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unit 8

• Will, Be Going to, and Present Continuous•

SITI NURHALIMAH : 2114050008

Will usually is a modal auxiliary verb that
leads to say that we are willing to do
something or to offer to do something,

to ask a request and orders. (+)

(+) S + Will+V+O

(-) S + Will + Not + V + O



(+) I will buy new shoes next week.

(-) 1 will not buy new shoes next week

(?) Will I buy new shoes next week?

be going to
In grammar, "going to" is a structure used to express the future
tense or future intentions in English. formula:

(+) S + [to be (am, is, are)] + going to + V1

(-) S + [to be (am, is, are)] + not + going to + V1

(7) [to be (am, is, are)] + S + not + going to + V1?

(+) I am going to study
(-) I am not going to study
(?) am I going to study?
According to the Collins Dictionary, the present
continuous tense is defined as "a verb form
consisting of an auxiliary be in the present tense

1 followed by a present participle and used

especially to indicate that a present action or
event is in progress, being repeated, or of a

temporary nature or to express the future.


2 (+) S+tobe(is,am,are)+V+ing+ complement 2

(-) S+ tobe(is,am,are)+ not + V-ing + Complement
(?) tobe(is,am,are)+ S+ V+ing + Complement +?

(+) I am reading a newspaper.

(-) 1 am not reading a newspaper

(?) Am I reading a newspaper?

Thank You

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