolize a number of sugars that are indi-
sites with highly adapted species are characterized by adher- gestible and potentially toxic to bees, including mannose, galac-
ent cells (Fig. 4), e.g. the vagina, the crop of insects and birds, tose, lactose, arabinose and raffinose (Ellegaard et al. 2015). In the
the forestomach of rodents and the non-glandular region of the vagina, lactobacilli fulfill a protective role in the prevention of
stomach of pigs and horses (Fuller and Brooker 1974; Pedersen bacterial vaginosis (Borges, Silva and Teixeira 2014). Many host

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and Tannock 1989; Tannock 1992; Yuki et al. 2000; Vásquez et al. sites where lactobacilli exert a putative protective role have the
2012; Frese et al. 2013; Mann et al. 2014). characteristic of being lined by a stratified squamous tissue that
Host-adapted lifestyles likely evolved after ancestral plant, allows Lactobacillus to adhere and form biofilms (Fig. 4). These
fruit and flower-associated lactobacilli became exposed to ani- epithelia might therefore constitute an anatomical feature that
mals that were feeding on their primary habitats. Although this evolved in the host to facilitate specific colonization of the ben-
exposure was initially coincidental, it is conceivable that bacte- eficial symbionts.
rial traits that allowed the bacteria to tolerate the conditions in It remains unclear whether host specificity in the
the host and allowed temporal persistence contributed to the Lactobacillus–host symbiosis enhances the beneficial out-
transmission and hence, dispersal of lactobacilli. Given such comes for the host. Mutualism is often increased in specialized
traits would ultimately increase the success of the lineages in symbioses that are stably maintained over evolutionary times
their primary habitats, they could be shaped by natural selec- (Herre et al. 1999). Accordingly, the host-adapted species L.
tion even if they did not allow stable colonization of the host, reuteri plays an important role in the development of immuno-
gradually increasing the relevance of host niches for the overall logical and neurological functions of the host (Zelante et al.
lifestyle. This would result in the evolution of generalist and dy- 2013; Buffington et al. 2016; Lamas et al. 2016; He et al. 2017).
namic lifestyles that differ in the degree by which the microbes However, the nomadic species L. plantarum also promotes
rely on environmental and host niches and their dynamic inter- growth of Drosophila (Storelli et al. 2011) even though it does not
actions. Such ‘nomadic’ lifestyles remain represented within the share a stable evolutionary history with this host. The common
genus Lactobacillus and might well constitute a transitional state habitats (and food sources) of Drosophila and L. plantarum might
from the free-living lifestyle to a specialized symbiosis. be sufficient to align fitness interests and to establish a mu-
tualistic association. The presence of Drosophila larvae seems
to promote the long-term persistence of L. plantarum (Leulier
Consequences of lifestyle differences for host–microbe et al. unpublished observations). Further research is required to
systematically compare host-adapted strains with strains that
do not share a natural history with particular hosts. In addition,
In symbiotic associations, both host and symbiont can recip- adaptive evolution experiments similar to those performed to
rocally affect each other’s evolution (Moran 2006). When sta- decipher the adaptation of nomadic species to a specific host
bly associated with a host, the bacterial symbiont is likely to (van Bokhorst-van de Veen et al. 2013) could be expanded over
adapt, which can lead to specialization and host restriction. extended experimental adaptation periods to also study the
The ultimate result is an obligate symbiosis, in which the mi- consequences of the evolutionary process on the fitness of the
crobe depends on the host for survival. This classic evolution- host. Such experiments can be performed in Drosophila (Ma et al.
ary process is represented within the lactobacilli. Lineages of 2012). Clearly, knowledge on the role of natural history on the
L. reuteri have specialized to a degree that restricts their host beneficial effects of Lactobacillus species can inform research on
range and although they are not yet obligate symbionts, this the biological relevance of host-adapted species.
evolutionary process is likely to confine the ecology and evo-
lutionary fate of lineages to particular host species (Frese et al.
2011, 2013; Walter, Britton and Roos 2011). L. iners further pro- IMPLICATIONS OF AN UNDERSTANDING OF
gressed on the path to becoming an obligate symbiont, reduc- LIFESTYLES OF LACTOBACILLI
ing its genome size to just over 1 Mb, resulting in fastidious nu-
Bacterial taxonomy
tritional requirements that surpass that of all other lactobacilli
(Macklaim et al. 2011; Petrova et al. 2017). Several lineages of in- Although a widely accepted molecular marker for the de-
sect lactobacilli also evolved extensive levels of dependency on lineation of bacterial genera does not exist (Konstantinidis,
the host that resulted in a highly obligate lifestyle (Kwong and Ramette and Tiedje 2006; Qin et al. 2014; Yarza et al. 2014),
Moran 2016). the diversity of the genus Lactobacillus does even exceed
The consequences of this symbiosis for the host are less the diversity of typical bacterial families (Sun et al. 2015;
clear, mainly because we lack empirical data on the evolutionary Zheng et al. 2015a) while the phylogenetic groups within the
outcomes in terms of measurable benefits for host fitness. How- Lactobacillus sensu lato (Fig. 2) represent taxonomic entities that
ever, some findings support the role of symbiotic lactobacilli in are roughly equivalent to typical bacterial genera (Konstan-
host fitness. Enzymes and metabolites produced by Lactobacillus tinidis, Ramette and Tiedje 2006; Pot et al. 2014). These find-
species that colonize the proximal gastrointestinal tract of ani- ings have led to proposals for a reclassification of the genus
mals can aid in the digestive process and improve mineral avail- (Claesson, van Sinderen and O’Toole 2008; Salvetti, Torriani and
Duar et al. S41

Felis 2012). However, although clearly justified based on taxo- unknown. Their widespread distribution in food of plant and an-
nomic considerations, the widespread use and recognition of imal origin suggests a free-living or nomadic lifestyle but several
the term ‘Lactobacillus’ by the food and health-related industries, Pediococcus species have small genomes that may reflect niche
by laypersons and in national and international regulations pre- specialization.
vent adapting the taxonomy of the genus Lactobacillus to current Since the inoculation or contamination of food and feed with
scientific standards. Maintenance of genus name Lactobacillus in fermentation or spoilage organisms depends on dispersal (Su
its current meaning conforms to the taxonomy of pathogenic et al. 2012; Andreevskaya et al. 2016; Broadbent et al. 2016; Gänzle
or toxinogenic bacteria where species names are maintained and Ripari 2016), knowledge about the real ecological origin of
even if they do not comply with the findings from current tax- Lactobacillus species provides a powerful tool for the manage-
onomic approaches, e.g. Shigella spp. or Clostridium botulinum ment and control of food fermentations and spoilage, by taking
(Collins and East 1998; Konstantinidis, Ramette and Tiedje 2006). appropriate measure to increase or decrease hurdles for disper-
Maintenance of the current genus name necessitates, however, sal. (Andreevskaya et al. 2016; Ripari, Gänzle and Berardi 2016).
the recognition of the phylogenetic groups in the Lactobacillus For this to be successful, future research should be focused on
sensu lato as entities with distinct function and physiology, and, the elucidation of the natural history of lactobacilli found in

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as outlined in this review, ecology and natural history. This food, particularly including understudied habitats that are less
recognition has many implications for the basic understand- closely associated with humans and animals.
ing of the biology of this group of organisms, as well as their
important applications.
To inform the therapeutic use of Lactobacillus species
The list of Lactobacillus strains with recognized probiotic prop-
Knowledge about the real ecological niche of lactobacilli
erties comprises host-adapted species such as L. reuteri, L. john-
Food environments are populated with free-living, nomadic or sonii and L. acidophilus, but also includes nomadic and free-living
host-adapted organisms (Fig. 1a), but as discussed above, the organisms such as L. plantarum, L. casei and L. fermentum (Floch
natural history of strains is for the most part unknown. The et al. 2015). Moreover, sequences representing free-living and
phylogenomic and evolutionary framework established here can nomadic lactobacilli are as prevalent in intestinal metagenome
aid in the identification of the lifestyles and real environmental datasets as those that are considered host adapted (Fig. S1), sup-
niches of lactobacilli used in food and biotechnological applica- porting findings from previous human studies that commonly
tions. This can be combined with the analysis of metagenome recovered these species from fecal samples by culture (Tannock
datasets to determine the occurrence of species in different et al. 2000; Walter et al. 2001; Dal Bello et al. 2003). This indicates
habitats (Lagkouvardos et al. 2016). We have verified this ap- that allochthonous lactobacilli are regularly introduced into the
proach for a number of representative species found in food human gut through food and are frequently present and viable.
(Fig S1). Therefore, it can therefore be concluded that lactobacilli, irre-
The analysis strongly supported a free-living lifestyle for spective of lifestyle, can remain physiologically active in the gas-
the food-fermenting L. parakefiri. Phylogenetically, L. parakefiri trointestinal tract and have the potential to influence host phys-
clusters with environmental and plant isolates in the L buch- iology. However, the evolutionary history of an organism will de-
neri group, and sequences corresponding to the species are termine how the bacteria interact with the host and is thus rele-
found in metagenomic datasets obtained from plants, animals vant for the selection of lactobacilli for therapeutic applications.
that consume plants (rodents, cattle) and the human mouth Host-adapted strains of lactobacilli show a higher ecologi-
(Fig. S1). In contrast, the framework clearly establishes the cal fitness in their respective hosts (Oh et al. 2010; Frese et al.
species L. reuteri, L. salivarius or L. amylovorus, which are also 2011; Duar et al. 2017) and will therefore be more competitive
highly relevant in food fermentations (Vogel et al. 1999; Messens when administered as a probiotic when compared to strains
et al. 2002; Zheng et al. 2015b), as members of intestinal micro- that do not share an evolutionary history with the host. Higher
biota of humans or animals, confirming previous findings (Su fitness is relevant for the development of probiotics aimed to
et al. 2012). Interestingly, our analysis proposes the vertebrate outcompete pathogens and it is likely to be associated with
gut as the real habitat of L. helveticus (Fig. 2 and Fig. S1) al- higher metabolic activity in the host niche, which could lead
though the species is well recognized for its role in cheese pro- to an increased production of metabolic compounds that de-
duction. Accordingly, several recent studies show that L. helveti- fine probiotic activity. In addition, stable transmission of bacte-
cus is a dominant member of the chicken microbiota (Thitaram, rial symbionts over evolutionary times promotes traits that en-
Siragusa and Hinton 2005; Hammons et al. 2010; Robyn et al. hance partner performance (Herre et al. 1999; Sachs et al. 2004;
2012). The lifestyle of the food-fermenting L. sanfranciscensis re- Douglas 2008). Providing this theory holds true for the relation-
mains enigmatic. The species clusters in the insect-associated ship between lactobacilli and animal hosts, then host-adapted
L. fructivorans group (Fig. 2), but the detection of sequences rep- Lactobacillus strains that share an evolutionary fate with their
resenting L. sanfranciscensis and the related L. vespulae and L. host are more likely to possess adaptive traits that enhance
ixorae in metagenome datasets from insects and marine in- health of their host. Such evolutionary aspects have rarely been
vertebrates (Fig. S1) indicates that these strains are adapted considered for the selection of strains for specific applications.
to a very specific niche associated with invertebrates. Species It is a logical working hypothesis that host-adapted Lactobacil-
in the L. sakei group are widely distributed in the environ- lus strains will show higher levels of ecological performance
ment, and L. sakei occurs globally in fermented or spoiled when used as probiotics, possess beneficial traits that enhance
meats, in silage and in cereal fermentations (Chaillou et al. host fitness and are likely to establish interactions with the
2013; Fig. S1). Their psychrotrophic growth suggests an environ- host immune system that are characterized by tolerance (Wal-
mental origin in temperate or cold climates (Sakala et al. 2002; ter, Britton and Roos 2011). Conversely, if the aim is to stim-
Chaillou et al. 2013) and they are found to be widely distributed in ulate the immune system, selection of species or strains that
both host and plant-associated niches (Fig. S1), but their habitat lack a joint evolution with a host may be a more sensible ap-
remains unknown. Likewise, the lifestyle of pediococci remains proach. This proved true for L. reuteri in which strains from the
S42 FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2017, Vol. 41, No. Supp 1

autochthonous human lineage had an anti-inflammatory ef- (Walter 2008). Future research to extend our knowledge on the
fect in human myeloid cells while strains associated with the natural history of Lactobacillus species can benefit from the phy-
phylogenetic lineage that evolved with poultry (Duar et al. 2017) logenomic framework established here and guided efforts that
had a rather stimulatory immune effect (Spinler et al. 2014). use large-scale population genetic and comparative genomic ap-
These findings highlight the functional significance of the nat- proaches with strains or species found in different niches.
ural history of lactobacilli for probiotic functions. Although The implications of phylogenomic framework established
one cannot generalize what constitutes a better probiotic, host here extend beyond its contribution to a basic understanding
adapted or not, the evolutionary history of a strain will funda- of the biology and ecology of the genus Lactobacillus. Humans
mentally influence its functionality, and its consideration will have essentially ‘domesticated’ lactobacilli for use in food and
therefore aid in the more systematic and targeted selection of feed production, and an increased understanding of the ori-
optimal strains for specific therapeutic applications. gin of these microbes and their function in nature will facil-
itate the selection of strains for such applications. Attributes
of lactobacilli that evolved in their natural habitats, such as
metabolic functions, antagonism towards other members of mi-

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crobial communities and their impact on host species, can be ex-
More than a century after the genus Lactobacillus was first de- ploited once understood. In addition, an understanding of host-
scribed (Beijerink, 1901; Orla-Jensen 1919), research continues associated lactobacilli might allow the development of strate-
to recover novel Lactobacillus species from habitats that have gies to support their populations or beneficial metabolic activ-
been hitherto uncharacterized. Moreover, advances in sequenc- ities through dietary intervention. For example, strong atten-
ing technologies support analysis of lactobacilli by large-scale tion has been paid towards the unsolved decline in the popu-
comparative genomics. In addition to studies aiming to improve lation of honey bees (Goulson et al. 2015; Engel et al. 2016). Their
the use of lactobacilli in fermented foods and health applica- paramount importance as pollinators of agricultural crops jus-
tions, the genomic information also allows elucidation of the tifies efforts to understand and better manage their symbiotic
adaptation of lactobacilli to diverse habitats and lifestyles. We interactions with microbes as a tool to preserve insect health
employed the available genomic information to develop a phy- (Engel et al. 2016). Similar considerations also apply to humans
logenomic framework that allowed inferences regarding the nat- and farm animals, many of which maintain dominant popula-
ural history and lifestyle of lactobacilli and propose a model for tion of lactobacilli in their gut microbiota (i.e. swine and poul-
the evolution of distinct lifestyles within the genus, which range try). Therefore, the framework presented here lays a foundation
from free-living to strictly host-adapted and symbiotic. This for strategies aimed to support Lactobacillus populations and se-
model is well supported by complementary approaches that in- lect strains for a wide range of biotechnological and therapeutic
clude genomic, phylogenetic, ecological and metabolic data and applications.
it provides a basis for the development of hypotheses on the evo-
lutionary transitions that occurred within the genus. Lactobacil-
lus species whose lifestyle differs from that of other species in GLOSSARY OF TERMS
the same phylogenetic group are particularly relevant as models
for the study of lifestyle transitions. Well-studied examples in- Adaptation: Process by which an organism becomes more
clude L. delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and the L. helsingorbensis clade fitted to an environment as the result of natural selection.
in the L. delbrueckii group, but this principle likely also applies for Allochthonous: Originates from a place other than that in
species such as L. fermentum and L. senioris (Fig. 2). which it is found.
Although the evolutionary model that we propose is con- Autochthonous: A true resident, found where formed.
sistent with the available data, current knowledge has signifi- Dispersal: Movements of individuals from a source location
cant gaps with respect to the natural history of the genus. The to another location where establishment and reproduction may
currently available data on the occurrence of lactobacilli in the occur.
environment or in diverse hosts are anthropocentric, as exem- Free living: Associated with plant material and/or environ-
plified by the focus on food and domesticated vertebrates and ment without relying on an eukaryotic host.
insects as hosts for lactobacilli (Figs 1 and 2). For many phy- Habitat: The natural environment in which an organism
logenetic groups or species, we lack sufficient information to lives.
infer their real niche preference (Fig. 2). Examples include host- Host adapted: Specialized towards living in association with
adapted species such as L. senioris and L. sanfranciscensis, free- eukaryotic hosts, with adaptive traits that facilitates persistence
living organisms in the L. sakei and L. vaccinostercus groups that Lactobacillus sensu lato: (From Latin: ‘in the broad sense’). In-
show characteristics of adaptation to yet uncharacterized en- cludes the lactobacilli and related pediococci.
vironmental niches as well as organisms in the L. alimentarius Lifestyle: The way of life of a species which allows its popu-
group that may share the nomadic lifestyle of L. plantarum and L. lation to persist in nature.
casei but are much less well studied. Even for well-characterized Natural history: An organism’s ecological interactions in its
host-adapted species, we often know few details about how they natural habitat and how they evolved.
maintain stable populations within host animals. Many species Niche (Hutchinsonian niche): Environmental conditions and
in the L. delbrueckii group including L. gasseri, L. crispatus and resources within which a species can maintain a viable
L. acidophilus are found in various vertebrate hosts and body population.
sites (oral cavity, vagina, gastrointestinal tract), but we do not Nomadic: Dynamic, generalist lifestyle that involves both en-
know whether they migrate among these niches and hosts, or vironmental and host niches, with no signs of specialization.
whether specialized subpopulations exist. We further know lit- Specialized: Restricted in the breadth of its ecological niches
tle about the role of lactobacilli in the oral cavity, although they as a result of trade-offs during adaptation.
are found in consistent high numbers, and could provide an es- Symbiosis (From Greek: sym ‘with’ and biosis ‘living’) Long-
sential niche and a source from which fecal isolates originate term associations between genetically distinct organisms
Duar et al. S43

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