COMM 353 - Devotional Speech

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In this speech particularly, I want to vary my speech pattern.

In the persuasive speech, I spoke rather slowly with large pauses in between statements. To make this effective, I have to do other things with my pace and type of speech. Due to the nature of the last speech, my tone was uber-serious almost the entire time. I need to develop a story-quality in my voice, so that every moment is not an intense climax. Part of the reason I had so many pauses is I did not want to butcher any phrases or ideas. I need to work on increasing my mental pace and knowledge of the my subject material. I will apply this devotion to the audiences and my need for security in proved truth. Therefore, I will try to make it clear how much we do not know, and how much Gods sovereignty makes sense to trust in. The audience needs to identify with me to accept my words, therefore my speech is largely narrative-based. Also, my lesson will try to overwhelm the audience with the illogical nature of not resting in Gods sovereignty. This speech has been more challenging than the rest. I hope the ow of my speech is logical, and I am looking forward to criticism. Specic Purpose: To persuade the audience towards trusting in Gods sovereignty. Thesis: Gods sovereignty should cause Christians to unquestioningly trust Him. Introduction: I. Our judgement and character are inherently awed. A.Speaking of Erik, I hijacked his email account 2 months ago. Under the guise, I sent an email promoting Eriks current bachelor status to random females at Wheaton. I thought it was funny and harmless. Little did I know, a secretary in Dean Powers ofce received it. She was an attractive 25 year old and very sensitive about the fact she was still single. I deeply offended her. B. I am awed, you are awed, God is not. Yet many times our relationship with God does not reect this truth. TRANSITION: Many times, we say: But God, Ive treated her so well. Why does she not like me anymore? But God, that job would have been perfect for me. God, how could you let him/her die? Body: I. Human perception is limited and affected by our sinful nature. A. We are selsh, vengeful, too easily persuaded, and too quick to point the nger. B. We cannot see the future, and we cannot know all the implications of our actions. 1. Consider children when they rst see re. a. They are drawn in by the ickering ames, and want to experience it. b. So, in their mesmerized state, they walk towards it, reaching out their hands. c. Fire is a new, beautiful object with an ever-changing shape that, to a child, looks anything but menacing... 2. Children can learn about the heat of the re in 2 different ways: rst, by trusting the father when he stops the child and explains that res heat will cause pain; second, through experiencing the pain of the re. TRANSITION: We are the child, so very unaware of the way things work. II. Gods sovereignty should cause Christians to unquestioningly trust Him. A. For who He is, for what Hes done, Gods sovereignty is perfect.

1. In Revelation 1:8, he said to John, I am the Alpha and Omega, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty. 2. Angels, who reside in heaven, marvel at the Creator God in Isaiah 6:3, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory. B. Romans 8:28-32: 28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 29For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the rstborn among many brothers. 30And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justied; those he justied, he also gloried. 31What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us allhow will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? 1. John Piper, a Wheaton Grad and respected theologian, notes how this passage is sandwiched in between Pauls description of how difcult life in Christ is. He gives an eloquent summary of the passage: If you hear the call of God in the gospel of Jesus Christ; if you come to God, loving him through Jesus Christ ... then all things from the sweetest to the most severe and bitter and painful will work together for your good. God will be for you with all of his omnipotent wisdom and power. And if God is for you, no one can successfully be against you. 2. Again, verse 32 says, He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all --how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? a. If God has the resolve and the teeth-grinding perseverance to orchestrate his own Sons public execution so sinners like us can live, then there is a purpose to our struggles and heartaches as well. b. We will never be able to understand all the intricacies of Gods work, but we will nd rest and stability in His Sovereignty. Conclusion: I. How deep the Fathers love for us! A. Psalms 103:10 says, He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. B. The Father is so kind to his children. 1. He knows His creation. 2. One child He simply tells once not to touch the re, and they dont. 3. Another child He has to tell a couple times, because that what it takes. 4. And still He lets another child touch the ames, for this the only way this child will learn. 5. In the end all the children realize the heat of the re and the wisdom of the Father. C. We are children: limited by nature, awed in logic, and bereft of omniscience.... but the Father isnt. D. Oh how our judgement and decision-making, oh how our prayers will change if we unquestionably trust the Sovereign God. Piper, John. All Things for God, Part 2. Desiring God. 16 June 2002.

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